Lords of Creation

Game Master stringburka

Deities creating a new world where the old was destroyed.

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I think you're doing fine as a fickle goddess of love who wants to be the center of attention at all times. Erande would call that a "Diva".

Scarletrose wrote:

P.S. I was wondering about alignment changes in the gods. are we free to switch alignment? I think with a little push, Jezebelle could completely fall into the pit of chaotic evil. I think the opposite is quite possible too, she could become a innocent and nurturing goddess of love and the arts if she's not compelled to act otherwise.

I think there's a big difference in our alignment as deities and Pathfinder deities alignment, in that in pathfinder, a god's alignment means they are automatically a god _of_ that alignment. A lawful god is a god of lawfulness. That's not automatically the case in this game. I think here, alignment is basically the same thing as it would be in a pathfinder game where noone plays a divine class - it's just a shorthand for personality, and a quite rough one at that.


P.P.S. For example .. if she ever finds out she didn't get an invitation by Oenar... she's going to be royally pissed.

Yeah. Oenar doesn't actively dislike her or oppose her concepts, but she thinks she's a bit too fickle, and places a little too much value in conflict (love/hate etc). Also, she thinks undead are disgusting, like parasitic vermin. While it's not in her portfolio (yet), she still greatly enjoys wild, natural beasts, and undead are an abomination towards that - especially vampires, who parasite on the living.

If Melehan and/or Azdan, or any of the other gods she like (well, she doesn't really like Azdan, but respects him) where to take actions against Jezebelle or Yidhra or the undead they created, she would probably lend aid, at least indirectly - her greatest fear is that the destruction that ended the old world will end this one too, leaving no survivors, so she will want to make sure any conflicts between the deities end quickly, and choosing between the capricious creator of vampires and the good-hearted and orderly warden of the dead is a really easy choice.

As a note, Yidhra only made undead because someone asked her to - she doesn't particularly care what happens to them, what others do to them, or how they want to treat them. So if there's anything any of the rest of you want to do, please feel free to do it knowing that there won't be any interference from me. ^^

well, right now, I can definitely see Kargoth trying to kill them, especially since the sword is the goal of his adventure.

Oenar, is it fine if Nihil heard your message? Crystal Seer might be enough to hear it considering you directed it at gods. It's alright if not, but Nihil will be visiting the gods who survived the old world one by one to ask for memories for the Remnant, and you'd be first if he heard that message.

Additionally, a point of contention for Nihil's plane, Enuma Elish. I'm stating that it can be accessed from anywhere, but does that mean you can exit to anywhere? My suggestion would be that when you exit it, you appear from wherever you entered it, because you never went anywhere at all.

Forge Monument for Remnant should contribute towards the Knowledge domain, so I've spent an action to gain it. I'll be progressing towards the Will (Liberation, Freedom) domain next. I'll be making my first decree when I have the AP. See if this is fine:

Cosmic Decree: All things share the Mind, which is Empty (Nothing), and from which Will arises.

Effectively: The Mind is defined.

The Mind is something associated with the Body and Soul, but separate from both and can exist outside the two. It is empty of inherent existence. The Mind is defined as experiencing things, and being aware of the experience. Following this, Will is a result of the mind since it requires that capacity.

In-Game Effect is that Minds are now treated separately from Body and Soul, and is inherently Nothing (which falls under my concept). A soul can have no mind (Tabula Rasa, empty shell), a body can have no mind (coma, objects), and a mind can exist by itself (memories actualized by sheer force of will). Combinations also occur, like soul+mind (spirits, ghosts), soul+body (dominated undead?, person in a coma), and body+mind (intelligent undead?, animals, robots?, intelligent objects).

Will only exists when something has a mind, but a mind may not have will. (Free Will is a type of will.)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

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I dig alignment play, and I think moving inside alignments should be fine as long as it's roleplayed. Azdan was conceived as a god who could remain neutralish, but who would probably be consigned to the role of evil by the nature of his portfolio.

That's the reason for Azdan's shift in approach. When someone says "nah, my dudes don't have to die", he has to take a more aggressive posture.

Also, in my opinion, his alignment is one thing, and the way mortals worship or interpret him might not be the same. One culture might have a reverence for death and the passing of their ancestors, so he's not really viewed as evil. Or at least maybe a necessary evil.

Other cultures might worship him by aggressively sending their enemies to his cloak, interpreting him as an evil-aligned force of nature.

I'd say the vampires are not aptly named. You can create a powerful race powered by blood, but if they aren't dead they aren't vampires. The white wolf vampires are, in fact, undead. White Wolf vampires only die when enough violence is done to them. They don't age, catch disease, fade into the light or any such thing. They are undead.

So we're all clear: Azdan's desire is to use the paradox of undeath to serve his portfolio. Not to allow necromancers to cheat death or employ armies of plague zombies. He wants full control of the fact of undeath as payment for Yidhra violating the law, but gives her most faithful immortals the exception because he acknowledges she jumped the gun on him.

To prevent these things from happening again, he wants undead servants to enforce the edict of death where mortals (and gods) violate it, and he wants to be a part of a couple of pantheons where developing cultures have rules and expectations for his role.

Madame Winter is right: we need a stronger gentleman's agreement about conflict. We're really not doing a good job developing a coesive world. We started crafting races and heroes before we had fundamental rules for an afterlife and such.

Since we don't want to just start over, I propose this:

We input, here and out of character, a few basic assumptions for the world that we'd all agree on. Those baseline rules allow us to get to what several of us seem to think the most fun: races, heroes, wars and such.

These fundamental rules technically require some points be spent, but no one wants to be responsible for spending points on gravity, so I say we agree on them, "advance" the game past those assumptions and keep the same basic points we have. I'll spend a point on something Yidhra wants to repay her for permanent control of undeath, and we come to an agreement about Jez's vampires/not vampires.

Some concepts might require two gods to agree on some things. I'd be willing to allow some element of compromise with each god on a type of undead that intrigues them, but remember, undead are still going to cause death in some way.

Using the vampires as example, maybe vampires are romantic and emotional, but to the point that their passions are more important than the trappings of life.

Azdan was thinking of giving each god a gift anyway, maybe a specific kind of undead serves. Although....they serve Azdan. So every kind of undead will deal out death. Vampires drain blood and passion. Revenants seek justice. Yuki-onna might comfort those who freeze to death in the elements.

Tell me what you think of those ideas and we'll work things out.

I wonder what would happen if Yidhra added something else... like, say, Undead who got sent back to death could never again be resurrected. The paradox of having a way away from death (which they fear) but having something arguably even more frightening happen later (the loss of their chance to get away from it) would be a delightful paradox indeed... and provide a sort of finality that the gods of death would appreciate?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

The god of death would appreciate just being given sovereignty over undeath per the arrangement. And then if you want to go from there, he's certainly willing to find agreement. : )

He may have sovereignty over it. ^^b

As a quick aside, while I certainly respect and appreciate being given a gift from another god, I think Erande would be hesitant to accept an undead race of some type.

I think the issue with the missing concepts like gravity is that we don't have a clear deity whose portfolio includes the earth or even the elements. While I think having things that we can easily relate like gravity are good, perhaps we should look at it as a "wile e. coyote" type of thing, where it doesn't exist unless someone discovers it.

our other option is to have a small pool of "universal" AP that we can vote on spending, with majority rule.

Shadow Lodge

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Ilja wrote:
Yeah. Oenar doesn't actively dislike her or oppose her concepts, but she thinks she's a bit too fickle, and places a little too much value in conflict (love/hate etc). Also, she thinks undead are disgusting, like parasitic vermin. While it's not in her portfolio (yet), she still greatly enjoys wild, natural beasts, and undead are an abomination towards that - especially vampires, who parasite on the living.

I think Jezebelle true ideals can be found in her first actions. She is fond of life as a time when mortals have lot of experiences. She do not enjoy people dying for nothing. but she sees a empty calm life as an atrocious thing. She loves the struggle for happyness not to see people suffer but rather to see how much more value they get from their desire.

And she's honestly moved by selfless sacrifices, in particular those made in the name of love.
She obviously doesn't want the universe to end but she thinks gods follow the same principal rule. Is better to have the gods actively work on their desires and giving shape to wonderful things, even if that risk to lead to a disastrous end than having gods orderly behave in a predefined fashion and stomp their creativity and the chance to bring beautiful things into the world.
As a matter of fact Jezebelle loathes undead too.. but obviously her opinion is more an aesthetic one. That's why she opted for vampires. Because they are both beautiful and reasonable.
There are few things that would be more distasteful to Jezebelle than a horde of rotting zombies mindlessly trampling everything beautiful.

As a player of course .. I totally understand why Jezebelle is not invited into the party. She actually know how to be a teamplayer. She would actually love to work with other gods, but at the moment she feels pretty much neglected by the other gods. Maybe with the exception of Erande. Especially when she is possibly the goddess that most of all tried to communicate with the others. She is certainly fickle and prone to mood swings but she's still a goddess who possibly have seen creation rise and be destroyed times and times again. She knows of her responsibilities.

Ilja wrote:
If Melehan and/or Azdan, or any of the other gods she like (well, she doesn't really like Azdan, but respects him) where to take actions against Jezebelle or Yidhra or the undead they created, she would probably lend aid, at least indirectly - her greatest fear is that the destruction that ended the old world will end this one too, leaving no survivors, so she will want to make sure any conflicts between the deities end quickly, and choosing between the capricious creator of vampires and the good-hearted and orderly warden of the dead is a really easy choice.

Absolutely seconded. Funny thing is, if anyone would tell her that some gods want to destroy Yidhra undead she would probably lead the charge.

She could even be persuaded to end her own vampires with her own hands, as long as she felt the other gods came respectfully to her, pleaded their cases and in general showed her respect as a fellow goddess.
I think that's the main thing at the moment and the prime reason she created vampires. Jezebelle feels Melehan, as a god of death and order, considers a goddess of passions, art and beauty as something inconsequential.

Also .. Jezebelle definitely has a little bit of philosophical differences with Yidhra.
They are both goddesses of chaos (actually, Yidhra is not, she's trying to become one which is even more menacing to Jezebelle) but have a veeery different idea of what chaos is or at least of what kind of chaos would be desirable.
Also, she choose to have a inexplicable form, which for a goddess that value aesthetic perfection is quite disturbing.

While writing this I see other replies so I will try to address them.

1) on vampires not being undead.
I have to be honest .. I always found vampires as the undead as a stretch. an extremely common and accepted stretch but ... most vampires do not "die". Take Anne Rice vampires for example .. they say they die and their body dies but they merely expel the bodily fluid that their body find not useful to their new form. but they never truly experience death. they are living before the turn, they are living after and there is no in between that I would describe as death.
That might be e personal pet peeve but I think an undead as a category describes something that dies as a common mortal, becomes a common corpse, and then throug some sort of supernatural influence rises as a living corpse. That depends on your definition of undead, the base principle about my vampires is .. they never had a transition as a corpse. They changed, they lost whatever they needed to keep their previous form alive as they are now purely fueled by blood.
I am open both to change their name or to let other gods create vampires that dies and come back from the grave. there are about 10.000 synonyms of vampire. Nosferatu sounds good for a walking corpse kind of vampire.

Btw I agree on everything you said.
There are things that we should take for granted. For example I assumed we already had stars and a moon. Creating a moon was good though as it is certainly a tangible world now.
I assume we do have a sun without anyone having to create that. If a god of fire wants to make a realm in it I assume she would have to create land on the sun, even if it's just a patch of roaring fire like the rest of the world, but I assume you have to give form to something before you interact with it.
As far as what exist in the world, I think we should assume that things evolve in a way similar to the real world and some standard fantasy worlds.
We have forests, I assume we have fruits too, without having to spend 1 point for every single fruit. If we want to create the mystical fruit of knowledge, sure, that would cost a point, but for standard one like cocoa, I think Erande should take back his point and assume there is cocoa already. (unless you spent that point because you plan to become the god of chocolate, Domain: Cocoa, portfolio: deliciousness)

I also think we should probably focus a little more on finishing the world before ruling it. We have two human races, dragons, vampires, and now half-giants (which is strange, we have artificial half-giants but no giant at all).
we have some societies but are still pretty primitive (and IMHO they need to remain that way for a while as we figure out how to fill the blank spots). Having an infinite pool of AP I would start to create some fey, a more desertic / middleeastern continent. (I'm clearily turning Erande continent into the aztec empire with Jezites ziggurats and blood sacrifices but I want a Babylonian offshot, and in general I think we lack that kind of landscape in the world.

As a matter of fact... I think our game will benefit enormously by some external resources.. Like a map... a couple of references lists as ... where are the gods now, what are they doing, where is a society, what mundane advanced and magical concept are available to the creatures of the world. And of course more shared rulings.

so .. first thing and the one that involves me most ... Vampires

As I imagined them vampires can be resumed in:
They don't age
They don't need to eat or drink.
They are fueled by blood (not having enough blood could kill them)
They have enhanced strength, speed and senses.
They are particularly adept at using blood magic (but not the exclusive users of it)
They are vulnerable to the sun (it's not an instant kill but it takes way more than a minute to burn them to a crisp)
They never experienced death (as in they never dropped to the ground lifeless or traveled to the Amaranthine before turning. they just turned from living human to living vampire.
They are not vulnerable to holy symbols (unless you smack them in the head with them), running water or garlic, they can enter wherever they want without having to ask permission.

Of course, being prone to both cosmic decrees and curses they can become vulnerable to literally anything. I added the sun myself because sun immune vampires would sound stupid to me but ... If anyone would curse them with repulsion towards garlic they would be repulsed by it.
I won't rule against it, by I hope nobody wants to add the "they need an invitation to enter any place" because I always found it extremely stupid.

Is there anything in the list that doesn't convince you? let's examine the list and we will find a solution to the issue.

Shadow Lodge

oh I forgot ...
Nihil .. it's not really clear from your post but ... are gods "free" to visit you? You mentioned they need to know how to reach you but that it's pretty easy, I don't feel like forcing a coincidence and find the way to enter your realm by chance.
If it is clear enough to Jezebelle how to reach you and talk to you she will visit soon, otherwise she will wait for your visit or for any kind of sign.

also I dig your cosmic decree, I was willing to do something pretty similar with a more artistic flair, I may expand on it in the future.

Yes, other gods are "free" to visit my plane. Anyone can walk in, but only if they know how. You'll have to wait for the visit or somehow call for his specific attention (calling for him with enough will behind it should be enough, even if you don't know any of his names). Later, asking someone who already knows the way will also work.

He's only visiting those who are from the old world. It's not clear from Jezebelle's posts where she came from. I'm assuming she's another survivor then?

The only ones I'm currently planning on visiting, since they're the ones who've explicitly stated to be from Before, are: Oenar, Aeon, Erande, and Melehan.

Shadow Lodge

Nihil, The Empty wrote:
He's only visiting those who are from the old world. It's not clear from Jezebelle's posts where she came from. I'm assuming she's another survivor then?

yeah, she clearly talks about how the previous world ended and talks to aeon and Melehan, Aeon, Oenar and Erande as if she knows them. since in my recruitment post I talked about Jezebelle cult while there was no universe yet I thought it was natural for her to be one of the old gods.

She doesn't need to be a personal acquittance of anybody but you are supposed to have at least heard of her from the old world.

@ Erande: I figured that much. To Jezites culture Kargoth should be honored to be even acknowledged by the vampire queens, but of course, Kargoth is no Jezite. They would give him the sword obviously, if the barbarians tries to separate their heads from their bodies with it there will be some struggle, Kargoth will try to kill the vampires, they will try to bend Kargoth to their will, maybe even accept their gift of blood.
Jezebelle won't interfere until Kargoth tries to destroy monuments or eradicate culture.

P.s. Jezebelle is making sure to let her divine power, or whatever the gods use, to resonate around her like a beacon. Any god that wants to talk with her is free to set up the scene and just present himself to her, either personally or by shard. she is plainly visible and aproachable by every other god.

So far I've assumed that everything is basically a vacuum until we create it. Gravity and such things I assumed would exist as universal rules, but not any body to draw towards. I don't think we have a sun, and I think that where my tundra ends, there is just nothing, on all sides except where there is Erande's sea that leads to another continent, and quite far away, disconnected from our continents are Aeons land. That's how I've understood it, but I certainly don't have any special power to decide it.

Nihil, The Empty wrote:
Oenar, is it fine if Nihil heard your message?


Additionally, a point of contention for Nihil's plane, Enuma Elish. I'm stating that it can be accessed from anywhere, but does that mean you can exit to anywhere? My suggestion would be that when you exit it, you appear from wherever you entered it, because you never went anywhere at all.

Yeah, why not :3

I'm not against your cosmic decree in any way.

BTW, Scarletrose, I get what you mean with vampires not feeling undead - I've always found the modern vampire as "off" as undead-by-pathfinder standards. But when it comes to white wolfs vampires, IIRC they do die. Isn't it the case that they die, but don't remember anything from death, except Malkavians that due to their curse remember fragments of being dead, and that's why they're all insane? That's how I've understood it but I haven't played it in a decade, and I'm not even sure if that's in the core or the storyteller who added that detail. And in it's mythological roots, the western vampire is clearly undead.

BTW, I feel creating races and heroes etc before creating an afterlife is fine - I think it's fine if the world is created in a kinda chaotic and organic way, with each god caring about their own domain. It feels more sensible for a polytheistic world, rather than the grand master plan of a monotheistic one. Though, I do think that there is an issue with the deities being so lopsided; Nearly all deities are mostly focused on "metaphysical" concepts rather than physical ones; between nothingness and paradoxes, death and emotions, the gods that primarily deal with the physical world are quite few.

My roommate may perhaps post and application; they seem quite interested and have been reading the thread, and they're creative and (as far as I know) competent in English. They're very competent in using our native language in a vivid way, and the techniques tend to translate well. We talked about it a bit and they're mostly interested in playing some kind of deity of nature and earth, which would fit in and round it out a bit more. However, they've never played roleplaying games before, so I think they're afraid of underperforming.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

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Creating the races and heroes before the afterlife is fine, although the afterlife (and therefore and end to life) was created pretty early. Creating the races and heroes before we created gravity is jumping the shark a little.

In my interpretation, Jezebelle wasn't so much intentionally ignored as the lack of sctructure and familiarity caused people to try to complete the scenes they started in. Aeon rolled into a conversation between Melehan and Azdan, an interruption that required me to choose whether to include the new guy in the conversation, or to post separately. Especially since I wrote that initial post as a story being handed down from one mortal to another, changing the story to add another god in the conversation felt weird.

We're all new in the game and trying to get one another's attention, so those things are natural. Hopefully Aoeon didn't take it personally that Azdan continued the initial exchange as if he hadn't arrived, and hopefully everyone embraces Jezebelle as an equal player in the game and we move forward.

We don't have a god overruling the underpinning rules of reality. I tried to engineer that portfolio for Nihil, but he declined. So whatever he's up to, I hope he finds an identity. TO establish those rules, I just say we each make four equally meaningful decrees that don't serve our portfolios, but instead serve to draft a material cosmos with with to proceed. Like so:

1. The universe has gravity, and matter has mass, essentially as we understand it in real life.
2. Time passes in a linear and comprehensible form.
3. The cosmos has stars, and our unnamed featured world exists in a solar system with planets and moons, and a sun.
4. The chief material elements are earth [acid], fire [fire], water, [ice], and air [electricity].

Now, some of you might modify those rules or add your own, like "the solar system is lateral and the sun and moons rotate around the whole".

We can outline those basic assumptions very quickly and have a working universe without having to weaken our individual positions by decreeing "the world has gravity. 5 points."

What do ya'll think of that?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

Also...totally not buying that dinosaurs and mammoths are a "lawful" influence, or that creating lycanthropes is more complicated than creating dinosaurs and akata. : )

I haven't been keeping track of the specific points I've spent on certain portfolios, but it is probably a good time to add those up and secure some domains before a new influx of players.

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Impact on social hierarchy. Hunting a giant creature would require either a strong degree of teamwork and cooperation (from small creatures) or the actions of another large creature (like dragons), which in turn reinforces the idea of a food chain that has something on the top - and is therefore following the laws of nature and encouraging the natural order of things.

It's the effects, not the creatures themselves.

*Totally making all of this up on the spot*

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

See...if you sold it like that, I'd buy it for one point. Maybe not three, but you got me for one.

Im not to keen on everyone making a bunch of free cosmic decrees; i think it leads to a world that would feel to "complete" too quickly. I loke the idea of the world slowly being carved out of nothing. When it comes to certain natural laws i guess thats fine, but id prefer if stuff like creation of planets and suns etc was left up for the gods. I mean, we could belenient in what you get for the points (i kinda made the "stars" for free when i created the moon, though the stars dont work as RL stars do). I dont mind the world being notably different from our own, or from the standard modern fantasy world either. Also, making cosmic decrees means its very hard to overrule them; if gravity is just a natural law, creating magic beings that just deft gravity is no issue, but if its a cosmic decree thats a big deal.

Honestly, i guess im a bit egocentric too, but i kinda liked that i created the moon and thestars, and thinks its quite nice if now in the very beginning of the world there is still just an endless night. Haaving that work kina made irrelevant wouldnt be that fun. And sooner or later a sun might very well be created, there seem to be several gods who might perhaps be interested in creating the sun, the most obvious of course being The Heavenly Light.

Ohh! Dinosaurs! I like the idea of food :)
A few things i got to add, i finally figured out what the 3/7 chaos and 5/7 law thingie that Yidhra was posting meant. That is you building actions towards those domains. Note that i already have the law domain, but it is more of the laws, rules, and civil order. You having the law domain as in opposite of chaos should be fine.
That got me thinking, and here is where i intend to go as time goes on.
First i am working towards the society domain, so to that end i created the ruling class and next i intend to make a slave class, if you would be ok with the Half-Giants taking humans as slaves. I also intend to bless those slaves, they wont just be forgotten!
After that i intend to work on the monsters domain by creating more monsterous races.
At some point i intend to create the decree: The strong rule the weak or something to that effect.
Anyways, those are my plans and i figure ill get them out now so people can see them and are not surprised :)

oh, definitely make slaves. Nothing says "create heroes en masse" like a slave race.

Vrog Skyreaver wrote:
oh, definitely make slaves. Nothing says "create heroes en masse" like a slave race.

yes, and slave uprisings wpuldnt be.spmething oenar would ignore either.

Btw, id be interested in discussing a pantheon with aeon, azdan, melehan, and you, and potentially jezebelle and nico bolas.

I have no problem joining a pantheon.

Female Greater Deity Domains: Chaos (Love, Hate), Charm (Beauty), Art (Wonders), Sin (Lust, Pride), Dreams (Dreamland), Magic (rituals), Civilization (culture), Murder (ritual sacrifice)

No problem for Jezebelle either. But I'm wondering if Aeon is still playing.

I am, I'm really trying to think of the next step for me. I am so torn. I've been following everything that has happened though vampires and the like. Yes pantheon offers still stand for all. I was going to try for the eternal arbiter ability(That is probably wrong) the one that is about presiding over a pantheon.

Shadow Lodge

Umh actually ... both you and Melehan hinted at wanting to get 2 or more abilities.
You do realize you can't have more than 1 as fledgling deities right?

Oh. I see. I'll have to pick one then. I'm a moron. *facepalm*

I do realize that so I'm trying to think of the actions I can take to gain domains. I want the protection domain and good domain. so hmm

not to be a party pooper aeon but create legendary life costs 5 AP :/

All of my create life actions are reduced by one due to my Herald of Life ability.

I am up for joining in that panthion, it would be a good fit for a god who one day wants to rule everything (its hard to be a ruler when you are not part of the "cool kids" :P)
Except i am struggling on the interaction part with the other gods. I am doing fine with the world right now, but that seems to create a writers bock.

Female Greater Deity Domains: Chaos (Love, Hate), Charm (Beauty), Art (Wonders), Sin (Lust, Pride), Dreams (Dreamland), Magic (rituals), Civilization (culture), Murder (ritual sacrifice)

Let's say that a god has a portfolio, he acquires a new domain and one of his preexisting portfolio, while making sense under the old domains is a better fit for the new one. can we move them?

Oh sorry Aeon! XD

Jezebelle: I can't see why not. Portfolios don't have any mechanical benefit really, it's more like alignment, a way to describe the character.

Nico Bolas: Heh, I can see a lot of conflict arising between Melehan or Aeon and you should we all join the same pantheon.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

I certainly agree that a change in perspective warrants a change in subdomains at least.

So...um...how many points do I have now?

As many as before, plus four? :3


I'll admit I'm a bit of a loss as to how to react to recent events. Underworld gods like Melehan tend not to be very active as they're concerned mainly with being custodians of their realms. I'm not sure how to set it up and stuff...

Hmmm... I planned to have the Unnamed Guardian undertake a few quests, together with Erande, perhaps one of the quests could go through the underworld in some way? Either through dying, being judged, and getting to go back for a second time by your direct will, or something else? I dunno.

Or you could spend your points to create some kind of beings, either in the underworld (think valkyries) or in the overworld?

There's nothing wrong with wracking up a few points of course, having a bunch stashed away can be nice so you can do a lot of stuff when you know what you want to do.

I'm just kind of concerned because that first conversation with other gods went awkwardly and now Melehan looks rude because so many people were talking at once and he ignored them.

I think that may be okay. Youre a lawful god of the underworld -thats kinds of a bleak title. Playing it as a reserved listener that only speaks carefulllt chosen words at carefully spoken times doesnt seem strange... Perhaps, if you want toshow your friendly intentions, you should invite them, one or a few at a time?

Well, Melehan is always welcome in the Coiling Halls at least. Oenar views him as a respected colleague, even if they arent personal friends (yet).

Shadow Lodge

Melehan, The Final Arbiter wrote:
I'm just kind of concerned because that first conversation with other gods went awkwardly and now Melehan looks rude because so many people were talking at once and he ignored them.

Jezebelle has a certain ... flair for the dramatic.

Is not yet upset with you. Actually... the fact that you blushed made you gain a lot of favor with her.
As would any voluntary or involuntary display of appreciation for her beauty.
I don't know if that's evident to you but the girl is a little vain in that way.

Okay I'd like to make an OOC retcon... basically it's something that hasn't been mentioned in-game but that I'd like to change.

I created Astral Magic, and named it that because I really couldn't come up with something better. It should have been obvious, but it should of course be named Aurora Magic, or Aurora Borealis. And when someone travels through the stars, the streaks of magic they leave, are what we see as aurora borealis.

And the indar would call it "norðurljós", the icelandic word for northern lights. Because icelandic is awesome.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013


I've created a wordpress page, here, for compiling and referencing the world we are creating, and to make place for deeper explanations of how certain things work (like, I could write a whole separate page about Aurora).

I also realized that the campaign name "after the end" fits so perfectly after the game name "lords of creation", and creates the most Awesome Accidental Abbrevation ever (and that was the most awesome accidental alliteration... okay it wasn't completely accidental, but LOCATE sure was).

For anyone wanting to write on the page, the username is locategame and the password is "LoCAtE!" without quotation marks. If for some reason you need access to the email connected to the account (I'm not that familiar with wordpress, it was just the first ad-free easy to use blog I could think of) just message me; the email is an unused one that was intended for a dawn of worlds game.

I'm writing the first few posts for my creations, currently, but there's nothing published yet. I was thinking we could tag our posts like this to create sort of "menues" so we find what we are looking for:

or something to that extent.

I'm getting really hyped at this again, feel there's a lot that can happen right now. I'm doing a small mortal sidetrack with the unnamed guardian, as Oenar is talking to the Empty - if anyone has any idea for it, or wants to join either as playing the Guardian or through creating challenges, feel free to.

Also, a small suggestion on a house rule:
Currently, a mortal character that loses one round of battle loses the fight (and in general would die I assume, if the fight is life or death). I suggest for characters that are larger than life - defined as being Greater Life, Legendary Life, Heroes, Legends or Demigods - that they need to lose two rounds in a row to actually lose the fight. That way it's not really _as_ swingy, and if Nanook the Demigod of Bears gets into a fight with a bunch of drunken peasants, it's less likely he dies.

Hey, ive been out of this for a bit this last week, looking to see everything that i missed and jump back in :)
I really like the idea of compiling the world that we are creating, I think that is a great idea (and honestly, you beat me to it), so I will be working on that for sure :)

I think that the 2 rolls in a roll for death for the higher beings is a good idea, if only for "greater life" against "normal mundane life". If its 2 different groups (or individuals) of greater life fight, then it should only be 1 roll, or best out of 3 would be good.

As is, I am worried that an accidental sea creature might prematurely end the current epic :)

Female Greater Deity Domains: Chaos (Love, Hate), Charm (Beauty), Art (Wonders), Sin (Lust, Pride), Dreams (Dreamland), Magic (rituals), Civilization (culture), Murder (ritual sacrifice)
Nico Bolas wrote:
As is, I am worried that an accidental sea creature might prematurely end the current epic :)

Well ... Epic people marked by destiny could always be resurrected or otherwise saved at the bargain price of 1AP with a Praise action

If Marvel can do it, gods can do it.

Uh, Azdan? Melehan was already looking for you.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

I know. But being in a different scene might help if there are multiple conversations at the same time. Plus, I've already been to your place. : )

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