brvheart |

For the last two weeks I have had incessant blue screens on my laptop making it all but impossible to run games. I have an open ticket with microsoft to get this resolved and we will resume as soon as I can get this resolved.

Tolbold Cotton |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

To all my games:
My wife had an emergency c-section at 6 am EST this morning at 35 weeks and 45 years old. Robbie is 3 lb 11 oz and in the NICU. Both are ok.
I don't know what kind of access to here I will have for the next while. I don't have a smart phone or laptop currently. Please bot me as needed and if you feel the need to remove me, I won't be offended. Things are going to be hectic the next few weeks but I do intend to return to my games.
Thank you.
L.R. Stewart

"Poor" Cyric |

I'm at my limit of 3 for busy season with RA and RC restarting so I'd have to sit this one out also, maybe in the future.
Technically 4 but one is not active and probably dies lol

brvheart |

I hate to see this one end, but with only two players it is hard to go on unless we do a lot of recruiting.

Seljak Kopile |
Hey brv, are you leaving Uthala in? If not might she want to give the meatcleaver to her cousin? obviously at full cost...
Whether she is staying or leaving, making Seljak her cousin might be an easy in if I play him instead of Boram.

Robert Henry |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

So, who is in the party and where are we atm in the story?
I've sent brv a PM discussing some of those same questions.
So, the party itself:
New additions:
Yourself, the Stonelord Paladin,
Something Wicked'sCayugoHuman cleric
Original Characters:
Ulfgard dwarf ranger
Tolbold Halfling Sorcerer
Original players:
Xunal with a new character or Turvijagal Pretty sure he's doing something else, maybe a Magus.
And Myself with Boram halfling thief. If Xunal keeps Turvijagal in the game I will play Seljak.
AS for the game itself. I don't know if your familure with the module, this is a quote from my original character that I had saved:
Well that’s the problem, we really aren’t sure are we Taking a deep breath Naomi begins, ”Let me explain what I can, part of the problem is it’s a riddle. We were in a little town called Lessef, that had animals disappearing. What we found was an ancient forgotten tomb that a necromancer had broken into to free the prisoner entombed there. When we found the main tomb empty, we located the original scepter. Originally its spike had been thrust into the ancient undead, the necromancer freed the ancient undead, breaking the scepter in the process. What we know about the scepter is minimal. First, that it was the only think keeping this monster entombed and we need to reforge it. Second this poem we, hang on a moment” Naomi fishes around, pulling out a parchment, she hands the priestess a copy of the poem and continues. ”The priest in Lessef, a fellow named Almery Burgand recognized the first part of the poem, the forge in Dargash’s fires, and he sent us to Brovok Ashenchisel in Anvil Plunge. We were able to locate the flame for him, and they reforged the Scepter, as we’ve shown you. The next part of the poem says “Two kisses bestowed by Ayianna’s daughter” that’s where you come in. We were hoping you could tell us what it means, and more importantly help us accomplish it; whatever it might be. We would be more than happy to assist you in any way we can with that particular part of the poem, or for that matter anything that could help free up your time and resources to accomplish it. As you can tell we believe stopping this ancient evil is imperative.”
the poem
“Forge first in Dargath’s fires,
Two kisses bestow by Ayianna’s daughter.
Bathe three drops of beauty on Iseleine’s spire,
Then shall Arden’s midday suns pour forth like water.
In the fifth hour of mourning, Voard’s humble tear tempers,
With the sixth strike of Muir’s grindstone, virtue is proffered.
Seven nights burn in Ninevah’s pool-like embers,
In the halls of eight disciplines, perfection freely offered.”
The secpter
The scepter is made of a three-foot-long length of ash banded by adamantine rings for strength. The scepter’s head is a fist-sized ring of gold and silver bands imprinted with religious symbols from the eight churches that joined together to create the relic. At the peak of the scepter, a pearl etched with a sunrise sits in the gold-and-silver mounting. The opposite end of the scepter is carved into a sharpened adamantine spike bonded to the ash. It is, however, broken in half. Each half is usable as a masterwork mace.
I believe the above conversations was with the priestess on the second part of the poem and we received The Guidance of Faith blessing from her here
We had then arrived at the hanging gardens where we were to recieve the third blessing and were investigating a murder and disappearance in the garden itself.
Again, I don't know if brv will have us start where we left off, or somplace near. For what it's worth, we were in the garden fighting derro, hoping to find out why the priestess killed her husband and then disappeared.

Cayugo Silverspear |

Cayugo Silverspear reporting for duty!

Cayugo Silverspear |

I went with average, which I'll stick with unless brv really wants a roll :).

Úrtnechech |

Oh … bugger! (to quote the ever so sophisticated Edmund Blackadder)
I hid all my old campaigns in my campaign page. Which includes this one, sorry to say. Anyone know how to unhide them? Apart from waiting for them to reappear on one's campaign page?
In a pinch, I can just keep checking my posts for updates until those campaign lines start reappearing.

Cayugo Silverspear |

I think you can wait for (or make) a gameplay post, then look for the gameplay thread in the full list of campaigns under Online Campaigns / Gameplay.
There used to be an option to Unhide hidden games on that page too.

brvheart |

So what does everyone want to do? Continue where we left off? Start the next part or do something else?

Cayugo Silverspear |

Aye sounds good, and maybe a few sentences summarizing where we are in the story.

brvheart |

When everyone is ready we will begin with part five. I have posted the end of part four so you get the benefit of it. The party has been travelling from shrine to shrine accomplishing tasks which enhance the powers of the Sceptre of Faiths. There is an ongoing struggle and pursuit of a necromancer from part one.
For those that are new and also those that want a refresher, this is how this all began:
The narrow dirt path broadens into an expanse of well-trod ground
and dry saw grass. A collection of ramshackle buildings sits amid
the cut stumps of the cleared forest. An inn – boards covering its
windows and an iron chain dangling from its front door – is the
largest structure. Houses built around the inn are barely more
than one-room shacks, most falling down or ripped apart for their
timber. Rising above it all on a gentle hillock, a small whitewashed
church marks the scattered buildings as a town. The hill is strangely
unnatural, the only such rise for miles around.
A few people shamble between the buildings, eyeing new arrivals
as they go about their daily routines. All of the townsfolk are old,
stooped by the weight of years of hard work and harder conditions.
Their wrinkled faces are mixed with sweat, dust and tears; the visible
marks of their long lives of toil.
Suddenly, an old man’s voice rings out, shattering the silence:
“That damned fox! It took another of mah chickens!”

Cayugo Silverspear |

Damn. I have chickens and lost one to a predator on Friday. This is personal.

Cayugo Silverspear |

Well, Cayugo has retired from official assignment with the Silver Spears, and is likely looking to put that training and nervous energy to use! It would be only natural that he'd take up with group of adventurers seeking to put an evil necromancer to rest, and to restore the safety of the region.

Boram the Burglar |
Ok, I got bored, so I changed Boram's traits, instead of criminal (+1 disable device) I changed it to River Rat (Marsh or River) - +1 bonus to damage dealt with a dagger and a +1 bonus to Swim checks. Swim becomes a class skill.
Edit: Sorry guys, I couldn't resist the urge

brvheart |

River rat? That would fit the area. There is a major river some 15 miles to the east which would be the means of transportation to and from the area. I am sure there are some small towns along it close:)

Bharaz Silverhelm |

Took off the template for Bharaz’s Elemental. It now has heavy armor proficiency and it carries a spear. It is....ok at fighting (Spear: +7 and 1d8+10 / Slam: +2 and 1d6+7) Two attacks are nice, and it hits hard. But more importantly, with AC26 Spell Resistance 11, DR-5/evil, and Cold/Acid/Electricity Resist 10, it’s an amazing tank.