Kutholiam Vuere

Jhod Kavken--NPC's page

4 posts. Alias of Mustachioed.


While the commotion over the scrying starts to die down, Jhod spends some time talking to Ike about his questions.

"You have to understand, Mr. Sir Ike, I am only a low ranking cleric myself, so my exact knowledge may yet be flawed. I say this so you understand I am not the end all of knowledge for you."

"I am a worshipper of Erastil, god of the hunt and home. He is most often worshipped in small rural communities, as people look to him for divine assistance in raising successful crops and bringing home a successful hunt to feed their families. Would he be a god of monsters...? I wonder. He seeks to help homes and households, and you wish to provide a home to those that the world sees as monsters. I am not sure, but I would not be surprised if he looked with kindness on your ideas. Perhaps you should learn more of Erastil yourself. I will be happy to continue to teach you as much as I can!"

Jhod continues to sit with Ike and go through the basic tenets of Erasil worship, if Ike is interested.

learn more about erastil

"The temple from my dreams! Tell me, did you see anything that looked like an abandoned temple?"

"Pull up a bench and I will tell you my tale, fine woman. For many a year I've been traveling the world, from my home in Galt, up the Sellen, and into Numeria, land of mechanical men and dinosaurs. From there, my wanderings eventually brought me east into Brevoy. One night, I had a particularly vivid dream about an overgrown temple of Erastil guarded by a huge, angry bear. Upon waking from the dream, I felt an irresistible tug to the south, and realized that Erastil himself had given me a chance to redeem myself... from past mistakes and the reason for my wandering. The tugging led me to Oleg’s Trading Post, but there it stopped—and soon after I learned about the your party and your charter from Svetlana. I am not a warrior... could you keep an eye out for any signs of Erastil out in this wild? Maybe this old temple really exists! I believe Erastil has led me to this place. In my minds eye, I see this temple someday being the home of Erastil on Golarian!"

New quest!

There is a new face at the post. A handsome man, about fifty years of age, sits at one of the dining tables talking to Svetlana. He is wearing a pendant of what looks like a little bow and arrow.

K Religion DC 10:
He is probably a cleric of Erastil, god of the hunt and farming.