
Game Master Bobmosis_jones

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Hey guys I am a new DM looking for players to take party in the kingmaker campaign. I am totally new to play by post dming so please bare with me when it comes to maps and that but I hope to learn quickly and any input from players will be appreciated. So yeah I'm look for 4 maybe 6 players for the kingmaker campaign. Please can you send me your characters stats with a 20 point buy system and a back story introducing why he is in the area the traits are in the kingmaker handbook to give you an idea. I'm looking to start in two weeks on the 18th of April to give me and your selves time to prepare everything. Thanks hope to play with you soon and look forward to reading your back stories

Dotted. The KM campaign I was in fizzled out and the guys I play with in real-life have already ran the campaign, so I'm mightily interested.

It would be super if you could include some general guidelines like favored and restricted alignments, houserules and what not! And for maps, google drive and the option to edit files on it from any android or desktop device is your friend!

Depending on the party, I'm actually interested in either rolling up a LN mercenary type of Abadar OR a cleric of Gozreh who's out to protect the wilds. Clearly option two would only work with a nature-focused party. Option one will work with any lawful'ish party.

I have an idea for a Cavalier of House Lebeda that I think would be interesting to play. Although I too would like a few more specifics, including determining starting gold and any house rules or restrictions that you will be using.

got. Thinking paladin, or gunslinger!

Sovereign Court

I would like to submit my character, Kalima Raustald. She is a noblewoman and a Celestial Sorcerer from Taldor with some distant relations to the noble house of Orlovsky in Brevoy (As well as a distant Azalta ancestor which is the source of her magic). She has come to the Stolen Lands to escape an arranged marriage her family was adamant to force her into. She also took the job to go to the Stolen Lands as she saw adventuring would be the best way to make money. I built her to be a diplomat, summoner as well as a potential ruler as the kingdom develops.

Rufus Fitzroi. If there is anything not in his write-up, please let me know.

Hey guys any alignment is fine accept evil ones. As for house rules I'm not sure as I said I'm new to this so will be playing a lot of it by ear as we go. Any house rules you guys suggest?

not so much houserules as general questions...

what classes do you allow?
what races do you allow?
How many traits and can we take drawbacks?
starting gp?

From one gm to another, you need to put these questions up so people know what you want... I don't want to bring up a character right now because I don't know your rules/likes/dislikes etc...

Thanks Viluki. Any classes other than third party and summoner. Any of the core races though if you want to play a non core races ill take a look at them and see if I will allow it. Two traits one campaign and one normal. I will allow draw backs aslong as they fit in with your charecter. Any other questions as I said I'm still learning so its all helpful


Let me throw some info at you to help you get started with Play by Post gaming.

DHs Guide to Play by Post Gaming

That is general information about formatting and how to post in Play by Post (pbp), good information for all.

Guide to playbypost

This has a number of links about running a pbp.

Just my few thoughts about it all. Running pbp will take a long time. Just remember it takes at least one day for someone to make an action. I believe I figured a 3 hour game session equals about a week in pbp. Just stay flexible, and if something is taking to long, make a jump.

Don't think that just because PBP is slow, you can wait to figure things out on the fly. You don't want to spend an hour trying to figure things out that you hadn't preplanned for. Try to be well prepared in advance, just like running a regular session.

Also, as this is your first time running a game, I recommend making sure people keep their characters simple. Like don't have some one make a build all about combat maneuvers if you don't know how the rules work, because that will just make a lot more work for you that shouldn't be needed at this point. Only allow things you are comfortable with.

I'm sure I could say a lot more, but I will leave it at that. Happy DMing.

Sovereign Court

I would like to apply as Titian Stagson, human sorcerer of the empyrial bloodline. Orphaned after the fall of house rogavia he looks to make himself a name in the stolen lands.

I have a non-core that I would like to try out that shouldn't be too OP...11 race points, in fact that is just 1 more than core. Lashunta

First time player looking for a chance to make a mark of the world.
Either as human cavalier or samurai not yet sure.

Dotting for interest.

Grand Lodge

Also quite interested. I'll try to get a character posted. I should have the background done within a few days (I'm currently on vacation in a foreign country so I don't have access to a PC, just my phone). The build I'll try to get at least roughly outlined with a full sheet on the 14th when I get back if that's ok.

I would love it if someone could check my character and check for mistakes. As i said first try

I'd Like to submit 2 options, both of which i really want to play.
My diplo-mancer Dhaavan, and a Master of Many Styles.

Going to make some changes to Dhaavan's sheet to reflect that he's not a pirate, but a Bastard and self-styled brat-prince, totally willing to work with you regarding the linage for plot shennanigans if you like.

The foundling bastard of a noble line, Dhaavan is a silver-tongued trickster, a regal boy who found his way into courts all his life, trading on his looks and lies to get what he wants when he can't use the truth, or at least his version of it, to get his way.

His parents hid all evidence of his birth, as his jet black hair was not that of his mother or father. His wife as surprised as he, the nobleman wanted to keep the shame a secret, but the child retained a memento of his mother, a lock of hair in a locket with a scratched out family crest.

The ward of a very well-to-do merchant gave Dhaavan access to the courts and more importantly, ladies of court. But eventually he got himself in trouble. In a last ditch effort to save his skin he made a claim of nobility and tried to use his locket as evidence. Nobody believed him, and he was cast out.

He goes to the river kingdomes in part to get for himself a chance at the life he lost, but also for the chance to claim some level of nobility.

No profile yet, but this guy's an Unarmed Fighter going Master of Many Styles. He can keep up with a fighter decently and has non-combat abilities.

Evard d'Garess:
is a sculpted mountain of a man, and was a favored attendant and guard of a young Garess boy. while stoic and straightforward, and often aloof and not great company, his talents for violence without need of weapons has lent itself well to the dangerous political landscape of Brevoy. Even so, Evard is a rightious man and well respected, even by the paladins in attendance to his lords.

His training, sparing, and trading with the Dwarves of the Golushkin mountains has hardened his body and mind, and sharpened his eye, but mostly gave him his greatest vice. A taste for dwarven ail. While always in moderation, there are moments where those around him wonder if he is ALWAYS moderating...

His ward has grown and with the expansion into the river kingdoms, Evard wishes to test his mettle and bring greater honor to his generous lord's name. With this noble purpose, he sets forth for glory.

Before Racial Mods
Str:16, Dex:12, Con:14, Int:10, Wis:15, Cha:7
I'd like to use the Variant Aasimar Ability #9 from the chart
Stats after race:
Str:18, Dex:12, Con:16, Int:10, Wis:17, Cha:7
Starts with feats Power attack and Tiger Style
Racial trair Truspeaker replaces skilled and a rank in linguistics to get Dwarven and Sylvan in addition to celestial and common,
He wears Studded Leather
I'm Looking at going Tiger/Dragon MoMS and Drunken Master stacks too. The build can keep up with a fighter in terms of damage, and while there's not much Cha, he's got great sense motive and average Int.
I really like both characters a lot. So if either fits your game, I'd love a chance to use either of them.
player style:
I'm good with whatever pace you like, can post pretty much daily, but I don't get impatient about it. Sometimes i get a little mechanical-strategy involved, but i try not to cross people's lines and will rules-discuss (not lawyer) to whatever player preference is, be it asking for advice or letting you do your own thing. I'm pretty good with rules and have been PBP-ing non-stop for a few years.

I like avoiding inter party conflict, hence the Diplomancer, and the LG low cha non-palidan fighter.

Good luck wiht your first PBP. I tried a Heavily modded kingmaker before but that fizzled and really diverged HEAVILY from the AP in terms of the story and dungeons, but i have a pretty solid grasp of the mechanics of it all and would love to be a resourse.

Dropping out of the running. Too many other games going, sorry.

Are you okay with money gaining traits, multi-classing (I'm going for gunslinger-barbarian), and the additional traits feat?
Also I'm wanting to be a Lashunta race if that is okay, as indicated with my previous post

Ha! Too many poncey knights in this thread. Here's a dirty half-orc tracker for consideration. I'm a little up in the air re: classes and want to rewrite a backstory to tailor him to the adventure path a little better, but he'll be a dirty drunkard tracker content to sleep in the stables with the hounds (after all, he has a face only a dog can love). He'll be a nice foil to all the glory-obsessed knights from Brevoy.

For class I'm thinking a full BAB class, probably drawing on some archetypes from the animal archive to give him some wardogs, such as the Mad Dog barbarian, Huntmaster Cavalier... or possibly just a straight fighter or ranger with Handle Animal, we'll see what the party needs.

I'm pretty flat out for the next few weeks but I should be able to drop back in to finish my submission before the 18th, so stay posted. I've been wanting to pit my teeth into Kingmaker for a while but my last game never made it to the first combat. (Also with a half-orc I have an active character of every race on the boards, so that's something to be proud of! :P)


What is your view on stat dropping?
And if I multi-class as the gunslinger later, do I get the gun for free, like gunslingers start out with, because I'm not sure if that would make sense or not, unless you added it to the pile of loot. I like both classes, but if you say no on this, it would affect which class goes first. Not to mention, even if you say yes, I'm still deciding which one to put first as it won't be exact, but it will be an almost 1 for 1 deal.

threadbump, so people can sign up.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm going to dot this, I've never played Kingmaker but always wanted to! I'm working until midnight tonight, but tomorrow is Sunday, so I'll be able to post a character up then. I realise you have way more people signed up then you can take, and wont be offended if you can't take me; sometimes first come, first served is the fairest way to do things.
Talk soon!

Sovereign Court

Lialda is ready to go, though I have made her middle aged, and used the rules for it, Let me know if you would rather I stuck to normal starting ages and I can edit it :)

I haven't written her back story yet, but I can put the brief version down on her page if that is useful for you for picking characters?

Thanks a lot!

I'm thinking Dhaavan could take Power-Hungry or Vain drawback in order to have Well-Dressed and Magical Liniage for Scorching Ray. Focus on enchantment and then scorch for blasts as spell-style goes. If you want Dhaavan as a face. But if there is a different face/archanist, like Kalima, then Evard is pretty solid and would get on well with pretty much everyone's characters that I've seen.

Edit... And looking at the character, Evard isn't really a gender reliant character and could also be a kind of less lovesick Breean of Toth that treats enemies apart with her bare hands

Raegun's gear needs to be finalised but his build and backstory have been finished. He's ready to play.

Sovereign Court

I am of course still interested in this game. Hopefully surviving long enough to become the new Ruler of a new nation.

Hey, Dhaavan here, with a Trapper Ranger Concept, if nobody submits a rogue/trapfinder bard, or something. She's a Thunder-and-Fang wtf-er, and i wanted to know if i could get the Wisdom in the Flesh trait so I can use Wis for disabling and some re-building? I'd rather play Evard/Girlvard or Dhaavan, but it's nice to have a trapfinder in most games.

Reworking most of the fluff, and need to change the stats and a kingmaker trait, but it'd be hilarious if she were a Bastard.
-Traits Wisdom of the Flesh and Anxious drawback for Suspicious trait. she's kinda awkward and shifty with strangers but a sharp, observant hunter and trapper.

As the illegitimate daughter of a nobleman and a common woman, Lela offered no threat to the line of succession, but that is not important to a jealous wife. Letting slip a story of her errant yet wonderful father in the wrong company cost a young Lela her mother. The girl now knows better than to talk and trust, instead making her way in the fringes of society, or with travelers and savages

Any word from the gm?


Not sinse he made the in-game thread, but then only 2 people have posted.

Really sorry guys I didn't know I had to post on here to let people know I had recruited, well I recruited 4 but only two have actually posted. So I am looking for two more, they may have a good reason for not posting yet but I would like to get things moving so if there are two others still interested?

Silver Crusade

Paladin ok?

Very much. Looks like the Priest and the Sorceress posted so if you're interested i can post with Evard tomorrow, or Lela if you prefer


Posting with interest, if it's still acceptable.

dotting if its ok. Are you ok with a catfolk rogue?

dhaavan I already have a cleric and a sorcerer sorry. P33J a paladin would be fine. Lodar Rasken what were you think? and Saltykid a Catfolk rouge would should be okay I'll have to check your build but can't see any problems

Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear there.
I am withdrawing Dhaavan because he is a Sorcerer

I would like to keep Evard the Monk in the running. he is a fighter at first level but will be going monk master of many styles.

Looks like a rogue has volunteered making Lela unnecessary

Okay sorry my mistkae yeah a fighter/monk will be welcome


What was I thinking making such a character, or just who I had in mind for the spot? I was thinking the alias posting. Think I've made some minor mistakes with some numbers somewhere, other than that he should be good to go.

Awesome! Then I can post this afternoon. Thanks! I can't wait to get started.

Will get profile finalized asap

Sounds like this campaign is filled? If not let me know, I'd love to join in.

Alright here he is. Im still working on his backstory.

Got everyone I need now thanks for the interest guys sorry if you didn't get in wish I could run a campaign big enough for everyone. Sorry I did this so badly as I said I'm new so hope I didn't annoy anyone with the way I did things any constructive criticism from anyone would be appreciated too so I can do it better next time which I'm hoping will not be any time soon thanks everyone

Don't worry, You did fine for a first time. In the future, just update on who you picked. Communication is key.

So we gots a 5-man game? good number for kingmaker considering there are many leadership roles to fill

hey guys, we are in desperate need of a healer anyone interested please submit a character an back story you will be coming in at level 2

Abbas Garshta reporting for duty. HERE

I used PC level 2 for WBL. If that is too much, will reduce the charges on Wand of Cure Light to bring it into what you want.

Also, my home campaign we use max hp every level (the DM is brutal), so if you have another method, I'll adjust.

-- david


While not a classical healer. He is an Alchemist, he can provide healing via wand CLW, potions, or extracts. He can also provide damage to prevent the need for healing in the first place.

He's at lvl 1 right now, but can quickly level up to 2 and be ready to join up in 1 day.

I will typically post 3+/day or as needed.

Thank you for your consideration

Bumping this up. We are still in need of healers. Those who are still interested speak now or forever hold your peace.

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