Truthspeaker Akram

Father Renaud of Notre Dame's page

37 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Father Renaud bows in return to Alphonse....

In French: God be with you, my friends!

Father Renaud escorts His Majesty to a private room in an out building adjoining the cathedral, and assigns an acolyte to attend to the Dauphin's needs....

He then goes to the scriptorium and writes up a letter of recommendation addressed to the Royal Court at Reims, recommending The Lusty Fools as brave men of honor and valor, willing and able to serve the throne in whatever capacity may be required. He returns to where the party awaits him in the nave of the cathedral and hands the letter, rolled up in a leather scroll tube, to Alphonse.

In French: May this serve you well, my friends. We shall do all in our power to keep His Majesty safe and hidden from his enemies, for as long as necessary....

In French: I know not what little good it may be, but I can, of course, write up a letter recommending you to the court for your bravery and loyalty to Notre Dame.... It might at least get you through the palace door, if no further....

In French: But of course! It would be a great honor to give shelter and succor to His Majesty, though I fear our finest chamber will be too humble for His Majesty.... Nonetheless, we shall make it as worthy of His Majesty as we may!

The Lusty Fools collect up the treasures in the vault and then make their way back through the catacombs to the cathedral of Notre Dame, escorting the Dauphin, to the awaiting Father Renaud....

Seeing his King emerge from the crypts looking haggard and pale from a long imprisonment underground, Father Renaud gasps and falls to one knee, bowing his gray head....

Sacre Couer! Majestie!

Father Renaud of Notre Dame wrote:
In French: There is a very wealthy man who has lived in this city for as long as I have, and yet.... He seems to grow no older.... His name is Nicolas Flammel, and he lives in a fine house on Rue Channoneisse.... The red-and-blue house with gold leaf roof.... He might be interested in buying some of these treasures at a fair price.... He is a peculiar fellow, worth visiting if for no other reason than for the experience of his company.... An alchemist he was before he retired.... Some say he discovered the philosopher's stone.... And the Elixer of Immortality.... But there are many tall tales to be heard, and far few to be believed, my friends....

Paddy wrote:

Paddy heads back to the Church, seeking Father Renaud.

Father, a quick work if you would. first, a little donation for your church's work with the orphans. Second, I think we might require some holy water in our work. A few flasks would work. Not all our foes can be vanquished by a sword....

Paddy gives the priest 100 gp for the orphans, particularly Clementine, and just wants 4 flasks of holy water.

Paddy then thanks the priest and heads back to the inn to meet his colleagues.

In French: May God the Father bless you and keep you safe from all harm, Monsieur Paddy!

Father Renaud casts guidance on Paddy, granting him a +1 bonus on the next saving throw he has to make....

The aged priest happily puts the 100 gp donation in a strongbox secured in the cathedral treasury, and fills four vials with holy water for Paddy....

In French: There is a very wealthy man who has lived in this city for as long as I have, and yet.... He seems to grow no older.... His name is Nicolas Flammel, and he lives in a fine house on Rue Channoneisse.... The red-and-blue house with gold leaf roof.... He might be interested in buying some of these treasures at a fair price.... He is a peculiar fellow, worth visiting if for no other reason than for the experience of his company.... An alchemist he was before he retired.... Some say he discovered the philosopher's stone.... And the Elixer of Immortality.... But there are many tall tales to be heard, and far few to be believed, my friends....

Father Renaud continues to pray for the healing of the wounded among the Lusty Fools, if needed....

Channel 3d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 2) = 12

Channel 3d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 1) = 8

Channel 3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3) = 9

In French: Did you encounter the traitor, Pierre Le Necromancier? Surely you did, and either sent him to Hell, or convinced him by force or guile to lift his curse on the gargoyles, for every one of them has come to repent of their mischief and receive a blessing before returning to their posts!

Seeing the Lusty Fools, albeit far fewer in number than went down into the dangerous catacombs below, returning to the cathedral, bloodied and battered but alive and hauling sacks of loot on their backs, Father Renaud gives praise to God and weeps tears of relief....

Merci à Dieu , vous avez retourné , les amis!

Thanks be to God, you have returned, my friends!

Spreading his arms out like Christ crucified, Father Renaud prays for God's healing power to restore vitality to all the surviving Lusty Fools here gathered....

Positive energy channel heals all PCs of 3d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 2) = 9 hit points damage....

Father Renaud gestures for the adventurers to follow him, and he escorts them to the crypt stairs at the back of the sanctuary....

In French: Bonjour, my friends! Returned to continue your quest to bring us justice and bring an end to the evil deeds of our fallen brother?

Father Renaud finishes the services with a benediction....

In nomine Deus, et Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus, amen! Go in peace and serve Our Lord!

The dismissed parishioners mill and shuffle out of the nave and out into the streets of Paris to continue their day....

Alphonse Veritas wrote:

"Thank you, Father Renaud." Alphonse says in Celestial, and gives a short bow to the priest.

"We should go. The Necromancer yet lurks beneath the catacombs." he says, and strides off.

He drinks a potion as he walks along, seeking to be at full strength for the trials ahead.


May Our Lady guide your path, brave squire!

Paddy wrote:

Good. I know all too well what can happen to a wee lad that has no family. All too bloody well....

Paddy looks grim as he turns to his colleagues.

Let's get back down there....we should show these cultists the error of their ways. Sacrificing a wee bairn to their dark gods is something I cannot stomach.

Paddy reaches into his purse, taking a few gold coins out. He hands them to the priest.

Here. It isn't much, but use it as you see fit for Clementine. It should help you with his upbringing. Teach him well. Now, I need a stiff drink before going back to the catacombs.

Father Renaud accepts the coins from the young rogue with a grandfatherly smile....

Store up your treasures not on Earth, where moth and rust corrode, and thieves break in and steal, but in Heaven, good sir.... May the Lord bless you and keep you!

Father Renaud casts guidance on Paddy, making the sign of the cross on the young rogue, granting +1 on his next saving throw....

Paddy wrote:

Paddy looks at the cultist, contempt and ill will apparent in his gaze.

Just remember to thank the powers above that Alphonse here saved your sorry hide and not our friend from the caverns. You know what your fate would be if he had gotten his hands on you. Can't say as I blame him....

Paddy then turns his eyes towards the waylaid infant.

What will become of the wee one? Please tell me he won't be sent to one of those blasted orphanages? Is there somewhere he can go where he will be loved? Poor little fellow....

Paddy looks genuinely concerned with the infant's situation.

He shall be loved by Our Lady, the Mother of Christ Himsef.... We of Notre Dame shall take him as one of our own, Monsieur.... And he shall be named.... Clementine.... Because he was shown mercy....

The adventurers return the infant to the care of Father Renaud and his acolytes, who are horrified at the thought of so helpless and precious a creature sacrificed to the Devil....

In French:
You have done God's work today, gentlemen! Praise be to God!

Fray Manuel Jose wrote:
I am still waiting for my knowledge roll about the priest in Notre Dame

Right! Sorry.... Father Renaud is a well-regarded and faithful old priest of Notre Dame, born in Paris and raised as an orphan by the church. He is known for charitable acts such as adopting stray cats and dogs, feeding street urchins, and healing the sick, even if they are too poor to afford the church's standard spell casting tithes. He is also known to be somewhat more fond of wine and young women than is becoming of a priest....

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson wrote:

Father Renaud, may we each have some of the blessed water, made Holy by your god, to aid us in giving rest to the unquiet dead?

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson will offer his share of the treasure back to the cathedral for Holy Water.

Se il vous plaît , Norseman .... garder votre trésor .... vous pouvez avoir autant d'eau sainte comme vous le désirez ....

Please, Norseman.... Keep your treasure.... You may have as much holy water as you desire....

Father Renaud utters a word: Lux! as he touches the weapons in each hero's hand, causing light to radiate like a torch from the weapons....

Méfiez-vous , les jeunes piliers , que les morts-vivants hantent les catacombes....

Beware, young stalwarts, that the undead haunt the catacombs....

Father Renaud goes on to explain that the treacherous Pierre the Necromancer has stirred the dead interred in the catacombs with foul necromancy, creating undead skeletons and zombies, and has called the ghouls which have always dwelt in the deeper catacombs up to his service, unleashing them upon the sleeping city after nightfall....

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson wrote:

Wait friends, our noble ally Charmaine Da'vi, the shy French villager with that fancy looking weapon, is exhausted; mayhaps we should rest and return on the morrow. It is late, afterall, and a good night's sleep will do us all well.

I can translate for everyone except Hisao of the Yellow Reeds.

Mike, what does Father Renaud say about our coming back at first light tomorrow instead of charging down there now?

Father Renaud understands that those among you who cast spells might need to wait until the next day before entering the catacombs....

Father Renaud leads Tevaga to the baptismal font in the nave of the cathedral so she can refill her aspergillium with holy water....

Aucun connaître son emplacement exact, mais il ya de nombreux portails menant à la Guyer ....

None know its exact location, but there are many portals into the Guyer....

When the adventurers have descended the stairs to the nave once more, Father Renaud addresses them again:

Le nécromancien Judas exerce ses habitudes impies dans un repaire secret dans le Guyer ....

The Judas necromancer carries on his unholy habits within a secret chamber of the Guyer....

Divisez ces parmi vous comme vous le voyez , nobles ajustement ....

Divide these among you as you see fit, noble ones....

Gardez ces armes comme notre don de grâ d'accepter quelques potions curatives ainsi....

Keep those weapons as our gift of thanks....and accept some curative potions as well....

Father Renaud calls up from the bottom of the stairs as the heroes are searching the belfry....

Remercier les cieux que vous, les jeunes dames et messieurs sont venus à notre secours!

Thank the heavens you young ladies and gentlemen came to our rescue!

The aged priest bows his head and recites the Our Father in thanksgiving for the heroes' timely arrival.

Jean Lamarre wrote:

Round 12?

Hearing the sounds of righteous warfare, Jean's zeal which he once hated in recent years past commands his chest to go forth with all the valor of the youth he possessed.

He thanks the Father again, and darts off, to the stairs.

Double move: to the stairs, then moving as far up them as I can...

Dieu vous bénisse, monsieur . Faites attention !

God bless you, sir. Be careful!

To the young acolyte who helped him drag Jean's limp body out of harm's way:

Rapidement ! nous devons prier pour la vie de ce pauvre pèlerin !

Quickly! We must pray for this poor pilgrim's life!

Channel positive energy to heal Jean Lamarre of 4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 2, 3) = 13 hit points....

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson wrote:


Does Father Renaud, freshly healed and taken care of by Charmaine Da'vi and the rest, see the unfortunate Oracle get attacked by the accursed Gargoyles and pull him into the cathedral, healing (or at least stabalizing) him.

Most certainly! With the help of the young acolyte, they drag the motionless body into the shelter of the shadowy nave....

His ability to walk restored by Charmaine's curative magic, Father Renaud rests a hand on the young holy woman's head....

Que Dieu vous bénisse, enfant.

God bless you, child.

He then limps out from the belfry, lest another bell come crashing down....

Le jeune acolyte apportera toutes les armes en fer froides que nous avons, les enfants de Dieu....

The young acolyte will bring all the cold iron weapons we have, children of God....

Le Judas est Pierre le nécromancien, notre esprit le plus parfait, taxonomist spécialisé et l'historien....

The Judas is Pierre the necromancer, our finest mind, expert taxonomist and historian....

The old priest is seized momentarily with spasms of pain....

Responding to Iommi-Tyr's query:

Le Prince d'Obscurité nous tourmente, le Scandinave.... Un de nos propres nous a secrètement trahis....

The Prince of Darkness plagues us, Norseman.... One of our own has secretly betrayed us....

The elderly priest cries out in pain as Alphonse drags his broken frame from under the bell....

When he is free from the crushing weight, he smiles at the youth and casts bull's strength on Alphonse, in spite of his painful injury....

Allez maintenant tuent ces petits pauvres malheureux!

Now, go kill those little wretches!

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Rushing into the shadows of the southwest bell tower, the heroes come upon a dire scene:

A great bronze bell, which must weigh 400 pounds or more, lies at a slight angle, concavity down, the upper body of an elderly priest sticking out from under it in a slowly spreading pool of dark blood....

The priest turns his head toward the newcomers and croaks in raspy French:

Sauvez-moi s'il vous plaît, les enfants de Dieu!

Please, save me, children of God!

The groaning gives way to praying in a feeble voice:

Pater noster , qui es in caelis: sanctificétur nomen tuum....*cough!*