Jarvis Ward |

Profile fixed brv.

brvheart |

Thanks Jarvis:) Just in case I have to cast a spell at some point later, but I must admit I don't really understand the magus which is part of why I am agreeing to let you play it so I can learn:)

"Poor" Cyric |

Basically limited caster like a bard with lots of evocation based wizard spells, and can "two weapon fight" to cast a spell as part of a full attack. And any touch spell can be delivered with a melee attack as part of the spell. Other than that just little bits like occasionally recalling a used spell or using arcane pool to make weapons magic or power arcana abilities (similar to deeds etc with panache points)

brvheart |

Jarvis, I bought this awhile back. It is some options for magus. take a look if you like Into the Breach

brvheart |

I think you were right, but it should be in one of his later posts.

Jarvis Ward |

Thanks Brv, I will have to take a look.

"Poor" Cyric |

Can do what we did for party loot in razor coast,make a char sheet in roll20 called party mule which has the list and editable in bio.

Jarvis Ward |

There are some great archetypes in there brv, but other then remaking my character a lot of them would make him much more dark then I perceive him being, guess you have to start another game and I will give it a go. :)

brvheart |

Thanks Jarvis. I picked it up fairly cheap, but as I said I don't understand the magus much so have only scanned it really. Will let you know when I start another game, but the five I am running keep my busy at present!

brvheart |

He is still out on a job so I will make some rolls for him.
spellcraft spear: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
spellcraft amulet: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
spellcraft potion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Amulet of Arden’s Radiance: This golden amulet bears an engraving of a rising sun. The amulet grants a priest a +1 Charisma bonus when channeling to harm undead. If the sun domain is part of the priest’s belief, the
Charisma bonus increases to +2.

Jarvis Ward |

Spellcraft Spear: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Spellcraft Potion: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Well that is probably another one.

Hagrym |

I really never planned on Hagrym taking a position as such a staunch animal rights activist...I might have to take a level of ranger or something, just because he is trending in that direction for some reason!

brvheart |

Been hanging around with Ulfgard too long I guess! A palading/ranger. Would be an interesting combo:)

Naomi Chadwick |
speaking of mine, who wants the spear, if no one wants to use it as a primary weapon, they could throw it before combat.
So at fourth level Hagrym will get a mount, that could satisfy his animal protecting ways...
at this rate it could be a porpoise
edit, well never mind, he gets stone servant instead, whatever that is

Hagrym |

I'll get an earth elemental at that level, if I remember correctly. That'll be cool, but I don't know if it will satisfy his love for animals. I might just take a bunch of ranks in Handle Animal, and see if I can find a pet somewhere.

brvheart |

This party is starting to turn into a traveling zoo between Lucky the coyote and Ulfgard's fox. Somehow I think finding a pet will be much of an issue!

brvheart |

I might consider starting another game depending on interest. Been over a year since I had anyone in Rappan Athuk. At least the dwarves would have their graves pre dug!

brvheart |

Rappan Athuk, dwarven for the dungeon of graves. Extremely old school dungeon crawl!

brvheart |

Once upon a time, there was an idea—an idea formulated by Gary
Gygax and Dave Arneson in 1974 and published in a little paperback book
called Underworld Adventures. The idea was simple: it is a lot of fun
to go into a dungeon and kill evil monsters. Why is the dungeon there?
No one knows. Why do the monsters usually fight rather than talk? We
aren’t really sure. Why are there 16 trolls in a cave with a jug of alchemy?
No one cares. What do all the monsters eat? We don’t know that either
(although “adventurer” probably tops the list). And we don’t have to
know these things. This isn’t an ecology experiment, it’s a dungeon—the
quintessential setting for pure swords and sorcery adventuring.
This adventure pays homage to that original idea. True, there are
opportunities for role playing, but most of this module is dedicated to
“roll playing.” Hopefully, while exploring the halls of Rappan Athuk, you
will recall the thrill of discovery, the terror in your heart when you fought
your first skeleton, the joy of rolling your first natural 20 and the despair
you felt when that 1 came up for your poison save.
This module, Rappan Athuk—The Dungeon of Graves, is nothing more
and nothing less than a good, old–fashioned, First Edition dungeon crawl
updated for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Very difficult, it should
strike fear into the hearts of the most stalwart adventurers. It offers an
abundance of traps, tricks and monsters.

brvheart |

There are no magic shops here. Oh, you might find one where you can get a minor potion or scroll or material components, but even those are rare and not close. WBL, what is that? Encounters by CR, not in RA. If you open the wrong door and don't learn how and when to run those graves will pile up in a hurry! Better have plenty of back up characters for this one. My last party lost 12 characters by level 3! Gold? Treasure? That this place has in some vast quantities in some places. Presuming you can make it home with your hard earned gains.

Hagrym |

I'd love to play, DM! Hagrym was actually thought up as a possible character for a dungeon heavy adventure anyway, with his Stonelord abilities.
If there's a spot open, I'd be fired up to grab it! I'd fill whatever role the party needed.

brvheart |

Well, it is up to the party. They can actually go there when you are done here if everyone wants to or I can start another game.

brvheart |

The next question. I have both the pathfinder and sword and wizardry versions (real old school! OD&D). What's yer flavor?