Jezebelle, our lady of passion |

I would like to hear from Ilja about this or I would feel like it's an Hostile takeover of some sort.
If he agrees to that I'm ok.
On Monkeygod entry.
I'm supporting it. I would also point out one thing.
He doesn't need to create the elves to be a god of the elves.
He just need to work with them.
Granted that there are so many possible elves variants that he can spend the first few week just making all the elves he needs.
But that reminds me ... if we are to make new rules on the game, I think that we should do one that allow someone with the appropriate domain and/or Portfolio to assume a certain degree of control of creations made by other gods that "invade" his portfolio.
For example... Erande should have some way beside fighting me or hoping that I share with him, to get my poetry concept.
That would also make domains and portfolios as something more than "you need 2 more for the next divine level" but would really be a sphere of influence.
And maybe a rule that allow you to contest someone else who is taking a domain you already have.

Nes, the Kingmaker |

All three mods approve and we are past Steve's deadline, so looks like you are good to go, Monkeygod =)
Jezebelle, I like the idea of Domains granting more concrete benefits than they do at present, so support your recommendation. Now, as discussed, Nes’ cosmic decree has made it so that Concepts have rules, but can be used by anyone who fits and acts within the rules (so Erande can use poetry, because as you say, that’d be weird if he can’t without fighting you).
Obviously there is talk of revamping the combat system, but other options for benefits could be as simple as a +1 Combat bonus if you have a domain associated with the Concept being employed or an AP discount on doing things associated with your domain.

Inner Heru |

I am aware that recruitment is closed but having finally read all you guys put up as of today you have my mind racing and I feel inspired.
So in order to get the noise out of my head and in hopes of remembered when you open your door again. I wanted to share.
Name: The Malakim, Sin Eater, The Wrath, The Unbound, The Cleansing
Played By: Inner Heru
Domains (Portfolios): Law (Jihad, Judgment) - Destruction (Ruination, Catastrophe)
Theme: Divine Retribution "Release the Kraken!"
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Attack: 4D6
Defense: 3D6
HP: 30
Description: Aquatic, Serpentine, Insectoid, Saurian, Humanoid would all just begin to describe what mortals would grasp as “The Wrath of Gods” falling upon them. Most often its vast riotous form is supported by four to six wicked leg-like limbs akin to a crustacean or insect. An elongated trunk gives the impression of a man’s upper body with two to four arms as well as never less than a pair of tendrils.
This “torso” sits akin to how a Drider’s would however instead of spider The Malakim tends toward lobster or scorpion body influences depending on environment. From the Arthropodic section that makes up its body, vast sail like ridged fins are set. At times they are replaced by wings in forms draconic, insectile or even avian.
The Unbound is crowned with never less than four heads adorned with plates or horns or ridges of some form. More often than not they spring from tendrils on its back or serpentine necks attached at its shoulders, always looking to places near and far, realms mortal and divine.
This should in no way be seen as proof of its bias against the forces of Chaos. The Wrath of Gods sees forces such as Entropy and Chaos as the foundations of Creation. While true that it rather Law over Chaos only the Divine Laws given unto Creation by The Gods and Creation itself is of concern to The Malakim.
The governing force of Law in its being is also no indication of behavior or mood. When about a grim task, wrath is the engine that drives it and a zealots flame is its blood. Barely contained rage as well as a sense of deep disappointment leak from its words. When at peace or rest The Unbound is still. It speaks in a measured manner weighed with the spirit of inevitability.
It is when The Divine Laws have been challenged or broken that The Cleansing is a terrible and nightmarish site to behold. A Divine instrument of punishment as well as a Cosmic force of cleansing that leaves nothing standing in its wake. No mercy. No hesitation. No negotiation. No survivors.

Inner Heru |

Yeah the current players have interesting Gods.
I catch myself reading it when bored or between my own games.
I've even started looking into how games on this site work. I am unsure of how to create an alias, if GM and Alias are different in what you need to create one or how to create a "page" for a game like this one with all the tabs.

![]() |

We are reopening the recruitment (which actually is never really closed)
if you want to join post an entry for a god. I thik i kinda am the only pseudo-mod still standing.
also... for all the players who used to play and got inactive. We are thinking about a general amnesty so you can keep your god from where you left him.

Chill Dude |

Hello, fellow players! I’ve followed this PbP with great excitement and joy. I would love to be a part of this divine pantheon of wonderful and interesting gods! If you would have me, here’s my application.
Name: Azrael, The Lord in Red
Played By: Chill Dude
Domains (Portfolios): Law(Tyranny, Slavery), Evil(Hell), Sin(Greed, Sloth, Envy), Fire, Outsiders(Devils), Magic(Infernal); Portfolios: Devils, Underdark, Fire Giants, Tyrants, Obsidian
Theme: Lord of Hell
Alignment: LE
Attack: 4d6
Defense: 3d6
HP: 30
Description: In every culture, when one speaks of a place beyond death, where wicked souls go to face their eternal punishment, overseen by a dark lord of fire and ash; one speaks of the realm of Azrael, The Lord in Red.
Azrael is the embodiment of hellish tyranny. His preferred form is that of an attractive, red skinned devil with a crown of black horns atop his head, draped in a loose fitting black robe.
Azrael represents law and civilization at its most ruthless, weeding out the weak and moral to ensure the survival of order. He lives through the desire for power over others, and the vile things people will do to obtain said power.
Azrael is a devilish god with a sense of humor. While he is bound by his laws, as is his nature, he easily finds loopholes within said laws and twists them to meet his own ends. He loves to toy with other deities’ creations, creating suitable opponents to test the champions of good.
Azrael has a long and spiteful history with most of the older gods of the pantheon, being the younger of the first gods; he always had a chip on his shoulder. However he is bound by his rules, and thus never makes open conflict with anyone, preferring to influence the mortal plane and bother his brothers and sisters’ creations with his own servants. However, Azrael can be a sociable deity, and enjoys conversation with other deities. He tends to interact with more lawful gods, as chaotic gods are little more than wild beasts to him.
Mod?: Nah
Let me know if i got anything wrong with my stats, I am very VERY new to this system. Thanks, and happy gaming!

Chill Dude |

well.. you have way too many domains for a starting god. Everyone starts with two, the others you build them up in game by spending 7 points in relevant creations and assuming the new domain as a 3 points action.
So you should choose a couple you want to start with.
Whoops! My bad! Once again, new to this. He would start off with his Law(Tryanny) domain and his evil (Hell) domain. I assume portfolio's would be limited to about 2 or 3?