Jhod Kavken--NPC |

While the commotion over the scrying starts to die down, Jhod spends some time talking to Ike about his questions.
"You have to understand, Mr. Sir Ike, I am only a low ranking cleric myself, so my exact knowledge may yet be flawed. I say this so you understand I am not the end all of knowledge for you."
"I am a worshipper of Erastil, god of the hunt and home. He is most often worshipped in small rural communities, as people look to him for divine assistance in raising successful crops and bringing home a successful hunt to feed their families. Would he be a god of monsters...? I wonder. He seeks to help homes and households, and you wish to provide a home to those that the world sees as monsters. I am not sure, but I would not be surprised if he looked with kindness on your ideas. Perhaps you should learn more of Erastil yourself. I will be happy to continue to teach you as much as I can!"
Jhod continues to sit with Ike and go through the basic tenets of Erasil worship, if Ike is interested.