Roylenna Flamefoot |

I also check multiple times a day. I doubt I'll ever complain about pushing the pace - I'm a sub for this game because it already died at least once from slow pacing.
I think you are doing fine. If I have a problem with how someone's playing, I'll say something, but only after I take a look at myself to make sure I'm not the real problem. I hate calling someone out and finding out I was the cause or I was just being overly sensitive.
I hope that our fellow players will similarly speak up if they have a concern, but so far, I'm assuming (dangerous word there) that they are just busy and posting when they can.
All that said, I think you're doing fine, Wulfgar. Sometimes things need a push. This game is one - it's in the deep mud right now.

Grenz |

I'm perfectly cool with the initiative shown by you, and Grenz is perfectly fine with the initiative taken by Wulfgar. Please keep at it :D
As for Disable Device vs barred door - Grenz did not use it because I don't think it applies. I think a barred door needs to be burst open. Or we can simply knock ;)

Dalgrym Oakenshield |

Solo parenting for the next few days and dealing with a lot of anxiety-inducing stuff at work. Sorry for not posting this notice sooner. I do plan to return but it may be a week or two before I can post regularly again. I will let you know when I am over the hump but meanwhile I will post if and when I can. Bot me otherwise.

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
I posted this on Roll20 in another game Helikon and I are in with Brv. I thought it only right that I post it here as well.
So Helikon posted in four games Friday and the game he is DMing yesterday. When he has botted in LL he ignored it and rolled. So what can we do to encourage him to check these games regularly?

Dalgrym Oakenshield |

So, my work stress anxiety situation resolved itself... Now I'm just with uncertainty about what's next for me where I work. The next few months are more or less known but after that is less so. In the meantime I'm dealing with discouragement, disappointment, disengagement, etc. I'm honestly not sure what all this means for my ability to keep playing but I'm going to hope that I'll be able to resume as I was before.
So my battle plan is to A) get caught up on all my games, slowly (I am behind by as many as 60 posts in some games!) and then B) stay caught up as much as I can.
I have a lot of family coming to visit this week and a lot of prep to do, but I did take the week off. Expect to hear from me in gameplay soon!

Roylenna Flamefoot |

For the record, if I miss posting for 48 hours and you are waiting for me, I encourage you to bot me.

Roylenna Flamefoot |

My own personal healer!! Wohoo! :D
Indeed. The rates are higher for individual service, but if you've got the gold...

Roylenna Flamefoot |

Thanks for letting us know. I was starting to worry. We’ll try to keep Ulfgard alive as we have him lead all charges while you are busy. ;-)

Grenz |

Apologies for the lack of posting guys - had a medical emergency last Thursday, and I am still recovering from it... Trying to catch up as best as possible.
I will also grab this opportunity to let you know I will (hopefully) be travelling from the 18th to the 27th to visit family over the Christmas holidays, so posting will definitely be spotty.

Roylenna Flamefoot |

Glad you are on the road to recovery. I hope your travel plans work out - there’s few things I rate higher than seeing family this time of year.

brvheart |

Glad to hear you are getting better. Things are always slow during the holidays, hopefully we can get back to full speed after the 1st.

brvheart |

I am not expecting much until after the holidays. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

brvheart |

This campaign has slowed to a crawl. You have literally been on level three since October. No one is moving from room to room without prolonged discussion. Combats are taking weeks instead of days. Unless this speeds up dramatically I will be force to shut this campaign down and focus on campaigns that are moving. I need people to be focused on moving the game along. Skipping level 4 is probably a good idea as it is only more gnolls.

Dalgrym Oakenshield |

My notifications were broken and I missed the last 67 gameplay posts somehow...
I am still here. Will try to catch up this weekend.
As for the pace of the game, it is not run in a way that is conducive to fast play. I would probably start by implementing a standard operating procedure for moving through the dungeon. Otherwise dungeon crawls like this tend to move slowly.
For combat, it often seems like we are doing initiative order one at a time instead of block initiative?
An entire level of fighting gnolls? I am fine with fast forwarding through that

brvheart |

I never have had a problem with anyone posting out of initiative order and I sort it out especially if they are before the enemy. I prefer it to waiting days for a round to be resolved. A round should take no longer than one day each and in RA we are doing several sometimes.
Appoint someone to lead the party moving through the dungeon and everyone else pay attention to what he is doing. I know Wulfgar has been trying.
I have already skipped level four and you are on level five. It helps to keep up on a daily basis at least during the week.
Ulfgard is out on hiatus for the time being so his character will no longer be slowing things down. He has personal things to deal with.
And above all, look at the map.

Dalgrym Oakenshield |

Looking at the map is the most difficult process of playing in this game. The 100+ other pbp games I have played or currently play in use Google slides, which takes me about 10 seconds to pull up on my phone. Roll20 takes me a few minutes to sign in, go to the campaign, and mess with their clumsy mobile UI to find where we are. If we could move to slides at some point that would be great.
I do have one other GM that uses roll20, but he always posts a screenshot of the map at the beginning of the round

brvheart |

I know nothing about using Google Slides. Most games were running Roll20 when I started my campaigns so I switched to it. I am willing to look at it, but not if it is the flavor of the month. I have spent a lot of money on D20Pro, Realmworks and even Roll20 to keep changing up.

Roylenna Flamefoot |

I have another GM that makes the moves in Roll20, screenshots the result, and shares the image. He prefers to control the movement of the combatants. I have no idea about using Roll20 on a mobile device, didn't know it was an option, so I have to admit that I'm making 2/3 or more of my posts blind because I also usually post from a phone. It's more important to me that I make a post than that I make the perfect move, though, because I'm not trying to make tactical decisions with move of my moves - when I do, the post has to wait until I reach my computer, which can delay my response literally by days.
I think Dalgrym could also call out his intended move and post his roll and let another player or brvheart move his token, but I don't believe that's worked when I try it, so there's that. Maybe we just need to come to an agreement as to whether it is cool or not.
I like what I've seen of Roll20 and hope to figure it out enough to use it for my 'home' game, but you're the first GM I've seen using it for play-by-post without the screenshot method I mentioned earlier.

brvheart |

I pay $5 a month for you all to have that ability. It is not free.

Dalgrym Oakenshield |

Roll20 is awesome for realtime games, or even games where everyone posts from desktop. For mobile players it is much less advantageous. I do appreciate that you pay for the roll20 membership that makes the site technically usable from mobile. However, on nights like tonight when I don't have the time for the roll20 logon dance before I go to bed I dearly wish we were on slides so I could see the map. I couldn't tell from the description if this flesh construct thing is a necessary obstacle or if there's another path we can take.
As for Google slides being the "flavor of the month" I have been playing in games that use it almost exclusively for a couple years now at least; probably closer to three, though I'd have to go digging to see when I first started using it... In my slides history, the oldest modified slides doc for a game is marked 2015, so the swing to use it everywhere was probably sometime after that.

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
I think this should be able to show you a snip of the map. Not a perfect solution but at least you can see it.