Lone Oak Intrigue (Inactive)

Game Master Elsine

Students sheet

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Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Still feeling quite wrong-footed, by the whole situation, Kelly half turned towards the tent before just unfastening her skirt. Well I'm not gonna hide from her either.

She silenced a low growl before it got any farther than her mind, but a part of her was almost glad her wolf thought there might be some sort of mockery or challenge here. It was better than how suspiciously quiet it was being at least.

She didn't make much fuss about disrobing either, the tension she felt had almost nothing to do with any attraction to Carrie's lean frame, and much more to do with the real reason she could barely tear her eyes away from the daredevil's smooth unmarked stomach.

There was no sign that-that taut flesh had stretched for a moment against her teeth before tearing open to begin her feast- she'd ever been hurt.

Kelly's face was a bit flushed,and her fingers clumsy by the time she finished squeezing into her borrowed leathers, which were uncomfortably tight even after she'd loosened them as far as she could manage.

Creaking slightly as she walked over to the bike, she noted with less than her usual confidence, "You still haven't told me where we're going. "

I might be in a little over my head.

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

At the appointed time, Mindy slips from her room and creeps down to the cellar. Any resistance?

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

Yu jogs through the Halls of campus, searching. Where had those names come from? MyAdmin? I wish I knew more about him. Not that I'm ungrateful for being let out of that room, but it would help if I knew why-

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

"I hadn't figured that part out yet." she says as she pulls the jeans up over her thong-covered ass. She turns and looks Kelly over. "So are we going public with that cleavage, or keeping away from people?"

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0

As the time nears ten Alex slipped out of her room and stealthily made her way to the doorway at the end of the hall, carefully avoiding any noise that might alert the dorm mistress to her presence. Making her way to the cellar, she found Mundy waiting....

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Kelly's eyes are pointed an entirely appropriate direction by the time Carrie turns to look at her, and she gives a low strength glower at Carrie for calling out what was more than peeking out of her top.

But she couldn't keep it up for too long before her glower broke into a wicked grin. "Public. It'd be a shame to waste the outfit, and your butt-floss."

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Not sure if there should be any"tun on" rolls in there, Kelly and Carrie. I'll leave that to player fiat


Allison and Morgan are both active on social media. Uriah is ... harder to get a read on. no soc. Media accounts linked to his name, but a few registering activities from his dorm, that aren't his roommates

records do show that all 3 are involved in the school production of Othello. tryouts are tomorrow. That's probably your way in.

Alex and Mindy

You arrive at the ool, to find it already occupied. bot by Megan, Joel, or Kenny, but by Linda and Blake.

I'm not so sure anymore, what if we get caught.

We won't, everyone is asleep already

We've only been dating a week.

I'm not trying to f@@$ you or anything, just have a little fun in the pool. relax Blake

what do you do?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

After a quick outfit change in the family restroom, Yuji emerges, adjusting their scarf. They wear the long-sleeve button-up, fitted vest, shorts, and socks found in the catalog with the addition of a tight-knit scarf. Theater kids. I'll have to make time tomorrow for the tryouts. Someone's in Morgan's room. I should go check on him.

Snatching a handful of paper from a recycling bin in an open classroom, Yuji approaches Morgan's room. Then, they brings up the play's script, picking a character at random. "Zounds, sir, you're robbed. For shame, put on your gown! Your heart is burst. You have lost half your soul. Even now, now, very now, an old black ram is tupping your white ewe. Arise, arise! Awake the snorting citizens with the bell, or else the devil will make a grandsire of you. Arise, I say!" As he passes the dorm room, he makes a note of the angle of the door, and stops in mock surprise as the interlopers are revealed.

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

Some things gotta build for a while until you seal the deal.
I'm also assuming that it's a school night. Maybe Wednesday?

She cocks her head. "Are you more in the mood for See what we can find in town, back in the dorms by midnight fun... or are you thinking going to the city, f@~@ curfew, breaking laws and breaking hearts, sleep is for the weak, put a question mark on getting back by first period fun?"

Up until now, there's been a sense of challenge. Now it's explicit. Her eyes are almost glowing with anticipation. The obvious question is if there's an endpoint, or does she just keep turning things up until something breaks?

turn Kelly on: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 5) - 1 = 10 String and a reaction

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

So wait, are we swimming or are we doing this stupid seance? Because I have even less interest in swimming...

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

There wasn't much about Kelly that you could call shy or retreating, but she wasn't really an extrovert. She enjoyed being the center of one person's attention far more than she wanted to be in a broader spotlight. Even her past flings had been much more like her interaction with 'Just Curious' Lily, intense, but private.

Not that Carrie wasn't just as... Intense.

Figuring out if she has a wolf too is more important than curfew.
It was a rational reason. Showing Carrie that she wouldn't back down, that she wouldn't break first was just a bonus, right?

"Bring it on. We'll make it a night to wish we could remember.

"But not one word about riding B$%@%"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

"But riding b$$$# means that you trust somebody to have your back." She pulls out her phone and makes a couple quick texts.

The first is to Squeaky.

Text wrote:
Hey Roomie! Can you please stuff my bed in case they check tonight. Room's all yours until morning. I owe you one - two if they check. I'll even do that if you ask me nice.

She had no idea if Squeaky was thinking of anything specific, but imagining what the girl thought that she was imagining was fun.

The second is to Luigi, somebody she met through her father.

Text wrote:
BigL! Coming up to the city and brining a friend. Looking for someplace with loud music and sweaty dancing. EDM, Punk, whatever. Might split a Moon Rock with a friend.

"Okay, hang on tight. Keep you head and arms inside the ride at all times. Permanecer sentados por favor." She handed over a helmet and put her own on. Once they mounted up, she headed over to the interstate and ran off far too fast.

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0
Minder1 wrote:
So wait, are we swimming or are we doing this stupid seance? Because I have even less interest in swimming...

“Shhhh.... don’t you want to know what they’re up to? We should see what happens.” Alex whispers to Mindy as she pulls the other girl back into the shadows.

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

Mindy rolls her eyes but acquiesces. She sits back into the shadows and watches.

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Kelly hopped on with a slight scowl and wrapped her arms firmly around the skinny girl, fingers digging in slightly to her jacket. "From here it looks more like I've got your back."

She'd thought about just grabbing the sissy bar, but at this point that seemed like it would draw more attention to who was driving than just holding on to Carrie's waist, which had other advantages anyways.

Should be an interesting night...

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Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

As they get into the city, Carrie pulls into a parking lot. "We should eat first. This place is pretty good, and it's free." The sign says "Big Earl's Roastin' Pit".

The sign inside does say that you can eat free. If you can eat The Whole Farm in 45 minutes or less. It's a rack of ribs, a whole chicken, a pound of brisket, an ear of grilled corn and a serving of fries. Available with Kentucky-style sauce or Fireball style.

"That looks good to me. What're you having?" she says with a smile.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

"Ha! I thought we were making a night of it. If we're gonna split that I'll need to curl up for a f#*%ing nap!

As Carrie continued grinning, the penny dropped, and Kelly rolled her eyes to the heavens, "You're f**#ing crazy. Fine, eat the whole farm! But if I have to take your ass to the ER, this is the last night out you plan."
Ambling up to order, she asked, "Look what's your biggest steak? No sauce, and if you can't do raw, then just wave it near a fire for a few seconds first.

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

Somewhere there is a wolf who is hanging their head in shame at you.

She shrugs, "Your loss. I'll have the Farm with extra fireball."

She tears into the food with gusto. It's almost as if she's barely stopping to breathe. The sauce is hot enough that you can smell the sting from across the table and yet she doesn't seem to have a problem.

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

I figured that, unlike the ashamed wolf, Kelly ate yesterday, has eaten today, and expects to eat tomorrow, so she's not gonna eat 'feast or famine' style!

Kelly wasn't used to being the delicate one at any dining table before she'd been bitten, and now that wolfing down a pound and a half of essentially raw cow wasn't an uncommon meal for her, that feeling had been reinforced.

But Carrie was a g@$+#!ned machine.

Staring at her barbecue-spattered face with a little bit of awe she asked, "Where the hell do you even put it?! Or is this just the one day a month you eat?!"

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

"Oh, I'm going to burn it off tonight. Gotta have fuel to bring the fire." A few of the patrons are looking over at the spectacle and she makes a show of licking the sauce off of her fingers. She leans in for another comment, quieter. "Of course if you want your meal for free, the guy with the bushy beard seems pretty interested in you."

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

"No kidding. He's uh.. not subtle."

She turned and gave Bushy a flatly threatening glare.

"There. Now he can stop wondering.
I'm not exactly desperate for free food. Or company."

She got rid of the last piece of gristle from her teeth with a decisive flick.
"I'm done here. Food was good though."

Her eyes met Carrie's with an obvious challenge,
"So, assuming Bushy wasn't really your idea of a good time, show me what else you got."
Turn her on: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 4) + 1 = 7 Reaction or String

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

"I would, but my hands are saucy." she says, and gets up to head to the restroom to wash them. Perhaps a bit too quickly...

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Kelly sorted in satisfaction, feeling closer to in control than she had since recognizing Carrie. You're not the only one who can catch people of balance.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2


What, have you lost your wits? Morgan replies, smiling

Most reverend signior, do you know my voice? Uriah finishes You're trying out for the play tommorow too? he says

looks like we're trying out for the same part Morgan says, eyes going a little downcast Sorry

I keep telling you, go for some minor part. or Cassio, no one want to be Cassio

Alex and Mindy

Fine, I guess Blake says

There's a sport! Laura replies

a number of articles of clothing, enough to kow that the other two in the room are in a state of complete or near complete undress, are discarded dangerously close to your hiding spot. meanwhile, you spot Kenny and the others in the dressing room across the room. what do you do?

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

Mindy strolls into view. Don’t let me interrupt. If you’d rather swim, we can do the seance another night.

She stays well away from the water.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Linda and blake were not in the group in the library, to be clear.

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

Carrie spends a little time in the bathroom. It's mostly cleaning up, but there's a little bit of wondering what would happen if Kelly came in. She comes out, and see that the check has already arrived, with her meal comped out. She leaves a ten buck tip since she didn't have to pay for the meal. "So are you ready to hit the club?"

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Kelly's pleasantly surprised not to smell any signs that Carrie had been purging when she returns, Good. Guess she really does plan to work it off.

"Sure, if you're done powdering your nose. A thought strikes her, "My fake ID is pretty bad. I assume we're going somewhere that won't be a hassle?"

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary
Elsine wrote:
Linda and blake were not in the group in the library, to be clear.

Oh, I was confused. Let me retcon.

She walks out into view and looks down at the skinny-dipping couple.

Both of you, leave now.

She doesn't use hypnosis. She doesn't need to. Hopefully they're both scared and embarrassed enough to bolt.

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

"Oh, I've got your ID in my pocket, Andrew." she heads out toward the bike, checking her messages on the way.

They end up in an industrial part of town. With a few twists and turns they reach a warehouse that's vibrating with music. "I hope you like Freetek."

It's fast and loud even from outside. Carrie pays for both of you, "Not that it means you gotta put out later." and you head in. The bodies are packed together. Between that and the sound, it's getting hot in here.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2


can I get a cockblockShut Down roll?

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

shut down: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 4) + 2 = 10
Sure can! I guess I'll take a string and then use that string to tempt them to get the f~~@ out of the pool

She crosses her arms and waits for them to leave, tapping her toe to show her displeasure at being kept waiting.

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0

Alex pauses hesitantly as Mindy steps forward into the lit area of the space next to the pool but follows just behind, red suffusing her cheeks as the other girl unselfconsciously addresses the two swimmers. Glancing towards them but doing her best not to stare she grabs Mindy's arm.

"Maybe we should just leave them to it?" she says. It's not really any of our business what they get up to."

Shut Down?: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 5) - 1 = 10

Gain a condition: Loosen up!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

Swim class is bad enough without soaking in Blake’s seed. Go rut somewhere else, horny teens!

I thought conditions were bad impressions, not directives. “Tightly wound” not “loosen up”

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0
Minder1 wrote:

I thought conditions were bad impressions, not directives. “Tightly wound” not “loosen up”

Ok, (sorry, first time using this system)... How about "tolerant"?

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

may I ask why tolerant? Conditions are generally negative. "Stick up the arse " might fit, but tolerant is the exact opposite of what shea being (and conditions arent used to impose behaviors, theyre used to impose the all important "Labels"

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0

Ok,- a bit confused. Go with "Stick up the arse"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

I like to think of conditions as 'the mean gossip/rumors/reputation that will be spread because of this moment'

Kelly's already reaching for her wallet when Carrie pays. "Well, good to know I've still got the option if I want to."
But despite the grin and quirk of her eyebrow, inside she could feel her wolf stirring from its steak-induced slumber with a low growl.
Show her who's in charge.

At first, she fought down the impulse, and just dove in. A packed club, pounding bass, and an interesting girl to dance with - they were all things that had pushed her buttons before the wolf took up shop in her hindbrain, but she hadn't exactly been 'out' in the same way since she'd been bitten, hadn't really trusted herself to let go.

It was nice.

Keep her Cool: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 3) - 1 = 6

But very quickly, she found herself more and more aware of more than just the crush, the body heat surrounding her, the sweet-stink of perfume and cologne fighting down sweat and pheromones. She was watching the people who were out of breath, or too intoxicated with booze or drugs, the ones sitting by themselves or leaving alone, the ones who couldn't tell when a predator was watching them.

No. She wasn't going to hunt, but her wolf was awake. She needed to give it something to focus on.

For a moment she thought about starting a fight, but the energy of the place was aggressive, but still too damned friendly. No one was asking for it. I should have pushed for punk.

Don't watch the prey. Just focus on her.
She stared hard at Carrie as she flowed across the floor with a predator's grace, She's got a wolf like me - watch her hunt.
She closed her eyes tight, but the sounds, the smells were still too tempting.
She had to get out of here. But there was no way she'd make it to the alley without getting a noseful of all the stragglers from the herd who'd wandered off, alone.
So don't go alone. Have her keep you honest.
She stalked back over to Carrie, and pressed up against her back, with an inaudible creak of leather on leather, to shout above the noise into her ear.

I need something, soon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

Igor balks as the two go off script, and Yu has to shake his head before slipping back out of the role. Yuji pads into the room on socked feet, adjusting the door to it's prescribed angle as they enters.

"Nothing to be sorry about, Morgan. I was just trying out a few different roles." They runs a hand up their hip and curve their spine in exaggerated seduction. "I can hardly expect to play the leading lady: To my unfolding lend your prosperous ear; And let me find a charter in your voice, To assist my simpleness." Desdemona approached Morgan, rocking her hips.
Turn Morgan On: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 2) + 1 = 6

"Don't think I'd be able to sell Othello either." Leaning forward and rolling his shoulders, Othello turned to Uriah, touching fingers to the line of her jaw. "A sibyl, that had number'd in the world The sun to course two hundred compasses, In her prophetic fury sew'd the work; The worms were hallow'd that did breed the silk; And it was dyed in mummy which the skilful Conserved of maidens' hearts."
Turn Uriah On: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 2) + 1 = 7

Shrugging, Yuji takes a step back. "No, I'm affraid Iago would be my best shot at a star role, but knowing this school, I'll probably get stuck with Clown."

Yuji pauses, taking in the room.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

Mindy claps her hands at the two in the pool. Get! Moving! Now! God!

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

Carrie nods and turns away, hooking a finger to tell Kelly to follow. She weaves through the crowds to the back corner of the warehouse and ducks under a curtain. There's an industrial-looking ladder bolted in the corner, with a metal plate to keep people from climbing. She whips something from her pocket and opens the padlock, throwing the lock and chain over her shoulder. As they climb, she motions for Kelly to close the plate after her. At the roof hatch, there's another lock, which she also opens.

On the roof the music is muted enough to talk normally. The crazy light show is coming up through the skylight and when Kelly steps away, Carrie leaps on top of the raised hatch, the couple inches negating the height difference. "What the hell is your f&+!ing problem!" This comes out like an explosion. She starts whirling the lock and chain around her. This is very much not like a ninja warrior. It's flying around with only the slightest amount of control. She even clips the side of her head, drawing a little blood. She doesn't even flinch at that. "All night you've been freaked out in some weird way. It's not like you're scared of me, which for your information, you should be. I'll take you off of this roof if I need to and ride you all the way down to the concrete." She slams the chain down to punctuate that and show how hard they'd both hit.

"But no, you're not scared of that. There's a little bit of you lusting after my scrawny little ass, but that just proves that you're a horny b#+!* who got turned down by all the better options. But it's not my A-cup tittes you're looking at, you keep looking right here," she lifts up her shirt to show her side. "You keep looking at it like something's gonna crawl out and bite you. And every time you look, I start itching there. So are you gonna tell me what the f@*@ this is or are we taking the express route to the smoking alley?"

I'm not sure what this is. It's something that's sort of like turning on, shutting down and lashing out. Screw it, the one thing I know is that it uses Volatile. I'll let Kelly and Elsie figure out what the heck happens. Betcha I get a condition out of it!

Volatile with String and Hunger: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (4, 1) + 4 = 9

When you're dealing with an aggressive wolf, the best thing to do is to yell at them and then expose your belly. I think I saw that one on Animal Planet.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Seems most like Shutting me Down by my read. I'll go ahead and apply 'Self Destructive' to you.

Kelly gives a confused flinch as Carrie suddenly erupts, but as she continues her harangue, a fire burns hotter and hotter in Kelly's gut. Carrie's assumptions, her insults, even how she grabbed the extra few inches to literally talk to down to her, all worked together to drown out thoughts of restraint in a rising growl.

As Kelly speaks, her lips curl back in disdain, baring her teeth as she lays into Carrie. "I don't need this s@~~. You pull your little striptease, and drive me all the way out here to tell me I'm the one who's looking for a consolation prize?! Well f$*# you.
I don't need a backup b*@$@, and I don't need to be one either."

She could feel slaver building in her mouth, couldn't help the way her hungry eyes were still drawn to Carrie's smooth, unmarked stomach.

She doesn't know. I need to get out of here before I kill her. Now.

With Carrie standing on top of the hatch there was nowhere to Flee. No way to go but straight through her just the way her wolf was howling for.


"One chance, Carrie. Get out of the way.
Scratch your own f$+@ing itch."

Shut her Down: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 1) - 1 = 4 Yeah, well, Kelly's not great at defusing situations :p

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

Oh, I think you get 'Prideful'

There's a grin and a gleam in her eyes as she leans forward and says, "Bring." "It." "On." "B@%%@."

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0

Alex steps forward towards Mindy, placing herself between the other girl and the swimmers. Taking a deep breath. "No." she says, grabbing at her arm, a steely look in her eye. "We'll go. They've got as much right as us to be here. Don't be a b$*!!!"

Shut her down: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 4) - 1 = 9
Mindy loses her string on Alex but gets a condition back...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

I think you can make the case that your shut down plays off the "stick up the arse" condition, which gives you a +1, taking you to 10. If you don't want that, Mindy thinks that Alex is caving too easily and not fighting for what she wants because she doesn't want to make a scene, so I'll give you the condition conflict-averse

Fine she says, and starts to walk away. As she goes, she calls to Blake over her shoulder But finish quickly, Blake.

hypnosis: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 6) + 1 = 9
Blake knows EXACTLY what I did to him

She walks over to the changing area to meet the others.

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Kelly didn't sprint forward in a frenzy; she didn't pounce with fingers hooked and teeth bared. This was her chance to end this before the wolf stepped in.

Carrie was taller, and she had the chain, so reach was gonna be a problem, but Kelly had easily 30 pounds on her and didn't already have a head wound.

I just need to close the distance **Fight** Drop her quick or get her in a clinch **F!ck** Take the chain away and get out of here **Flee?!**

She could feel her wolf rattling at her cage, but it was holding, for now.

She ducked her chin, kept one arm up to shield her face or catch the chain, and slid forward in a deceptively quick shuffle.
Lash Out Physically: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 3) + 2 = 11 Dealing a harm (which gives me a string due to Primal Dominance, and giving me a moment where Carrie can't react. I'll also spend a string to increase the harm by one since I'm not gonna narrate this as a single hit.

**shhclack** The chain whispered out like Kelly'd expected, but she took the hit on her forearm with a snarl and drove forward with pair of nasty body blows, including a shot to the liver that should have left Carrie gasping on the ground in pain.
But she kept moving like she hadn't felt it at all.

So Kelly went for the clinch. Use your weight **Feed**
Damnit! How is she this flexible?! **Feed!**

The chain kept whipping around as they twisted and grappled, cracking the badly maintained blacktop of the roof more and more til asphalt dust was stuck to their skin and clothes in patches of sweat. Kelly's greater strength was beginning to tell, but whenever she thought she had Carrie finally pinned, she would writhe her way free from the thrummin time and time again.

But Kelly's time was running out. The cage was rattling, the leash was slipping. Her heart pounded even faster than the vibrations from the music below, the vibrant colors of the lightshow began to dim and blend together as her nostrils were filled more and more with Carrie's scent, a mix of exertion, hot sauce, and engine grease that left her stomach gurgling.

Her gums itched and burned as her teeth began to stretch her mouth open in anticipation of a heavy jaw that could hold them, her fingernails grew thick and hard, scoring thin lines where she grabbed hold of Carrie's flesh. FEED
It's not like you don't already know how good she tastes...

She tried to stand up and run, get through the door, hell just jump off the roof, but she couldn't break away. She didn't want to. The wolf wasn't the only one that was hungry.

She didn't think she'd planned it, but in their grapple she'd ended up with her mouth inches from Carrie's taut stomach where her shirt had ridden up. She and her wolf were whining, both panting and straining to be the first one to reach the place that should have already born their mark.
Both of them touched their teeth to her skin, but it was only Kelly that nibbled softly, very softly, as her hands began to wander, as she tried to feed a different desire...

Turn On (Licentious, Self Destructive): 2d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (5, 4) + 1 + 2 = 12

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0
Minder1 wrote:
I think you can make the case that your shut down plays off the "stick up the arse" condition, which gives you a +1, taking you to 10.

OK, that makes sense so no condition for me! (Alex is doing surprisingly well at this whole 'shut someone down' thing, given her low 'Cold'!)

Alex can't help but shoot a glance at the two swimmers as she hurries after Mindy, relaxing slightly now that the situation seems to have been resolved. As the two near Kenny, Joel and Megan she greets them. "Hi guys. The pool's occupied. Should we get going?"

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

Site ate my post. Damn.

She's bloody and pinned and turned on. She gets quiet and looks away. "Wait." She takes a deep breath. "I can't die. I keep coming back. Three times so far. And I'm not the same." She then looks over. She slips her thumb into Carrie's mouth, pressing her thumb against the fang. "Your turn."

Was this whole night enough to feed her need for chaos?

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

"Werewolf," she panted, unconsciously shifting back and forth in her borrowed leathers, "Not just full moons. Hungry. Need to be-" She let out a low whine from the back of her throat, "Distracted." Her fingers dug into Carrie's hips before sliding under the waistband of her jeans, "Don't want to. Hurt you."
Her newly-golden eyes locked onto Carrie's, smoldering with twin hungers, "Explain more. After."

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