NeoExodus: Whisper and Steel, Shadow and Flame

Game Master Jeff Lee

As tensions rise between nations, the Imperial Senate struggles to maintain peace. Looking to make a reputation for yourself, you have come to the capitol and taken service with a young promising senator. You hope that as his star rises, you'll rise as well by serving him honorably. Of course, if the Alliance falls into chaos, it may all be for naught...

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Male Prymidian Arcanist L1/Oracle L1 | hp 12/12 | AC 16 T12 FF14 | Saves F2R2W3 | Percep -1 | Init +2 | Status: OK

Parisos nods vigorously with relief.
"Kon-Tao's plan would be our best bet I think. I am not at all confident in my powers of persuasion."

Male Human(ish) Level 7 RPG Monkey

"Very well, then," says Senator Croy, "best be about averting this situation then. We'll be better off if no one ends up bleeding all over the promenade."

Meanwhile, down below, the redfaced old Senator finishes an official declaration demanding satisfaction. His younger counterpart gives a sly grin. "Excellent. I choose blades. Are you armed, or shall I have my aide scrounge up a spare for you?"

Male Prymidian Arcanist L1/Oracle L1 | hp 12/12 | AC 16 T12 FF14 | Saves F2R2W3 | Percep -1 | Init +2 | Status: OK

Well, He thought to himself, maybe I can bluff them...
Gritting his teeth, Master Parisos stepped forward until he was between the combatants.
He slammed is staff into the ground three times
"HERE YE, HERE YE! A DUEL HAS BEEN AGREED TO! THE WEAPONS WILL BE STUN BATONS!" He declaimed in a sonorous official voice.
He paused for a moment for sputtering outrage from one or both principles.
He bowed formally and stepped back.

AC20/FF:19/Touch:14/HP:9/Init:+1/F:+4,R:+4,W:+1 Machinesmith 2

Sooooo can we assume Kon-Tao happens to have a couple of crude prototypes lying around for presentation purposes?

Male Prymidian Arcanist L1/Oracle L1 | hp 12/12 | AC 16 T12 FF14 | Saves F2R2W3 | Percep -1 | Init +2 | Status: OK

I think that would be no problem for a Machinesmith whatsoever.

AC: 14 T: 11 FF: 13 Fort: 4 Ref: 3 Will: 1 HP: 11/11 Per: +5 (DV 60 with Analzyer)

Or can always make it a more 'public' event, (and have it set for high noon tomorrow) and give you time to finagle something together

Male Human(ish) Level 7 RPG Monkey

The gathered crowed erupts into a variety of reactions to Master Parisos' announcement--agreement, confusion, outrage--and it takes a minute for things to quiet down enough to get things sorted out. The guardsmen move in to ensure things remain civil, and Croy, giving Parisos a nod as he moves in to help, assures them that he'll have this peaceably arranged.

Kon Tao has a couple of prototypes he's fairly certain he can get up and running by tomorrow. They'll be woefully short on power, but should last to see a winner in a duel. The two Senators grudgingly agree to the contest, which is set to take place in the Senatorial Arboretum at noon the next day, as per Broderick's suggestion.

We can play this out or I can gloss over it and move you to something more central. Either way, go ahead and level up your characters to 2nd.

AC20/FF:19/Touch:14/HP:9/Init:+1/F:+4,R:+4,W:+1 Machinesmith 2

Go ahead and gloss it over. I think it matters little right now who wins so much as no one dies.

Male Prymidian Arcanist L1/Oracle L1 | hp 12/12 | AC 16 T12 FF14 | Saves F2R2W3 | Percep -1 | Init +2 | Status: OK

Gloss it over.

Male Human(ish) Level 7 RPG Monkey

Kon-Tao is able to get a couple of working prototypes up and running by the appointed time on the morrow. The two Senators, after being briefed on their function and taking some time to get used to the weight and feel of them (the machinesmith having catered to the opponents, altering the weapons to approximate the length and balance of dueling blades) lay into each other, with the younger Graff able to knock his opponent unconscious, but not until both have had their fair share of shocking hits with the batons.

The following day, the lot of you are assembled with Senator Croy, awaiting the wizard assigned to teleport you to the village of Oldenhaffen, nestled in the Grit Mountains of the Caneus Empire.

After a wait of several minutes, a robed figure hustles toward your group, where you stand surrounded by your gear. A tall, lean man with drooping mustaches and an alarmingly red nose hurries up to you and gives a gesture of deference to Senator Croy before putting a handkerchief to his nose and snuffling.

Croy frowns. "Where is Tasker?" he asks.

"Sorry, Senator. He sends his apologies, but he's unable to comply with your request. He's asked me to see to the task," the man replies, his red-rimmed eyes looking apologetic.

Croy sighs. "Well, so long as they get off speedily. Time is of the essence." He turns to your group.

"Be well. You should be able to find someone to take you to Sir Otto once you arrive. Arrangements have been made for a per diem to cover any minor expenses during your stay." At Croy's gesture, Aldern hands Broderick a piece of parchment stating that the local authorities will see that any local shops, inns, taverns, and such are duly compensated for your needs.

AC20/FF:19/Touch:14/HP:9/Init:+1/F:+4,R:+4,W:+1 Machinesmith 2

Kon-Tao raises a hand. "Why is this Tasker unable to comply?"

Male Prymidian Arcanist L1/Oracle L1 | hp 12/12 | AC 16 T12 FF14 | Saves F2R2W3 | Percep -1 | Init +2 | Status: OK

Master Parisos nodded, drawing on his pipe.
At Kon-Tao's question he raised an eyebrow, also curious.

Male Human(ish) Level 7 RPG Monkey

The rheumy-eyed man sniffles and dabs at his nose again with the handkerchief.

"He's in the midst of some rather delicate arcane research--time-sensitive experimentation--and can't leave the lab. Rather than delay Senator Croy's expedition, he asked that I take his place. I have been to the destination before, and have the power necessary to transport the lot of you."

AC20/FF:19/Touch:14/HP:9/Init:+1/F:+4,R:+4,W:+1 Machinesmith 2

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 Sense Motive

Male Human(ish) Level 7 RPG Monkey

He seems sincere, and perhaps slightly put out, as he's having to do this menial task while having a bad case of the sniffles.

Male Prymidian Arcanist L1/Oracle L1 | hp 12/12 | AC 16 T12 FF14 | Saves F2R2W3 | Percep -1 | Init +2 | Status: OK

Master Parisos nodded.
"Well then; let us continue."

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