Shawn Merrow's page

*** Starfinder Society GM. 26 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 36 Organized Play characters.



Alex Speidel wrote:
Tempest_Knight wrote:
Sanctioning docs?
Will be on the product pages as soon as the product pages are posted.

I have a question about Chox skill points as there seems to be an error. They only have a +3 for Acrobatics and that is a class skill for Soldiers. The bonus should be at least a +4 with just one rank in it. I unchecked class skill in Roll20 and out three ranks in acrobatics to get the +3 but it still shows that one skill point was not spent. Can I change that in a Society game, so the acrobatics skill has the correct bonus?

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Looks great but will have to wait the 30 days as the local store is not likely participating and I'm only running online anyway.

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Alex Speidel wrote:
Yep, our most recent coderoll turned everyone's SFS tables into stardust. We're working on a fix and hope to have it soon!

I can see the number of tables I have run again, thanks.

Alex Speidel wrote:
Cover and map list updated.

Was wondering why there was no provided image for the

Sigiled Overseer
as that is really important for VTT GM. I used a similar image from 3-22 but the actual image would have been nice.

Erik Keith wrote:

Thank you for your patience Phredd,

While in review against this issue we found some other behavior in the Org Play code that needed to be updated in tandem. I'm hoping to have this code live by the end of the day, and I thank you again while we work to get this resolved.

I'm also having problems with correct number of tables showing. It says I have "You have 0.00 tables of credit for Starfinder Society." but it should be around 43 tables. It still listing the correct number of achievement points.

I did the whole image but align grid is not working. I can turn off the Roll20 grid but then you loose the option for it to track the numbers of squares you have moved. I have put a bunch of maps into Roll20 but this is by far the biggest headache I have had with one.

I can get the Oliphaunt deck plans into Roll20 but for the love of god cannot get the grid to match up. Has anyone else succeed and what are the dimensions (unit x unit)? All that blank space without a grid makes it such a pain to import into Roll20.

Was wondering why it is not possible to preorder the PDF as it would have been nice to get it on the sales price.

That works even better for me, thanks.


I use Adobe Acrobat DC and Foxit PDF reader and neither of them can pull the maps out for me. I just copy and past from Starfinder Society scenarios but it's not working with the single file, individual files or the map files. What program do I need to use?


Thanks Alex.


I have a question about the Heroic Intervention (Radiant Oath) boon.

This is the retired version.


Heroic Intervention


Prerequisites Radiant Oath Tier 3

Cost 4 Fame

Your heroic moments grant others the will to keep fighting. When you spend a Hero Point, you and any allies within 30 feet who can see you regain 3d6 Hit Points (4d6 if your Radiant Oath reputation tier is 4). This healing also affects dying allies, even if they cannot see you due to being unconscious.

When I go to My Organized Play boon list, this is how they describe the new version.


Heroic Intervention (Radiant Oath)

Grant healing to your allies when spending Hero Points. Must be Admired by Radiant Oath to obtain.

Price 0
Game Rewards - PFS(2ed)

I bought the boon, downloaded it and this is what it said.


Heroic Intervention (Radiant Oath)

Your most momentous actions can inspire your allies to follow suit. When you use a Hero Point to reroll a check and succeed at the check, your allies gain a +1 circumstance bonus to checks of the same type for 1 round (such as attack rolls, Will saves, or Perception checks).

The retired version was for healing allies, the current description is the same but the actual text of the boon is very different. If the last one is correct, despite the error in description, why was it changed from healing to this version?

Look forward to running Skitter Home but will have to wait for the pdf to run it for the local group online, as I have to avoid crowds due to asthma. Also not sure the local stores, running on very limited hours are even participating as they did not last year.

I'm trying to import the map into Roll20 and having nothing but problems as the align to grid is not working and having bad luck manually doing it. Does anyone know the correct dimensions of this map for Roll20?

Thanks for adding Adventure Summary to the chronicle sheets.

I also have a Nova but showing 0 Starfinder tables.

A fun scenario to GM and loved the aspect of vetting a new First Seeker. The players really got into that with some great role-playing.

In today's game had a debate about the heal ability to harm undead with a three action casting at the heightened level. There was one player who said the damage to undead stays at 1d8 and does not rise when the spell is heightened. The text under heightened says the amount of healing or damage increases by 1d8. Which one is it?


Never mind, was tired and figured it out.


The player can still apply it to a 1st level character for less credits, etc. If the treasure is just flavor text the wording is a bit strange for that.


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I have a question on how to deal with the treasure on page 18. How do I apply this for a player using a level 7 pre-gen and applying it to a new 1st level character?


I'm also curious about the change to the Retail Incentive Program. This program helps generate a lot of good will between us and the store. They have limited gaming space but we stay on their radar as the group that is always spending money there. The program as done for 1st edition and Starfinder not only rewards the players but also the store for giving them space to run their games in. I really want to see this continue in some form for 2nd edition.

I'm working on some new flyers to hang on the wall of the local store our group plays in. We want something with the logos, iconic and our social media sites. Is there a source of group pictures of the iconics that I can use? I could just paste all the separate images into one image but want to keep the correct scale of the various characters height.


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I have the same question as some of the others above. I GM this scenario today, do I get to use both boons and do I take 1 point of infamy for the Bone Sages Respect boon.