Lost Lands Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master brvheart

This will be a sandbox campaign in the Frog God Games Lost Land Setting.

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maimed but not dead, that's very reasonable, seems like dumping "bardic knowledge" may not have been my smartest move...oh well ;)

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Oh, plenty of people still die in my campaigns!

Male Half-Elf Rogue (inactive)

It wouldn't be challenging, or fun, if characters couldn't die. Of course it still kind of sucks when a character dies. But it's a risky business, this adventuring lark!

Male Human Cleric 2
Combat Stats:
| *8/14 HP [AC:13 T:11 FF:12] [Perc +6] [F+4/R+1/W+4] [CMB +1] [CMD 12] [INIT +1]

If Cyrus dies, I am just going to make a simple board and sword fighter for his replacement. :)

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

It was DC15 for 3.5, is DC10 too easy?

Male Human Cleric 2
Combat Stats:
| *8/14 HP [AC:13 T:11 FF:12] [Perc +6] [F+4/R+1/W+4] [CMB +1] [CMD 12] [INIT +1]

I don't think it is too easy, as at this point I vote for taking 10/20 to all writing we find down here. As Cyrus will try to keep linking anything he can with his limited Knowledge (Religion), which is going to get creative RPing since I didn't think he would be using that skill too much initially. :)

Losing Bardic Knowledge initially may hurt us some, but I am sure we will be able to put our collective skills together, plus usage of spells, to make it work.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

It is only a DC11 and retry is allowed. He has a +5. I don't want to make it automatic.

Male Human Cleric 2
Combat Stats:
| *8/14 HP [AC:13 T:11 FF:12] [Perc +6] [F+4/R+1/W+4] [CMB +1] [CMD 12] [INIT +1]

Can I bank that Init 20 and just take a lowly 5 instead. :)

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Lol! Yeah, if I can bank the 18!

On another note, I just lost a player in my Razor Coast game due to RL getting in the way. We will be recruiting another player so wanted to give my current players here a first shot. It is 7th level at current and is in another part of the Lost Lands. Razor Coast is largely sea based, although they have yet to get on a ship! Think Port Royal in Hawaii with the British subduing the native population and treating them as virtual slaves. I have two Tulita in the group now. The group is a bard smuggler, a swashbuckler, scrimshaw wizard, a barbarian/fighter and a cleric/warpriest. Looking for one to fit in. It is a rather chaotic bunch! Well, all but the cleric and she is crazy!

I've got a Viking fighter I would love to put back in a game, will work on him in the morning, whats the GP total and amount spent on one item again? Character is Ivar, he's at fourth level I will bump him to 7

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

I was using 20,000 GP, but they just got a huge cache of Alchemist Fire they can sell so I think I can raise it back to WBL at 23,000 no more than 20% on any one item. Firearms are common here, but only flintlocks making them very cheap almost disposable. I use A Brace of Pistols as one of my sources. You had to have come down from the Northlands with Aurora, the cleric. She is Ulfen deity Falkenjagger.

Male Human Cleric 2
Combat Stats:
| *8/14 HP [AC:13 T:11 FF:12] [Perc +6] [F+4/R+1/W+4] [CMB +1] [CMD 12] [INIT +1]

Can we attempt a perception check to see the moving shadow that went after Hagrym? Or is that a for him only event?

Side note, anyone else think A) with all these critters coming after us either the others are dead, in which we better be really sharp really quick or B) they are churning up some dark voodoo somewhere in here, in which we be better be really sharp really quick. :)

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Now that it attacked everyone should be able to see it. I noted your perception earlier as it was lurking in the hallway. You had a chance to spot it.

Male Human Cleric 2
Combat Stats:
| *8/14 HP [AC:13 T:11 FF:12] [Perc +6] [F+4/R+1/W+4] [CMB +1] [CMD 12] [INIT +1]

Except the dice roll was full of fail. :)

Male Human Cleric 2
Combat Stats:
| *8/14 HP [AC:13 T:11 FF:12] [Perc +6] [F+4/R+1/W+4] [CMB +1] [CMD 12] [INIT +1]

And now I am suddenly a Perception machine.

male human evoker 5 (human)(human) Init +2; AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex) hp23 (1d6+2) Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 Speed 30 ft.- Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 13 Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 14 - Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 1)

ATTACK: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 71d3 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2 This is a dice expression.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Please post this in gameplay next time please.

Male Half-Elf Rogue (inactive)

Three more zombies? Oh goody!

We're rough and we're tough and we can't get enough (apparently)!

Welcome to the club. In which city do you seek a new home. We have gotten a new law concerning real estate agents and we have in the whole are 3 houses and 4 flats and all either to big = to expensive or just rotten

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Last group of zombies at least. I promise! Where are you all at? My mother-in-law has a bunch of those also Helikon.

Male Human Cleric 2
Combat Stats:
| *8/14 HP [AC:13 T:11 FF:12] [Perc +6] [F+4/R+1/W+4] [CMB +1] [CMD 12] [INIT +1]

We are looking at houses in/around the Boston area. Been a slow real estate season with all of the snow, but here is hoping it vets better.

Munich Germany. They made a new law that now real estate agent have to be paid by the property owner. And they would like the new renters to pay it. We visited a new home project and they wanted round about $ 800.000 for a round about 100 squaremeters and a garden the size of an oversized blanket. And I mean a tiny house. Best part is, I was talking to my bank agent and he told me the bank can only offer roundabout 600.000 as a loan.
They are darn crazy here.

male human evoker 5 (human)(human) Init +2; AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex) hp23 (1d6+2) Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 Speed 30 ft.- Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 13 Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 14 - Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 1)

im also a vet. just built me a cabin here in Texas.
and have we rested yet for spells?

Male Dwarf
HP53/57, In+1 Perc +9 F+6 R+5 W+3 AC19 FF18 T11 Darkvision, 20 ft
Ranger 6

Veteran or vetinarian?

M Dwarf Cleric (Warpriest) of Torag 2/Medic | LG | HP: 32/32 | AC 19 | speed: 15 | F+9, R+5, W+10 | Resistances: Poison 1 | Perc +8 |Darkvision 60’

"I don't eat meat, cause I'm a veterinarian."

Male Dwarf
HP53/57, In+1 Perc +9 F+6 R+5 W+3 AC19 FF18 T11 Darkvision, 20 ft
Ranger 6

I admit I was to lazy to look the word up in the dictionary... folks do not forget my first language is not english

M Dwarf Cleric (Warpriest) of Torag 2/Medic | LG | HP: 32/32 | AC 19 | speed: 15 | F+9, R+5, W+10 | Resistances: Poison 1 | Perc +8 |Darkvision 60’

I wasn't making fun. There was a commercial in the US that had that tag line several years ago and it always cracked me up. No offense meant.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Sorry Ulfgard, he is a retired military veteran. Your english is much better than my german! Wie geht es heute tag?

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

I spent some time in Munich back in '77 on a European Studies trip in college. Beautiful place:) There was a woman who owned a restaurant here until she passed recently that was also from there. Some of the best German food.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map
Helikon wrote:

Munich Germany. They made a new law that now real estate agent have to be paid by the property owner. And they would like the new renters to pay it. We visited a new home project and they wanted round about $ 800.000 for a round about 100 squaremeters and a garden the size of an oversized blanket. And I mean a tiny house. Best part is, I was talking to my bank agent and he told me the bank can only offer roundabout 600.000 as a loan.

They are darn crazy here.

We think in square feet here so I had to google the conversion, 1076. That is small. My house is 2700 sq ft and is worth about 180,000. We just refinanced in January.

Crazy or? I once thought about emigrating to the states with my ex-wive. While buying real estate here is expensive as hell where we life... in the states it would be affordable. Living in the countryside is much cheaper, but what you save in real estate you pay in the form of a second car and gas.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

I wanted to move out to the country myself but we tried to sell during the real estate bust. We live in the city limits here so my wife's drive to work is no more than 15 miles. It's just that our cost/standard of living is low here in San Antonio compared to most places in the US.

Male Dwarf
HP53/57, In+1 Perc +9 F+6 R+5 W+3 AC19 FF18 T11 Darkvision, 20 ft
Ranger 6

But at least you have not be afraid of snow ;-)
I spend a year in houston texas as an exchange student. Real estate is a bit more affordable in texas, so I have heard and a heating system rarely needed.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Oh, I grew up in Chicago so I know what snow is! We averaged 69" a year and I lived on the northern suburbs where we got about 20% more than that.

Male Human Cleric 2
Combat Stats:
| *8/14 HP [AC:13 T:11 FF:12] [Perc +6] [F+4/R+1/W+4] [CMB +1] [CMD 12] [INIT +1]

Sorry all, but between mass, house views, bathing the baby after the great mashed potato massacre of March and finally putting her to bed, it has been a long day.

Posting soon, but channeled healing burst when I move closer.

Lucky how many healing bursts do you have? Naomi was going to heal Ulfgard next, I think he is the only one injured now. If you have few healing bursts save them for more injured, if you want to.

Male Human Cleric 2
Combat Stats:
| *8/14 HP [AC:13 T:11 FF:12] [Perc +6] [F+4/R+1/W+4] [CMB +1] [CMD 12] [INIT +1]

I have a total of 5x per day, so I am at 4x left. I don't mind holding onto them, especially since this round I would still be short of movement to get to him since I was greater than 30' away.

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Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

FYI, Greg Vaughan posted up 46 of the more common deities of the area so i am sharing them with you.

Male Dwarf
HP53/57, In+1 Perc +9 F+6 R+5 W+3 AC19 FF18 T11 Darkvision, 20 ft
Ranger 6

Lucky how old isyours... our baby girl was born first of august.

Male Human Cleric 2
Combat Stats:
| *8/14 HP [AC:13 T:11 FF:12] [Perc +6] [F+4/R+1/W+4] [CMB +1] [CMD 12] [INIT +1]

I have a 13 yr old, who is firmly addicted to gaming and loves dwarves, who lives with his mom that I get for the summer and my daughter is 13 months.

I have told the wife that after she hits 2, we are no longer doing the age by month count. Lol

Male Dwarf
HP53/57, In+1 Perc +9 F+6 R+5 W+3 AC19 FF18 T11 Darkvision, 20 ft
Ranger 6


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I don't understand, my oldest turns 378 months in 7 days...

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Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Lol Naomi! I guess that makes my daughter 358 months in 5 days....

Sorry, I take my chemo on Sunday nights so let me get some coffee in me then I will get to gameplay.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

For those interested in what is upcoming from Frog God Games:
Frog God 2015 Previews
Caution, may contain spoilers!

M Dwarf Cleric (Warpriest) of Torag 2/Medic | LG | HP: 32/32 | AC 19 | speed: 15 | F+9, R+5, W+10 | Resistances: Poison 1 | Perc +8 |Darkvision 60’

I read that thread all the time. If they get all those products out this year, I won't have a penny left, lol.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

I know the feeling Hagrym!

Male Human Cleric 2
Combat Stats:
| *8/14 HP [AC:13 T:11 FF:12] [Perc +6] [F+4/R+1/W+4] [CMB +1] [CMD 12] [INIT +1]

No power. I hopefully will be able to get a post out in the morning.

Male Human Cleric 2
Combat Stats:
| *8/14 HP [AC:13 T:11 FF:12] [Perc +6] [F+4/R+1/W+4] [CMB +1] [CMD 12] [INIT +1]

Sorry for the abruptness of that last message, but we were hit by a rough windstorm last night and it knocked over a tree in the neighbor's yard. This in turn knocked out the power until 0300 this morning when they were finally able to repair the extensive damage to the power lines around the impact spot and beyond.

Having two elderly in-laws and an infant to worry about with no heat made the night very stressful.

{Moving to happier topics}

Heading over to make a post now, but I never got a chance to search the body of ghoul #1 which I had wanted to do before getting RL sidetracked. Is it ok if I make a phased post adding that action in before re-advancing time to the current battle?

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Sure, no problem:)

male human evoker 5 (human)(human) Init +2; AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex) hp23 (1d6+2) Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 Speed 30 ft.- Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 13 Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 14 - Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 1)


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