[PFS] 2-13 Murder on the Throaty Mermaid (subtier 1-2) (Inactive)

Game Master chadius

Ship Map

Locations of importance:

  • Aft Deck (Area 1): Ulamon is manning the steering wheel.
  • Main Deck (Area 2): First Mate Marzack Malilk is cleaning up damage from the aquatic elf attack.
  • Fore Deck (Area 3): Anera is on the lookout for signs of more attackers.
  • Captain's Cabin (Area 4): Azuretta and Captain Veane are usually here. The
  • Captain is usually looking through his logbooks, while Azuretta is entertaining someone.
  • Main Hold (Area 6): Shira Acidaxe is the ship's cook.
  • Crew's Cabin (Area 7): Killik is on his cot, waiting for someone to pay him enough to leave.
  • First Mate's Cabin (Area 8): Thanzeril is right outside the murder scene, lamenting his failure.
  • Cargo Hold (Area 9): Velagon keeps track of the company inventory and cargo.
  • Forward Cargo Hold (Area 10): Ol' Snig is usually there.

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Sovereign Court

Male Human Skald (Spell Warrior) 6
HP: (42/42) AC 22 (FF 22, Touch 12) CMD 18 FS +8, RS +6, WS +6, Initiative: +7 Perception: +8

GM Chadius, would you mind marking this thread as inactive? Thanks!

5-05 (Thread|Slides) | 1-07 (Thread|Slides)

Inactive it is.

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