MiniGM's Council of Thieves

Game Master Vuvu

Council of Thieves Map

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Our heroes advance down the hall feeling very good about their amazing intelligence!

You come to another corridor that is beautifully crafted and it seems to be an exact mirror of itself

There is an inscription above the door on the outside of the corridor

Who can go forward without knowing from whence they came?”

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Exxor looks at Miro, Hippa, and Tram and shrugs...
From my days with the caravans and merchants, this is just like a business deal. Pay attention to the words and what they could mean, not just what they appear to say.

[b]Do we go back the way we came? Or do we have to walk backwards? Od do we need some historical knowledge to advance?[b] Exxor mutters out loud, as much to himself as the others.

M Halfling

Let us try walking backwards

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

"Pathfinders and their riddles eh?"

He began watching Miro and Exxor to see if walking backwards worked... if it did he certainly followed suit.

M Halfling

Tip toe, through the shadowbeasts

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

"I hate puzzles. Especially those with potential fatal consequences." There has to be some kind of hall pass or badge to bypass this for the former members." Speaking lightly but with confidence, with a simple touch upon a worn-gilded key, she casts Detect Magic.


Miro and Exxor:

As you get halfway suddenly you no longer see your companions, just an empty door

perception please

M Halfling

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32

There is a door here, there wasn't one before.



Well there was the door you came in through

In any event you noticed a slight flicker when you hit the center then you didn't see your companions...who you now see are behind you

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (17) + 15 = 32

Exxor shakes his head to clear the cobwebs...


Exxor you can read Miro's spoiler

M Halfling

I saw a flicker when we reached the center. Some kind of magic switcharoo?

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Definitely magic. Could be... this door we "entered" ahead of now, behind us before,would be our history. It would now seem to be the way ahead... lets open it and see. But if it goes badly, we blame the guy who picked walk backwards. He adds the last part with a grin toward Miro.

M Halfling

I wonder what would happen if we walked backwards and forwards at the same time.
I hope nothing bad happens


Not sure I understand Miro

M Halfling

Joke about trying something that shouldn't be possible and thus rending time and space. ex.Dividing by zero

M Halfling

Miro calls back to the others. Walk backwards through the hall and you will end up at the door with us.

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Exxor will check the door ahead of He and Miro.

Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

Hippa is suffering from indecision. Eyeroll or disbelief. Eyeroll wins. She walks backwards, with hand on wall and the other carrying her boar spear. Not happy at all.

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

Tramtris chuckles at Hippa's ...reluctance and eyeroll and follows suit


Hippa hugs the wall and suddenly she finds herself back where she started.

I can take a wis check if folks want

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Wisdom: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

M Halfling

Wis: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

Wisdom 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
One irked squinty-eyed gnome is not the least bit amused regarding these fun-house shenanigans.

edited for dice result

Stomping feet, boar spear gripped tighter... NOT at all pleased.


[spoiler=Ex and Miro]

It seems to you that you have to walk down the middle of the hall[/b]

M Halfling

Have to walk down the middle of the hall

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

Following instructions, Hippa does so with obvious disdain to the riddlemakers.

M Halfling

Magic candy for everyone!


hopefully all the login issues are done

Hippa gets across. Just waiting for Tram

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

With a sigh he follows suite walking down the middle of the hall backwards.

M Halfling

Well all of us are here, so let us get moving and find what we need to find.

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Exxor has a 33 perception check on the door and is checking it while the others gather. - No one wants to keep an annoyed gnome waiting!


sorry. I keep getting logged out of the site


Our heroes open the door and look into the next room

he walls of this large display hall are decorated with numerous
small alcoves. Some of these alcoves contain bits of exotic
armor—a red-and-gold breastplate here, a plumed helm there—
but most of the alcoves are empty with bits of armor scattered on
the floor. A fully armored knight mounted on an equally armored
horse stands in the middle of the hall on a low display.

M Halfling

Wanna bet that thing is gunna charge us?

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

"If you Jynx us, so help me Miro."

He grumbled moving to the front of the party halberd ready. He really wanted to go through that armor, see if he could find anything useful or pretty not see if he could get himself impaled by ancient armor... but with their luck it was a possibility.

M Halfling

Miro readies his crossbow and moves with Tram

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Exxor chuckles at Tram's comment. He scans the room for less obvious traps, tripwires, glyphs and other things that make a person go ouch.

Animated armor ghostly guardians or least we are facing what comes together.

Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (17) + 15 = 32


Exxor spots two more of those moving shadow dogs, hidddn amongst the...well the shadows. They are a good 50 feet away and have not noticed that you notice

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Bluff-Secret Message: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28

Not to be cruel, but a pair of things that are not pets need to be addressed.

Exxor subtly references to Tram, Hippa and Miro the "not to be cruel", and "pets" references as what he said when Tram coup de grace'd the shadowbeast dog - indicating the presence of the two creatures lurking here.

M Halfling

Miro vanishes into the shadows, ready to engage in more animal abuse.
Stealth: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (7) + 19 = 26

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

Glancing to his friends he paused taking out a torch and starting to light it.

if the dogs dont attack before I get it lit.

He took the newly lit torch and set it on the ground to the side gripping his halberd and letting out a shrill dog calling whistle.

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Exxor will dig out the lantern that has proved so useful in such instances and get it lit.

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

Observing the sudden body tension and Exxor's whispered warning, Hippa joins the crowd lighting up the place. She pulls an item from her pouch, whilst the other makes a quick snap, casts Light upon a coin. She tosses it in the direction of the Armored Knight.

Gnomish mutterings:
I really should get ball to enspell.


sorry guys, it was a HORRIFICLY busy weekend. However my life is back to normal now after 6 crazt weeks


The coins bounces and rolls. It clangs against the armor's greave and stops, shining light in the middle of the room. Two shadow hounds leap out and charge the coin.

init please!

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

init 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Her eyes scan the area quickly illuminated in passing and in particular the mounted knight. But two shadows are not dispersed.

Gnomish recriminations:
Ah. damnit. Every frick'n time...

M Halfling

Init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

Miro prepares to play pin the bolt on the demon dog


Calling all Trams!

All three of you beat the hounds though.

You can act. If Tram hasn't caught up we will assume he goes after

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