Lone Oak Intrigue (Inactive)

Game Master Elsine

Students sheet

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Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Up for dotting Purposes

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary


Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

First meeting with roommate.
The door opened with a bang and rattle. Carrie walked in dragging a mover's dolly with a couple of suitcases, a red metal toolbox, a mini-fridge and a coffeemaker strapped and bungeed to it. She wore combat boots, worn blue jeans and a leather jacket and gloves. They had all been through some spills and scrapes and showed it. Topped off by a motorcycle helmet that looked like it was made from riveted scrap metal - but with a pair of electric purple ponytails.

Ashley squealed from her bed, clutching her Moleskine sketchbook to her chest. The bedspread was ruffled peach and had half a dozen decorative pillows on it. The wall was draped in taffeta, hung so that it flowed in fabric smiles down the wall. There was an oval mirror suitable for finding the fairest in the land. Little paper pixies dangled from the ceiling, swinging from the wind of the door opening. It was like somebody had shotgunned a Disney princess and splattered half of the room with all the fairy-tale magic contained within.

With her visor down, Carrie's face was completely covered. She stepped forward mechanically, and asked with a fake Austrian accent. "Are you Ashley Connor?" Ashley was slipping down the bed, sliding the Moleskine up to half-cover her face. She squeaked, "Yes. Uh, no. Long, Ashley Long."

She popped up her visor. "Then I guess I'm in the right room. I'm Carrie." she shrugs, "I'm sorry if I came on a bit strong. Sometimes I tend to do stuff before thinking it through. No filter." She said as she levered the dolly into the room and closed the door. "Feel free to throw things at me when I go too far."

As she put stuff in place, she commented, "Did you do all of that yourself? It's amazing given that they only opened up the rooms yesterday. You should go on some reality show where people have to decorate a room in thirty minutes using five mystery ingredients. Do they have one like that? Because you'd rock at it." Ashley still seemed a bit stunned. "Umm, thanks?"

With the important stuff - fridge, toolbox, and coffeemaker - placed and plugged, Carrie stepped over to the window. The one with the metal blinds and not the one with the frilly curtains. Sitting on the windowsill and leaning out, she looked at the wall around. "Brick, decorative molding, good branch within reach. Should be pretty easy to come and go from here." The room was on the far side of the campus, looking out at the woods. It was officially the second floor, but since the building was built on a slope there was a two story drop below them.

"I don't sleep a lot, so I'll probably head out after lights out. We should probably work out some sort of signal for you to put in the window if you're having sex or masturbating and don't want me to come in. And a different signal if you're having sex or masturbating and you do want me to come in."

Ashley's gasp cemented her nickname as "Squeaky" from then on.

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

Present day
Marie always waited for the sun to go down before opening the blinds or turning on the lights. She'd navigate the room using her phone flashlight or the dull light of her computer monitor. But when the sun went down, she was allowed to let some light in, and so she opened the blinds.

Mindy stirred, groggily. Did you bring it?

Marie dropped the packet of homework on the bed. Yes mistress...I mean, Mindy. I don't know how you get away without going to any classes.

I don't need to. I know everything I need to know. The teachers mark me present whether I'm there or not, I do my homework. Papa doesn't care if I learn. He just needs me to attend.

Mindy rose from the bed and began to dress. She could let her skin show at night, but chose to wear the same old fashioned, high collared, low hemmed outfits that she wore during the day. It was safer that way. They didn't make clothes like this any more, which is why all Vampires looked like they were turned by Jack the Ripper, even if they were born in the 50's.

Have you showered? Mindy asked, not looking at her roommate. Marie nodded and tilted her head to the side. Good. said Mindy, sinking her teeth into Marie's neck.

When you can bend someone to your will, every roommate is courteous.

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

Whenever Alex visits their room, if Yumei is there, she's working on a knitting project. This one is a pair of over-the-knee socks. When Alex enters, she slows down to human speed. This was meant to be her alabi after all.

Her side of the room is still pretty sparse other than a collection of handmade plushies.

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0

The door opened and Alex stepped through, glancing around to see Yumei sitting on her bed knitting (again). The blonde girl smiled and offered a quick greeting before heading over to her wardrobe to change out of her uniform. The wall of Alex’s side of the room is plastered with posters showing various bands, artworks, the declaration of independence, typical left-wing imagery and one which is filled with Oscar Wilde quotes. The posters overlap with each other but are neatly and somewhat artfully arranged. Over her bed a number of pencil sketches including images of various peoples’ faces, buildings and figure drawings which she did herself. Next to her desk she also has a small fridge on top of which sits a coffee machine and a fairly snazzy sound-system. On the desk is a half-finished sketch.

“God I hate these bloody uniforms” she said, not for the first time, as she pulled off her shoes, rapidly followed by the burgundy skirt and beige shirt the female students had to wear throughout the school day “I can’t believe they make us wear them. I mean, what’s the bloody point? At least we don’t have to wear the bloody things after class!”

Without turning, Alex kept speaking as she hung her uniform in her wardrobe and pulled out a light yellow summer dress decorated with white flowers, which she pulled over her head, muffling her voice a little.

“I’m thinking of getting a petition to let us wear pants and shorts at least. What do you think? You’ll sign, Yeah?”

Alex grabbed her lace-up combat boots from the wardrobe moved to her bed, and began pulling them on.

“Wanna head down to the yard for a bit?” she addressed the other girl. “It’s still kind’ve warm and we’ve got a while before dinner. I think I saw some of the others heading there.”

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

Yumei bundles the socks and tucks them into her box. She looks down at her pleated skirt. "I dunno, I kind've like it..." Rolling to the edge of her bed, Yumei tucks her feet into her Lone Pine Uniform Catalogue model C shiney-ass buckle shoes. "Like living someone's fantasy..." She stoops to buckle the shoes, and adjust her socks. "But I would totally sign though. Would you like it if I made you one of those P-hats? I found a pattern online. I just can't stahp with these things what's-her-face left behind. I hope the airport finds my stuff soon." Hopefully she won't repeat the whole story again. She's been on and on about how the airport mixed up her luggage.

"Yeah, the yard sounds good."

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

In Kelly's room

When you get up to your second floor room, you see that your roommate has already arrived. she sits on an immaculately made bed, reading The Scarlet Letter.

Oh, Hi. You must be Kelly. She says, putting the books down. I took the window side of the room, if you don't mind.

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1


Kelly let a quick breath out through her nose. She'd been expecting to be able to at least crack the window to take the edge off of being cooped up. But she hadn't gotten there first, there was no reason for Mae to know that that side of the room was supposed to be Mine.

"Yeah. Uh, Mae, right? Good to meet you."
Knock it off. You can just open the window when you want anyways. It doesn't have to be Mine.

She was in a fairly typical outfit for her, drab green drawstring cargo pants slung low on her hips, and a muscle tank with her sports bra peeking through the armholes, quite casual, but easy to move in. Also easy to escape, when things started to get hairy.

It was quite a contrast to Mae, who was dressed in a skirt and shirt that except for the colors (something bland and pastel), were almost identical to their uniforms.

Mae pretended to go back to her book, peering over the top of the pages with knit brows while Kelly dumped her things on her side of the room until she had to interrupt.

"Do you have to..."

A fistful of assorted clothes in her hand, Kelly stopped.
"Have to what?"

"I just think that if you put in just a little effort, we could keep our room much nicer."

Still not looking at her new roomie, Kelly stuffed the clothes away and shut the drawer with more force than was strictly necessary.
"You already picked your half, let me worry about Mine."

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

So, we just sandboxing?

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

I got the impression we were finding excuses to end up at Sie Tanzhaus.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

No, just dealing with a bit of life stuff before I give the open. Have it up by tomorrow

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Mindy & Alexandra

The two of you have been assigned to work together on a history project, researching the battle of Bull Run/Manassas.. you have finally found a few good books, and found an area well away from the librarian, and could start in on the report...

unfortunatly, nearby, Kenny, Megan, and Joel are trying to cajole Dominic into something

C'mon, it'll be fun Joel says

I've said I'm not interested Dominic replies

It's not like we'll get caught, we know a good way past the fence. Megan offers

what do you do?

Reference images for library: 1 2 3

Yu and Carrie

it had been a lovely day, and you both had the idea, along with a half dozen others, to do your schoolwork one the grounds, or int he botanical gardens. The weather took a bad turn, however. A sudden downpour has forced you to take shelter under a nearby gazebo... with Cody Marshal.

Hey, uhh... Yu and Caitlyn, right? He says What do your guy's dads do?

Reference images: Botanical Gardens Grounds


It was a bad practice, Taryn was all over you, and she basically never left you open. you're pretty sure she tried to hip-check you. you've just finished showering and changing, and you're pretty much the last person in the locker room. Except for Lily.

Hey, I've been meaning to ask you something. she says, standing in jst shorts and a sports bra, looking through her locker for her shirt. Are you into girls?

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

It was bad enough that she was researching the civil war AGAIN, but these...louts were disturbing her concentration.

She stood silently from the desk she shared with Alex and practically glided over to the interlopers. She regarded each coolly, deciding the best course of action. Then

Dominic. Just do what they’re asking you to do.
Hypnosis: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 1) + 1 = 7
He follows her instructions but messes it up some how. She doesn’t much care. She just wants them to leave.

Without another word she returns to her seat.

Where were we? Ah yes, Bull Run. A disaster on both sides.

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

"Oh, daddy? Hmmm..." Yumei presses the end of her pen against her lips in thought. Technically he'd be a school administrator, I guess. I should hide that though, can't let anyone get too close to the truth.

Yu brings up the campus servers and WiFi logs. Marshal, Cody... let's see... what's the most attractive response? lol, incognito mode, hilarious. Let's see what he looks at at night...

Gaze into the Abyss: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 5) + 2 = 9

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

"Caitlyn? Do I really look like a Caitlyn?" She springs up from the bench as Yu seems to drift off for a second. "It's Carrie, like the movie where she burns everyone alive." As she talks, she moves in on him, pushing into his personal space, not blinking. It probably doesn't help that the rain has plastered her hair down, just like the movie.

Shut Cody down: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 6) + 1 = 13

I'll take a string on him.

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Kelly looked up with alert eyes, but impassive features.

"I don't really like most people, boys or girls. But that's not what you actually want to know."

She walked slowly towards Lily, shoes clicking on the tile, her normal saunter fitting poorly into her uniform skirt and blouse. Lily looked up at her approach to see a nearly hypnotic focus in Kelly's predatory eyes.

"You want to know if I f++~ girls. Well..."

Her stony features stretched into a slow smile,
"As long as they can keep up."

Turn On: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 4) + 1 = 8 String or reaction

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0

Alex, can’t help listen as the others talk. Surprised by Mundy getting up, she follows the other girl towards the four students. ”What are you up to anyway?” she asks as Mindy turns to go.

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

Forgot to specify: When you Gaze Into the Abyss, on a 7 or higher the abyss will also show you what you must become, and you can permanently swap two of your stats. So the prompt is A) what's his browser history like, and B) what's he find attractive?

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

Mindy sighs as Alex passes her. I guess we're doing this.... She gets back up and joins her...study buddy...

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Mindy and Alexandra

I'm picturing Mindy's hypnotism voice as calm and stern. if that's wrong, please correct me

What are you- Megan goes to say, before dominic pipes up

I guess it does sound kinda fun

Glad to hear it. Kenny says.

Joel goes over to Alexandra Well... so there's an old house in the historic part of town. it's a museum now, cause no one wants to live in it

Cause there was a grisly quadruple murder/suicide in it Megan offers

Yeah, and we're gonna sneak in there, and do a seance. Joel finishes

what do you do?

Carrie and Yu

Cody is backed up to the edge of the Gazebo. Jesus F+*@, the hell kind of Basket case are you! He shouts at Carrie.

Yu, you discover a few strong trends in his... personal time browsing (Is this gonna become a thing? am I gonna have to think about the student body's wank material?). Seems to like Pixie cuts, blondes, and Petite girls.

1.) is that what you were asking for? 2.) Which stats are you swapping? 3.) Is this shapeshifting? if so, is there a memory effect or something in place?


Lily's eyes go wide, as she hastilly puts on her shirt, cheeks going scarlet. No, I didn't mean it like... I don't want to... I like boys She says

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

That's a perfect visualization.

This sounds like a terrible idea...for us. You should go though. Right now. We can get back to work...

She didn't want to stack hypnotism...that never goes well.

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●
Elsine wrote:

Yu, you discover a few strong trends in his... personal time browsing (Is this gonna become a thing? am I gonna have to think about the student body's wank material?). Seems to like Pixie cuts, blondes, and Petite girls.

1.) is that what you were asking for? 2.) Which stats are you swapping? 3.) Is this shapeshifting? if so, is there a memory effect or something in place?

0) Only if everyone's wank material is a notable part of their private browsing. I'd assume the majority of that traffic is a vague, fleshy blur of hetero-normative mediocrity.

1) Less appearance and more attitude or interests, but the roll means it needed to be vague so this works. This reads "he's an aggressive douche who likes easy girls with daddy issues whom he can overpower" and that's what I'll work with.
2) swapping Hot and Volatile.
3) Didn't plan on making anything more than outfit changes.

So much pent up energy. Poor thing.

Yumei giggles. "She can smell fear, Cody. Don't give her the satisfaction." She sticks out her tongue playfully.

Hoping she can diffuse the situation, Yumei returns to the original subject. "Daddy's a CDL driver. He's not arrond much, but he always buys me nice things when he does visit."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Kelly kept her smile, but it got a little too fixed to look genuine.

"Oh I get it.
All the other straight girls normally wait until they're half-naked and alone in a locker room to ask too."

Shut Someone Down: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6

Still stinging from getting outplayed by Taryn, more heat crept into Kelly's voice than she'd meant to be there, clearly she wasn't as nonchalant about Lily's response as she wanted to seem.

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

She chuckles at that, not laughing at him but more at her own joke. "I'm just messing with you. I'm not going to hurt you over forgetting my name." She winks at him, "But now I know you won't forget. You do something nice for me someday and I'll forgive you."

"My Daddy takes people's dreams away, tears them into parts, sells the bits to other people and finally crushes whatever's left over." There's a pause, "Assuming that people dream about their cars. Mommy just does time."

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0

Alex glances between Mindy and the other students. “umm,.. yeah, I guess we should get back to work.” she says before pausing and turning to Mindy. ”or we could get back to the civil war later and just see what it’s like?” clearly hoping that the other girl changes her mind.

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

Mindy lets out a long, cold sigh. She already didn’t want to do this project. She’d hate to fight her inertia as well as Alex’s. Fine. We can go. But there’s no such thing as ghosts.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Yu and Carrie

good read Yu, and good to know

Oh, you guys are scholarship students. I couldn't tell, you hide it well. my dads a diplomat with France. He says.


I didn't want to accidentally out you. She says, moving back a little bit A few of us were talking. and you stare at Taryn. A lot. like, intensely. She says. Take the condition Into Taryn

Anyone who wants to make a move against Kelly while she has this condition, if you can find a way to "Tag" that condition (wok in her being Into Taryn) you take +1

Mindy and Alex

Kenny smiles Glad to have you two along. Meet by the pool at 10. He says.

Does Mindy really think Ghosts aren't real?

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

Yeah. She's never met a ghost before and she and Papa have killed a LOT of people so like...odds are...

Lovely. Can't wait. She looks back to Alex. So, can we like...get back to the civil war so that we can waste our evening before we waste our night?

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

"Oh, how cool. I love France." What's more romantic than poetry? Yu shifts upright onto her knees so her calves are splayed out at either side of her. Waifu pose b2 engage! "Demain, dès l’aube
Demain, dès l’aube, à l’heure où blanchit la campagne,Je partirai. Vois-tu, je sais que tu...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Kelly's nostrils flared as her embarrassment almost instantly burned away into anger; she stalked forward to interrogate Lily. "And what - you thought I was pining after her or something? Planning on waiting until she was alone in the locker room and asking if she was into girls? Look," she was close now, slamming the palm of her hand into one of the lockers for emphasis, "I don't care if you think you're here to help me, or just to warn me or whatever. I don't need your help hiding."

Lily wasn't meeting her eyes anymore, startled by the sudden noise, so Kelly grabbed her jaw and locked gazes with her again.

"I don't mess around pretending not to want what I want. But that doesn't mean I follow people around like some sort of puppy!" She let go of Lily with a last intense look, and got her things to get going to her next class.

"I'm not here to chase after you, or Taryn, or anyone.
If you want to have another 'locker-room conversation,' you'll have to admit what it's for."

Turn Someone On: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 5) + 1 = 10 String and a reaction

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

As Yu poses, she turns with a shrug, "Impressive. All I know is Voulez vous coucher avec moi?" As she sings this, she does a quick little dance where she moves like water.

She's dancing for herself, but...

Turn Yumei on: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 5) - 1 = 8
Mixed result - Yu's choice of:
• give me a String
• act on the attraction,
• promise something I think you want
• get embarrassed and act awkward.

Turn Cody on: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 5) - 1 = 5
too soon

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

I believe Turning Yumei On resolves as Shutting Yu Down per the non-attraction rules. Yu gives Carrie a condition and Carrie chooses from:
♠ They lose a String on you,
♠ If they have no Strings on you, gain one on them,
♠ They gain a Condition, or
♠ You take 1 Forward.

"Oh, Lady Marmalade? Did you see Aida Vox and Patty Lebelle on American Idol? It was amazing!" Yumei hopps up to join the dance.
Turn Carrie On: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (3, 3) - 1 = 5
Turn Cody On: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 6) - 1 = 6
It's historically bad.

For a condition, I think between being poor, the French, and American Idol, Yumei's made Carrie look Uncultured.

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

She'll join in and dance, ignoring poor Cody for the moment. "I'm not big on TV but I like having music around while I do stuff."

Of course, that's up to you. I'll take the string. Actually she's not poor, Daddy makes good money. But it is definitely a profession associated with being uncultured. She wears it like a badge of honor.

And mark your experience. You get it whenever you fail a roll.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Mindy and Alexandra

How are you two sneaking out?

Yu and Carrie

The rain is letting up somewhat. oui, à tout moment, charmante jeune femme Cody winks at Carrie You know, my rooms on the first floor, window is right by the orchard gate. Stop by tonight, bring your cute friend

Both of you, mark the condition Licentious. You know Cody is gonna spread this story around, and vastly misrepresent it.

Yu, some bit of your internal display very briefly shows the names "Morrison, Simmons, Lawrence". what do you do?


I was just cur- You hear Lily gasp a little, or maybe moan, as you grab her, cutting her off. her eyes are wide as you lay into her. She rushes off as you finish, looking quite... frazzled. Where to now?

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

Yumei's dance slows to a stop, and her arms swing slowly at her sides. She looks down and cocks her head like she's listening for something.

Allison, Uriah, and... Morgan? What does it mean? I should check on them. I really hope that doesn't mean something's wrong. I left Yungfang's outfit in that empty locker by the restroom... What AP's are their phones getting wifi from... that should help locate them if they're on campus. Are they checking in on social media?
Gaze into the Abyss: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 2) + 2 = 9
Metamorphosis again. I get an idea of what kind of person they need, and can swap stats to conform.

"I've got to... go check on something."

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Kelly gives Lily a couple minute's head start.

I'm not hunting her.
Besides, she'll be back.

In fact, since she had a class with Lily next period, she decided to blow it off. She kinda liked the idea of giving Lily an empty seat to pretend she wasn't looking at for a while.

She hadn't decided on the rest of the day though, so instead she just headed out to the quad, thinking about dropping in on the Environmental club, when she caught a scent that made her nose twitch.

Huh. What's she up to..?

Mindy, Carry, and Yumei all have scents that Kelly would notice across a crowded room, so this is my way of hooking onto one of the other pairs (dealer's choice) :p

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

I’d prefer to not get caught sneaking out Mostly because I don’t want to give up any of my escape routes Do you have an idea?

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

"In your dorm room? Oh, what a Cassanova. I'm so impressed!" She turns away. "I might consider if you can find someplace interesting. Some place where we don't have anybody hearing everything.
Until then, have fun with your hand."

She walks away, crossing the quad. There was that girl, the jock... Kelly?

She'll nod at her, "Hey, can I walk with you? I'm trying to get away from Mr. Stud over there."

Is this the first time Kelly has seen Carrie since that night?

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

I wasn't sure, but since the answer 'yes' will freak her out more...

That Night:
The forest was alive with scents, but it fell silent as she stalked through it. Nothing lived out here that didn't know to stay quiet when a predator was around, and tonight, there was nothing that couldn't be her prey, nothing that didn't know this forest was Hers.

**KRRRNCHH kkkkththd**
She came to a halt, pricking her ears towards the sudden noise, baring her teeth in a snarl at the defiance it implied.

The silence was broken now, so she stopped creeping, and raced towards her challenger, ducking her head against the snapping branches and tangles of underbrush as she tore through them.

Her challenger was hurt, she could already smell the blood, even behind the machine-smell she was using to mask her scent.

Badly hurt.

The human wasn't a challenger. She was weak, foolish, Prey.
Prey in Her woods.


The woods were where it was right to hunt.
Her woods,
Her prey.


The smell was getting stronger, there was more blood. Fresh blood. Heartsblood.

The Prey was already hurt, badly.


The Prey was halfway out of a big metal box -car-, spine twisted, limbs akimbo, one eye open and staring blindly at her True-face.

The Prey was dying. Maybe already dead. But fresh-dead.
Still warm.



Her heart started pounding, hard enough she was surprised no one was looking to see what the racket was.
That's... that's impossible.

Her body keyed up for fight or flight, adrenaline flooding her mouth with an odd coppery taste, but her wolf remained oddly quiet, almost.. curious?
Sure- Sure. Happy to help.

Maybe just her sister?

Her palms were too sweaty to shake hands, so she just nodded vaguely at her, and introduced herself, hoping that the horribly familiar taste that filled her mouth when she saw her was just a coincidence, hoping to hear a name she'd never read off of a bloody driver's license, anything that couldn't possibly be "Broklawsky, Karen," maybe Jenny or Claudia, just anything except- "Carrie."

Gaze into the Abyss: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 2) - 1 = 3

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether
Kelly Granger wrote:
Gaze into the Abyss: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 2) - 1 = 3

Perfect! Don't want to make it too easy on you.

She was surreptitiously looking over her shoulder and didn't quite catch the initial moment of shock. "I mean Cody's not bad looking, but that sense of entitlement is a turn-off. There should always be a little bit of chasing on one side or another, don't you think?"

As she turns back, she sees the expression on Kelly's face and her eyes go wide. "What's wrong? Did he do something?" You see her body tensing, ready to turn and fight. "If he is more than talk, I'll take him down. I don't care who sees."

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0

Akex shrugs. "shouldn't be too hard. Should it?" she replies to Mindy. "Apparently there's a window down in the cellar that doesn't lock properly. Megan said that it takes two people to get through 'cause its a bit high, but we should be able to manage. All we need to do is sneak down after lights-out."

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

"Watch her hunt."

"No! No it's... nothing like that."

With an effort she tried to calm herself, "I just thought- It's nothing."

Her back was broken, she wasn't breathing and that was before... the Wolf got to her.
I heal fast.
I've never been that hurt, but who knows?
Did I make her like me?

She forced a not entirely convincing smile onto her face as they kept walking,
"Aside from 'away from Cody' where're you headed?"

I need to learn more.

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

Something had Kelly spooked, but she probably wasn't going to say anything here in the quad. "Eh, I was going to take a bit of a run. Clear my head. With the rain, it'll probably be pretty empty out there. Wanna come?" Without waiting for an answer, she takes off at a sprint. While she's no jock, she's definitely pretty quick for an amateur.

She seems to be turning and jinking at random, but she ends up on the north side of school, away from the buildings. "Watch this." she says. There's a point where they didn't match up two of the wrought-iron fences exactly. Instead of six inches between bars, this one is a little wider. It's still a little less than eight inches. Carrie turns herself sideways and squeezes herself through. It's a tight fit and it looks like something that would be really uncomfortable to do, but she makes it.

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

Mindy shrugs. That'll do. Meet you down there tonight?

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

When Carrie took off, Kelly braced herself to fight down the instinct to chase her, but oddly, it didn't come. Honestly it left her a little slow off the mark, so though she wasn't a bad runner at all, she it took her a while to start really making up ground.

This is nice, I haven't been able to really let myself relax on a run...

Carrie's stunt with the bars earns a hard blink, Well, she's certainly not worried about hurting herself.

She had no interest in letting herself be outdone, but with her own stocky build, she was simply not going to be able to mimic that.

So still running, she gave a flying leap to grab the top of the fence, and hauled herself over instead.

"Can't shake me that easy!"

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

"Uh... okay." the jump was impressive. "Part kangaroo on your father's side?" She heads off, but only for a short while. She comes to a rock overhang with leaves piled up under it. Beneath the leaves there's a tent. She unzips it and inside is a dirt bike. It looks to have been built from the remains of a couple of other bikes.

She then pulls out a leather motorcycle suit and tosses it to Kelly. "Wouldn't want to get your uniform dirty." She pulls out some jeans, a t-shirt and a leather jacket for herself.

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

I'd better be more careful in these uniforms, I'm gonna give some perv a show if I keep climbing around like this.
Straightening her skirt out, she quipped, "Nah, just never saw the point of skipping leg day."

Looking at the frankensteined dirt bike and the motorcycle suit with bemusement she continues, "I thought we were just going for a run, but I'm game."

"So. Who gets the tent first?"

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

"Be my guest." she says with a sweep of her hand. Meanwhile, she's already unbuttoning her top. She's wearing a sports bra beneath, so it's not the same as revealing something lacy and intimate.

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