Starfinder Society Scenario #3-02: The Subterranean Safari

3.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)

Our Price: $8.99

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3-6 (subtiers 3-4 & 5-6).

Seeking to ingratiate themselves with the Veskarium, the Starfinder Society sends a team of agents along with an influential vesk Brigadier on a hunt into the subterranean caverns of Vesk-3. As the Veskarium officer seeks to discover "the big one" of the planet's dangerous stridermander population, the PCs must protect their charge while also uncovering hidden truths about a skittermander group that dwelt in the same caves they now search.

Written by Jessica Catalan

Scenario tags: Faction (Acquisitives)

Map list not yet available.

Note: This product is part of the Starfinder Society Scenario Subscription.

Product Availability

Fulfilled immediately.

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Average product rating:

3.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)

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Very Annoying Boss Fight


Boss fight puts the PCs in a very bad position against a difficult opponent. Apparently there are ways to gain bonuses, if you go a certain way. However, there is nothing to push PCs to go in that order.

Fun but a little too cutesy for my taste and not fully cooked.


This was well done and realized. The NPCs were very fun to roleplay with but there was a lot going on here and the skittermander stuff is definitely edging over the edge into "over-done." The entire premise of a group of overly helpful "terrorists" is pretty funny but this is one of those things where this was a dynamic that was far more interesting in theory than in execution.

In this case in particular, the personae of the 4 skittermanders so overly flanderish that by juxtaposition the Vesk are turned comedic by it as well, which doesn't seem worth the trade.

As for the adventure itself it was a fun romp! The fights were a little uninspired however -especially as the most interesting of the encounters was in an environment that while flavorful and interesting (the room with all of the corpses) surprisingly little was done with this striking environment.

A dungeon crawl with a moral quandary


*GM perspective

Enjoyed this one. A 'dungeon crawl' that manages to put a bit of tragedy and a moral quandary in. I like the fact that Jessica has once again given us a scenario where the players may have to make some actual choices that have a bit of gravitas about them.

The scenario proposition is fairly straightforward, Take X person to do Y thing, but when you get there Y thing occurs, but you also have Z to contemplate.

The NPC's are fun, there is enough to work with as a GM, and you can really play up some of the 'ick' where required, or tug some serious heartstrings if required.

Combats are pretty reasonable, and the boss encounter has enough punch to actually trouble the party with.

I'll be looking out for more of Jessica's scenarios in future!

Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Announced for June!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

On sidenote, do have to say that I kinda wish the society "years" would last two years like the scoured stars did :D But then gain I guess Scoured stars was technically split into two different years(getting to there and jinsul invasion) and year of the thousand bites was pretty well paced...

Still though some of PFS 1e (and 2e's first year) make me feel like metaplot don't get lot of time to be developed properly or is way too easy to ignore accidentally :'D


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Assisting in a hunt of the "white whale" of stridermanders? A scenario that looks like it'll be mixing political intrigue, discovery, and combat? Going to Vesk-3??? I can't wait!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I kinda hope this scenario has more hilarious example of how terrible Veskarium is like Truth Keepers did :D

Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

Hey folks, we are currently having some issues with this file, so we are unable to grant fulfillment of the Starfinder Society scenarios. We will try to get this resolved as quickly as we can, which will likely be sometime tomorrow. Thanks for your understanding!

Katina Davis wrote:
Hey folks, we are currently having some issues with this file, so we are unable to grant fulfillment of the Starfinder Society scenarios. We will try to get this resolved as quickly as we can, which will likely be sometime tomorrow. Thanks for your understanding!

Just confirming that there is an issue with #3-02, it can't be opened after downloading and it shows a size of only 233 bytes.

#3-01 and Pathfinder #1-22 and #1-23 are fine.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Managed to download #3-01, but #3-02 never finishes personalizing in my Digital Content downloads list. It's now showing as downloaded. Site is fabulating, possibly with blazing trousers.

Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

Katina Davis wrote:
Hey folks, we are currently having some issues with this file, so we are unable to grant fulfillment of the Starfinder Society scenarios. We will try to get this resolved as quickly as we can, which will likely be sometime tomorrow. Thanks for your understanding!

We should have the issue resolved, and I believe CS is gearing up to get the subscription PDFs sent out!

Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

Katina Davis wrote:
Katina Davis wrote:
Hey folks, we are currently having some issues with this file, so we are unable to grant fulfillment of the Starfinder Society scenarios. We will try to get this resolved as quickly as we can, which will likely be sometime tomorrow. Thanks for your understanding!
We should have the issue resolved, and I believe CS is gearing up to get the subscription PDFs sent out!

It sounds like I may have misunderstood and subscription PDFs were already granted. Either way, if you already have the download on your digital assets page, you should be able to click the "Refresh Downloads" button and try again. I know that mine was still having some issues after some of my coworkers could see it, and it turned out to be my browser cache, so if it's still not working for you try clearing the cache or using a different browser.

I'm still unable to download it (or rather I download it, but just get a tiny corrupt file). I've tried clearing my browser cache, using a new browser and clicking "Refresh Downloads", but they all get the same results.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yeah I'm also still getting the corrupt file

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

That was happening to me, so I clicked on the "trouble downloading this file" which seemed to refresh the file....not sure if that helps.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I can't even reach trouble downloading the file. It never gets past
Personalizing... Click link again in 60 second

sanwah68 wrote:
That was happening to me, so I clicked on the "trouble downloading this file" which seemed to refresh the file....not sure if that helps.

Tried this and seemed to fix the file size on the site but the downloaded file was still showing as 0kb and wouldn't open

Despair wrote:

I can't even reach trouble downloading the file. It never gets past

Personalizing... Click link again in 60 second

Same for me.

I tried clearing the cache, a different browser and clicking on the "Refresh Downloads" button, but nothing gets it past the Personalizing... message. I tried downloading a couple other PDFs and they worked.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Same problem here.

Wzrd wrote:
Despair wrote:

I can't even reach trouble downloading the file. It never gets past

Personalizing... Click link again in 60 second

Same for me.

I tried clearing the cache, a different browser and clicking on the "Refresh Downloads" button, but nothing gets it past the Personalizing... message. I tried downloading a couple other PDFs and they worked.

same issue for me too

Grand Lodge

Unable to view Crash down. It will also not add to my cart from the organized play landing page. :(

Grand Lodge

Also continuing to have issues with this file.

Despair wrote:

I can't even reach trouble downloading the file. It never gets past

Personalizing... Click link again in 60 second

Same here. Still can't get past this point

Paizo Employee Software Architect

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Anyone who attempted to download the original malformed files may have had their download process stuck at "Personalizing... Click link again in 60 seconds". I've cleared the blockage for all such people, so you should be able to try again and download the file without issue now.

Brian Bauman wrote:
Anyone who attempted to download the original malformed files may have had their download process stuck at "Personalizing... Click link again in 60 seconds". I've cleared the blockage for all such people, so you should be able to try again and download the file without issue now.

Thanks, that fixed the download for me.

There seems to be another problem, when I go to page 33, using Acrobat Reader, I get a "A drawing error occurred" message. The section under "Handout 2: Prismacora's Song" is empty, so I expect that is causing the error.

Just did a bit more testing and found page 33 works fine in Drawboard PDF and in the Edge browser, so it seems to only be an Acrobat Reader issue. I'm running the Windows 10 version 20.009.20067 (which should be the latest version).

Grand Lodge

It's still not downloading for me. I've emptied my cache, reset my downloads, restarted my PC. ????

Grand Lodge

The extracted file for 3-02 appears to be empty or the file uploaded to the database is corrupted. Either way, cannot open the file.
Clearing the cache, refreshing the downloads, refreshing the screen, logout/in, etc has no effect. The weird thing is the file shows 5.86Mb, but when the download window opens it shows a file only 233bytes.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I managed to download it yesterday

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yay! I managed to get it to download for me. Now to find time to run it.

Sovereign Court

I was able to finally download this scenario properly, but I'm getting "A drawing error occurred" from Acrobat Reader when I get to page 33 and there is nothing in the "Handout 2" section. I made sure I have the latest updates from Acrobat Reader, too.

I'm trying to import the map into Roll20 and having nothing but problems as the align to grid is not working and having bad luck manually doing it. Does anyone know the correct dimensions of this map for Roll20?

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