Naomi Chadwick |
Wahoo, thanks brvheart, I'm shedding the MW armor and shield, so I will need to lighten gear a little, then I will work on the rest of the fluff. Again thanks for the invite!
Edit:@ brvheart, since Naomi is dumping the MW gear, what would be your opinion on her buying a CLW wand before they leave town?

"Lucky" Cyrus |

Due to my work filter, I won't be able to do serious updates until after 1800 tonight. I will have my phone though to scan the thread at lunch though.
I will be honest and admit that I don't have the FGG books, but is there a good place to read up on the world deities? As with the name "Hanged Man", I now picture all of his priests having some sort of thin noose with them to act as both focus and back ally weapon if needed, but that may totally be my imigination getting the better of me.
Thanks again and I will update Cyrus fully once I get in from work.

Hagrym |

Woo! Glad to be here. Any suggestions, questions, or comments are welcome on Hagrym. I've never played a stonelord before, but I've always had a hankering to do so!

brvheart |

Welcome all! If you have the gold left for the wand, sure. I don't know much about Stonelord, but do paladins. Greg Vaughan is working on the Campaign setting material which will include over 200 deities. I can ask him about specific ones I do not have current info for.

Hagrym |

I think Dwerfater should be fine, especially since there is a temple for him in Bard's Gate already. That gives me a strong connection with the town already.

"Lucky" Cyrus |

For traits, if there is a rogue trait that fits in well with Cyrus' past, is that acceptable to take, or do I need to limit it to racial/class specific ones?
Not that there is one I have in mind yet, but just asking in advance for when I hit the books again tonight.

brvheart |

We'll give everyone some time to get their characters flushed out and everyone to get to know each other.

Jarvis Ward |

Updating my template on my profile, not accurate for a bit, cooking and watching my kiddo currently, will post when done, thanks!

Jarvis Ward |

Alright should be finished updating.

brvheart |

The maps are in the campaign info. Bards Gate is on the river, but is a long way from the coast.

"Lucky" Cyrus |

@brvheart: Roger. Didn't see it at first, but located it now. Do you happen to know what Zors chosen weapon is? I need to add that to my char sheet and add the traits. Then I think I am ready for examination.
My apologies in advance for the slowness, but it has been a long time since I made a character from scratch. :)
Edit: Char sheet is up and will start filling in domain powers now also. I tried to keep him built to the image I see of him, think Doc Cochran from Deadwood, so any thoughts if I strayed to far from that build is welcome.

Turvijagal |

@brveheart: Thanks for letting me in, first off.
I think my back story needs a quick tweak. Just a simple cut and past, I suppose. I wrote it up for Golarian, just out of familiarity. Started life in the seedy part of Magnimar, then ended up bored in the Posh life in Sandpoint. What city names would be a better choice for the FGG setting, instead of Magnimar and Sandpoint?

brvheart |

I would say probably Freeport. There are not really a lot of info on kingdoms as this is more of a wilderlands area. Freeport is a free city. Then again, you could come from Swordport in the domain of Hawkmoon. Always a fun area to come from and probably the closest to Magnimar.

brvheart |

When you are about ready, your cleric has had a dream he may wish to share with the party in game play.

brvheart |

Make of it what you will. The party is traveling towards Bards Gate at present. The village is on the way.

brvheart |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Zors, The Fortunes Fool, Demigod of Luck, the Hanged Man
Symbol: The figure of a man tied upside down to a gallows or tree, or a noose.
Domains: Chaos, Luck, Trickery
Symbol: A figure of a man tied upside down to a gallows tree, or a noose.
Garb: Peasants clothes
Favored Weapons: Dagger
Form of Worship and Holidays: Worshippers celebrate after winning or losing great fortunes gambling, upon great lottery payouts, and actively protest at public executions.
Typical Worshippers: Gamblers, beggars, slaves, travelers, the poor, and prisoners awaiting execution.

brvheart |

You are a group of travelers making their way from Freeport to Bard's Gate along the Tradeway. You are traveling together for safety, but probably do not know each other beyond that. If some of you do, that is fine. You are currently in the Forest Kingdoms.

Naomi Chadwick |
Naomi jumped in the conversation, is it ok if she meets them here going back to Bard's Gate from some errand she was on?
Edit: @ brvheart, Naomi's inventory is cleaned up, got gear light enough and cheap enough to have the wand of clw, we will call it a secret gift from mother, to keep her safe as she goes out in the world. for a Bludgeoning weapon I added a walking stick: Shillelagh or hanbo if that is too Irish/Asian I will make it a mere club.

brvheart |

That was what I was think Naomi. That you were on an errand for the library in Freeport.

Naomi Chadwick |
Naomi jumped in the conversation, is it ok if she meets them here going back to Bard's Gate from some errand she was on?
Edit: @ brvheart, Naomi's inventory is cleaned up, got gear light enough and cheap enough to have the wand of clw, we will call it a secret gift from mother, to keep her safe as she goes out in the world. for a Bludgeoning weapon I added a walking stick: Shillelagh or hanbo if that is too Irish/Asian I will make it a mere club.
sorry I was editing while you were responding, an errand for the library is great!

brvheart |

I prefer the irish. Would prefer scottish of course:) We had to live on that dang island for 400 years!

brvheart |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I have the pdf on the way Cyrus. I scanned that part. Will post up the rest when it comes to my inbox. I would not worry about it too much:)

Hagrym |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Here is what I have found out about the Temple of Dwerfater in Bard's Gate, if anyone cases:
This temple is built to resemble a mountain, and is devoted to the spiritual well-being of Bard’s Gate’s dwarves, who gather here to pray and sing sad lamenta- tions for their lost homeland, which was overrun by the minions of Orcus. The interior is dark and cave-like and features a huge statue of Dwerfater, sitting on a golden throne, a great warhammer across his knees. High priest Gruden Greybeard (see NPC Appendix) leads the congregation, and sees to the needs of any dwarf who asks for aid. He is assisted by a number of dwarven clerics of Dwerfater (Clr2). Gruden seeks to recruit dwarves to retake the dwarven homeland. Dwarves who perish in this quest are restored to life here if possible, though Gruden often requires a task from any dwarves whom he raises. Non-dwarves are not welcome here, and are turned away at the doors, even if they come offering aid.

Jarvis Ward |

I really wish I knew more about the world, feeling lost and google is not aiding as much as I would like.

Ulfgard Strongarm |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I will enjoy the trip to unknown. I remember the bad days when you played forgotten realms and everyone knew the beggars name in the last hamlet.
It is a journey of the unknown and I already like the first moments

Hagrym |

@Hagrym: Then Cyrus will definitely not be getting help there. :)
That's why I said that the Priest might be able to help you...not that I was going to take you inside to meet the Priest. Nothing there says I can't ask him to come outside and take a peek at you, lol.

brvheart |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The rest of Zors:
Zorz is the demigod of last chances and is commonly
depicted hanging upside down from the tree of life, where
he waits to be devoured by Nidhogg the eternal dragon.
Those who pray to Zors do so when no other god will
answer them or when all other hope is lost. By the same
token he is also the deity of great luck, as he escaped the
bonds of the tree of life so too have his followers found
themselves escaping fates worse than death. In reverence
to his luck aspect the Zorsans hold a great weekly
lottery collecting huge sums of money which are always
paid to the lucky number holder lest the demigod exact
some vengeance of unluckiness upon those who would
corrupt the purpose of the game.
Prophets of Zors openly oppose ritual executions
in ordered societies as cruel and unusual punishment.
They frequently are found performing the ceremony of
the hanged man near gallows or other places of public
execution. In this ritual one of their number is paraded
before the jeering throngs by a noose, only to have the
noose slip free, and the “prisoner” escape, symbolizing a
second chance to do better in this life, lest one pay the
ultimate price in the next.