Tiberius Tacitus |

Also, a suggestion to help everyone keep track of who has already acted in a round would be to have everyone start their action posts during combat with what round they are posting their actions for.
I would also suggest using the b and bigger tags on it to make it more recognizable so that you end up with something like the following.
Round 4
Tiberius runs up the stairs after the others upon hearing the threat is currently waiting in the belfry above.
Full round action to double move up the stairs as far as possible.
Otherwise, as people have stated, waiting for each player to post in order can be a long and grueling exercise of patience depending on when people post throughout the day.

Michael the Warsong |

Surprisingly there are already rules for this. I am assuming we are on a left spiral, gradual staircase. The spiral is probably big enough that no one is at an advantage but the stairs are also not difficult terrain. However, high ground is a factor and there is no running or charging.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Surprisingly there are already rules for this. I am assuming we are on a left spiral, gradual staircase. The spiral is probably big enough that no one is at an advantage but the stairs are also not difficult terrain. However, high ground is a factor and there is no running or charging.
Sounds correct to me....

Tom Weed |

I'm going to drop out of this game. It's moving a bit too fast for me. I can only get to the boards about once a day and only three or four times a week. I don't want to hold everyone else up and it's a bit difficult to follow such a large number of posts at once. Have a good game everyone.

Michael Johnson 66 |

I'm going to drop out of this game. It's moving a bit too fast for me. I can only get to the boards about once a day and only three or four times a week. I don't want to hold everyone else up and it's a bit difficult to follow such a large number of posts at once. Have a good game everyone.
Okay, Tom, thanks for your interest! Happy gaming!

Tevaga the redeemer |

quick question to the group , in a RL game I am statting up a swashbuckler , but as a halfelf I can take ancestral arms , which I fancy as a Katana , would the katana work with the swashbuckler going on ?
Not without the feat "slashing grace", which you couldnt take until level 3. (since you need weapon focus with the given weapon).
Personally, I would avoid these types of discussions, but I dont know Micheal Johnson66's policy so I will defer to him.

Michael Johnson 66 |

As Ray (Iommi-Tyr) can attest, I'm a pretty laid back guy.... It doesn't bother me if you want to discuss things other than the game at hand on the Discussion thread here.... I might get a bit off topic myself here from time to time.... Such as wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to all! (For those of you not familiar with the American holiday, it's really an excuse to pig out, watch American football, and take naps all day! ;) lol)

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Thanksgiving is by far my favorite Holiday.
It's not as grossly commercialized as Christmas.
It has no real religious undertones.
It was started by Abe Lincoln.
It's all about a big feast and American football.
....Me LOVES American football (greatest of all sports!)
Happy Thanksgiving to all -- and if you're not in the States, Have a great day and a great dinner today!

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It is to us in America!
(6 years ago when I started learning about soccer, one of the reasons I chose Arsenal as the team I would support was because of their style of play -- the beautiful style, as it were. Nothing more hideous than the Jose Mourinho style (even though he and I share a birthday).)

JamesF |

It is to us in America!
(6 years ago when I started learning about soccer, one of the reasons I chose Arsenal as the team I would support was because of their style of play -- the beautiful style, as it were. Nothing more hideous than the Jose Mourinho style (even though he and I share a birthday).)
Hahahah , they used to be the most boring team in the division , YouTube boring boring arsenal!

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I Can't really understand anything from this.
Still, they're my team now. The question is: Who'll be our coach next year, Pep Guardiola, Jurgen Klopp, Roberto Martinez or, uh, Arsene Wenger?

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

Hey Other Guy, where are you from?
So far we have South Florida, Maryland, Kentucky, Quebec, Toronto, Luxembourg (by way of London), and Australia.

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I've never heard him as a possible candidate. He's never coached out of Germany; he's never coached a top Club team.
I'll say this, though -- if we HAVE to have a "David-Moyes-at-Man-Utd" year when Wenger retires (forcefully if necessary), then Joachim Low is a good choice. It'll give Roberto Martinez & Pep Guardiola one more year at Everton & Bayern before coming to Arsenal. (I don't want Klopp as much as the other two.)
EDIT: I just saw he did brief stints at low-ball teams in Turkey & Austria. Still: I don't think he's a good replacement at Arsenal.

Rynjin |

Hey Other Guy, where are you from?So far we have South Florida, Maryland, Kentucky, Quebec, Toronto, Luxembourg (by way of London), and Australia.
I'll be moving back to Florida (Orlando, this time) soon though!
Sadly, won't get to miss out on the snow. =/

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

Rynjin, one member of My & Mike's gaming group just moved to Orlando a few months ago -- I can email him to see if he has time to get back into gaming and if he wants to contact you when you get back down to the Sunshine State (whenever that may be).
EDIT: Actually, you may know him from Mike's Cthulu PBP -- he joined at the very end to fight Hastur & Yog Sothoth & Cthulhu and all them.

Rynjin |

Rynjin, one member of My & Mike's gaming group just moved to Orlando a few months ago -- I can email him to see if he has time to get back into gaming and if he wants to contact you when you get back down to the Sunshine State (whenever that may be).EDIT: Actually, you may know him from Mike's Cthulu PBP -- he joined at the very end to fight Hastur & Yog Sothoth & Cthulhu and all them.
The Australian Gunslinger guy?

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Yeah, I think that's him; I know he wanted to do a Gunslinger because we ALL hate them because they're so broken (He just joined at the end, right?). I remember our group talking about it and Mike laughing because his PC, who was supposedly so grossly OP got slaughtered by Hastur in the first round he joined the PBP -- a failed Will Save I believe.

That Other Guy |

So, uh, my RL table I'm GM'ing is about to have George enter the table this week.
>>>>>>>>>Besides that, what do? (I have never faced a George in my life as a GM.)
Also, Jean has a longspear AND a buckler. This means, that effectively, he can only hit well-ish if he is flanking. His sum melee attack bonus is +1. With the Buckler's stuff, and the Longspear being both a two handed and reach weapon, can he even recieve flank bonuses with it?
Thanks team.

Rynjin |

He can, but he can only wield the Longspear in two hands. So you'd lose your Buckler's AC bonus when attacking or using it in both hands.
Not a whole ton of point to a Buckler if you're using a 2H weapon...since you're not getting +1 AC from it, but you ARE getting a -1 to-hit.
You're getting a negative for nothing.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Team Rome's samurai, Akio, just critted a CR 8 assassin for 61 damage, beheading him in St Peter's Square! There are just 4 PCs active in that group so far, so they are only 100 XP away each from level 2 already!
As Ray/Iommi-Tyr could tell you, as much as people praise my DMing, I can be a bit heavy-handed on 1st level PCs.... My apologies, but it makes for awesome stories later, and levels you out of those fragile first few levels quickly, if there are enough survivors! Lol....

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

Well, since he's opened the box....
In our Spelljammer / Norse Mythology Sandbox about a year ago, Mike had our 5 first level PCs, in our opening encounter, get surrounded by 8 Drow Dreadnoughts each with 5 Drow aboard -- that's 40! Drow against our 5 first level PCs.
We the PCs just assumed the campaign was starting with us getting captured by Drow -- no, they were there to TPK, not take slaves.
When Mike realized it we just scraped that session and started the campaign fresh next session. (Of course, sometimes we the PCs actually win those fights -- usually a result of MY brilliant tactics ;) -- and we get a gross amount of XP and treasure.)

Tevaga the redeemer |

Well... that is worrying. I'm gonna have to prep a magical bug-out bag. Eventually.
I've started playing a high-ish level module with some folks, and I deeply regret not having better escape options; my invulnerable barbarian took over 150 damage in 2 rounds because we got surprised (we had to stop the battle midway too, with me close to death and every other player invisible... the suspense is killing me). So I know the need to react to unusual emergencies...
Still, with as many players we have, this is going to be weird for CR evaluation.

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

This is my first PBP so I don't know how well this method plays out but, after gaming with Mike here in South Florida for the last four years I can tell you his games are fun in an old-school, grognardian way where there's lots of raw, fun, kick-in-the-door action mixed with classic D&D trope story lines and dynamic. It's very refreshing after one of my campaigns as DM -- full of Shakespearean-in-depth NPC personalities and over-complicated plot intrigues -- to play the raw action of one of Mike's games.
But I really like this PBP thing -- I've just started lurking in a half-dozen other PBPs to see what it's like as well as playing in this one -- really fun so far. (Let's see if I can keep up with the time commitment.)

That Other Guy |

So, uh, part of me wants to jump in to this campaign as soon as possible just out of sheer excitement, but the other part of me wants to wait until it's 'thematically correct'... I also don't want to miss out on XP if possible.
What is preferable for all the people?

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

@ That Other Guy,
I agree w/ Hisao of the Yellow Reeds -- if you're near Notre Dame cathedral you would have heard the bell crashing a moment ago and, if you're the heroic or adventurous type, would have come running like we did. Only 108 seconds have passed.

Michael the Warsong |

Yeah. I think I am going to have to pull out. There are just too many people and not enough structure. It is both confusing and, honestly, annoying that the more actions one posts the more they can do while everyone else is forced to catch up. Its rather unfair in my opinion. I can understand the need to keep things moving but not at the expense of other people's enjoyment. I liked the premise, my character, and several other characters but I can't follow along. And we seem to be gaining more characters as we go which is only going to hamper us later unless some ground rules can be laid down.
So have fun and peace out.

Tevaga the redeemer |

Yeah. I think I am going to have to pull out. There are just too many people and not enough structure. It is both confusing and, honestly, annoying that the more actions one posts the more they can do while everyone else is forced to catch up. Its rather unfair in my opinion. I can understand the need to keep things moving but not at the expense of other people's enjoyment. I liked the premise, my character, and several other characters but I can't follow along. And we seem to be gaining more characters as we go which is only going to hamper us later unless some ground rules can be laid down.
So have fun and peace out.
Unfortunate but understandable. It seems to be one of the inherent limits of PbP, in that those who can post most will take up a lot more space. In any case, good luck, hope you find another game!

Michael the Warsong |

Then I leave you with Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson. One of my favorite instrumentals.

Rynjin |

Yeah. I think I am going to have to pull out. There are just too many people and not enough structure. It is both confusing and, honestly, annoying that the more actions one posts the more they can do while everyone else is forced to catch up. Its rather unfair in my opinion.
Everybody else still gets the same number of round's worth of actions. If you miss a flurry of posts, you come in and post all the stuff you did in the rounds you missed (and you shouldn't have missed more than one unless you missed multiple days of posting...in which case falling behind should have been expected).
Mike has ZERO problems retconning in any actions you would have taken. It takes a bit of getting used to, but it overall helps the quality of the game, since it keeps momentum.
That said, I can see how it's not everyone's cup of tea (it annoyed me a bit in the previous game, sequel to this, for a while), and I hope you find another game you enjoy better.

Gargoyle of Notre Dame |

Then I leave you with Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson. One of my favorite instrumentals.
As the mute bard begins to strum what he feels might be a happier tune, the menacing gargoyle snarls and attacks!
Quod non omnia mutata celtic ! i qui oderunt me?
Clawing, goring, and biting in a mad frenzy, the gargoyle makes good on his promise to rend the mute bard limb from limb, and stomps on his mandolin for good measure!
Only a puddle of gore and the smithereens of the mandolin remain of Michael the Warsong....