Iron Gods: Deus Ex Machina

Game Master Vanulf Wulfson

Beneath the mountains of Numeria a strange new consciousness grows seeking the spark of divinity. Can our heroes stop it before it gains accession and Numeria and the whole inner sea region fall under the rule of a God of Iron?





Iron Gods Loot List

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New Year, New Game
I'm opening up recruitment for a new Iron Gods campaign and I'm looking for at least 5 players to join me. Recruitment will remain open until 5:00 PM (CST) on Monday, January 8th.

The Rules:
Races: All standard races from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook will be allowed plus Androids. Any other PC race will be considered on a case by case basis.

Classes: All classes from any Paizo publication will be allowed as well as any archetype for those classes. Chained or Unchained classes will be allowed, except for the Summoner, which must be of the Unchained variety. Any 3PP material you wish to use will have to be approved by me prior to acceptance.

Alignment: Characters can be of any Good or Neutral alignment. No evil alignments will be allowed.

Abilities: Characters will be based on the High Fantasy (20 point) buy, found in the PFRPG Core Rulebook on page 16. No ability can be raised higher than 18 (prior to racial modifiers). Only one ability may be lowered below 10 and that ability cannot be lowered below 8 (prior to racial modifiers).

Feats: Any feat from any Paizo publication will be acceptable. Any 3PP material you wish to use will have to be approved by me prior to acceptance.

Skills: Background skills will be used.

Traits: Character's will start with two traits, one of which MUST be from the Iron God’s Player's Guide. One Drawback can be taken for a third trait.

Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level. Thereafter characters will have the option to roll for their hit points or to accept the average for their class (rounded down on even levels, rounded up on odd) whichever is greater.

Starting Gold: Characters will start with 75% of their classes Maximum starting gold. Example: A Fighter starts with a maximum of 300 gold pieces so a Fighter player character would start with 225 gold pieces (300x.75=225).

I'm sure I'm forgetting some things so please feel free to post any questions you may have here or PM me and I'll answer them as quickly as I can.

Ooh. Dotting.

Id like to make a scavenger investigator.

I'd be interested in a gun scavenger gunslinger.

Technology Guide wrote:
Some GMs may wish to replace Weapon Proficiency (firearms) with Weapon Proficiency (technological firearms) to further restrict access to these devices to player characters in their campaigns.

Are you?

Ah, I've been dying to play Iron Gods!

New to the boards, but I've lurked forever and played PbP elsewhere. Finally created an account so I could get in on some games. Been playing tabletop since I was in elementary school, almost two decades now.

I've got a character half-cooked for Iron Gods. An Unchained Rogue with the Scavenger and Underground Chemist archetypes.

I didn't see anything about Variant Multiclassing? If it is allowed, my character would definitely be taking VMC Alchemist.

mishima wrote:

I'd be interested in a gun scavenger gunslinger.

Technology Guide wrote:
Some GMs may wish to replace Weapon Proficiency (firearms) with Weapon Proficiency (technological firearms) to further restrict access to these devices to player characters in their campaigns.
Are you?

No, as long as you have Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms) you'll be good. I think the EWP is enough of a deterrent.

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RamzaBeoulve wrote:

Ah, I've been dying to play Iron Gods!

New to the boards, but I've lurked forever and played PbP elsewhere. Finally created an account so I could get in on some games. Been playing tabletop since I was in elementary school, almost two decades now.

I've got a character half-cooked for Iron Gods. An Unchained Rogue with the Scavenger and Underground Chemist archetypes.

I didn't see anything about Variant Multiclassing? If it is allowed, my character would definitely be taking VMC Alchemist.

Yes, VMC will be allowed.

GM Wulfson wrote:

Yes, VMC will be allowed.

Excellent, thanks!

Dotting! Not sure exactly what I'm going to build, thinking some sort of Kellid who starts out very wary of technology but then grows to embrace it.

EDIT: Thinking maybe of a witch who goes into the Technomancer prestige class eventually. Not sure how well mechanically that would work, but it could be fun to RP.

I’m thinking maybe an Eldritch Archer Magus who spellstrikes with laser guns. That sounds like fun.

Hmm. Would you allow an android techslinger from level 1? IIRC the player's guide says that tech archetypes shouldn't be taken at the beginning but it would make sense for an android. Probably the Against the Technic League campaign trait; general backstory being a former Technic League slave who escaped and is now trying to free the rest.

Speaking of which, you didn't specify what kind or how much background you wanted.

Shadow Lodge

Have you heard of the Spheres of Might, Spheres of Power, and Champions of the Spheres?

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Would you allow this archetype? p/android-16-rp/living-weapon/

I know it's a longshot, but what do you think of the Artificer class? I'm planning to put together an android engineer type of character and this class would fit the best. If it's a no go I certainly understand, I'd switch over to an alchemist in that case. Another option (if you'll allow psionic classes) would be an Aegis that's re-fluffed so that his astral suit is his way of constantly tinkering and upgrading his own mechanical body.

I'm interested. I've played a little bit of the AP before, but no more than halfway through the first dungeon.

I'm thinking of an Unchained Summoner with an Eidolon who swaps back and forth between a companion and a mount with the Eidolon Mount feat from Ultimate Wilderness. Likely some sort of Elemental or an Azata. Since the feat is new and pretty good, would you be okay with my character taking it?

For your consideration, Molly Fairlocks - a halfing gunslinger.


Molly Fairlocks has always felt inadequate. The daughter of Tolbo and Tatiana Fairlocks, she is the descendant of over ten generations of skilled jewelers. She demonstrated absolutely no ability in that field. The Fairlocks have also always been known for their beautiful hair. Molly's hair is mouse brown, straight, and limp. Even her mother, who married into the family, had gorgeous blond curls.

Molly's father passed away when she was 12. Having no close relations on either side of the family it was now just Molly and her mother. To support them both, Tatiana turned to her families niche trade - gunsmithing. However, being a Fairlocks (even if just by marriage), with the usage of Torch's forge, she didn't just make guns - she made functioning works of art.

Over the next ten years, Fairlocks firearms came to be known to those with discernment to be the best that could be had for the coin. Each one was custom ordered and would take many months of painstaking craftsmanship.

A year ago, her mother stopped taking new orders. She began working on something she wouldn't let Molly see. Molly was sure that her mother was working on something incredible. Then her mother began forgetting things. Little things, then more important things. By the time Molly was brave enough to ask for help, it was too late - the woman she knew as her mother was gone. Six months later, the empty shell passed away.

After the funeral, Molly braved her mother's workshop to see for herself Tatiana's magnum opus. Having no marketable skills, she was hoping to find something she could sell. She found a musket. It was obviously intended for her, even including her name engraved on the stock. However, it was also obvious that her crafting skill was of the first things that she lost.

The musket was a piece of junk.

With the exception of a set of basic set of gunsmithing tools, Molly sold the rest of her mother's equipment to pay off her final bills. She couldn't bring herself to sell her mother's final gift to her.


Molly Fairlocks
Female halfling gunslinger (musket master) 1
NG Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +3; Senses Perception +9
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, +1 size)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +4 (+2 to saves vs. emotion and fear); +2 vs. fear
Speed 20 ft.
Melee shortspear +2 (1d4)
Ranged musket +6 (1d10/×4)
Special Attacks deeds (deadeye, quick clear, steady aim), grit (3)
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Gunsmithing, Rapid Reload, Weapon Focus (musket)
Traits skymetal smith, well-informed
Skills Acrobatics +4 (+0 to jump), Climb +5, Craft (alchemy) +4, Craft (firearms) +4, Diplomacy +4 (+5 to gather information), Knowledge (local) +5, Perception +9, Ride +6; Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +2 Climb, +2 Perception
Languages Common, Halfling
SQ gunsmith
Other Gear studded leather, black powder (40), bullet (40), musket, shortspear, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, gunsmith's kit, mess kit, pot, powder horn, torch (5), trail rations (5), waterskin, sky metal medallion (worth 100 gp), 162 gp, 138 sp
Special Abilities
Deeds Use Grit to perform special abilities with your firearms.
Fearless +2 bonus to save vs. fear (stacks with halfling luck).
Grit (Ex) Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on firearm crit/killing blow.
Gunsmith Gain free starting firearm that only you can use properly.
Gunsmithing You can use a gunsmithing kit to craft/repair firearms and ammo.
Rapid Reload (Musket) You can reload fast with one type of Crossbow or Firearm.

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@theasl-Yes, you can take Techslinger at level 1 but none of it's benefits would kick in until you find a suitable tech weapon. You can make your background as detailed as you want, from a full blown build w/alias or just a proof of concept. Keep in mind the more detail there is the more material I have to work with and can better figure out how you'll interact as a party.

@Dragonborn3-Yes, I've heard of them and no I'm not going to use them. Sorry.

@Grumbaki-No to the Living Monolith

@Lekkric18- No Artificer and no psionics.

@Limits- I'm confused. Does the Eidolon have to quadruped or serpentine already, or just able to take those forms?

@Molly Fairlocks-Looks good.

Can I play a reborn Samsaran? If not I'll play a human, no problem.

I really would prefer if people stuck to what's listed. I really don't want to open up the menagerie that is Paizo's playable races, however I don't want to limit anyone's creativity either. Just remember that by choosing an exotic race you are limiting your chances of being chosen. If I choose a character with an uncommon race then the odds of me choosing a second one would be practically nil, they are uncommon for a reason.

Ooo, I'm interested! I have a couple of ideas for this.

I'll look over the books and see what I can put together.

Interested! I'm thinking a Savage Technologist barbarian, since it really doesn't work with normal guns, so there aren't many opportunities to use it. I'll try to get it together before the deadline.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

dotting for interest

Fair enough. I'll work with whats given. :)

Silver Crusade

Dotting for interest

Going to toss together an alchemist after dinner tonight. I already know how I want it to go, I just have to take care of a few other things before I can put it together.

GM Wulfson wrote:
@theasl-Yes, you can take Techslinger at level 1 but none of it's benefits would kick in until you find a suitable tech weapon.

Of course, thanks.

GM Wulfson wrote:

@Lekkric18- No Artificer and no psionics.

Not a problem, I figured it was worth a shot :)

I'll put together an alchemist instead.

Would it be okay if I took Linguistics on my character? Not a class skill, but I think it would be interesting with the stat set-up I'm using.

Linguistics is a background skill, you get two free skill points to spend on background skills however you want.

GM Wulfson wrote:
@Limits- I'm confused. Does the Eidolon have to quadruped or serpentine already, or just able to take those forms

It just has to be able to take one of those forms. Basically the Eidolon can swap back and forth between a bipedal and serpentine/quadruped form. The idea would be that depending on the situation it could function as a normal Eidolon, or a mount.

Here is my submission. I originally made this character up for another Iron Gods PbP a couple years ago. It didn't get much farther than the first scene.

Van's first conscious memory is of an interrogation by Technic League agents. Fortunately for him, these agents had no experience with the esoteric powers at his command & little more with the other Technological artifacts also present. This inexperience would allow him to escape their custody as a mob of seemingly enraged metal creatures assaulted them while making their way from the dig site to their camp.
Not long after, Van found himself in Torch. Though he has resided in the area for the majority of his time since, Van has been impeded in any attempts to make a home for himself here by the need to 'disappear' whenever the League made their presence felt as he has no doubts that they would not hesitate to snatch him up like so much merchandise.

Presenting Serinda.

Background copied here.


Serinda is one of several androids “born” in Numeria, and has lived in Torch for all of her life as far as she can remember. All she knows is she woke up in a basement there.

Not long after her birth, Serinda managed to find a wounded and half-drowned alchemist on the shore of the Seven Tears River. Having not one single clue about human biology, her first attempt at splinting his leg left the man with a permanent limp. Then she noticed the potion bandolier on his chest and decided to try those instead, hoping one was a healing potion.

She still bears light scarring on her right arm from the alchemist’s fire the first flask turned out to be.

After being accidentally tortured and nearly killed, the man decided it would be prudent to teach the young android the basics of alchemy, just in case someone else came under her care. She proved adept at the art, following the formulae quite easily as she grasped the basics. By the time he had fully recovered from his injuries and left Torch, Serinda had both her name and a growing skill in alchemy. Of course, the very first potion he taught her how to make was for healing, just so none other would suffer her medical skills.

It was not long before Serinda’s attention turned to the origins of her own people, and where she came from. Soon, it turned outright to study, trading her produced goods for what she could get her hands on to gain some idea of where she came from, and why androids are so different. She began to pick up languages to make trades easier, as well as learning how to recognize the value of what she was trading for. She may have even practiced theft from time to time, though she will never confirm it if she did.

But in the end, she came to a conclusion she didn’t want: No matter how much she studies, how many pieces of technology or books she looks at, she won’t go any farther until she enters one of the ruins. She knows the time is approaching when learning her own history will mean crossing the Technic League, and is quietly searching for a group of adventurers to team with when that day comes.

Serinda is emotionless, and very focused on her logic and getting things right. Unfortunately, this focus also presents a weakness, as she tends to be uncertain about things she is not familiar with.

So, I have a concept, but I've got a question about animal choices. I'm dreaming up a Construct Rider Alchemist, with the intent of saying that he found his robotic animal buddy in some old ruins instead of built him. My question is, could I choose a wolf for my human alchemist instead of a camel or horse to make him more indoor friendly, or would you prefer sticking to the RAW and say it must be a horse or camel?

Because otherwise, I'm going with a robot camel.

Hello GM. Here is my submission, Kronn the Ravager. I have not finished the background yet as I am deciding whether to choose the Liberator archetype of go straight barbarian. It has been awhile since I have played one and I am quite excited by the possibility of doing so here.

@Van-Looks like you're one skill point over. You should have 8 total skill points to spend (2 class (not 4, BTW)+4 Intelligence+2 Background). I show that you've spent 9 (Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (local), Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Appraise, Knowledge (engineering), Linguistics). You're going to need to lose one skill, other than that it looks good

@Serinda-It looks like you're one skill point short. Judging by your hit points you took your FCB as +1 skill point. You should have 11 total skill points to spend (4 class+4 Intelligence+2 Background+1 FCB) I show that you have only spent 10 (Disable Device, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (nature), Perception, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device, Appraise, Craft (alchemy), Linguistics, Sleight of Hand (a Background skill, BTW)=10. You have one more to spend, other than that it looks good.

@CaptainFord- If you want to be able to ride your construct, hence the name, it needs to be one size category larger than you. So if you want a wolf construct then you need to be at the most small sized. As a Human it would have to be large, so it needs to be either a horse or a camel (or another large quadruped we can agree on).

@Kronn- Looks like you forgot your Background skills, other than that it looks good. Let me know which route you take with your background.

GM Wulfson wrote:
@Van-Looks like you're one skill point over. You should have 8 total skill points to spend (2 class (not 4, BTW)+4 Intelligence+2 Background). I show that you've spent 9 (Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (local), Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Appraise, Knowledge (engineering), Linguistics). You're going to need to lose one skill, other than that it looks good

Correction made.

@Kronn- Looks like you forgot your Background skills, other than that it looks good. Let me know which route you take with your background.

@GM, thanks. I will decide on background tomorrow and finish the rest of the character then.

Correction made. I had forgotten to check if Sleight of Hand was a background skill.

theasl here, with MX408 aka Mix. Looks like there's a lot of androids and gunslingers...which is to be expected with Iron Gods, I guess.

Is someone who is running Iron Gods ok? I've run it here on the boards for a few years, we are about 2/3 of the way through book 4.

@Mix-looks good

@GM Niles- as long as you can keep player knowledge and character knowledge separate and not metagame, then I have no problem.

I'll roll something up. Looks like a trapsman would be useful.

I applied with this character to a previous game and wasn't selected. I need to check the gear, but this character should meet all other reqs.

The plan would be to start as a gunslinger and then go Eldritch Archer Magus

Here's Digger's submission. Charles is a second-story man wanting to do something more with his skills, something more important than boosting junk off rich a&@*!!&s. Less a charmer than I tend to play, I'm interested in trying a more laconic, observant type. I'll get a more thorough background up tomorrow.

Liberty's Edge

Ah! Dot!

I have an Android Arcanist I'm eager to play. I'll dig up the stats.

@GM I have decided to take Liberator archetype as it fits with my background. I have tried to update Kronn twice and the post gets eaten. I will try to copy and paste next. I will be adding personality and appearance. Thanks again!

Liberty's Edge

Android Arcanist here:

Sarnal Verin:

Sarnal Verin
Age "24" Height 5ft. 6in. Weight 130 lbs.
Male Android Arcanist(Blood Arcanist(Nanite)) 1
LN Medium humanoid/construct

Init +3; Senses Perception +3, Sense Motive -3, low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft.


AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
HP 10
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3
. . +4 against mind-affecting, paralysis, poison, stun. Immunity to fatigue, exhaustion, disease, sleep, fear, emotion and morale bonuses

Speed 30 ft.
- Dagger +0 (1d4) [Piercing or Slashing, 19-20/x2]
- Melee Touch Attack +0
- Dagger +3 (1d4) [Piercing, 19-20/x2]
- Light Crossbow +3 1d6 [Piercing, 19-20/x2]
- Ranged Touch Attack +3

Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 6
Note: I fully intend to roleplay the Cha dump. If too extreme for your liking, I can switch around.
Base Atk +0; CMB 0; CMD 10
Favorite Class Bonus +1 hit point
- Technologist (can make checks related to technology)
- Pragmatic Activator (Int to UMD instead of Cha)
- Local Ties (+1/+3 Disable Device, it's a class skill)
Racial Traits
- Constructed (saves bonuses and immunities)
- Emotionless (-4 to Sense Motive)
- Nanite Surge (1/day as an immediate action, get 3+character level on a d20 roll)
Skill Points 7/level (+4 Int, +1 FCB)
- Disable Device +10 (1 rank, +3 Dex, +3 class, +3 trait)
- Knowledge (arcana) +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
- Knowledge (nature) +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
- Knowledge (engineering) +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
- Knowledge (geography) +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
- Spellcraft +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
- Use Magic Device +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
Background Skills
- Craft(mechanical) +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
- Linguistics +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
Favored Class Bonus +1 skillpoint
Languages Common, Hallit, Gnomish, Elven, Dwarven, Androffan[Linguistics]
Magic Items --
Mundane Items
Encumbrance light/33-66-100 lbs. (light load)
Money 90gp
Class features

Arcane Reservoir 4 points, 3 each morning. Spend one to increase spell DC or CL by 1.
Consume Spells 1/day move action to expend a slot and add level to reservoir
Bloodline Arcana Transmutation school effects affecting only me last 50% longer
Bloodline Power (1st level) 1/day (3+Cha) add nanite poison to melee weapon (injury, DC 12, 1/round for 6 rounds, 1 Str)

Arcanist Spellbook
- Level 0
-- All of them
- Level 1
-- Color Spray
-- Disguise Self
-- Grease
-- Mage Armor
-- Shield
-- True Strike
-- Vanish
Spells Prepared (0/1) 4/2
- Level 0
-- Dancing Lights
-- Detect Magic
-- Mage Hand
-- Mending
- Level 1
-- Color Spray
-- Mage Armor
Spells per Day (0/1) infinite/3

Spell DC 14+level


In hindsight, that Sarnal had no memories before his 18 years should have been a clue. That he had an uncanny knack for working with all kinds of gizmos and trinkets could have been another. But when a man named Khonnir Baine shelters you, teaching the tools of his trade and spinning you the tragic tale of how you were the only survivor of a devastating caravan attack, you don't start wondering whether you're actually an android in disguise. Especially if you really are an android, as they are notoriously prone to misunderstanding emotions.

For about six years, Sarnal lived in Khonnir's house, working in his lab. He was extremely skilled with magic, assisting Khonnir in the creation of many an item and the repairing of many a trinket. He was frail and awkward around people; his only real friend was Baine's young daughter, Val, but it didn't matter much. He had a passion for the craft, as if craftsmanship was flowing in his veins. And indeed it was.

A week Khonnir went missing, a worried Sarnal noticed something weird going on with his appearance, as if a disguising spell was fading. His dark hair was turning silk-white, his skin was taking an ashen coloration, and even his eyes seemed to be bleaching. But, most unnervingly, circuit tattoos were emerging on his skin. Circuit patterns that Sarnal knew very well, having worked on them over and over. The mark of an android. Val was as shocked as he was by this sudden transformation but her reaction should be written once I know her personality.

Set on finding out the truth about his origins, and why Khonnir had hidden the truth, there was only one decision he could take. He grabbed his spellbook, his gear, and set off to finding him.

Why did Khonnir magically disguise Sarnal? Why didn't he tell him the truth? Where did he come from? A few plot hooks.

Sarnal used to look like a normal human, with black hair and brown eyes, but that was before the magic hiding his real nature wore off. Now he's weirldy colorless, his hair, eyes and skin all in the same shade of pearl-grayish white. He's of medium height and feeble corporature, and he usually dresses in an artificer's outfit, with a cotton shirt (recently dyed a bright blue to provide the color his carnation is missing) and leather breeches (dyed a deep red).

Sarnal used to be an awkward, introverted, geekish kid. This hasn't changed much, except that, of lately, he has decidedly freaked out. The discovery of his nature has made him restless, anxious and worried, a bad match for the android's innate lack of social capabilities. He's the tipe of guy who could speak for a couple hours about something he found interesting (usually related to magic, engineering or craftworks), without thinking whether his interlocutor is understanding even a single word. He could, as well, unwillingly offend people with a remark that he thought to be innocent.

As for alignment, I wrote him LN to represent both his dedication to magic and crafts and the fact that he hasn't yet been faced with any significant moral decision.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I have a bunch of concepts that could be fun, going to look through submissions and ideas so far and try to make something different:

Idea 1: Occultist melee type might dip inspired blade as it has good synergy. Main Schtick is that object reading power would be really clutch.

Idea 2: Lore Occultist makes for a knowledge monkey with decent divine power. If we seem to have enough knowledge skill characters I might go Dark Tapestry instead because it seems like a good sinister take. Human for sure.

Idea 3: Archeologist Bard because who doesn't want to play Indiana Jones with robots and scifi tech! Likely halfling with a possible gunslinger dip later on since it's not a great combat character but I'd want to contribute.

Idea 4: Barbarian sunder specialist with an Earthbreaker because the best way to "fix" technology is to hit it with an earthbreaker until it stops making that noise!

Ok GM, thank you. I'd imagine that every GM approaches an AP a little differently and so I'm super interested to see what things you add/subtract/highlight.

Here is my character

Zatqualmie Burrwaddle:
Zatqualmie Burrwaddle
Male Gnome Rogue 1 (Technic Scavenger)
N small humanoid
Init +4 Senses Darkvision (60) Perception +5
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 14
hp 11
Fort 1 Reflex 6 Will 1
Speed 20 ft
Melee Shortsword +1 1d6+1
Ranged Crossbow, light (Small) +3 (1d6/19-20/x2)
Special Attacks Sneak Attack 1d6
Space 5 Reach 5
STR 12 DEX 16 CON 16 INT 12 WIS 10 CHA 10
BAB 0 CMB 1 CMD 15
Feats Point-Blank Shot
Skills Acrobatics 7, Appraise 3, Bluff 7, Climb 1, Diplomacy 2, Disable Device 7, Disguise 2, Escape Artist 7, Fly 5, Heal 1, Intimidate 2, Knowledge (dungeoneering) 7, Knowledge (engineering) 8, Knowledge (local) 7, Linguistics 7, Perception 5, Ride 3, Sense Motive 1, Sleight of Hand 7, Stealth 11, Survival 1, Swim 1, Use Magic Device 6
Languages Gnome, Sylvan, Common, Orc, Elven, Goblin, Undercommon, Kelish, Androffan
Gear Crossbow - light (Small), Shortsword, Bolts - crossbow (20), Cold Iron Crossbow Bolts (10), Thieves' tools, Acid (flask) (2), Alchemist fire (flask) (2), Backpack , Liquid ice (flask), Bandolier, Chain Shirt
Gnome Traits (Core 23)
• Alternate Racial Traits: Darkvision, Gift of Tongues
• Gnome Magic: Gnomes add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against illusion spells that they cast. You gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, and speak with animals. The caster level for these effects is 1. The DC for these spells is 12+ the spell’s level.
• Illusion Resistance: Gnomes get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against illusion spells or effects.
• Obsessive: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus on a Craft or Profession skill of their choice.*
• Weapon Familiarity: Gnomes treat any weapon with the word “gnome” in its name as a martial weapon.*
• Gift of Tongues (APG 15): You gain a +1 bonus on Bluff* and Diplomacy checks*, and they learn one additional language every time they put a rank in the Linguistics skill*.
• Darkvision (ARG 32): You gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
• Numerian Archaeologist (APIG 9): You gain Androffan as an additional language.* When you use a timeworn technological item, roll twice when determining any glitches the item might cause and choose which result to use as your actual result.

• Mathematical Prodigy (Knowledge (engineering)) (APG 329): You gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge (arcana)* and Knowledge (engineering) checks*, and Knowledge (engineering) is always a class skill for you*.

Class Features
• Armor Proficiency: You are proficient in Light Armor. *
• Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with all Simple weapons. Additionally you are proficient with the following weapons: Crossbow, hand; Rapier; Sap; Shortbow; Sword,short
• Sneak Attack (Core 68): If your target would be denied its Dexterity bonus or you are flanking the target, on a successful hit you deal an additional 1d6 points of damage.
• Technic Training (Ex): A technic scavenger adds 1/2 her rogue level to Perception skill checks to locate mechanical or high-tech traps and to Disable Device skill checks against these traps (minimum +1). She gains Technologist as a bonus feat. She cannot use Disable Device to disarm magical traps. This ability replaces trapfinding.
• Point-Blank Shot (Core 131): You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
• Armor Proficiency, Light (Core 118): You are proficient wearing light armor.
•Technologist: You are familiar with the basic mechanics of technology. You are considered to be trained in any skill used against a technology-based subject. If the skill in question requires training to use even against non-technological subjects, you must still have ranks in that skill in order to gain the benefit of Technologist.

Zatqualmie will be a Rogue Technic Scavenger Archetype I also plan on taking at least 1 level, but probably 5 as a Techslinger(Gunslinger Archetype) with GM approval. I don't know when that would happen, but probably around level 4ish.

Backstory:Zatqualmie Burrwaddle is a third cousin twice removed of Garritt Burrwaddle the odd little bleachling in charge of Torch's junkyard. Zatqualmie, or Zat to his friends, spends most of his time exploring various ruins, caves and junkyards throughout Numeria. Of course, when Khonnir Baine goes missing and new caves are discovered along with the Torch going out, that makes Zat much more interested in staying put in Torch, at least for a little while.

Words to describe Zatqualmie: Reckless, Quirky, Single minded(Obsessive)

Sample posting style for Zat:
Zat says wowthosebeetleswereveryaggressivemaybetheyatesomethignthatdisagreedwiththem andthenweresoangrytheytriedtoeatus! *breath* I'll try
to be more careful. Wait here, I'll be right back.
and he skulks north with his reloaded crossbow.

@Kanek-Looks like you are one language shy. With a 16 Intelligance you should know 3 additional languages. It shows that you know Androffan, Common, Dwarven, Hallit, and Orc. Androffan you know for free per your trait and Hallit because you're Kellid, leaving Dwarven an Orc as your additional languages. You should get one more. also it looks like your Charisma based skills are off by one. With an 8 Charisma your Bluff and
Intimidate skills should be -1, not the -2 you show.

@Charles Caskgrip-You're Will save is off by one. With a 14 Wisdom and Halfling Luck your save should be +3, not +2. Other than that it looks good.

@sapiens-Your Charisma is too low. Only one stat can be below 10 and that stat can be no lower than 8 (This is to prevent someone from dumping all their physical/mental stats to boost the others). Please change that and I'll look at your character later.

@GM_Solspiral- i look forward to your submission.

@GM Niles- It looks like you tinkered around with your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma stats but didn't change your Will save or skill bonuses to reflect this. Please change these and I'll look at your character later.

@Gm Yes sir, I did. When I originally made Zat he was a rolled character and had insanely high was like a 35 point buy. I ofc adjusted his stats down for this campaign. I was just trying to get something up quickly so you can see my idea.

Adjusted Zat:

Zatqualmie Burrwaddle
Male Gnome Rogue 1 (Technic Scavenger)
N small humanoid
Init +3 Senses Darkvision (60) Perception +4
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 13
hp 11
Fort 3 Reflex 5 Will 0
Speed 20 ft
Melee Shortsword +2 1d6+1
Ranged Crossbow, light (Small) +4 (1d6/19-20/x2)
Special Attacks Sneak Attack 1d6
Space 5 Reach 5
STR 12 DEX 16 CON 16 INT 12 WIS 10 CHA 10
BAB 0 CMB 0 CMD 13
Feats Point-Blank Shot
Skills 8+INT(1)
Acrobatics 7 ranks (1), DEX +3, PROF+3
Disable Device 7 ranks (1) DEX +3, PROF+3
Escape Artist 7 ranks (1) DEX +3, PROF+3
Knowledge (dungeoneering) 5 ranks (1) INT +1, PROF +3
Knowledge (engineering) 6 ranks (1) INT +1, PROF +3, TRAIT+1
Linguistics 5 ranks (1) INT +1, PROF +3
Perception 4 ranks (1) WIS +0, PROF +3
Sleight of Hand 7 ranks (1), DEX +3, PROF+3
Stealth 11 ranks (1), DEX +3, PROF+3, SIZE +4
Languages Gnome, Sylvan, Common, Undercommon (Linguistics), Orcish (Linguistics) Kelish(INT), Androffan(FEAT)
Gear Crossbow - light (Small), Shortsword, Bolts - crossbow (20), Cold Iron Crossbow Bolts (10), Thieves' tools, Acid (flask) (2), Alchemist fire (flask) (2), Backpack , Liquid ice (flask), Bandolier, Leather Armor
Gnome Traits (Core 23)
• Alternate Racial Traits: Darkvision, Gift of Tongues
• Gnome Magic: Gnomes add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against illusion spells that they cast. You gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, and speak with animals. The caster level for these effects is 1. The DC for these spells is 12+ the spell’s level.
• Illusion Resistance: Gnomes get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against illusion spells or effects.
• Obsessive: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus on a Craft or Profession skill of their choice.*
• Weapon Familiarity: Gnomes treat any weapon with the word “gnome” in its name as a martial weapon.*
• Gift of Tongues (APG 15): You gain a +1 bonus on Bluff* and Diplomacy checks*, and they learn one additional language every time they put a rank in the Linguistics skill*.
• Darkvision (ARG 32): You gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
• Numerian Archaeologist (APIG 9): You gain Androffan as an additional language.* When you use a timeworn technological item, roll twice when determining any glitches the item might cause and choose which result to use as your actual result.
• Mathematical Prodigy (Knowledge (engineering)) (APG 329): You gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge (arcana)* and Knowledge (engineering) checks*, and Knowledge (engineering) is always a class skill for you*.

Class Features
• Armor Proficiency: You are proficient in Light Armor. *
• Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with all Simple weapons. Additionally you are proficient with the following weapons: Crossbow, hand; Rapier; Sap; Shortbow; Sword,short
• Sneak Attack (Core 68): If your target would be denied its Dexterity bonus or you are flanking the target, on a successful hit you deal an additional 1d6 points of damage.
• Technic Training (Ex): A technic scavenger adds 1/2 her rogue level to Perception skill checks to locate mechanical or high-tech traps and to Disable Device skill checks against these traps (minimum +1). She gains Technologist as a bonus feat. She cannot use Disable Device to disarm magical traps. This ability replaces trapfinding.
• Point-Blank Shot (Core 131): You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
• Armor Proficiency, Light (Core 118): You are proficient wearing light armor.
•Technologist: You are familiar with the basic mechanics of technology. You are considered to be trained in any skill used against a technology-based subject. If the skill in question requires training to use even against non-technological subjects, you must still have ranks in that skill in order to gain the benefit of Technologist.

Additionally, on a personal note. I am a long time poster on the forums and visit daily. You won't have me dropping out or failing to post regularly. I also very much believe that active posts make the best posts so I enjoy pushing the action forward. The best PBP's are the ones that move along and don't stagnate.

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