Lone Oak Intrigue (Inactive)

Game Master Elsine

Students sheet

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Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

Yes. Mindy asked Megan a question.

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Kelly failed to shut down Taryn as well

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Sorry. Think I hit the button that disables new post alerts until you manually check... thought it was weird this game had gone silent, but everyone gets busy sometimes... anyway, back to the show!


You mean she really did... like, match and everything? Megan says Jeez, no wonder you're looking all prey-like... you wanna come over to my table, lots of witnesses, and they don't bite.

she lowers her voice conspiratorially Well Kenny might, if you're into that.

The drama table

I think your instinct is right. you just got shot down and kinda accepted it, a comeback now would just seem desperate... though I'll remind you of your class...

Yeah, Kelly, but you're the other forward. Scoring is your job. People like Lily and Andrea are there to hep, and I think Andrea scored the same number of goals the last few games as you.

between those games, and this thing, even when you're back, coach will probably bench you. make you the relief forward. Andrea adds in

I should just have a stamp that says "mark an appropriate condition". what do you do?


you still with us?

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

Yes please. That'd be nice. She glides across the room to Megan's table, her roommate following closely.

She sits with her tray (uneaten but artfully moved about to appear eaten) and greets the assembled. Who all is there?

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

He should be keeping an eye on Allison, but things at this table are getting interesting. Lily is definitely digging his swagger, which is useful, but Kelly is getting trashed hard.

This isn't good, especially if yandere-sama is pining over what's-her-name. Don't need her resorting to violence. There should be something I can do to help. Let's see... Ishizaki, Taryn...

Gaze into the Abyss: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 3) + 2 = 11
What (or who) can I use to give Kelly some ground, or at least reassure her that she's got an in with this girl? Is there some basketball stat sudoku I could lay on them?

Move mechanics because it's been ages:
When you Gaze Into the Abyss, on a 7 or higher the abyss will also show you what you must become, and you can permanently swap two of your stats.

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0

Alex watches the back and forward between the soccer players, her eyes coming to rest on Andrea when she thinks she's not being watched. Otherwise, she stays quiet

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Marking insecure - also loving Yu's internal nickname

Kelly shrinks from Taryn's rebuke, but when Andrea tries to pile on she simply fixes her with a hard stare.

"You really think you're the one to take my spot? You'll have to do more than try to grab your share of the glory to do it."

Shut Down: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 5) - 1 = 10 I'll get a string and then turn right around and tempt her

"Maybe you're right. Maybe coach'll decide to keep your scrawny ass in because you really do have the skills. Field's empty. Want to prove it?"

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Continuing without Carrie, adn hoping she is just busy with the holiday season/finals.


Kenny, Joel, Megan, Morgan, Violet, and Henriette are with you. Mae if you take her.

The Ice queen joins us! Joel crows

Don't be an ass Kenny says. How you feeling on Helsberg's test? heard from a senior that they were a b@#&# and a half.


You want to resolve this without Kelly going full wolf? You'll need to tear down the other two somehow, or give her some kind of win. pack animal psychology, those two are smelling weakness


Okay... but I want these guys to come with. I don't want there to be any question of who's better. Andrea says And, I don't want you giving into your little Pyro urges when you lose.

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

Mindy smiles weakly at the ice queen crack, then immediately reenforces it. I have no fear of tests. Helsberg barely knows what he’s talking about half the time.

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Kelly grinned, a bit of a manic edge showing as she held it. "Well then, see you outside."

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

Oh, soccer. Lemme just pull their stats from coach's U drive... -and some arguments off whoscored.

As the moment passes between Kelly and the others, Yungfeng scoots discretely toward Andrea. "You really don't want to do that... Publicly? One on one? I've seen all of her games, trying to get an edge, uh, after class... You know she's held back on the field because she plays midfield. Thirteen interceptions per game? Zero offsides this season? Those are pro stats. If she isn't getting the goals, it's because she knows better than to push from midfield. If anything, Taryn is in her way... Not like you two. You each make ten or more shots per game, and barely have five goals between you. Wasteful. Kelly's missed one shot this season. One. -and that was that goalie built like a brick outhouse. What's that going to look like when she's not there to carry you?"

Taking interloper as a brand per Blank Canvas, and hoping that him knowing all this because he watches every game, or knew anything about soccer before this moment counts as a lie, per Fake.
Shut Andrea Down: 2d6 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2, 5) + 2 + 1 + 1 = 11
Giving her the condition: Shaken

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

sorry, been staring down the barrel of an O-Chem final all week


That's just stats. A midfielder only shoots if they have a wide-open path. I'm not scared of her. Andrea lies as she moves forward.


Well, yeah, but that's part of the problem. he doesn't make his own tests, so even if you couldn't follow stuff in class, you're expected to know it... violet says

But if you're feeling good about it, what did you get on #7 for the practice? Because Henrriette, Megan and I are all getting different things for the derivative in part C Kenny asks

on the soccer pitch

How is this contest gonna go down? I straight up don't know how one on one soccer/soccer-simulation would work.

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

I'll post up the soccer scene if my recommended framework makes sense :)

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

It does

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Keep Cool (Spirit Armor, Shaken): 2d6 - 1 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (6, 6) - 1 + 2 + 1 = 14 Oh ho ho - I was going to write this as closer but...

It didn't take long at all. After all, Andrea was quite good. But she was only good. And I'm f$%%ing amazing.

A few zig-zags and shoulder feints were enough to keep Andrea chasing after where the ball wasn't. Kelly didn't even take all of her wide open shots, just reset back to midfield and passed the ball over to her 'rival.'

She kept her wolf mostly in check. A barely legal collision when Kelly re-took the ball had sent Andrea sprawling, uniform skirt twisting around her hips, and for a moment, there was a golden opportunity for Kelly to rake the other girl's legs with her cleats. A part of her really wanted it, wanted to take the chance to teach Andrea what trying to pull her down would really mean. Not now. She's already learning. Give her the chance to fall back in line. Kelly ran off and scored instead.


She walked back over to her fallen teammate and hauled her back to her feet, all but forcing the taller girl to lean on her as she walked her back to the side where Taryn was waiting.

Her shining eyes locked onto Taryn's as she stepped just a bit too close to her captain, still breathing a bit heavily, more from the deferred violence than her exertions, [b]"I'll be back for my spot in two weeks, but I'll be at all the practices til then, even if they don't let me on the field. See you in the locker room."
Turn On: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 4) + 2 = 12 String and a reaction

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

Mindy is incredibly bored with this. I didn't do the practice. I never do the practice. Let me see, give it here. Let's be done with this. She snaps her fingers impatiently.

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

While the others crowd around for the one on one action, Yungfeng tracks down Allison. He's doesn't want to run into her because she's supposed to be the control group, someone to compare to Uriah and Morgan to see if his actions have helped.

Keep your Cool: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 4) + 2 = 9

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2


Andrea is panting, and sweaty, and her eyes keep lingering on your sweat-drenched top, before catching herself and looking away, Hmming and eyes darting... but her string of witiscims have gone dry.


Henriette's eyes go to the floor, as you solve the problem. it's as if no one has encountered liebnitz notation before.

Wow. Kenny says Pretty sure we owe you a few. want us to... have a little fun at Kelly's expense?


You do evade Allison. but not Uriah and Jeremiah. the two of them half-corner you, and Jeremiah half-snarls Tell your a@%%*~@ brother to watch his back, after what he did to Morgan.

They will leave without incident, but unless you do something right here, right now to defuse this, you'll get the condition dead meat

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

This was no way to rebuild the bridges that she'd burnt with Kelly. But...Kelly burnt more than bridges. What did you have in mind?

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Ha! I was definitely aiming for Taryn with that Turn On, but Andrea's interesting too - I'll keep it!

Kelly shifted her gaze from Taryn to Andrea, the note of defiance in her eyes turning to smug satisfaction. "You'd better step it up while you're keeping my spot on the squad warm. There's more to anchoring the team than taking a few too many shots and looking good in the shorts. If you force Taryn to carry you, it'll show."

"I'm gonna grab a shower and get out of this f@@!ing uniform." **sniff** "Andrea, you should too." She let go of Andrea where she'd been supporting her and without a backwards glance started walking back to the dorms, a pleased hum buzzing in her head. "Alex, I'll catch you later."

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

As the two round the corner, Yungfeng's largely JoJo-meme-based idea of anime masculinity produces its chosen catch phrase. "Yare yare daze." He crosses his arms and leans against the corner they've chosen to put him in as he listens to their threats.

"Funny, you two don't seem upset about what Yuji did to you, Uriah. I wonder why that is." Seeing their rapid retreat as an opportunity to bluff, he pulls off his jacket in a practiced swirl and folds it over his arm. "Do I beat you both up, or is Uriah just here to watch?"

Shut them Down: 2d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (5, 6) + 2 + 1 = 14
I'll spare you the trip to the urban dictionary and just take +1 forward.

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

But now I'm curious what the condition would've been :-p

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