About Van, who goes forth aloneOrigin:
Van's first conscious memory is of an interrogation by Technic League agents. Fortunately for him, these agents had no experience with the esoteric powers at his command & little more with the other Technological artifacts also present. This inexperience would allow him to escape their custody as a mob of seemingly enraged metal creatures assaulted them while making their way from the dig site to their camp.
Not long after, Van found himself in Torch. Though he has resided in the area for the majority of his time since then, Van has been impeded in any attempts to make a home for himself here by the need to 'disappear' any time the League made their presence felt as he has no doubts that they would not hesitate to snatch him up like so much merchandise. Personality:
Unusual for an Android, Van is neither a stranger to, nor estranged from, his emotions. Indeed, if anything, he is even more attuned to & cognizant of his emotions than most individuals born to them. As a consequence, he possesses an openness of character which encourages others frequently to share more with him than they might ordinarily. Appearance:
At first glance, Van's only physical peculiarity is his extreme pallor. Closer inspection reveals the tell-tale traceries of queer metallic patterns just beneath the skin common to all Androids. Current Notes: 7/7 HP, 1st lvl. Psychic, Spells: 4/4 Van
NG Medium humanoid
Skills (2 + 2 Background + Int)
Racial Traits:
Class Abilities:
You are innately tied to and can communicate with electronic machinery and similar technological objects, through which you can funnel your psychic power like flowing water. You can amplify and focus your psychic energies using the technology that surrounds you—even certain kinds of technology that might not be obvious to others.
Phrenic Pool Ability: Wisdom. Bonus Spells: Technomancy (Technology Guide 11; 1st), Protection from technology (Technology Guide 10; 4th), Irradiate (Technology Guide 9; 6th), MalfunctionUM (8th), Lightning arcUM (10th), Destroy robot (Technology Guide 8; 12th), Memory of function (Technology Guide 10; 14th), Prismatic wall (16th), Time stop (18th). Discipline Powers: Your powers relate to uniting technology with psychic energy. Synergized Energy (Su): Whenever you use a battery (Technology Guide 39), a generator (Technology Guide 62), or the ability described in the psychic battery psi-tech discovery (Occult Realms pg 13) to restore charges to any piece of technological equipment, you regain 1 point in your phrenic pool. The maximum number of points you can regain in your phrenic pool in this way per day is equal to your Wisdom modifier. Attune Implants (Su): Starting at 5th level, you can spend a full-round action once per day to harness and channel the power of your cybernetic implants into your psychic spellcasting. This increases the saving throw DCs of your psychic spells by 1, and the increase lasts a number of minutes equal to your psychic level. You must have at least one piece of cybertech (Technology Guide 35) implanted in you to use this ability. Additional implants do not increase the duration or the number of uses of this discipline ability. Dominate Technology (Sp): At 13th level, you can meld your mind with a piece of technology and temporarily control it, even if you had no hand in creating it or anything like it. Once per day, you can target one construct with control constructUM (as per the spell), except the DC of the Spellcraft check each round to maintain control of the construct is equal to 15 + the construct’s HD. If you must attempt opposed Spellcraft checks against the construct’s creator, you take a –5 penalty on your Spellcraft checks while you concentrate on this ability. Spells Known:
Knacks: Detect Magic, Sift, Stabilize, Telekinetic projectile 1st level: Mage Armor, Polypurpose Panacea, Technomancy Gear:
Explorer's Outfit Backpack belt pouch Bedroll dagger Money:
Gold 43
Silver 9 |