Lone Oak Intrigue (Inactive)

Game Master Elsine

Students sheet

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Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

At this point in the night, Yu is just happy it got back to bed first. The questions left unanswered by the evening's events make it hard to slip into sleep mode. The induction charger under the mattress was getting a workout. If I sleep now, I'll be at 60% in the morning. I can't solve the meaning of life in one night, and I have to do Yungfeng most of tomorrow.

The door opens on its unusually well-oiled hinges, and Yumei focuses on affecting a nonchalant, prone starfish posture, knit animals spilled out of a twisted sheet. The petite 'mi-mi-mi-mi' is barely beliveable, but she's been consistent with it since the start of the semester.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

The next day

It hasn't been a great day... whoever makes the coffee urns in the morning used the decaff this morning, meaning a solid third of the student body (no doubt including some of you) is operating at a snails pace. the deep gray drizle doesn't help matters one whit,

Kelly and Alexandra

the tow of you are sitting at the same table in pre-calc, when Frederic Russel takes a seat across from you. as you start in on the exerises, he tells Alex You're cute, you could do a lot better than Joel

Mindy, Carrie, and Yu

The three of you find yourself in a study hall. Linda Mann gives Mindy the evil eye, while Morgan and Uriah keep looking surreptitiously at Yu.

it has been an unpleasant morning thus far, what are all three of you up to?

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Kelly's sleep-deprived headache has not been improved by the lack of caffeine, or the trigonometry, and Frederic's approach is all the more annoying because of it.

"Oh my God. It is way too early in the f&~&ing morning for your weak-ass game. And during math?! That's when you think a girl's in the mood for romance?
If you can explain this proof, you can stay, otherwise?"
She gives him a mocking wave 'bye-bye.'

Shut Down: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (3, 6) - 1 = 8 I'll take a string over him

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0

A blush begins to suffuse Alex’s cheeks as Frederick sits down. As she’s about to speak, however, she’s cut off by Kelly.

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Oooh - Kelly gonna get hexed for clam jamming Alex...

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0

Alex watches Kelly lay into Fred, her mouth agape. ”Hang on, “ she says after the other girl’s done. what do you mean ‘do better than Joel?’ What do you think’s up between me and him?”

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

Observant people might have noticed that Carrie seems a bit off today, idly rubbing her wrist. It must be the bad coffee. But in study hall things seem to be getting interesting.

She slips into a quiet fake newscaster voice, "For today's meaningful gaze report we've got a cold front on the eastern side. Rumors say a lover's quarrel, but we've yet to corroborate that. To the west we've got a pair of smoldering looks with just a hint of desperation. On top of that one of them seems to have his hand below the level of the desk. Pocket pool or just adjusting his junk? We'll have the full report on our six o'clock show."

So who is Yu?

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

This is my third time back at this thread trying to decide just that. I think it's most interesting if I follow through with my initial intent.

Yungfeng leans back in his chair, spinning a metal washer between his fingers. Taser notwithstanding, suppressing violence is not my purpose. I don't seem to have the aptitude for it that I did with- A finger misses, and the washer clatters to the floor. "Kuso..." Power's at thirty two percent. There's no way I'll last till curfew. I'll have to cut a class... or cop a nap.

As he stoops to fetch the washer, Yungfeng glances around, catching Morgan's furtive glance. Scared I'll object to their tryst with Yuji, or looking to make a grand slam? You've got the wrong sibling. He fixes her with a cold glare.

Shut Morgan Down: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (3, 4) - 1 = 6
Maybe there's a little too much of a smoulder in the look. Something of the past night's brush with oblivion interfering with Yu's perfect emulation.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Alex and Kelly

Fred adresses Alex first, giving Kelly a look of quiet contempt. his expression softens when he turns to Alex I'm sorry, but Joel is a Prick. he's already told everyone who will listen, and a bunch of us who didn't care to. Like I said, you're A nice girl, you could do a lot better.

And as for you, miss soccer scholarship he takes your paper and looks at it for a moment If you'd remembered that CSC corresponds to 1/SIN, not 1/COS, youd have solved this 5 minutes ago.

Mark the condition "Not here for your brains" or similar phrasing

In the study hall

Linda Mann and Morgan both approach the desk. Linda Snarls Are you always this much of a b~~%#, or it it just the coffee?

Morgan is quieter, and leans in cose, asking Where's Yuji? I need to talk to him?

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Dumb Jock work?

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0

Told everyone? Alex asks, a dark tone entering her voice. Told everyone what, exactly?

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

Mindy listlessly flips through her book, then looks up to make eye contact with Linda. Amused by her outburst, she decides to go sugar

Good morning Linda and...Morgan, isn’t it? Yuji is right here, isn’t he?

Mindy doesn’t know that all three are the same person, she just hasn’t bothered to learn the difference between Yuji and Yungfang and assumes that Yuji is just a nickname.

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

"He's hoping that if you're pissed off at Joel for telling everyone you two f$@%ed, he'll have a better chance at a repeat performance. Classy. Apparently he doesn't realize blondes only have more fun when they don't waste their time on f&~&boys.
His next move is probably negging, so you've got that to look forward to."

Her posture is still very loose and relaxed as she and her uniform splay across her chair, but as she turns to look at Fred again her predator's eyes are hard.

"Or he could just f&+& off."

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

Quite uncharacteristically, Yungfeng spazzes out when Mindy unknowingly outs him, and as a result, he leans too far back in his chair and crashes to the floor. He's back on his feet in a second, but his jacket is pulled up over his head and it takes him a moment of flailing before it's off, leaving him in his slacks and undershirt.

For a moment, he just stands and breaths, fumbling to right his chair. He passes his tongue over his teeth and thumbs his nose before responding. "Yare yare daze... My sibling is interviewing... ano... 'drama hopefuls'. What has Yuji done to offend you now?"

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

She plays at being startled, "Oh, you were talking to her? I'm just used to people thinking I'm the b$&&+ around here."
She kicks back her chair on two legs to watch the shows going in front of her.

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1


Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

I think I thought I was waiting on someone...


If that isn't a shut down, I don't know what is

Mindy and Yu

Wow, Mindy. Way to be Stereotypical. Morgan says

She changes tack as Yungfeng falls, trying to catch him. Nothing, He hasn't... look, I just wanna talk to him, okay. Morgan says


I was talking to you. Linda says. Do they teach you how to shut up in the trailer park?

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Heh, fair enough.

Shut down: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (3, 1) - 1 = 3 So maybe more of a "Light Fuse" than a "Shut Down"

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

She perks up at that, keeping her voice soft and cheerful. "Trailer park? Nah, I grew up in a junkyard. A totally different breed of trash entirely." As she talks, she's looking right into Linda's eyes without blinking.

"You might want to learn the difference before calling somebody a b*#@&. You see trailer trash doesn't have access to hazardous waste-rated incinerators, which means they have to worry about leaving DNA behind. Generally when they don't find a body, they assume that they ran off with some guy. There's rarely much of an investigation."

shut her down: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 6) + 1 = 13
I'll take the string.

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0

”What did he say?” Alex repeats, her voice taking on a harsh and dangerous edge.

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

Yungfeng narrows his eyes, looking up at Morgan with a ruffled posture. I wish I were taller. I really just want people to leave me alone today. He swings his jacket over his shoulder and leans against the wall, but his muscles are tense and he can't quite pull off a look of nonchalance.

"You should know, my sibling Yuji has some strong opinions, and throwing around 'he's and 'she's is liable to make you an enemy. If it's a boyfriend you're looking for, you'll get more mileage out of me." Damn it, that sounds like a come-on. My scripting protocols are choking on the collective hormones of every teen who's clumsily beat out a slash fic...

I think I can call on the thot condition I gave her before?
Turn Morgan On: 2d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (1, 2) + 1 + 1 = 5
I don't think I can get any more xp until I pick an advancement at the end of this scene...

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Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

Mindy’s eyes widen in embarrassment. Siblings? Oh dear. She thought there was only one of them. They all smelled the same and at her age she had a hard time caring about the difference in cattle.

She slinks a little lower in her seat. Will people think she’s racist? She isn’t.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Kelly and Alex

Is that really how you see the world, Kelly? Do you look at it like that because you think like that, or because you've met too many guys like that? He takes a string on you

Joel described your encounter with him, in far more detail than any of us would have liked, though with no small about of embellishment on the subject of his... characteristics Frederic says, obviously uncomfortable at this point.


Oh, don't worry. you'll get plenty of XP

Ummm... It's not like that. But good to know. look, just tell me where I can find him Morgan says, pretty agitated now.

So glad you decided to do the whole "multiple personalities" thing


Linda backs off fast, face pale... turns out the "junkyard Psycho" act works well

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

I thought this was the one where you could only take advancements between scenes. I'm eyeing the Hollow Siblings for when Yu can't keep up the farce, but I didn't want to jump into that too soon. I really wanted to have a chance to build up to that. For now, I'll take Blank Canvas. I can lean into a condition and make it a permanent character trait to erase it and gain a +1 forward.

I've got to just give her what she wants. Do I send her on a goose chase, or do I find someplace to send her which I can get to fast enough for a costume change? Is there a route I can take that both arrives sooner and passes one of my uniform caches?

+1 for lying (I keep forgetting to invoke this) I'm also hoping that rolling over like this triggers Blank Canvas with Beta for another +1.
Dark: 2d6 - 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (4, 2) - 1 + 1 + 1 = 7 Either a 6 or 7, depending on if I can take the advancement and trigger it in this scenario.
Yungfeng's hand clenches, and his jaw sets, but something lines up internally, and a new logical path clicks into place to optimize Yu's improvisation. A scale ticks toward obsequious as opposed to rebellious, and Yungfeng sighs. "Gomen- They may be in the visual arts lab, either busy with an interview, or... ano... locked up in the dark room. Mindy might know where that is."

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Her face is getting red, clearly he's struck a nerve, "I don't need some weak-ass game to-" For a moment she can almost feel the impact of his nose against the desk, but before she does anything she looks at Alex. But whether he's worth it or not, he'd best move on, soon.

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0

Alex's voice, when she replies, is icy cold and bares an unmistakable, but surprising hint of menace. "Whatever Joel said I did with him didn't happen," she says to the boy. "As for his 'characteristics' I have no idea what he thinks he has, but I doubt that someone who has to make up things like that has very much to be proud of."

Is Joel in this class? - i.e., is he in the room?

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Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

Embarrassed at her (admittedly probably sort of kind of racially motivated but she’s old so maybe cut her some slack) blunder, Mindy is eager to help.

I’d be happy to take you to the dark room.

She stands awkwardly. Farewell Carrie and... she was trying to be personable but she realized she had no idea who this person was if they weren’t Yuji. all assembled.

Taking Morgan and Linda by the hand, she rushes from the library Lets go away now.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2


I'll give it to You. And If you would like, I can start setting up justifications for Hollow Siblings

Okay! she says following Mindy out. you know a faster way to the dark room, but it requires slipping through a window in the girls locker room... what do you do?


As you take her through the halls, she says Thank you for taking me.. Th path takes you through a pretty deserted hallway. what do you do?

why are you taking Linda? was that a mistake, or intentional?

Kelly and Alex

Oh... that's. Wow, sorry. Fred says I didn't mean- I mean, it's not that ... I shouldn't have beleived him He says

you know that Joel is in Algebra with mrs. harris right now... If he isn't cutting. If he is, he's be in the stacks of the library, probably getting high. what do you do?

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Kelly gives Alex a measuring look, "So, you a turn the other cheek type, or you wanna go find Joel?" Her eyes darken a bit as she smiles, "We could even do some practical... experiments? I dunno there's a good threat there somewhere. Something about angles and his wrist? I'll work on it while we head over."

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

Mindy grabbed both of them because she was panicking. Out of the library she turns to Linda. Wait...am I taking both of you? I’ve gotten a bit confused.

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

At least I've got my tolerances back in sync with my role, but I've got to play it cool getting through the locker room. Looks like I have a Yuji outfit there already...

No time to think, Yungfeng ducks out of the library and jogs across the courtyard, pulling off his jacket and shoes, and tousling his hair. He reaches the window and ditches his clothes in a bush nearby, shimmying out of his slacks. I really need to come up with a way to be in two places at once. He pauses, looking down at his undershirt, boxers, and crew socks. To risk getting caught outside naked, or in the locker room in boy clothes... No time!

Yu jumps up to the window and pulls through, hoping no one is looking. As she clears the threshold, Yumei feels a dizzying sense of unease, the loose garments making her feel vulnerable. Her eyes catch a mirror, and she averts her gaze, peeling the undershirt off quickly, only to wad it up and press it against her chest. Where did I stash that outfit.
Keep My Cool: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 6) - 1 = 7

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

As everybody runs off, she looks over at Uriah, "So, just you and me. I guess the rumors are going to be flying." Standing up, she walks into the library stacks. "Truth or Dare?"

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2


You aren't! Linda says, So get your hands off me!


You slip in, and start going through the locker, you hear voices. Taryn and Mae evans are in the room, apparently lagging behind as they change. They're talking about some English assignment, and how boring Robert Louis Stephenson is. what do you do?


Uriah looks pretty taken aback, and pauses momentarily, like a deer in headlights, or a bunny in front of a terrier. finally he squeaks dare.

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

Voice analysis... Mae Evans? ... Allison Morrison, Morgan Simmons... Nope. Robert Louis Stephenson? Treasure Island, Dr. Jekyl... cretins. Not important. Focus. Distracted for that one crucial second, Yuji unknowingly grabs their clothes from the night before. Then they tries to keep the lockers between them and the conversation, backing up while trying to shimmy out of Yungfeng's rediculous boxers.

"They're not rediculous. They're breathable. Singular they is rediculous."

Run Away: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 2) - 1 = 5
Skin touches cold locker and Yu hisses, dropping the clothes.

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

She smiles a wicked little grin and holds it for a moment to let him think of all the things that could be behind it. "Starting with dare. That takes balls. I like that. But I like starting slow." she looks him over now that they are somewhat isolated in the stacks.

"Dance for one minute without music."

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

Desperate to avoid being pegged as a racist weirdo, Mindy lays on her thickest charm. Aww Linda! Don’t be so uptight! Did you really want to spend this she eyes the gloomy weather outside day in the stuffy library?

Turn someone on but not in a sexy way just in a friendly way.: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 4) + 1 = 8

Gimmie a string or pick one from the list.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2


At your exhalation, you hear Mae ask Are you okay?

Yeah. what about you, your ankle bothering you again?


Then what was with the noise?

I thought that was you?

it... wasn't. Is Lily still here?

what do you do?


Uriah takes your hand, and starts doing a walts, humming it lowly. after what he seems to judge a minute, he lets go of you Your turn he whispers Which do you pick?


take the string... And I'm not sure TSO works like that

Yeah, I do actually. Linda says, storming off.

that was... god they need to fix the coffee. Morgan says

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0

Sorry, missed that there was new stuff...

"Whatever" Alex replies to Fred. "Whatever it was it didn't happen! Now like Kelly says, Scoot."

In reply to Kelly's words, Alex grimaces. "Let him get away with telling lies about me? I. don't. think. so. You'll help me out? Cool. If we find him and you get the chance just grab something of his for me OK? Something personal. No questions though." With that sticks up her hand. "Miss," she asks when the teacher nods at her. Can Kelly and me go to the library? There's a book there I saw there that I think i might be able to use for this project we're working on."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Kelly smirked, Why would you get the teacher's attention before you go off to kick some ass?

But behind her grin was hiding a thrill of unease.


It was after the second practice. This time she'd ended up on that arrogant b+%&! Taryn's side for the intra-team scrimmage. And it was pretty great. Kelly's talent for the rough & tumble wasn't best utilized in a game where you were specifically trying not to injure anyone, but she was still more than capable of clearing everyone off the ball, setting Taryn up to make use of her own ruthless footwork.

It was a glorious massacre.

But Taryn didn't seem to care at all. Sure she'd been the one doing the scoring, but for all she said, Kelly might not have even been there. Kelly'd thought about confronting her over it, but picturing that withering stare, a single eyebrow raised, a look of slight confusion, the smirk as it would dawn on Taryn that Kelly wanted some kind of thank you for giving Taryn her due... She had a few ideas what she might do if Taryn gave her that look, and none of them were appropriate.

So she'd cut out of the cooldown and hit the lockers early for a cooldown of her own, and that's where she saw her. A cute blonde, lithe even though Kelly didn't recognize her from any of the teams, bent over and rummaging through a locker, Taryn's locker.

Her eyes met Kelly's, turning from determined to playful as she raised a single finger to her lips.

Kelly gave a hard blink, and then the girl was on the move, tucking something of Taryn's away in her bag. Part of her wanted to go tell Taryn. After all, that was some weird shit. But then she might get specifically Not Thanked and as wound up as she was, things would get complicated one way or another. Besides, Someone might as well get one up on Taryn.


So she wasn't just grabbing some cash, or perving out or something.
This is some real weird shit. Like Carrie's f$%@ing blood shit.

Her stomach roiled nervously, but she nodded and stood up. "Sure, no questions..." Curiosity's gonna get me f++&ing killed if I keep doing this kinda shit.

But... what did she take from Taryn? Did she use it already? What can she do? I've gotta find out.

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0

"So you'll help out? You're OK with trying to get something for me?.. Cool. So, I'm thinking I'll confront the creep - Make a bit of a commotion and whilst that's happening you grab something. Doesn't have to be expensive or anything. "Alex says to Kelly as they make their way towards the library

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

Kelly shakes off some of her visible unease, "Okay, I know this is a question, but can it really be anything? Should it at least be something he'd miss?"

Karen Broklawsky, Ghoul (Chaos), Hot -1, Cold 1 , Volatile 2 , Dark -1; conditions Uncultured; Licentious; Owes Squeaky, Self Destructive, High on Ether

Her estimation of him goes up a bit. Instead of looking like some crazy person flailing about, the waltz was sort of elegant. and she gives him a little golf clap.

"What the heck. Let's raise the stakes. I pick both. Truth And Dare."

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

Yu rushes to get dressed. No time to hide, just gotta lie your way out.

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0

Alex pauses for a moment. "Good question. It has to be personal, that's what the book said. Ummm, I think it just has to be something that clearly belongs to him. So not just a pencil or whatever but, I don't know, a diary, a letter, or a custom-made... something, but it could be anything that's just personal that he wouldn't even notice - hair, if there was enough. Toenail clippings'd work too, but that's a bit gross, and i can't see how you'd get them anyway.... Something like that."

As the two of them make their way into the library, Alex looks around and heads toward the stacks, trying to see if she can spot their target.

Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2
Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1

What book? Hair, Toenail clippings? Holy shit.

"You're gonna make some sort of voodoo doll of him.
...That wasn't a question."
It was probably the only time Kelly had bothered to whisper in the library.

Witch... Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: -1; Dark: 2 | Conditions: Jealous of Mindy, Loser | Harm: 0

"No, nothing like that" Alex whispers back as they move through the stacks. "Well, not quite like that anyway. Although,.. I wonder...."

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

Mindy takes Morgan to the dark room. Hey Yuji, you in here?

Hollow ●●●●○ Harm:▽▽▽▽  Cold: +2  Volatile:+1 Dark: -1  Hot:-1  
Strings on Yu:
Kelly●●●, Mindy●, Carrie●
Strings Yu has:
Kelly●●, Alex●● Mindy●●

Yu's paradigm will shift wildly if it walks in on another bloody classmate. I'm excited to see what Mindy does alone in a darkroom with Morgan while Yu is stalled in the locker room.

Vampire H: 1 C: 2 V:-1 D: -1 Harm: 1 Condition: Stick up the arse, wary

Alone in the dark room, no Yuji in sight...Mindy did feel a bit hungry. She locks the door behind her.

Morgan, you will allow me to feed upon you without struggle and speak of this to no one.
Hypnotize: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 4) + 1 = 10

I’m told this is pleasurable...for the both of us.

She buries her fangs into the girl’s neck and drinks deep (but not TOO deep) from a yielding Morgan.

Taking one forward and making sure I don’t kill her. Taking xp for my first feed.

She seals the wound with her tongue then dabs the blood from the corner of her mouth with a lace handkerchief. She draws a packet of Oreos from her purse.

Eat these. I don’t want you passing out on me. Let me know when you’re ready and we’ll go find Yuji somewhere else. Don’t feel embarrassed if you’re lightheaded, it happens to everyone their first time.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Hey, update coming tonight, but I'm on mobile right now. I had a bit of trouble following the Yu part. which sibling are they presenting as now?

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