NeoExodus: Whisper and Steel, Shadow and Flame

Game Master Jeff Lee

As tensions rise between nations, the Imperial Senate struggles to maintain peace. Looking to make a reputation for yourself, you have come to the capitol and taken service with a young promising senator. You hope that as his star rises, you'll rise as well by serving him honorably. Of course, if the Alliance falls into chaos, it may all be for naught...

I'm starting an adventure based in the world of Exodus, from the NeoExodus: A House Divided Campaign Setting. I currently have...three? I think? players in. I'm looking to round the party out to between four and six.

This will start with a scenario that takes 1st level, 20-point buy characters to 2nd level. The campaign will likely carry on beyond this initial adventure, but there will likely be some downtime between adventures so I can work on material.

I'd like interested players that already have at least some basic working knowledge of the NeoExodus setting and its races. I can fill in the blanks as needed, but would rather not run a crash course for each player while we work up characters. A few house rules will be in effect, as well as Paizo's Critical Hit Deck and Ultimate Plot Decks: Twist of Fate by LPJ Design.

Further info can be found in the discussion thread. Please keep any questions or comments to the recruitment thread until I've decided to bring you into the game. Thanks.



This looks awesome. I've been looking to make a Cynean Apothecary.

Just one question for you.

NeoExodus characters start at 3rd lvl with 3,400gp for starting gold. Did you intentionally remove that or did you not realize it?

NeoExodus characters in organized play start at 3rd level. I'm not doing NeoExodus Legacies, this is just me doing my own thing. Organized play makes me break out in hives. That's why I run screaming from PFS games.

One more babumpity-bump for the heck of it.

And just to clarify, I'm perfectly willing to help people new to the NeoExodus campaign setting adjust. I'd just like people to have some passing familiarity with it so I don't have to start from square one.

I've got a guy, I need to rework him a little.

Dark Archive

I'm just getting into NeoExodus as an alternative setting for my local group and it would be good to get some additional experience as a player. I'm relatively new to the setting but not Pathfinder in general. Would it be okay to apply once I've had a think about a character concept?

What are the existing concepts?

Current character ideas on deck are a p'tan cleric of the Kaga and a cynean wizard. Third character is going to be human but I haven't established much beyond that.

Thinking about making a Sasori Cavalier or Ranger, functioning as a frontline fighter. Currently mulling over ideas right now. Will the PCs be spending a lot of time in places where mounts are problematic?

This first installment will be almost entirely indoors, with only a few spaces where a mount would be viable. However, if I continue on as planned, there will be a fair mix of environments--urban, subterranean, and wilderness--so there will certainly be opportunity for mounted combat once the group is past 2nd level.

I'll mull over a few character concepts and see what I come up with. Hopefully recruitment won't close soon. And just for reference, are psionics allowed, since they feature in a number of NeoExodus products, even if they are mostly just referenced. Also, just as a cheesecake question, are Exodites allowed as a race, possibly as an exile?

Nope. First Ones are off limits.

And one more bump.

Right now I've got three players on deck. Current characters are a human machinesmith, a p'tan cleric of the Kaga, and a third to be announced. Haven't heard from player four in a while.

So, if anyone's interested, post here. Another player or two would be a good thing.

I'm interested but have never even looked at the setting. Sounds kinda cool though.

*GM hat on* For ease of gameplay I'm going to need players that at least have some passing knowledge of the setting, or access to the campaign guide.

*Writer hat on* That said, if you like the sound of it, I suggest picking it up. Writing for the NeoExodus line has been a lot of fun. It's the first campaign setting I've gotten excited about in a while.

This still open?

I may be interested. Researching the setting now.

Eh, screw it I'll app anyway.

Room for a second machinesmith?

Hey Tark,

Yeah, still accepting applicants. If you go machinesmith that will put the party at (tenatively) 2 machinesmiths, 2 magi, and a cleric of the Kaga.

I'm thinking of a rogue similar to the iconic Karissa of the P'Tan race. She'd have a nasty personality after an almost deadly encounter with a Sasori spy who tortured her for information that her father was privy to.

I'm going to read up on the setting more tonight though.

I'm honestly not worried too much about overlapping machinesmiths and maguses. Beyond being able to build very differently there's also wildly different directions you can take with each class.
When this character is finished I have a PM I need to send you regarding if it gets picked and things I'm working on atm. Nothing that will affect things immediately but good to get out of the way regardless.

And no I'm not picking a Constructor.

And here we go

Kon-Tao is an unusual Cynean. Rather than take up the arcane arts like his father before him he found an interest in mechanical things. Doubly peculiar he found an interest in mechanical things that caused destruction and death. He marveled at the wide variety of ways and means that the other races of Exodus had created to kill one another.

It would be easy to think that this morbid curiosity with things that slice, stab, disembowel, and explode other beings would result from some form of malevolence. Rather, it is out of astonishment that war exists to begin with. After putting a great deal of thought and philosophical reasoning towards this question he realized that it's simply a part of nature and can't be reasoned through. However he realized that the fear of war is enough to delay the inevitable perhaps indefinitely if both sides are essentially equal.

So he deduced that the best way to prevent war is to make it so heinous, so unthinkably horrible, that neither side will ever try to fight a war again. To this end he has begun work and research towards building an ultimate weapon, one of such unimaginable destruction the no side would dare move against one another without in turn being destroyed themselves.

Thus, he has set out to find out just what weapon needs to be designed and how to work it out. He knows he will need money, knowledge, and contacts to make it all work. As a result he has set out adventuring to explore what needs to be done and eventually create the ultimate weapon.

The weapon to end all wars. Forever.

And there's my doomed inventor backstory.

Shadowborn, I'm going to bow out of applying for this game. The NeoExodus sounds very interesting but I don't think I have the time to get into another setting fully. I'd hate to not be up to speed on what is going on.

Thanks and Good luck!

No problem, Snivel. Thanks for the interest.

Good Lord, Tark. That's a fine backstory. You've practically hung a sign about your neck saying "Please feel free to hose my character for the sake of dramatic tension." I don't get those very often.

Get your character built and join us in discussion. I'll consider recruitment closed.

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