Jezebelle, our lady of passion |

Wanted to check out with Aeon and the mods.
First with Aeon ... of course Jezebelle being Jezebelle tried to circumvent your "don't touch my angels" and triet a way to produce angels of her own out of Ellazariel. I hope you are ok as a player (Aeon is probably not ok with that :P)
Also .. wanted to check with the mods to know if Jezebelle is now to be considered a lesser deity having just gained her fourth domain.

Jezebelle, our lady of passion |

the way I understand it. Once a god reaches the minimum domains for a divine rank they reach that divine rank.
Lesser deity requires 4 domains, and jezebelle now should have charm, chaos, art and sin.Therefore, I believe she just became a lesser goddess.
I wanted to be sure there is no rule that I have not considered like a acquire rank action.

Jezebelle, our lady of passion |

I thought we had something along the lines of "Pay 6 AP to ascend a rank after having all the domains, and you can do it only every 6 weeks"?
Right .. saw it now in the recruitment session .. I totally missed that, I usually look at the wiki for the rules. (btw I think the points are 5)

Ilja |

Nope, you first need the minimum domains and then spend (5?) points. And only after 6 weeks of play as your current rank (this keeps the game goin more linearly and prevents exponential growth of those first to reach lesser diet status). I dont know owlong weve played now though, a month?
Btw, Oenar has had secret talks with Azdan and is joining their pantheon, but thee was no good in-game opportunity to have an open discussion about it. But yeah, oenar spends her last AP at joining the pantheon. My internet at home is stone dead though, so i only hve my phone, and dont know when im goig to be able to write ingame posts. If i havent fixed the internet by tomorrow, ill haveto go to a public libraray (long live sweden an public libraries in every part of town with free internet).

Jezebelle, our lady of passion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

So to become a more powerful god I have to spend points to get more domains, correct? I was originally under the impression that you got your new rank and THEN picked your new domains.
yes,that's the idea.
every rank has a requisite of domains.you gain domains with a 3AP action, before that you need to spend 7 points in actions relative to the new domain.
you can see some other players counting down the steps towards new domains in their actions.
personally I usually do the opposite, I take actions that make sense for Jezebelle and then see if they group in a domain.
art seemed pretty straightforward, sin wasn't really planned until the last point but made toomuch sense for jez.

Vrog Skyreaver |

So I liked the idea of giving people gifts, and decided to run with it. plus, (as mentioned in my latest post) I'm gunning for the life domain. I'll get the rest of my gifts done when I have more AP next week (my plans for gifts are: writing for Jezebelle, an order of undead hunters for Melehan, and....well, I'm not sure what to give Nicos, since he is as close to my opposite as you can get.

Jezebelle, our lady of passion |

So I liked the idea of giving people gifts, and decided to run with it. plus, (as mentioned in my latest post) I'm gunning for the life domain. I'll get the rest of my gifts done when I have more AP next week (my plans for gifts are: writing for Jezebelle
I already have that since first week.

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I think each profile ought to have a list of activity and points they consider toward domains. Melehan probably has the ability to spend a lot of points toward a domain or two. Keeping track of those helps you know when you're ready to buy the new domain.
A second advantage, since some of us moderate the game, is it allows players to request an explanation for how a decree or creation might tie into that domain. It's easy to say "death must be feared" and score a point for fear. If you say "I made mammoths, point for Law!", that could use a little explanation. Although in this example I'm sure everyone thought the explanation was reasonable.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I think each profile ought to have a list of activity and points they consider toward domains. Melehan probably has the ability to spend a lot of points toward a domain or two. Keeping track of those helps you know when you're ready to buy the new domain.
A second advantage, since some of us moderate the game, is it allows players to request an explanation for how a decree or creation might tie into that domain. It's easy to say "death must be feared" and score a point for fear. If you say "I made mammoths, point for Law!", that could use a little explanation. Although in this example I'm sure everyone thought the explanation was reasonable.
actually I thing I was wondering. Isn't better to list actions on the domain rather that write the desired domain on the list. Because, correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks to me like a single action could be counted for several domains.
For example, Erande basically made bardic magic, I think it counts at least for both Domain: Magic and Domain: Art.
Aeon, The Heavenly Light |

Ok so I'm confused a bit.
So RAW = every action that isn't the "Gain domain" action can count towards a domain. Your then spend the 3 AP on the Gain Domain action. When your deity gains enough domains they advance in rank.
Our Homebrew = the same thing with the addition of "You can only rank up once every 6 weeks and must spend an additional 5? 6? AP to gain the rank up, added to the cost of gaining the domains themselves?

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To become a lesser deity, we have to pay to graduate, yes. Aside from the cost of gaining domains.
It's totally right that a single action might earn points towards synergistic domains. That's one good reason to offer an explanation for what you want to progress toward.
It's not perfect, and looks a little rough, but check out Azdan's profile as a possible example.

Jezebelle, our lady of passion |

that's nice, I'm going to add it to my profile.
I will probably add up to it because like Melehan, I don't yet what kind a domain will I gain in the future from a action of 3 weeks ago. :P

Ilja |

BTW, I wonder how the mortals count time? There isn't any sun (is there?), and while the winter moon has an inner glow and slowly turns around the world (about one circle per month?) and it's quite easy to measure in generations what would other means of determining time be?
For the indar, I assume fire would be central, so perhaps they'd measure time in burnable material?
Something like
A generation - about 20 human years
A month - a moon turn, equal to a real-life month
An oak - how long an oak log burns, about 10 hours real-life time
A birch - how long a birch log burns, about 3 hours real-life time
A branch - a short period of time, about 10 minutes

Jezebelle, our lady of passion |

which pantheons are active right now and who created them?
I have trouble finding all the creations of pantheons and the joinings.

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Aeon....a few things have changed since you first asked. We should talk in character about it. Light and Dark are a pretty natural pantheon fit. Just not sure how I'd want to approach it.
TO me a pantheon, is as much about the culture below as us up above. How do the mortals see it? Are we worshiped by aasimar and tieflings set apart from humans? Is the day yours and the night mine? How dat work? Thoughts?

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Jezebelle planned to join you, but she feels kinda threatened by Aeon. She would love to bring a more akin deity with her, the problem is ... there is no akin deity, maybe Erande but he always play with Oenar.
Poor poor Jezebelle...
(by the way, i feel Azdan came to tempt her to join his pantheon. So I think it really comes down to how much will he be able to make her feel accepted)

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Yeah, if that's going to become a inherently northern pantheon I do agree...
BTW... I really feel we need to recruit some more gods in the game.
there is very little happening and also, there are a lot of "missing concepts".
Should we up the recruitment topic? or maybe make one entirely new linking the old one (people tend to avoid old recruitment topic thinking they are already full).

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I think we have to be careful adding more people. Some portfolios are missing, but more people means needing more moderation, more defined rules, etc. We're flying by the seat of our pants as it is.
And if one more person decides their super awesome followers don't have to die, Azdan's gonna throw. : )