Robert Henry |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I began playing pathfinder four and a half years ago here on-line. It has been a wonderful time but I believe that journey has ran its course and come to an end. I am in a dozen games and I feel that those I have been playing with deserve an explanation for my decision to leave the games at this time.
When I started playing I was working nights; alone, bored and able to post for several hours a day. Posting at work was the perfect opportunity to be involved with others and create together. I was able to check the games regularly from home as well, due to fewer responsibilities at that time.
In October I left that job and have started working at a call center where I am talking to people all day long. Not only has my ‘posting time’ been cut to almost nothing. But the time I spend communicating with others has increased exponentially. Also, my RL responsibilities have increased significantly. Both mine and my wife’s mothers have been diagnosed with dementia and we spend a couple hours a day caring for them.
My posts have become shallow, my characters one dimensional. I am not happy with how I am playing, nor with what I am getting accomplished in RL with what little ‘down time’ I have. I appreciate the stories we have shared together. I know the games will continue, I will read along when I can. I wish everyone good luck and a good year.
Hey brv, I'm glad your better and I hate bailing on you again. But I know you'll understand there are things that have to get done. It's been a fun ride. I miss the days of nothing better to do than post five or six times a day; Elathras dragging the party through a dungeoun, good times, eh?
Helikon, Felicitas was in my very first game with the Tengu, Ting. It's been fun, thanks.
Xunal, it's been a great time in all these games with brv, I hope things are going well for you.

Cayugo Silverspear |

Best of luck to you Robert! I hope 2019 is good to you.

brvheart |

I understand Robert. I suffered through both my father's and mother's alzheimer's including taking care of my mother through the end. Best of luck and feel free to keep in touch:)
Bharaz, we will have to see what we can work out if you continue to have problems with Roll20.

Úrtnechech |

Hi, Everyone!
First off, apologies for leaving anyone in the lurch by my weeks-long absence. Unfortunately, it’s my turn for that “real life” stuff to get in the way of all my fun. *sigh*
Between the time spent on my studies and other commitments, I simply have neither the energy nor the wherewithal to carry on with role-playing. Sadly, this means that I have to take a hiatus from role-playing. A real shame, as it is one of my favorite pastimes. I sat down and had a good think about it, but this is for the best, as my studies have to come first.
Playing with everyone here has been a pleasure. I always enjoyed seeing how the stories we collaborated on in the RPG environment move along nicely. It has been a pleasure and an honor playing with everyone here. I wish I was able to continue, but it would be profoundly unfair to everyone else (players and GM) if I could only commit to a sporadic appearance at best.
As the Romans would say: “Valete!” (all of you be strong/be well/farewell)
PS: @ brvheart free to bot Úrtnechech as you see fit until someone else can fill my shoes.

Cayugo Silverspear |

I just found out there's actually a Company of The Silver Spear outlined in Bard's Gate. This is complete coincidence! But it gives me some background information to better develop Cayugo.

Cayugo Silverspear |

I've logged 16,600.

Cayugo Silverspear |

Apologies, I am slammed at work and have house guests. Please bot me as needed this week. I'll generally try to keep folks alive.

Cayugo Silverspear |

Apologies, I'm having an extremely busy work week and am having trouble finding a chance to sit down and post. Please bot me as needed, thank you!

brvheart |

Understood, I kind of lost a week or so myself and we are still waiting on Bharak.

brvheart |

We may have lost Bharaz, which puts us down to three players all.

Cayugo Silverspear |

Damnable reality is getting in the way of gaming! I apologize, but I need to cut back, and unfortunately need to withdraw from this game. Thanks to players and the GM, it was a fun ride while it lasted.

pi4t |

pi4t wrote:It looks good, go ahead and join discussion when ready:)I decided to make my character using Myth-weavers. I can always move her to some other format if that's preferred.
Ariane Wald, archer-cleric of Freya.
I technically spent slightly more than half my WBL on my bow, so I've given it a name and tied it into my backstory to acknowledge its significance.
Should I make the character in the Paizo forums in some way, in order to post properly as my character? How do I do that? Sorry for the newb-ish question: I haven't played a PbP game on the Paizo forum before and can't seem to figure out how to get it to work.

Pixie Rogue |

pi4t: Under "My Account" in the menu at upper right, you should find "Account Settings" - select that and look for the "Messageboard Aliases" box. At the bottom of that box, look for a "Create New Alias" button to create a new alias that you can use for posting to the message boards.
Once that has been created and saved, you should have an option to create a profile which is where you could put character information. That information is accessible by clicking on the avatar or name of the alias when you make a post or through the account settings like I described above. If you click on Tobold Cotton, above, you can see his profile. If you click on your own, you will see the same thing, but you will also have an "Edit" option to apply updates to.
Hope that helps!

Dalgrym Oakenshield |

First of all, thanks for letting me join the game! It looks like y'all have a good group going here that has been going for a while. I'm glad i can help keep it alive.
Dalgrym here is a frontliner. He is a "sword and board" guy and you should think of him as more of a Fighter than a Slayer. Part of me hopes the GM might led me trade out sneak attack for something more oriented towards durability. I don't envision Dalgrym as a tank per se, not in the MMO sense, but when you think of someone that gets hit with a ton of bricks and just keeps going... That's Dalgrym. As a side note, his shield is almost more of a primary weapon than his longsword, as with the shield master feat it is easier to enchant and doesn't suffer TWF penalties when he shield bashes with it.
When it comes up, there is a Bot Me! spoiler at the bottom of this profile with botting instructions.
I'm not super familiar with the setting, so if anyone has a summary of the regions dwarves come from + the regions we've been playing in, maybe with a touch of history, I would love that. If not, no big deal.
Similarly, can anyone give me a rundown of what our particular set of quests are and where we are in them? I understand we're trying to piece together a holy relic to eventually use against The Big Bad?

Ariane Wald |

Pixie Rogue: Thanks. Ariane now has a completed profile! It's mostly just a copy-paste of stuff from the mythweavers character sheet at present, though, and the latter has more detailed information.
Ariane is a classic archer-cleric. She can fight in melee, but is at her best when she's hanging back and raining down arrows on the enemies/buffing the rest of the party. Her default spell selection tends more towards utility at the moment, although obviously as a cleric she can change that very easily. Her bow, which is rather powerful for this level, has a name and some personal value to her - I'm hoping there will be time to enchant it further while travelling between different locations during the game.
She also has an animal companion - a wolf named Freki. Unsurprisingly, he's more of a melee-er, with a focus on flanking and using combat maneuvers.
Edit: Argh. I just took about an hour writing up botting instructions on my profile, and the forum ate them.
Also, brvheart: I believe I'm still waiting for an answer regarding the Northlands language? Is it just Common still, and if not, is it going to feature in the campaign at all? I'm asking because Ariane would definitely know it for backstory reasons. If it's not likely to come up during the campaign at all, would you consider it reasonable to let me learn the language without spending a point in linguistics?

brvheart |

The Northlands are distant from the centers of civilization in
the world, and the natives speak their own languages. Those who
venture abroad know the common trade tongue of Westerling,
but in day-to-day life the Northlanders speak their own language,
Nørsk. The written form of Nørsk is Runic, and must be learned
as a separate language.

Pixie Rogue |

pi4t: My pleasure, glad to be of assistance.
Roylenna has been described in the recruitment thread. Her build still has definite potential to be a work-in-progress. I'm open to suggestions from the party - as you can tell, I'm not worried about optimization. I'm fine with being a one-trick pony, especially when it's a really good trick, but I think she probably needs to be a bit more versatile than currently designed.
For example, looking at the life link, I am torn between thinking it's going to be a very cool way to support my allies and thinking that it's quickly going to lead to the Roylenna's death if she's taking damage from several allies at once. I could switch life link to be my wandering hex and use something else as a primary hex, allowing me to pick up life link on a day, but not be held to it every day. Thoughts?
I'm liking the idea of Ariane's buffing allies and being a secondary healer, especially if Roylenna is using life link and gets in over her head. Is that acceptable to Ariane?
I'm seeing her role as healer (obviously) and possible ranged combatant, less buffing and basically non-existent melee combatant.
Funny thing: Her spirit animal is her size. There is a feat in the system that would allow her to use it as a mount. It made me chuckle.

Dalgrym Oakenshield |

Life Link is the very best healing option in the game. It pairs wonderfully with the Paladin's Lay on Hands, but I imagine it still works well with plain-jane Life Oracle. You can cast cure spells of any level, so just keep yourself topped off at around 20hp below your max. Consider picking up a metamagic feat (or a rod) to let you cast cure spells as a swift action so you can still do something else useful on the turns you heal. Don't get me wrong, healing is very useful to the team BUT it might not be that fun for you if many of your turns end up being "I cast Cure X Wounds on myself and take a move action." The Life Oracle has a cool ability that lets her turn into a being of light and pass through people to heal them, or spend a move action to stand still and heal yourself. But it looks like that's not on the list of Life Shaman hexes. That Enhanced Cures Hex should start being worthwhile in a few levels as well.
Don't forget you can end Life Link as an Immediate Action if you "get in over your head" :)
Source: I have a level 9 Oradin (Paladin/Oracle 5/4) that I have been playing in PFS for 5 years.

Ariane Wald |

I'm liking the idea of Ariane's buffing allies and being a secondary healer, especially if Roylenna is using life link and gets in over her head. Is that acceptable to Ariane?
I'm seeing her role as healer (obviously) and possible ranged combatant, less buffing and basically non-existent melee combatant.
If you're OK with focussing mostly on healing, that's fine by me. When I saw your plans for Roylenna, I kind of focussed on the archery at the expense of some of Ariane's healing potential.
As Dalgrym points out, you might find it a bit dull if that's all you're doing. If your spirit animal is like an animal companion and can contribute effectively in combat in its own right that will reduce the effect a lot, though. You might also want to consider making Roylenna a secondary buffer, since healing is often not needed in the first rounds of a combat and it's useful to have something else productive to do. But it's up to you, and since we're both playing prepared casters we can always swap things around a bit if we need to.
Source: One of my favourite PCs is a halfling healer using the Spheres of Power system, who is unable to do any offensive combat at all due to a curse but has a powerful draconic companion.

Pixie Rogue |

Thanks, folks. I’m sure I will find interesting things to do. I just don’t want to have put myself in a position where my ‘sweet spot’ ability kills me. I’m interested in playing with the wandering spirit and wandering hex, so my abilities might vary a bit from day to day just so I can try them out.
I don’t know that I have an option for a melee-useful spirit animal, but I will look. Maybe just something more mobile for delivery of touch healing might be better than my original rat, which turned out to be much larger than I had expected when I went looking in HL.

brvheart |

Yes, level six and the two existing characters need to level up to six also. I have one more that may be coming who played in my RA game.
WBL for level six.

Roylenna Flamefoot |

There's still work to do, but Roylenna's alias is at least built. Still looking for advice on languages and need to go shopping (other than my sling staff).

Roylenna Flamefoot |

I will be at a conference for work next week (M-F) with very limited time to post. There should be a Bot Me spoiler in my profile (please let me know ASAP if it is missing or empty) that you can use to bot me if any actions are waiting on me.
Clever! I can see it!

Roylenna Flamefoot |

There's still work to do, but Roylenna's alias is at least built. Still looking for advice on languages and need to go shopping (other than my sling staff).
This little girl's finally gone shopping! She's not 100% kitted out for the trail, but weapon, armor, magic and basic sundries are done. Expecting to spend what's little is left or combine it with allies' funds for party-related items. (I did not pick up a CLW wand but would be happy to put the remainder of my funds toward such a purchase if others in the party want to throw money in the kitty.)
Took Elven and Gnome as her bonus languages.
And I'm not proud - if you see an error or lapse in judgment in the build, I'm happy to consider your suggestions.

Roylenna Flamefoot |

I get lesser restoration automatically once each day through my spirit magic, for whatever that’s worth. I can’t afford a wand myself, I’m just saying I’m happy to contribute to a party resource like that.

brvheart |

I have not heard back from him so I will get started again when everyone is ready.