Masters of the Fallen Fortress (Inactive)

Game Master Awenydd83

Isobel the Nymph [dice=Initiative]1d20+2[/dice]
Xasay Xyu [dice=Initiative]1d20+2[/dice]
Turan [dice=Initiative]1d20+6[/dice]
Fauxish [dice=Initiative]1d20+4[/dice]
Nikolai [dice=Initiative]1d20+3[/dice]

Siege Tower

Current Characters

Grand Lodge Fauxish

Female Human (Tian-Shu) Monk 1/Unchained Rogue 1 | hp 16 | AC 16, T 16, FF 12 | CMD 17 (19 v trip) | F +3, R +8, W +4 | Spd 30' | Init +6 | Perc +7:
actually she's Kitsune (gains low-light vision and +2 acrobatics in hybrid form) )

played by Great Green God (218 posts)
Fire Elemental
GM DevilDoc

|Ruins |WBGoblins|RotRL| Emerald Spire|

played by Awenydd83 (4,730 posts)
Liberty's Edge Isobel the Nymph

Kitsune Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 16; Tch 12; FF 14 | F +4; R +4; W +3 | CMB-2; CMD 10 | Speed 30 ft | Init +2 | Sling: +3 (1d4-3) | Perc +4

played by PatheticWretch (132 posts)
Grand Lodge Kali Altzairu

LN female Chelaxian Human Hungry Ghost Nun 9
|AC 19, T 19, FF 16|HP: 57/57|F +7, R +10, W +12 (+1 vs disease, +2 vs Ench/poison/fear)|Init +3, Perc +14|CMB +12 (+2 to trip) CMD 30 (33 vs Trip)|9/9 Punishing Kicks, 16/16 Ki, 1/1 Soul-Drinker, 2/2 GL

played by I'm Hiding In Your Closet (420 posts)
Dark Archive Natula Icosagon Thako

Truly Iconic Female Human (Ulfen) Wizard (evoker, admixture school) 6 | hp 37 | AC {17} T 13 FF {15} | CMD 16 | F +5 R +6 W +7 | Spd 30' | Init +2 | Kn(Arc, Dun, His, Loc, Pla, Rel) +11 Kn(Eng, Geo, Nat, Nob) +10, Lngst +9, Perc +6 (+2 w Kalas), Scrft +14, SensM +0 (+2 w Kalas) | versatile evocation 8/8 | wands false life CL 3 6/7, m missile 42/50, summon monster I CL 3 9/9, unseen servant 8/10 | vanish 4rds

played by Great Green God (792 posts)
Akron Erix
Sczarni Nikolai Vancaskerkin

HP 19/31 | AC 16 | T 13 | FF 13 | CMD 17 | Fort +5 | Ref +6 | Will +2 | Init +3 | Perception +5 | Sense Motive -1 Human (Varisian) Brawler 3

played by Misroi (320 posts)
Namdrin Quinn
Lantern Lodge Sasithorn Loom

male Wayang Eysterlun Shadowcaster 4 | AC 21*, T 15, FF 19* |HP: 23/23 | F +3, R +3, W +3? | Init +2, P +4 |CMB 0 CMD 12| 1/4 Void Points

played by I'm Hiding In Your Closet (410 posts)
Dark Archive Skiron

male Tiefling Antiquarian 9
|AC 23, T 14, FF 21|HP: 75/75|F +8, R +7, W +6 (+6 vs fear, +2 vs gaze/dream/phantasm, +1 vs confusion/insanity/WIS loss)|Init +2, Perc +7?|CMB +7 CMD 19|12/12 Starspawn

played by I'm Hiding In Your Closet (391 posts)
Life Stealer
Turan Walks the Steppe

male Human (Shoanti) Urban Barbarian 1 Unarmed Fighter 1 Initiative: +2 Perception + HP: 23/23 AC: 20 (24 while fighting defensively) CMB +6 CMD 18 Fort +6 Ref +2 Wil +0

played by Alex Mack (47 posts)
Life Stealer
Grand Lodge Turan who walks the Steppe

male Human Inquisitor 2

played by Alex Mack (85 posts)
Denizen of Leng
Scarab Sages Tvashtri Abdul-Khasis

male Tiefling Clockwork Mage 6
HP: 57/57 MMIII 35/35 WW 30/30 A 30/30

played by I'm Hiding In Your Closet (359 posts)
Silver Crusade Xasay Xyu

CG male Wayang Macabre Puppeteer 8
|AC 20, T 13, FF 18|HP: 45/45|F +2, R +8, W +4 (+2 vs shadow, +4 vs fear/energy drain/death/Necromancy)|Init +2, Perc +4|CMB +6 CMD 18|23/23 Performance, 3/3 Shadow Speaker, 3/3 Phantasm, 1/1 comic relief, #7

played by I'm Hiding In Your Closet (616 posts)
Dark Archive Xukong

CN unknown Ru-Shi Dhampir Kensei 5
|AC 14, T 14, FF 11|HP: 42/42|F +5, R 0, W +4 (+4 vs disease, +2 vs MA/poison/curse, -1 vs sonic, +1 vs earth/acid)|Init -1 Perc +2|CMB +7 CMD 16|5/5 Arcane, 2/2 Shard, 3/3 erase, 1/1 六, 1/1 Scholar, 1/1 Archivist, 1/1 Time

played by I'm Hiding In Your Closet (697 posts)

Previous Characters

Goblin Witch
Alex Mack

(1,958 posts)
Abra Lopati
Liberty's Edge Awenydd83

Male Human Healer/ Warrior 10
(472 posts)
The Jester
Scarab Sages I'm Hiding In Your Closet a worthless concept a cynical scam gestalt Ghul Lord/Warlock/Truenamer/Psychic/Wild Mage
(15,350 posts)
Dark Archive Misroi

(2,232 posts)