
Kelly Granger's page

163 posts. Alias of Cwethan.


Werewolf: Hot: 1; Cold: -1; Volatile: 2; Dark: -1 Conditions: "Dumb Jock," "Into Taryn," "Prideful," "Mad Jelly" "Insecure"| Harm: 1 | Xp 2


Strings I have:
Carrie: 3, Mindy: 0, Yu: 3, Lily: 1, Fred 1, Alex 1, Andrea 1
Strings on Me:
Alexandra: 1, Carrie: 4, Mindy: 2, Yu: 2, Fred 1


5'4" and about 150

About Kelly Granger

Hot 1
Cold -1
Volatile 2
Dark -1

Look: Rugged
Eyes: Predatory
Origin: Bitten

Primal Dominance: When Kelly harms someone, she take a String on them
Heightened Senses: When Kelly relies on her animal instincts to make sense of a charged situation, roll with Dark.
On a 10 up, ask the MC three questions from below and take 1 Forward. • On a 7-9, ask one question from below and take 1 Forward:
* Where’s my best escape route or way in?
* Which enemy is the most vulnerable to me?
* What’s their secret weakness?
* What poses the biggest threat to me?
* Who’s in control here?
Spirit Armor: When basked in moonlight, any
harm that you suffer is reduced
by 1, and you add 2 to all rolls to
Keep Your Cool

Strings held by me

Strings held by others