Mhart7707 |
so I'm playing as a level 6 fetchling ninja and was thinking of multi classing into something else but I just cant find anything that sounds right. what do you all think shoud I stick with staright ninja or should I multi class?
his stats is
str. 12
dex. 18
con. 14
int. 11
wis. 12
cha. 1
I also wearing a belt of dex +2 so I have a dex of 20

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Stay the course.
PF system doesn't reward multi classing as much. Only when payoff is worth it.
Your 6 levels in and too far to in to get much benifits.
If you must multiclassing your best options are:
Urban barbarian or bloodrager: Both will increase your front line abilities. Give you better HP and Fort saves. Dex rage is very nice. The barbarian adds more HP and rage powers. The Bloodrager adds being able to use scrolls/wands from their list without UMD. Also a few bloodlines have some nice low level abilities. Arcane at 4 let's you add blur to yourself when raging as well as a few other choices. As well as giving you access to Arcane Strike feat.
Slayer: This gives you better fort saves and a D10 HD. It continues your Sneak attack theme with a full BaB to boot. Studied strike is pretty good. Honestly this class replaced the ninja and rogues in my book. But this class will just up your combat game in the same direction you was going. Ranger combat styles are great for picking up feats without needing to qualify. Like power attack for example.

DonDuckie |

It's better to stay in ninja, but if you insist then I would suggest sorcerer (not with cha 1), wizard, arcanist, or MAGUS... something with cantrips and an offensive cantrip such as acid splash. 1d3+sneak attack for an at will touch attack. Ninja vanish trick.
One level and then back to ninja for you :)

Trekkie90909 |
Generally speaking for 3/4 bab non-casters it's better to stick to a single class, unless you're multi-classing into a full-bab class.
What specifically would make sense as a multi-class depends entirely on what you want to do. DPS? Hit-and-run? Caster (Control/DMG/Heals?)? Survivability? What do you want?

Scott Wilhelm |
PF system doesn't reward multi classing as much.
In principle, I disagree strongly. Multiclassing is a great way to go for accumulating feats, bonuses and class abilities and combining them into blisteringly powerful symmetries.
Only when payoff is worth it.
But there's the rub: you have to know what you are doing. You have to know what you want. I don't recommend just taking a little of this and a little of that willy-nilly. You should have a reason for every level you take in every class: every Feat, every Trick, every Skill Point should be taken and placed for a reason.
So Mhart7707, walk us through what makes your Ninja special. How does your Ninja help your party in combat? How does your Ninja help your party out of combat? What would you like your Ninja to be especially good at doing?