MiniGM's Council of Thieves

Game Master Vuvu

Council of Thieves Map

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Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Finish it. Not to be cruel, but if it is lurking here, it isn't someone's pet. Exxor says to Tram softly, so as to not awake the sleeping beast.

M Halfling

Fine with me, let it join the other doggies on the farm where it can play all day.


Back in the lodge Sir Barksalot whimpers in his coma.

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

SO messed up :P

coup de gras damage: 3d10 + 18 ⇒ (7, 7, 1) + 18 = 33

Fort save versus death DC 43

Sorry evil puppems


1d20 ⇒ 8

The head bounces across the room

Wanna search the library?

M Halfling

Miro searches!

Per: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

Gently sliding the dusty book in its place, Hippa wanders over to the discussion over the sleeping dog. Maintaining her silence, she watches the conversation unfold and Tram making a very clean cut. The scene safe enough for her, she retrieves the head and examines both the head and body, while the others search library.
Knowledge (Planes) 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

"I really wish I had a decent bag of holding so I could take this home."

Clearly frustrated as identity of the beast eluded her, a final caress of the fur and she too perused the library. Looking for history of Westcrow generally, a bestiary of sorts for personal keepsakes specifically.


Hippa make me a new perception to search for that text

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Exxor goes looking at volumes and titles, specifically anything that seems related to the site itself.

Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18


Our heroes are soon drawn to a shelf in the library filled with adventures. Of particular note are the following texts

The Shipwreck of Hoakrem Krin:
Scorin Kastel and the Siege of Moenspire:
The Lycanthropy of Evran Townsend:
Memoirs of a Hatchling Nursemaiden
The Imprisonment of Marcos Trom

Hippa quickly identifies these texts as being magical, but she would have to look closer to ID them further.

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Books and magic are not my strong suit, leave that to the pros.
Miss Hippa, I will keep watch while you leverage your expertice. With that Exxor takes a position to guard to gnome while she works, lest we find more shadowy beasts.

M Halfling

Miro sighs and keeps watch, Frank gnaws on shadowdog ear.

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

Casting Detect Magic upon these books, Hippa concentrates to determine radiation type and any hazards if any.
Her hands twitch as she desires to rifle through the pages. Does she? Would she? Dare She? Yes... After the spell is complete, she divulges her results, and settles upon Scorin Kastel and the Siege of Moenspire. Weighing it meanfully before opening the cover.


Need spellcraft hippa

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

Knew I forgot somtheing...
Spellcraft 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

At first nothing happened, the pressure mounted as the others waited ever so patiently. *facepalm* Concentrated on the actual spell magics, not which book she wanted to read.... Distractions.


Hippa realizes that these books all contain potent magic, opening one would compel you to read the whole book, and reading a book would impart some magic onto you. However, should you try to read another after...that would be bad.

M Halfling

So find anything?


You can assume Hippa shares that info I think

M Halfling

So should we engage in a little reading break?


which book would you like to read Miro?

M Halfling

Do Gentlecreatures prefer Succubi?

MiniGM wrote:

Our heroes are soon drawn to a shelf in the library filled with adventures. Of particular note are the following texts

The Shipwreck of Hoakrem Krin:
Scorin Kastel and the Siege of Moenspire:
The Lycanthropy of Evran Townsend:
Memoirs of a Hatchling Nursemaiden
The Imprisonment of Marcos Trom

Hippa quickly identifies these texts as being magical, but she would have to look closer to ID them further.

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Exxor will choose The Imprisonment of Marcos Trom and begin reading.

M Halfling

Miro takes Memoirs of a Hatchling Nursemaiden

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

Scorin Kastel and the Siege of Moenspire....

He frowned and shrugged when Hippa said reading the book would impart magic upon them... seemed kinda iffy to him but still he took the title that appeared the least boring of those that were left and found a comfortable spot to lounge in and readied himself to read.



During the War of Broken Truces, with the town surrounded by hobgoblin
regiments, a half-elf ranger named Scorin escaped into
Moenspire Citadel. For 17 months Scorin coordinated the
front lines, organized the remaining defenders to repel
attacks, and endured countless assaults by the hobgoblin
army on the citadel walls. After the food supply was
exhausted, only creativity (and prayers) kept the remaining
soldiers on their feet. Finally, allied reinforcements
amassed a counterattack and forced the hobgoblins to
withdraw to defend their own homeland, but not before
Scorin succumbed to his wounds—the ranger did not live
to see the Siege of Moenspire lifted, despite all he had done
to secure it. The harrowing memories of the siege and the
innovative solutions that Scorin came up with grant a +1
bonus on Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering)
checks and on all Will saves. [/ooc] these are permanent bonuses, and you can consider engineering and DD class skills now

Having been captured by the black dragon Avokaskus of the Mushfens,
Amelia Firka spent a year in slavery polishing treasure and
scales alike in a half-flooded cavern, waiting for a chance
to escape and living every day in fear that Avokaskus would
simply eat her alive. Yet when a clutch of the dragon’s
eggs hatched, Amelia found herself in the unexpected
role of nanny for the hatchlings, and she grew to love
the precocious baby dragons. Once the wyrmlings grew
large enough to pose a life-threatening risk, two of them
conspired to arrange for their nurse-maiden to escape
to civilization—yet as Amelia reached safety, the other
hatchlings caught up with them and slew the two traitors
while Amelia watched. The memories imparted by this
book grant the reader the ability to speak Draconic and a
+1 bonus on Reflex saves from dodging play gouts of acid

The Imprisonment of Marcos Trom: This book imparts
the sorrowful tale of an Ustalavic nobleman named
Marcos Trom, who was wrongfully accused of murdering
an administrative official and hurled into the bowels of
a massive prison. There, Marcos languished for 8 years,
surviving frequent lashings without any chance to see
the sun. Only careful planning followed by ingenious tunneling made his escape possible, yet as he emerged into
the hills south of the prison after a grueling crawl through
ghoul-infested warrens, he discovered that during his stay
in prison he had actually died and transformed into an
undead mockery of his former life—he enjoyed only a few
moments of sun and freedom before burning to ashes.
The desperate and cruel memories imparted by this book
impart both a longing for freedom and a powerful focus of
the mind, granting a +1 bonus on Escape Artist, and it is not a class skill and +2 to save against undead abilities

two books left for Hippa

M Halfling

Rather grimdark stories these are.

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

Seeing the others listen to her words but not actually heeding the warning implied, Hippa makes sure they are comfortable and safe. Tucking into the bottom of her backpack, The Lycanthropy of Evran Townsend; she peruses the library at her leisure. Maybe she could find other more mundane books to read as she distracts herself peeking into open spaces, dissecting the shadow dog (For science!).

Casts Detect magic down every aisle as well on each of her very-focused-on-reading fellows, just basically snooping and keeping vigilant. She can afford to take 10 or 20 depending on what catches her interest.

Suki either continues to nap downstairs or wanders the grounds mousing.


So are ou attempting not to read it Hippa? If so I will need a will save. If not I'll let you know what is in it

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

Yes, Hippa attempts to save this for later or rather she will read when the others are released from their compulsion and she determines no ill effects to the best of her ability. Will save 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

edited for clarification of Hippa's actions.

Not sure when the others will finish, but she is perfectly willing to read from a safe place/time, taking this time to snoop and guard.


Hippa puts her book away as the others read

Hippa roll a d100 as you wait

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

1d100 ⇒ 94

M Halfling

Miro torments Suki by flashing some candle light off a mirror so a little dot of light darts over the floor.


Sorry all! Was SLAMMED this week I'll post today


The heroes make their way out of the library as they move into the corridor

Thick cobwebs hang from this black granite archway, their scuttling,
eight-legged architects the only sign of life in the lengthy hall.

Pushing through or clearing them?

M Halfling

Let us clear them. I am too bite sized


How do you clear them?

M Halfling

Anyone got a tinder box and torches?

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

On it.Exxor continues to speak softly as he roots through his backpack. Soon he Miro and Hippa have lit torches. Tram you can cover us.

M Halfling

Miro starts an arachnid BBQ.

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

Eyes growing big with realization,"I picked the wrong day to NOT prep create water".

Whipping out her dagger, she casts "Light!" upon its pommel. Next round, she throws it as far as she can into the webbed darkness for some back lighting.


Once the cobwebs burn away there is an inscription visible on the wall

This passage is for neither You nor I, nor He, nor She—
But They or We shall pass as though free.

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Link hands and try to walk through. You, I, He, and She are all references to an individual. They and We are groups.

Exxor smiles, pleased with himself. I think I go this one!

M Halfling

Miro grabs hold


What are the groups? And what group goes first, or is everyone in a chain?

M Halfling

How about Miro/Exxor and Tran/Hippa?

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

"Dont worry Tram, I got yer back. All stocked up on healing spells.

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

"Well thats good, I would hate to bleed to death and not get to hear Tarvi chastise me over it."

He quipped gripping his halberd and nodding walking forward.

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Exxor takes Miro's hand, and a deep breath and attempts to walk through a wall....

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