Gray Miller |

Hiring people to watch over them should they lose consciousness sounded far less than appealing to Gray. But paid help was better than no help at all, so the young man shrugged and then nodded his assent to the plan. He just hoped that whatever they learned from this would be worth the risk.

Edmund Gwenn |

Edmund also cannot think of a better option, other than to suggest that they could hire try to hire Iomedaen mercenaries, as they would be more likely to oppose infernal forces and keep to their word.
Where to find Iomedaen mercenaries, however, he hasn't a clue.

---GM Shadowtail24--- |
The conversation winds down, and the party splits off to find as many trustworthy allies as they can. Mercenary parties abound in Cheliax, but trying to find one that doesn't have a reputation for opportunistic ruthlessness is difficult.
Eventually it isn't a full party that you find, but instead a few tandems that at least have references that can attest to their discretion, if not specifically their trustworthiness. They're ready to go at a moments notice. Their total cost is 3,000 gold, with 2,000 for the work and 1,000 for the silence.
Check made in secret

Gray Miller |
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Gray seethed at the pricing of the mercenaries, especially since no one that worked for money was thoroughly trustworthy, to him. Still, it beat allowing a lone goblin to make short work of their unconscious bodies. With the irritating task complete, he shoved his aggravation aside.
"That's done...now let's get down to business. What should we expect in the bowels of this House? Is there any intelligence?"

Ziera |

Nope, unfortunately. We got information about it, but it was a misdirection, and we never actually went back for it, because we thought we would get caught. I think (as a party) we only have a little over a thousand in gold, which we took off the bad guys that later got healed and hopefully the jewelry that Alana had on her, which was worth about 700 gold, would be easy to liquidate. That leaves about 1300 we need to get from either selling party items, or out of personal stash. We've been trying to solve a mystery rather than hunt treasure... maybe we should reassess. :)

---GM Shadowtail24--- |
Merry Christmas everyone! Now that the holiday has passed I’ll get this back into full speed.
you have a couple of options here. One, you’re specialized enough that in Cheliax you could Gerbert some good money work. We don’t need to play that out specially, I’ll just give you some options for jobs and you can spend a few days to a week executing that. All of that would run through Jamie, Vince’s lawyer, so you could also do it pretty discreetly. As your own situation suggests, there are reasons for job payers to want secrecy as well.
2, you could just run the job and refuse to pay. It’s half up front and half at the conclusion, so you could scrape the first half together and then refuse the 2nd half. That will likely cause a fight, or just a complete disclosure of your clandestine operations.
3, you could go it alone without backup
4, you could choose to not pursue this at this particular time.

---GM Shadowtail24--- |
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A week later the group gathers again, this time with the wealth necessary to hire the guards. Your group had your own watch party at a seemingly abandoned warehouse. You alternated watches over three days but didn’t see a single soul enter or exit. You stayed out of the warehouse as instructed though, you know all to well the importance of secrecy on missions like these. But no use in complaining over easy work, as you’re now 5000 gold richer.
Of note, you also learned that House Charthagnion is hosting a gathering on the night of the 14th.
you have secured 5000 gold and can pay for the guards as well as buy some better equipment if you so wish. It is now the 13 of Pharast.

Ziera |

Should we do the job the night of the Charthagnion party?
First, though, now that we have the money, let's take a look at what we have and what we need.
Ziera pulls out the haversack of party loot:
-bracers of armor +1
-Circlet of Persuasion
-Incense of Meditation
-handy haversack (with loot, but can easily be used for something else as needed)
-Wand of Detect Magic (39 / 50 charges)
-Lacquered Wooden Medallion set with Carnelian (600 gp)
-2 potion of cure light wounds,
-2 scrolls of bull’s strength
-scroll of fog cloud
-scroll of floating disk
-scroll of protection from evil
-Scroll of protection from law
-scroll of owl's wisdom
1025 gold
jewelry and clothing worth 712 gp
Tell me if you guys want to use some of this, or whether we should sell it. And what else do we need? Certainly a healing wand, agreed?

Gray Miller |

Gray looked over the assorted party loot, then shrugged. "I feel the gold would be worth more than whatever utility can be gained. If the old librarian wants the scrolls, he can have them." As they spoke of planning the assault, he thought about the pros and cons of making their move during the party, then nodded. "While more eyes about increases the odds of being encountered by guests, it also makes it more likely that someone might just mistake us for wayward guests of the nobles. I say we go during the get together."

---GM Shadowtail24--- |
-bracers of armor +1 (500 gold)
-Circlet of Persuasion (2250)
-Incense of Meditation (2450)
-Wand of Detect Magic (39 / 50 charges) (146.25)
-Lacquered Wooden Medallion set with Carnelian (600 gp)
-2 potion of cure light wounds (50)
-1025 gold
-jewelry and clothing worth 712 gp
Here's the selling cost associated with all of those items.

Gray Miller |

Gray nodded at the wisdom of Ziera's words, picking out one of the Cure potions for himself. The inquisitor smirked as Dice spoke of the noble who could possibly sell them a wand. People had a tendency to work with Gray...it just worked out better for everyone involved. Well, maybe not Gray. He'd rather it didn't work out so he could proceed to Option B...but folks were usually wise enough to avoid it. Win/Win, really.
Once the others were ready, Gray went with them to speak with the Charthagnion noble, his mind thinking forward to the party and hopefully the reclamation of more of his life.

Ziera |

Ziera thanks Dice for the information, and goes with the others (whoever wants to go) to buy a wand.
Normal disguises and avoidance measures, but she has put on some extra jewelry from their stash for this visit.
In the shop:
She smiles at the proprietor.
Greetings. I am in need of a healing wand, and I was told that you had an amazing selection. I'm afraid I don't have a lot of gold, but I was hoping you would take this wand in partial trade.
She shows him the wand of detect magic (that they had decided to sell).
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (10) + 21 = 31
Bluff: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (7) + 27 = 34

Ziera |

Well, says Ziera reluctantly, fingering a gold bracelet that she had put on specifically for this trip, I suppose I could part with some of my jewelry. The wand is sorely needed. How much are you charging?
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (5) + 21 = 26
Bluff: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (9) + 27 = 36
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
Let me know whatever you want me to roll additionally. Ziera is partially a negotiator bard, so most of it she will be good at... that last Knowledge Local is probably just her lack of memory kicking in. :)

---GM Shadowtail24--- |
The elf gives you a wry smile. "I see you are a bit more discerning than most of my customers. "" He takes a look at the bracelet. "Ah, yes, I might have something that might be of use. Not, of course, my own make, but if that is what you're offering you won't be wanting anything that I made."
Wand of cure light (50 uses): 700 gold (any number available)
use of cure moderate (19 uses): 1625 gold (1 available)

Ziera |

Pretty good deal... going to write it up that we are going for it, but open to refusals if anyone wants that. Too bad it doesn't seem we can sell other stuff here, but we can probably do that later.
Ziera combines jewelry and a small amount of gold coins to purchase a wand of Cure Light Wounds.

Gray Miller |
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Gray looked at the transaction with disinterest, though he noted that the prices the man gave were actually quite good. Though his Lord was pleased by darkness and suffering, the inquisitor understood the tactical need to heal wounds received in combat. The pain was a potion best imbibed in less violent times, when he and Zon-Kuthon could both enjoy the quality of his work.

Gray Miller |

I personally like the idea of Glifdore or Dante coming along and acting as our meatshield. Plus I believe Glifdore has pretty decent buffs, as well. Then again, if Sydney is a battle controller, then that would be awesome, as well. I think Edmund has that gig pretty well situated, though.

---GM Shadowtail24--- |
Oh man, I just realized this PBP has been running for over a year!
Ziera's crew, disguised, picks up Glifdore, Dice, and and their guard and arrive at the cave just as guests are starting to arrive at House Charthagnion. The entrance is well away from the main complex , and it's a rough hike and climb to get to the goblin lair. Dice leads the way, and when you finally arrive he also does the talking with the goblins. The discussion goes back and forth, but soon the lead goblin turns and beckon you to follow. The others, twenty of them, form a ring of guards around your party.
The cave is extensive, and off to the sides of the main run you can see many alcoves and rooms filled with boxes. Most of them are labeled with Henderthane's House seal, though a few bear Jeggare's mark. They lead you to a section of the cave that was clearly built, not cut from the rocks. Part of the wall has been covered by several deconstructed crates. The lead goblin points to the makeshift barrier, pauses for a moment, and then turns back to the entrance of the cave. Dice stops him with a clicked word in goblin.
Dice begins a much more fervent conversation with the lead goblin. Edmund translates the ideas to you. The goblins don't want to release whatever is behind the barrier, and they will not remove it. As Dice takes a step towards it, the goblins step between him and the barrier. Dice motions to the party and the guards, and states they are going into the room, and they are going to defeat the monster. The goblins back away a step and hiss at you. Dice steps past the lead goblin, grabs a board, and yanks on it. It doesn't come off the wall, but it does drive the goblins back a few more steps.
Dice beckons to the Azure Avenger, who is wearing a plain black cloak over his normal gear. The Azure Avenger drops his cloak, revealing the blue mask, hood, and second cloak, this one of course, blue. All of the goblins take a few steps back, and one even screeches. The Azure Avenger rips a board off the wall, and the goblins scatter.
Dice settles onto a nearby crate, and instructs one of the guards to get the cloth ready. As soon as the barrier is taken down, two guards cover the hole with the cloth and piton it into place.
The party gears up for the battle, Glifdore mutters an incantation and disappears. And then the party is rushing past the cloth into a wide open room. Chests line the walls, and lanterns adorn the walls. The eye is drawn to the center though, where a shape is unfolding. At full height it measures just over eight feet tall. A blue mask adorns it face, and a blue cloak covers the entire shape.
Z init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
AA init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Gray Init: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
E init: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Glif init: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
foe init: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2
The party is up!
You can buff ahead of the fight.

Edmund Gwenn |

Leopold charges across the intervening space in a flash and pounces on the animagus. If it’s evil, please add +3 damage and ignore DR if any, due to smite evil.
Charge bite: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 8 + 2 = 26
Damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Charge claw: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 8 + 2 = 28
Damage: 1d3 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Charge claw: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 8 + 2 = 21
Damage: 1d3 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Damage for rake if both claws hit: 1d3 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Gray Miller |
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Gray watched the proceedings with the goblins with amusement and disdain, alternating between rolling his eyes and glaring at the creatures with malice. Goblins made sweet subjects for the sweet delights of his Master. No time at the moment, though. When the group was given the all clear in the Noble's basement, the inquisitor went through with the rest.
He thought about going invisible with the others, but decided that all of them starting invisible would possibly leave the less protected vulnerable should the animagus be able to enact items that could grant it sight. So the young man charged in behind the magically summoned leopard, drawing his chain and calling upon Zon-Kuthon's blessing as he did so before striking.
Spiked Chain, Justice: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 11 + 2 = 21
Damage: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (1, 1) + 2 = 4
Swift-Judgment, Move (and draw weapon), then attack

---GM Shadowtail24--- |
Gray's attack strikes the animagus, but appears to have no effect. The leopard hits on the claws and bite, but it has trouble digging it's claws into the animagus.
The chest appears empty.
The Azure Avenger casts Haste on the party.
Glifdore, still invisible, begins his war chant. The steady sounds lift your energy, but also inspires a great rage inside of you.
Active buffs:
Each round, you can choose to accept the rage song.
Rage =+2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Will Save, -1 AC = you cannot concentrate while raging (so no spells) and you cannot use Cha/Int skills.
Haste= +1 attack, +1 AC, +30 movement speed, +1 extra attack at full BaB
Damage tracker:
animagus: 16

Ziera |

Uh-oh thinks Ziera. Now it is a game of cat and mouse.
She moves quickly away from her former position and then casts Open on the chest at E7.
Ha ha. This feels like playing battleship.
Stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
Then she attempts to detect where the Animagus has gone.
Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Erp. Not so good on the rolls today.

Gray Miller |

Gray frowned as the attacks against the animagus seemed to have little effect, then downright snarled when the thing disappeared in front of him. Not wanting to test his toughness against the construct's might, the inquisitor stepped prudently to the side before shrouding himself in invisibility, hoping his companions could help corner the thing before he revealed himself and resumed the attack.
5' step, cast invisibility

---GM Shadowtail24--- |
Edmund points to where the animagus is. The Azure Avenger saves the day by casting glitterdust where Edmund is pointing. It easily outlines the figure of the animagus clearly. The animagus is also blinded by the glitter.
glifdore continues his song. He also casts Tactical Acumen.
The E7 chest opens. It contains a scroll.
All flanking attacks now get a +1 bonus.
will save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 fail