Guide to play-by-post?


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Hello all,

Longtime FTF player and DM, currently jonesing for a campaign. I'm seriously considering running PBP, but I have no idea how to go about this. Is there a guide or FAQ somewhere that could get me started?

many thanks,

Doug M.

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Here are some links that might be helpful:

I haven't read through all of them but had bookmarked a few for tips as I'll be starting a pbp soon myself.

Another good resource is to play a few PBP games to see how other GMs handle things.

That's very helpful! Thank you!

Other than the [dice] and [ooc] tags, are there any tags or mechanics that I would need to know?

Doug M.

spoiler tag is very helpful

Knowledge (planes) DC15:

This is something that a character should only know if they pass the DC for planar knoledge.

url is helpful if you're linking out to a map or information
See combat actions at this link

There is text just below your 'New Post' field. It says "How to format your text [Show]". It lays out all your formatting options.

Right, good point. I know how to do spoiler and URLs already, but I should have made that clear.

What about that thing I see some people doing where they put their character stats up above the post? How does that work?

Doug M.

when they make their alias you put it in the class space

Also I highly recommend it, it is a lot of fun, and I would be the first to apply to your recruitment, having seen your creative posts for a while

Feel free to check out my campaign if you like, this was my first PbP I have run as well, if it is useful

[url= Absalom Gambit[/url]

I also find in combat it is useful for you to roll initiatives at once. This second one is less common but I like to average the heroes and bad guys initiatives and let entire teams go at once. It just makes PbP faster.

MiniGM wrote:

when they make their alias you put it in the class space

I have no idea what that means!

MiniGM wrote:
Also I highly recommend it, it is a lot of fun, and I would be the first to apply to your recruitment, having seen your creative posts for a while

You're very kind to say so. It does look interesting.

If I did it, I would probably say "okay, let's try this for this short scenario -- roughly enough to get from 1st to 2nd level, give or take -- and if we get through that, let's take stock and see if we want to continue".

(Which reminds me: is there a format for recruiting posts?)

Doug M.

so click on your profile name (Douglas Muir 406)

Then click on the profile tab, and create profile, you will see lots of spaces to fill in, if you put all the stats into the "Class/Levels" space it will show up under the character name. If that makes sense.

In general recruiting is a basic snapshot of what the game will be.

Then the requirements to apply. Sometimes that includes build details, sometimes just backstory required. It depends on what you are looking for. People will either put it up in spoilers or make an entire new alias.

Usually you get something like (totally making this up)
Recruiting 4 people for Battle of the Gods Campaign. All the Gods have disappeared and you demigods are now battling to become the new pantheon.
Please post backstories(Fluff), as well as build details (Crunch)
40 pt build 2 traits
No evil
PvP encouraged
Starting level-15
Standard Wealth by level
HP Max per level
Only ARG, Core, APG, UM allowed

(Did I miss anything folks

Here is a guide for players just starting PBP, it may be helpful

Wofguy, that was great! Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

Doug M.

Think the others pretty much covered everything. XD

What MiniGM raised up was a good point though, specific to paizo's messageboard system:

There are these nifty thing called Aliases. Basically, they're alternate identities connected to one main identity. Their common use is to designate character identities so you always know who you're interacting with in a game.

This, for example, is an alias for my Goblin character in one of MiniGM's games. (Bonus tip: If you hover over someone's name, it'll show if it's an alias of someone else.)

People also make aliases for other characters or identities, such as a GM identity (which they only use for GMing games), a familiar or animal companion identity (when they roleplay those as completely separate from the character itself), a polymorphed identity (if, for example, a wizard has a fondness for Form of the Dragon, he makes a completely separate identity for when he's in that form).

Very flavorful and makes things easier since you can just put the corresponding stats related to the character in their profile as well as gear, skills, and fluff.

One way to make things easier on the GM is to put the statistics that are most commonly referenced in the Classes/Levels field in the profile's character information. Whatever is in there shows up under the character's name when he posts so that's handy! However, these only show up when he posts in a Gameplay or Discussion thread. So you can't see it here, unfortunately, since this is a Recruitment thread.

You can look at my profile or check out one of MiniGM's games though since all the players follow that standard in his games. It depends on the GM if they implement this as a mandatory thing. A lot don't.

The common thing that people put in there are Current HP, ACs, Saving Throws, Init, and Senses. Any other special things that always need consideration are pretty good to put in there too (like he's currently suffering from an ailment, or he's currently carrying a heavy load).

The best way to learn about this system is to look at other games, or to play as a character in a game first! It'll help you get used to the system and get a feel for it.

Do remember that this is a text-based medium, so people will have to overly describe everything . . . if we didn't have urls! We can just link to maps or images if we don't want overly technical descriptions.

Character avatars are an example of flavor, since that helps people imagine who they're interacting with. Look at this character's avatar and you get an immediate feel for him. It's also more pleasant to look at!

If you have an NPC, you can link to an image of what you imagine that NPC looks like. When in combat and you're using a map, you can link to a map you made and which you'll update ever so often. If you have a wanted poster, or some other special item that you want to draw attention to, you can link to an image of that item too! Not required, but fine flavor.

I would just like to point out that Blamo here just punched out a girl in one of my less serious campaigns.

That is all

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