Lords of Creation

Game Master stringburka

Deities creating a new world where the old was destroyed.

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In the grand war of the gods, all of creation was destroyed. In the void after the world, a few survivors try to find meaning in the nothingness, creating a something; a newness; a second existence.

Divine Ranks:

Divine Ranks
Rank Name__________AP__Domains Abilities__Decrees
Fledgling Deity____4_____2__________1__________1
Lesser Deity_______5_____4__________2__________1
Intermediate Deity_6_____6__________3__________2
Greater Deity______7_____8__________4__________2
Elder Deity________8_____11_________5__________3

Rank Name: Self explanatory.
Weekly AP: How much AP your God gets each rollover.
Max Abilities: The maximum number of Abilities your God can have.
Cosmic Decrees: The maximum number of Cosmic Decrees your God can make. Make them wisely!

Players start as fledgling deities with 15 AP and they accumulate AP each rollover according to their rank.
Players may only accumulate a maximum of 30 AP at any one time, any gained over this limit is lost.
Rollover occurs on Mondays at 05:00 pm EST.

Rules of the Game:

Most of the rules may be bypassed with the agreement of both parties. Sometimes dice just get in the way of the final epic duel.

1 - You can't do something huge to someone else's god without consent, or at least discussion. Examples would be killing another god, wiping out an entire civilization randomly, or otherwise tearing down the star of their work.

2 - Gods that slumber for millennia cease to exist – they become mere dreams and lore, stories that may have been. In game play terms that means that a God that is inactive for 3 weeks ceases to exist – yet everything that deity created remains to continue the story. Remaining gods may target the remaining creations without the absent player’s permission.

3 - Only Fledgling and Lesser Gods can walk the Plane, and only Fledgling, Lesser, Intermediate, and Greater Gods can influence the Material Plane. Elder Gods are so powerful that them trying to affect the material plane would be like a human trying to strip the electrons off an atom. Any god may take the Cloaked in Wanderlust ability to ignore this rule completely.

4 - We know we can't think of everything, so if you have an idea for a Relic, Artifact, Ability, Monument, or anything, that isn't covered by these rules, ask! And before you hand down a cosmic decree, if for any reason you think it MIGHT be controversial, or overpowered, or you are in general unsure... ASK A MOD!

5 - Godmodding is not allowed, however ironic it may seem. I define it as 'Acting as another character or his creations without permission, or otherwise doing something without letting the other characters at the scene react.

6 - A God may be in multiple places at once. To do this, they create a "Shard" of their own divinity, and send it off. A god may only have as many shards as his rank allows. 1 Shard for Fledgling, 2 for Lesser, 3 for Intermediate, 4 for Greater, and 5 for Elder. These shards are in addition to the god's original body.

7 - Gods do NOT know when another god uses their power unless the AP spent directly affects them or their creations. An exception to this rule is the Creation of a Plane, or a Cosmic Decree. Gods will automatically know when these happen.

8 - The following things are not allowed, regardless of mutual agreement: Sexual violence; sexist/racist/homophobic/transphobic etc slurs; excessive, unnecessary gore; and breaking the forum rules.


It is important to understand that this is not a 'God Campaign' but a form of collaborative storytelling and world-building. If your objective is to create a god simply to show off how great you are at other players’ expense, then this is not the game for you.

- Gods are not omnipotent.
While you are playing a deity, you should not forget that you are still one of many. There are limits on what a god is capable of.

- Gods are not omniscient.
A deity is limited to what information they can gather through observation or intelligence, just as any powerful being. They are generally assumed to be able to be able find and observe anything on the Material that they wish, but they can still be surprised or caught unawares by things they aren’t paying attention to. A special note here is that things related to a god's domain allow them a vague and general sense of that element but not enough to gather specific details.

- Godmodding is to be avoided
For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, godmodding is, in short, assuming control of another player's characters or creations. In a game of this scale, sometimes it can be impossible to entirely avoid godmodding, but it should be kept to a minimum whenever possible. Remember, planning ahead with other players is the best way to avoid godmodding!

- You are not ‘invulnerable’.
Although many actions in LoC are unable to be completely destroyed by another, simply smugly saying “they get better” is not a means of making you invulnerable. All it does is alienate you from your fellow players and make them inclined to ignore you.

- Consider your fellow players.
You are not the only person trying to establish characters and write a story – everyone has their own plots and plans. Interaction between players is actively encouraged, but simply harassing them is not. Just as ignoring a player’s attacks on your own creations is frowned upon, repeatedly assaulting a player’s creations with no real purpose other than to keep them from playing is griefing, and will not be tolerated.

- Time is flexible
Time to a god's eyes is not the same as that of a mortal's eyes. In essence, there is no “standardized” timeline. Rollovers do not necessarily represent any specific span of time. There have been some instances where mere hours pass IC in one RL week and others where centuries pass in a single post. Stay flexible.

- Communication, communication, communication!
You cannot be too open. The more you plan with other players, the smoother the game gets. Surprising people can be fun, but people can’t work with you if they don’t know what you’re up to. Using the OOC thread or other communication helps a lot.

- Respect the MODs
The MODs of this LoC are here to help the players, not bully them. We oversee all the details it takes to keep this game running from maintaining the roster and world map to rules arbitration and catching cheaters. If we ask for your cooperation as MODs, please give it to us.

- Keep the OOC clean
If you have an issue with something or someone, do not go to the OOC to cry/whine or make a big issue out of it. That's the whole reason the MODs were picked. To keep conflicts out of the OOC. They make the atmosphere oppressive, they make things less fun, and generally unpleasant and maybe even make the arguments larger than they need be. So if you do have a complaint, either PM the offending party or ask a MOD to mediate on the issue. If you have a problem with a MOD, or have a reason to distrust a MOD, simply send the message to another MOD.

- Spoiler your Quotes!
Sometimes you can't help but quote another player's post, in these situations, we ask that you spoiler the Quoted parts, to make it easier for everyone to read.


Here are a couple tips that can help you get established in the game world and set you on the right track.
1. Simply by merit of your god’s origin, you should have a connection to at least one other deity in your progenitor. Not only is having an ally useful in game terms, but writing tends to be much easier with a partner (or enemy) or two.
2. Early on, be careful to set yourself up with something to do between rollovers. It is boring to end up blowing all your starting ap on something and then not being able to do stuff for a week. Try to create something permanent and lasting you can rp with in the mortal realm to combat this problem.
3. Don’t create too many Hero’s or mortal characters – it’s hard to keep track of them all and rp them as individuals.

Reposting my updated sheet.

Name: Melehan, Warden of the Dead, The Final Arbiter, The Argent Sovereign
Played By: Archpaladin Zousha
Domains (Portfolios): Death (Afterlife, Funerals, Repose), Law (Consequence, Justice)
Theme: Paladin God of the Underworld
Alignment: Lawful Good
Attack: 3d6
Defense: 4d6
HP: 30
Description: A noble warrior thrust into the role of a king, Melehan appears as a tall and slim humanoid with wiry muscles and icy-blue eyes, clad in silvery armor and bearing a shining sword. He also may take the appearance of various birds and animals, especially bears and carrion birds, who are regarded as his heralds.

Melehan is a benevolent but firm deity, seeking to provide succor and comfort to the virtuous dead and strike fear into the souls of the wicked. While aware that death is dispassionate and plays no favorites, death is never the end, and that when a soul stands before him, regardless of what brought it to him, he can see its life entire, and thus knows what it deserves. All are equal before him, and he rewards and punishes as his laws command. Even the unquiet dead do not truly anger him, for he knows many of them seek justice they were denied in life, and thus does his best to ease their pain so they move on willingly. Those who refuse, however, and those who attempt to break the barrier between life and death, suffer the full force of his wrath.

Once, Melehan was a minor deity, tasked with guarding the souls of the dead and destroying the foul undead that would rise and torment the living. When the war came, his master, the god of death, was at the forefront of the battles, for death must always follow war, and none can stand against it...or so all believed. Melehan watched in horror as creation burned, the underworld was torn asunder, and even death died. Knowing that even as he barely escaped destruction himself and floated through the void, the souls of the dead, mortal and god alike, would need to go somewhere, he began preparations to take his master's place. For death may die...but never for long...

Going to repost my sheet here too when i get home. Melehan, perhaps we should.be old acquaintances? We both have kind of a bleak but protecting theme, Oenar being the protector of those that freezes or get lost in the snow and you being the warden of the dead. I'm thinking perhaps I have brought you those that perish in the ice, and that our relationship would be respectful, though not really personally friendly?

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Further thought about my concept and I think it's quite fleshed out in the eastern philosophy of Zen as opposed to Nihilism. I've changed one domain to reflect that better.


Name: Nihil (The Void, The Silent, The Empty, The Less Than Nothing)
Played By: rashly5
Domains (Portfolios): Void (Nothing), Mind (Enlightenment)
Theme: Watcher God (The Abstract Nothing)
Alignment: Neutral
Attack: 4d6
Defense: 4d6
HP: 20
Description: They were infinite in their insignificance. When the war raged, The Silent did nothing. The Void let itself be known by not revealing itself, darting away from others and those that were to come, appearing only in its absence.

When the war ended, and existence collapsed, and the void came, there was nothing. The Less Than Nothing emerged from nowhere from the unnothing where he unwas.

But in the nothingness, there were others. Gods and fragments, survivors of the war.

All things are nothing. Nihil still was as it was, and watches.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

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I'm ready for Azdan's introduction as soon as you open the game thread. I think you'll like how he opens up.

Schweet! Remember though, that right now, there is nothing, nothing at all. Not like "just an empty plain" but more like "nothing physical, metaphysical or spiritual exists except us". No concepts, no light, no nothing. It's up to us to create! :D

Additionally, I'm the tour guide to the nothing!

By the by, how are we treating new gods? The rules state that any new gods will need to be created by an existing god, but there is always the another-survivor shtick where they just now re-awakened or re-emerged from wherever they were hiding.

If we go by the rules, I suggest that whoever is the new player talk it out with an existing god or whoever they want to create them. By default, I'd suggest one of the mods be the one to create new gods if the new player has no preference. Nihil would be fine in this position, creating out of nothing. Anyone re-emerging may also be greeted by Nihil if that is their preference.

Yidhra, sorry to say that Nihil will be rejecting your offer. He will be fully impartial, in no pantheon. The extra AP is tempting, but it just wouldn't fit with his theme.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

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Oh, I know, brah. That's what's so exciting. I'm going to get us started in style.

Nihil, The Empty wrote:

By the by, how are we treating new gods? The rules state that any new gods will need to be created by an existing god, but there is always the another-survivor shtick where they just now re-awakened or re-emerged from wherever they were hiding.

I guess in the beginning of the game, for the first month or so, that'd be the go-to version. After that, we'll see what happens and how often people are actually interested in joining the game - but if someone is interested and have a concept that is at least partially related to some other god, they could make up a plan on how to make it work story-wise.

If we go by the rules, I suggest that whoever is the new player talk it out with an existing god or whoever they want to create them. By default, I'd suggest one of the mods be the one to create new gods if the new player has no preference.

I think it'd be preferable if we kept our mod status separate from any in-game dealings, only considering it out of game. Often, I think creating a new god might be more like, creating a demigod that grows to full fledgling deity status as the player joins - and if the concept is somehow connected to an existing god, what would be more fitting? Say someone wanted to join as a god of beasts - then Oenar, the White Wolf, could bless a large wolf up to demigod status, the player later taking control of it as a proper god. Regardless of what god type they wanted to play, in many cases there should be a god that is somehow conceptually related to it.

M Human

A quick question, out of the gate, will someone need to drop the 5 AP to "weave" the material plain? Or is the 3 AP action forge land all that is required. I ask because I have no issue "creating the sandbox" that all of us gods play in, but I will use the AP for other things if I can.

maybe we should all "chip in" 1 ap to make the 5+ in total?

Well, the way I thought about it, the material plane is formed when we create stuff in it so to speak. That it's just the default state of existence. But I guess any way works :3

either was is fine. just spitballing. Seems like at the very least since we have a sun god, we should be able to see what we're doing =D

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

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I like that plan. Also, by way of doing that, we can contribute our piece to the new universe. My AP point will be spent describing the formless nothing we begin with, and then accepted players can begin from there. Cool?

Steven T. Helt wrote:
I like that plan. Also, by way of doing that, we can contribute our piece to the new universe. My AP point will be spent describing the formless nothing we begin with, and then accepted players can begin from there. Cool?

Seems good. Then you should probably make the first real post in the play thread.

M Human

Yay! Do we want aliases for this game BTW?

Bane88 wrote:
Yay! Do we want aliases for this game BTW?

You don't have to, but generally it's much easier to keep track of who's who that way.

Ilja wrote:
Going to repost my sheet here too when i get home. Melehan, perhaps we should.be old acquaintances? We both have kind of a bleak but protecting theme, Oenar being the protector of those that freezes or get lost in the snow and you being the warden of the dead. I'm thinking perhaps I have brought you those that perish in the ice, and that our relationship would be respectful, though not really personally friendly?

That works for me. Each god could have various psychopomps they use to send the dead under their purview to Melehan's judgment. And respectful, thought not really personally friendly is kind of how Melehan has to operate. After all, he's responsible for all mortal fates and has to remain fair-minded, not letting personal feelings get in the way of his judgments.

Let the Game Begin (and may the odds be always in your favor)

Azdan, you have the first word. After that, it's "free for all" so to speak.

Nihil, I saw this and that made me think of you.

By Aurelien Police.

Oh I hope Steven gets online soon because I wanna start playing Å_Å

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I spend one AP to support your hope that he will soon (j/k)

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Reposting profile~

Name: Yidhra
Played By: Rednal
Domains (Portfolios): Madness (Insanity, Nightmare), Void (Dark Tapestry, Stars)
Theme: Lovecraftian Goddess of Paradoxes
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Attack: 4d6
Defense: 3d6
HP: 30
Description: Yidhra is a perplexing deity, random and frequently doing things because they amuse her. Most of the things she does have a second side to them - gifts bring trouble, trouble brings fortune, mortals generally don't walk away from an encounter with her unchanged. Which is the point, really. She doesn't care if things are changing for the better or for worse; the point is that change is happening. Despite her madness, Yidhra is truly paradoxical - she's as orderly as she is chaotic, and a builder as much as a destroyer.
Intended Ability Gains: Inconceivable/Holy Benefactor/Grand Destroyer/Protean Lord (More-or-less in that order)
Mod? Yes - primarily as a neutral arbitrator when the other mods need one.

Fledgling Deity

Oh and here's mine:

Name: Oenar, the Winter, the Perfect Crystal, White Wolf
Played By: Ilja
Domains (Portfolios): Cold (Snow, Ice), Endurance (Survival)
Theme: Winter Goddess
Alignment: Neutral
Attack: 4d6
Defense: 2d6
HP: 40
Description: An old god by any measure, Oenar is known as the White Wolf. She is a being of snow crystals and frozen seas, creating solid order where the waves go high. She can take several shapes, but most often, she takes the shape of a muscular, broad humanoid with four arms, each ending in a wolves' head.

Much as the winter weather, she has a tempestuous mood, but she is kind at heart and rarely judgemental. She prefers things orderly, symmetrical and honest, and do not like being deceived. Oenar does not forgive easily, but neither is she vengeful; usually, she just stays away from those she feels has wronged her.

Oenar was never enthusiastic about the war, but as the forces of chaos stood upon the doorstep she nevertheless felt forced to act. As existance collapsed around her, she covered herself in a perfect ice crystal, so strong that it survived the end of the world. Now she is ready to awaken, and create something new...

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

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I'm in the sales field right now. I'll have that post around lunchtime.

Cause all the cool kids are doin it:

Character Info:

Name: Erande
Played By: Vrog
Domains (Portfolios): Glory, Liberation (Hope, Heroes, Epics)
Theme: Writer of the first epic
Alignment: Neutral Good
Attack: 1d6
Defense: 1d6
HP: 80
Description: Erande tends to take the appearance of either a young boy who inspires other youngsters to pretend to be heroes and go on adventures, or an old man warming his bones by a fire who tells grand tales of heroes of old. Good-hearted, he despises tyrants and uses heroes to see them toppled. Erande is also the god of the legendary journey (journey to the west or the lords of the rings style epic).

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Azdan looked around after flipping off the light on the universe and going to the bathroom, and noticed that someone had flipped the light back on while he was gone! didn't they know how expensive those things are? darned kids!

Sorry, couldn't help myself.

Ilja/Oenar, mind if I put a race on your continent? We need barbarians, cause barbarians love epics =D

Vrog Skyreaver wrote:
Ilja/Oenar, mind if I put a race on your continent? We need barbarians, cause barbarians love epics =D

As a player: Not at all! Feel free to do whatever you wish in regards to the continent :3

As a character: Not generally, but she will treat anyone within her dominion as her subject, and might interact with or alter them, or, should they not be respectful, oust them. In general I don't think there'll be an issue though; While she's neutral, she's far more towards good than evil though.

It probably helps that they're barbarians, and you're probably used to dealing with barbarians at this point (since they tend to be peoples of the frozen north, after all).

Fledgling Deity

Well we're off to a great start I feel!

Bane88, where is the land Aeon created in relation to the tundra and the southern continent? Are they connected?

So far, So good!

M Human
Oenar, the Winter wrote:

Well we're off to a great start I feel!

Bane88, where is the land Aeon created in relation to the tundra and the southern continent? Are they connected?

Probably on the other side of the world, if it is a round planet otherwise due west across the ocean of our flat world.

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Ilja wrote:

Nihil, I saw this and that made me think of you.

By Aurelien Police.


Melehan, this might be nitpicking, so you'll have to trust someone else for confirmation, but Create Concepts only apply to any race/organization/things you control. The rules are loosely defined but I think they're not universal, as opposed to a Cosmic Decree.

At the moment, only beings under your control would have a soul and would go the afterlife (unless other gods agree that their creations share your concept, and you agree to share the concept with them, but even that's not defined in the rules).

At the very least, I'd suggest making "All living beings have immortal souls" a cosmic decree, but it's up to you.

Heckuva confusing though. Only bringing this in now before conflict arises, so I'll have to ask everyone else to pitch in on what they think should happen regarding the extent of concepts.

Fledgling Deity

That seems correct rashly. And the same thing apölies to the mundane concept of death being scary. Personally (note personally, im not saying this is how it SHOULD be done), i think "cosmic decree - all mortal things have a soul that goes to the afterlife when the body dies" would be a fine decree. Thatd also only cost 5 ponts instead of 10. And death is scary, i personally feel thats something minor enough that it could be arbitrarily decided at no cost if one has the death domain. I mean, i dont feel like ii should have to spend points to say "ice is cold" or "humans freeze in snow"; thats decisions that i feel comes with a domain, unless overriding someone elses decisions.

Just my 2c.

That makes sense.

Also, whoops, I accidentally did two gain abilities. Edited my post to remove me gaining Elemental Mastery (Void) so I only have Crystal Seer now.

I'll do a lengthier post later when I have the time, just for Steven!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

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I wanted to instill to MORTALS that death is scary. And I just sort of assumed Melehan's concepts were essentially cosmic decrees. In truth, there's a lot of room for interpretation, and also a lot of undefined space. By this I mean stuff like my decree that mortals fear death. There's not really a rule for that, since it doesn't grant specific power or advantage to anyone.

Female Greater Deity Domains: Chaos (Love, Hate), Charm (Beauty), Art (Wonders), Sin (Lust, Pride), Dreams (Dreamland), Magic (rituals), Civilization (culture), Murder (ritual sacrifice)

Just edited my first post because ... well .. I was playing with other gods playthings teaching them things and leading them astray.

So to clarify... Know that Jezebelle is perfectly fine to share music painting sculpting and poetry with every god plaything.
Not beauty ... Jezebelle is willing to bless people with beauty if you accept that she will also mess up their lives.

Also ... I think the limitation on "concepts for your creations only" should be communal when pantheons will arise.

Female Greater Deity Domains: Chaos (Love, Hate), Charm (Beauty), Art (Wonders), Sin (Lust, Pride), Dreams (Dreamland), Magic (rituals), Civilization (culture), Murder (ritual sacrifice)

oh ... also..

deity recap:

Name: Jezebelle, our lady of passion, the eternal feminine
Played By: Scarletrose
Domains (portfolio): Chaos (love, hate), Charm (Lust, Beauty)
Theme: Hedonistic Primadonna
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Attack: 3d6
Defense: 5d6
HP: 2d6
She is commonly known as the patron of art, of women and of lovers. She is considered a jealous and mischievous goddess, prone to quick mood swings. She is known to inspire all sorts of emotions; Love, hate, desire, jealousy, friendship, rage, mercy, vengeance. Among her followers are hedonists, lovers and avengers.
While revered in many cultures her mutable personality birthed quite a different array of cults sometimes focusing on very different aspects of the goddess and prone to violent religious wars, some say to much amusement of their goddess.

Radiant Oath

Like I said, I wasn't sure what's leftover from the old cosmos and what isn't. If death still existed from the old world and afterlives and stuff, then I'll need to tweak my stuff.

Goblin Gunslinger "Ziggs"

Ooh :)
Looks like we got our first demi-god!
Welcome Empty!

Fledgling Deity

Huh, I understood Empty as just a more "physical" (can you call it that) representation of Nothingness.

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Shard, actually. (See #6 in the Rules.)

Radiant Oath

Sort of confused as to what Aeon's saying here. Does joining a pantheon mean that only the souls that worship us go to my afterlife? Because I was kind of intending it as a universal one, so unless we all become one big pantheon, I'm kind of nervous about joining any one, as by definition my realm's supposed to be a kind of neutral zone.

Female Greater Deity Domains: Chaos (Love, Hate), Charm (Beauty), Art (Wonders), Sin (Lust, Pride), Dreams (Dreamland), Magic (rituals), Civilization (culture), Murder (ritual sacrifice)
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Sort of confused as to what Aeon's saying here. Does joining a pantheon mean that only the souls that worship us go to my afterlife? Because I was kind of intending it as a universal one, so unless we all become one big pantheon, I'm kind of nervous about joining any one, as by definition my realm's supposed to be a kind of neutral zone.

I'm not sure that there is any dead in The Amaranthine at all at the moment.

You made all the preparations but you still need a cosmic decree "the souls of all the dead ends up in The Amaranthine."
the good news is, once you do it doesn't matter who's pantheon a soul worships, they will all fall there by cosmic decree.
At the moment I think you made sure people have souls, that there is a life after death and that there is a alternate plane called The Amaranthine, but for the moment is a land of the death in name only until you force the souls of the dead to gather there. and to do that,cosmi decree is the only way that comes to mind, and is also the most certain and hard to circumvent.

Remember as well that Pantheon can be as loosely or rigidly defined as we want. It has nothing to due with having power over people's places or who worships who or even who likes who. Nor is it necessarily being on the same side.

Take greek mythology. Zeus is the head of that pantheon, god of thunder, his brother Hades, god of the underworld, is a part of the pantheon but is ruler of his domain, and often at odds with his brother even an enemy.

In game, for every 3 gods in the pantheon, everyone who's in it gets an extra 1 AP per week. So it of course is up to you. Also nets you a combat bonus when fighting with members of your pantheon.

In Pathfinder, all the gods in core are part of the same pantheon even the CE ones.

I view it sort of as recognizing each other's Godhood and power. Once again, can't/won't force anyone to do anything they don't want to.

Female Greater Deity Domains: Chaos (Love, Hate), Charm (Beauty), Art (Wonders), Sin (Lust, Pride), Dreams (Dreamland), Magic (rituals), Civilization (culture), Murder (ritual sacrifice)

of course ... as a matter of fact I think that a pantheon in the traditional sense should have the most ample spectrum of gods possible rather than many similar ones.
If you look at real pantheons they tend to cover all part of human life... but it would be a lousy pantheon the one who has 5 gods of death and no god of farming.
But when it comes to the game I think that aside from the more mechanical bonus it should be a matter of style and theme.
For example, I don't think Jezebelle and Nihil or Yidhra are a great match for a pantheon. Not because they are opposite as a scope (and ultimately they are not) but they don't seem compatible cultures.
Yidhra is Lovecraftian, Nihil could be too..that or something akin to indian ascetism. But both seems to give a vibe of abstract existentialism, and I think they are a great match for each other in a pantheon.

Jezebelle is definitely the product of a more materialistic philosophy.
If I had to put her in a real culture it could be Greek or Babilonian.
I think she could enter a pantheon of gods that are more down to earth.
Classical pantheons with gods with a face a name a clear personality and myths about them.

Aside from that there is the played part. Jezebelle doesn't necessarily want to be the head of her pantheon. But before she commits she want to be sure to have her say in shaping it, and be sure that her pantheon would not be too one-sided towards the Law, order and virtue side of the scale. she's perfectly ok with entering a pantheon that challenge her ways, but not one that trumps them.

Radiant Oath

I suppose that's okay. I'll make that decree as soon as I have enough points for it, and the decree will include that those who are faithful to a particular deity to the exclusion of the others will be handed over to their patron, rather than receive the generic setup Melehan has planned (which will sort of be a purgatory-like setup. The souls will be allowed to ascend to greater happiness and understanding if they're willing to submit themselves to spiritual trials, and there's multiple ones for multiple levels, getting harder each time. Only the irredeemably evil and those who tamper with the natural order of life and death will be punished by Melehan. The idea would be that souls who truly dedicated themselves to a god in life have already succeeded at their trials, and thus can skip them in the afterlife and go straight to their deity's side.

Just sort of a rough outline right now, I'll refine it later. And if Jezebelle joins up, Melehan will too. He'll want to be in a position of an arbiter (taking that trait when I have enough points) and in a position where his judgments in disputes are at least respected, if not adhered to. Not necessarily in charge, but at least acknowledged that his word is final if he becomes involved. He's not going to impose on more chaotic deities, but he's going to want them to at least listen to him and his counsel.

Female Greater Deity Domains: Chaos (Love, Hate), Charm (Beauty), Art (Wonders), Sin (Lust, Pride), Dreams (Dreamland), Magic (rituals), Civilization (culture), Murder (ritual sacrifice)
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
And if Jezebelle joins up, Melehan will too. He'll want to be in a position of an arbiter (taking that trait when I have enough points) and in a position where his judgments in disputes are at least respected, if not adhered to. Not necessarily in charge, but at least acknowledged that his word is final if he becomes involved. He's not going to impose on more chaotic deities, but he's going to want them to at least listen to him and his counsel.

I think it mainly depends on Aeon.

As said in game, Jezebelle doesn't really have much interest in death and she is more than willing to leave matters of death to Melehan.
To cuddle her faithfuls after death is more a whim than a goal.
She will certainly give thought to Melehan counsel but ... it really depends on how things will develop.
As you may know, Hell has no fury like a woman scorned, and Jezebelle is not a simple woman, she is the feminine principle itself not to say the goddess who has hate in her portfolio.
So I can tell you what Jezebelle plans are right now and how she will probably be cooperative in a pantheon formed by you and Aeon... but should she feel wronged... having her listen to your counsel would be the last of your worries as I play her as the full extent of a vindictive b$&+!.

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