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C15: This secret room is filled, floor to ceiling, with shelves and pigeonholes. The air holds the dusty aroma of ancient parchment.
Treasure: Tarrin’s collection of secrets includes material suitable for blackmailing nobles and merchants in Thornkeep, Fort Inevitable, and Daggermark. It’s worth 500 gp to the right buyer. Her collection of Norgorberite holy texts can fetch 200 gp from a sage or book collector.
Nothing else in here. Where to next?

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Desh helps pick through the stuff. "Ooh, shiny. How's this for exploring, reporting, and cooperating?"
Back through C16 (checking that altar and stuff, using the previous rolls), then onto C18, using Take 10 Stealth/Perception along the way.

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"Scrolls! Scrolls! Tomes of knowledge! Grimoires! Dweomercraft for the perusing! Strange compendia of arcane lore! What? No? Divine writings on Norgorber?"
Kay's ecstatic dance stops mid shimmy.
"I despise this dungeon," he says sourly, then casts Detect Magic just in case.

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LOL, Kay :)
C16 Altar: A hidden cavity in the altar holds four ceremonial candlesticks, each worth 80 gp, as well as a masterwork silver dagger.
C18: An ancient stone door opens into a dusty old crypt. Five stone sepulchers sit in the chamber’s northern and center portions. Each is carved with an effigy of a masked man or woman. To the south, one large sepulcher lies, its lid secured with iron bands.

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Cëanel pulls out a scroll and whispers to the rest. "Listen, friends, I have a Web scroll and little else. Those are clearly tombs of the undead, ready to devour our flesh. We could toss something in to provoke them, such as my trusty mount," Kay says, with a glance to his longsuffering steed. "Oh, don't worry! It's a summons. It doesn't actually die. I think. Anyhow, we could toss something in, living or otherwise, to get them to open up, then web it all up, then burn them down."
The elf looks very pleased with his plan. "Really, it would save a lot of trouble. I'd toss those blasted Norgorberian scraps of gibberish on the pyre if they weren't worth something."

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C16 Altar: A hidden cavity in the altar holds four ceremonial candlesticks, each worth 80 gp, as well as a masterwork silver dagger.
"Finally..." Flyn says flatly, "we can retire."
"Anyhow, we could toss something in, living or otherwise, to get them to open up, then web it all up, then burn them down."
The elf looks very pleased with his plan. "Really, it would save a lot of trouble. I'd toss those blasted Norgorberian scraps of gibberish on the pyre if they weren't worth something."
"Works for me, elf."

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Garrett jumps up and down on the fallen golem thing for good measure before moving along with the others to the next, and hopefully, last room of this irritating level. "Well, not very heroic, but I suppose it's a good idea at least. Have it, Kay!"

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Desh grunts, then sets his longspear on the floor. "It was a good idea. But I'm guessin' whatever's in there don't want fake horse for lunch." He shrugs and moves to the nearest sarcophagus. "Let's see if they want half-chewed Half-Orc."
Cant access map, but Desh will move counter-clockwise into the room a and try to open the first sarcophagus (as he also checks for traps).
18 to Perception (19 vs traps)
Str check, crowbar: 1d20 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 3 + 4 = 22

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Flyn switches to his shield and morningstar, ready to assist Desh with whatever might jump out.
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

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"Can you please get that poor horse out of there? It certainly doesn't know what's going on, and the thing looks terrified." Kohi follows Desh into the room, using her spear as a makeshift walking staff and cradling her holy symbol in her other hand.

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Desh considers the open sarcophagi, the unmoving corpses, and the ironbound one.
"What are the odds," he whispers, "that when we wake up whatever's in there, it'll also wake these others up somehow?" He shrugs, "Or have I heard too many campfire stories?"
Anything anyone wants to do before I have Desh try to open that last sarcophagus?

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"Or, maybe..." Flyn adds acidly, "we don’t open it, eh? Leave the dead, alone?"

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"I think that iron was meant to hold back something truly foul. Do we have much left to deal with such an abomination, if that's what is sealed inside?" Kohi looks from corpse to corpse, trying to make certain there's no sign of necromancy.
Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 How were these corpses put to rest, and is there anything religiously significant about the ironbound tomb?

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"Kay – you feel any dark sorcels coming from that thing?"

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How were these corpses put to rest, and is there anything religiously significant about the ironbound tomb?
Other than being in the Emerald Spire, you don't see anything significant about their method of interment.
At first blush, the tombs appear to hold master thieves of old. But they are actually the crypts of the Tynals, a corrupt noble family.
Tarrin Dars had their tombs altered to make the Splinters seem like an old and honored thieves' guild.
P.S.: I like the new avatar, Kay. :)

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"We could always sweep everything else in here clean, lock our two captives down for the night, and rest." He shrugs, "The Society will want to know what's in there one way or the other, but I hear what Flyn's sayin'."
I'm up for whatever, really. I think we can't just ignore that this thing is here given our mission to explore this place. So maybe resign up and finishing at full capacity is smarter?
But if folks just want to finish this out, I'm fine with that, too.
This is me not having much of an opinion one way or the other.

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Other than the "Emerald Spire" magic that pervades the place, Kay detects to other magical auras on the iron banded sarcophagus. He knows, however, that his detection would not penetrate metal or stone very deeply...
Barring un/lucky rolls, you guys can take this thing out as you are. :) I don't think it'll be a huge problem.

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Yeah, I can see that. My protests are mostly in-character/flavor. I'm pretty sure those things will open up one way or another. Story-wise, I'm not sure we’ve been given a lot of motivation to open them – but I never feel like there’s sufficient cause to go grave-robbing, with the exception of
Flyn grumbles to himself, but watches Desh’s back, whatever he decides.

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I took the liberty of moving everyone to be around the coffin. Please feel free to adjust your positions. I presume that you will (1) have Desh use disable device to open the lid and (2) ready actions in case anything naughty is inside.
Everyone except Desh will get a "surprise round" (becuase he is in the midst of fiddling with the mechanism). That sound alright with everyone? (Desh will still be able to go first if he rolls high on initiative.)

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That mostly works for me, though I would suggest one thing. Why don't at least some of you be a bit further back while Desh works. If it is trapped, it'd be nice to have less people within any initial AoE effects that might be triggered. This goes especially for Kohinoor. having our healer taken out because Desh boffs a Disable roll could be really, really bad for the team's survival.

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"Say, Desh, do you reckon that lid weighs less than thirty pounds in the Taldan reckoning? If so, I can open it from a distance once you unlock it. Or close it," he adds.
Open/Close is my Explosive Runes.
"A foot of stone can block magical detection, Flyn--now you know, when you build yourself a mage-proof house," says the elf.

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I moved some folks on the map. Please feel free to move further, if anyone would like. You have plenty of time to position yourselves before you open the coffin.
Yes, with the iron banding, the lid is likely to be very heavy. There's a good chance that it's too heavy. Whoever added the iron bands wanted this thing to stay shut.

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"A foot of stone can block magical detection, Flyn--now you know, when you build yourself a mage-proof house," says the elf.
Flyn grins wickedly. "Now, that is a useful bit of information, elf!"

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"Looks a helluva lot heavier than thirty pounds." He grins, "Even orc pounds."
He then waits for the banter to die down—and for the team to get in their final positions—before he begins working to disable any locks or traps and removing the sarcophagus's lid.

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Bash anything that moves! (other than us, obviously...)
Mwk Silver Morningstar, Power Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 +2 vs Humans
Damage 1h: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 +2 vs Humans
Crit confirm: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24 +2 vs Humans
Additional Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 +2 vs Humans
Okay, now I hope something is there...

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Slam: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
You open the lid. Out pops a wight. A little CR3 undead nothing. He tries to slam one of you and misses horribly. He knows that his only chance was to get at least one of you with his energy drain. His eyes grow wide.
The party is up. Please put an end to him! :-) Desh, you are flanking...

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Happy to NOT be writing in the floor in pain, Desh draws Longtooth over his shoulder and tries to cut the thing in half.
Power attack (with flank and sneak attack)
Longtooth: 1d20 + 6 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (20) + 6 + 2 - 1 = 27 <—CRIT?
damage: 2d4 + 4 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (3, 4) + 4 + 3 + (5) = 19
—> crit confirm: 1d20 + 6 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (13) + 6 + 2 - 1 = 20
—> add'l damage: 2d4 + 4 + 3 ⇒ (3, 3) + 4 + 3 = 13
Oof, possible 32 damage

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So, did my readied action hit? Plus flanking, it seems.

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ROFL! Yes, Flyn's attack connected. So did Desh's. No matter what the creature's save, Kohi's channel vaporizes it!
Combat over!
You take 20 to search the level to make sure you didn't miss anything, and you get everything on the chronicle sheet.
Module over! Congrats, everybody. :-)
It's a little hectic this week. I'll work on your chronicles this weekend, if that's OK. Also, please let me know if you want to purchase more land.

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Holy cow! I'm busy for a day and up pops almost 30 posts lol
Garrett stands back with his whip ready when the wight pops out of the coffin; however, the rest of the party makes quick work out of the undead. "Now that is truly worthy of Chronicling! Fantastic! Amazing! I knew I picked the right group of Pathfinders to join!" He immediately pulls out his journal and begins to scribble in it while the rest of the party scours the area for valuables.
Garrett will be purchasing more land. I will look at the layout and advise which parcel soon. And no worries on taking your time with the Chronicles.

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Desh takes a moment to warily peek into the sarcophagus, then grins wolfishly across at the group, "Not bad at all." He watches Garrett write in his journal a few moments before adding, "Make sure to mention how helpful Flyn was when he assisted me in killing this thing."
Very cool! And Desh is DEFINITELY picking up another parcel of land. D2.
Just so I can be working forward, what are the chances you could give us the highlights of our chronicle sheet? XP, Gold, and Prestige earned? Pretty please? :)

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"You mean when I saved your ugly mug from a face full of zombie wight...
I'll pick up land as well – C3. That puts this day job at 18, which I don't think changes much.

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"Gentlefolk, I'm sure this can be settled over a glass or three," says Kay graciously. He mutters to Koh, "The battle stories get more epic after each round of ale..."
Kay will also get some land. Euuge tracts of land.