
Game Master Bobmosis_jones

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sorry guys just realise bandit 2 is dead now he has stopped raging, what ya gonna do with bandit 1?

Sovereign Court

Female Human (Taldorian) Sorcerer 1 (Celestial) l AC 12 | T 12 | FF 10 l HP 8/8 l F +1 R +2 W +2 l Init +4 l Perc +0

Kalima greets Akvius Sirthos and says, "Glad to be of aid to you Mister Akvius. No one deserves to be the prisoner of these foul ruffians. It so happens we are seeking to explore these lands and root out the bandits under the banner of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne. Hopefully with the bandits delt with there will be room to build some new settlements and see this region prosper."

She pauses for a moment and then says, "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Kalima Raustald, of the noble Raustald family of Taldor. I have come here to provide some noble support to the cause. Indeed we could use a skilled individual such as yourself to help in our endeavors. The more we have aiding our task, the more likey we are to succeed."

She looks to the unconscious bandit, "As for the fate of that bandit we shall wait until he wakes up and then question him on what he knows. He then will be given the option to indenture his servitude to the Swordlords of Restov to make recompense for his crimes or be executed for his crimes.

Aasimar UF:1/Monk2 | HP:28/28 | AC:17 (16) | F:+9, R:+5, W:+8 | Init: +2 | Perc: +11

"Aye." Evard agrees. "He did not seem of the same temperament of this man," Evard notes, indicating the dead one, "so he may be open to reason. Lady Kalima, perhaps you can convince him of the most prudent course of action and to mend his ways, make ammends for his wrongdoing."

Evard will likely remain quiet for the start of the discussion, at least until others have said their piece, strutenizing the man's answers guaging for truth, (which is Evard's social skill...)

The bandits slowly starts to come round from the effects of the slumber hex and the spell
"I'm blind! I can't see! Rex where are you?! What happened?!" the bandits shouts in a panicked tone

Sovereign Court

Female Human (Taldorian) Sorcerer 1 (Celestial) l AC 12 | T 12 | FF 10 l HP 8/8 l F +1 R +2 W +2 l Init +4 l Perc +0

Kalima stands over the two tied up men with your arms crossed and says to them. "You have just been captured you ruffians and are at our mercy. Being in the service of the Stag Lord you probably are guilty of a good number of crimes, not to mention kidnapping. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Kalima Raustald, noblelady of Taldor and my companions and I are seeking to explore these lands and bring some measure of order along the way. I suggest you tell us what you know about the Stag King and the other bandits in this region. You'll live longer to be sure."

Male Catfolk Rogue 2|HP 8/8 AC:15/13/12|F:0 R:6 W:-1|Init +3|Per +6

Wasn't bandit 2 dead?

Aasimar UF:1/Monk2 | HP:28/28 | AC:17 (16) | F:+9, R:+5, W:+8 | Init: +2 | Perc: +11

Your vision will return presently. Note please answer the last honestly Edvard assures the bandit in his odd monotone.

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