GM Mustache |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Greetings all,
First time play-by-post GM here, and I'm excited to give this a try. I am currently GM'ing the Iron Gods AP with a group of friends who play over Roll20 once a week. I am curious to see how the play-by-post platform will differ from the live game. And since I have all the material already prepared, I thought it would make sense to launch this on the Paizo Messageboards.
Iron Gods is a different type of Pathfinder adventure, as it delves heavily into the world of high technology. Certainly download and read the Iron Gods Players Guide to get a feel for the country of Numeria. But other than that, do not wander into Paizo's Technology Guide or guides to Numeria. All of your characters should be interested in the rumors of Numerian technology, but essentially have no knowledge of it. Therefore, I don't want my players to be experienced in it either.
I am only taking one android and as this android is just waking up from its most recent shut-down and restart, whoever wants to be an android should not write a backstory-- essentially, the storyline will play out what you are. I am most definitely picking an android, so don't think your lack of backstory will stop you from getting picked.
Humans are typically from the technology resistant Kellid barbarian tribes of Numeria and thus typically are willfully ignorant of Numeria's technology, while all other races can come from outside of Numeria, drawn in by their curiosity of these whispered technological marvels.
Point Buy: 20 pts.
Classes/Archetypes Any Paizo. You should read the Iron Gods players guide to see what classes are suggested there.
Traits: Two traits, one from the players guide and one other. Androids should pick "Against the Technic League".
Skills :We'll be using the Background Skills system.
Equipment : Roll normal gold. And blast that Technic League, their interference in Numeria's economy means that guns are still stuck in the "Emerging Guns" era.
2. I've never been a big fan of feat stacking. It gives you crazy combinations like a gunslinger using semi automatic guns with rapid shot and deadly aim at the same time. I am reserving the right to limit absurdly crazy combinations. I'll put more up in the Campaign notes when the game gets started.
3. Lots, lots, lots of strange guns in the land of Numeria. It certainly feels like the pre-cursor to Starfinder. I do not intend to make players take Rapid Shot for every single type of gun they want to use. Picking rapid shot once is all that is needed to gain the benefit for any gun type.
4. Crafting: The timeline of Iron Gods does not lend itself to standard crafting. However, there are all these cool technological crafting feats in the game, and chances are that if you want a very specific item, you might get lucky and find it as loot but more likely you will have to craft it because certainly the Technic League isn't going to let anyone sell it in a store. We are going to play that crafting can happen instantaneously, costs 50% of the full price, and requires certain technological labs that will not show up until book 3. (level 9ish).
5. Poison/Disease: We will use the alternate rules of these. http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/unchained/gameplay/diseaseAndPoison.html
6. Crit Cards/Crit Fumbles: I bought these Paizo cards, and they are fun, though they will probably end up killing someone. This will be discussed more in game as it comes up, for now just know that it will happen.
7. Roll20: Character movement and tactical battles will be run through Roll20. At least initally, since I have a Roll20 subscription and use dynamic lighting with my live Iron Gods campaign, I will use dynamic lighting and line-of-sight-constraints with this play-by-post. That means that low-light vision and dark-vision are certainly more useful than normal.
8. Number of Players: I will run this with 5 players. I don't care about a classically balanced party, though I will pick at least one person who can heal.
Posts: One a day minimum, and more is better. I want players who feel invested.
Deadline : Create a character and write a backstory and post it in this thread by February 2 (hard deadline).

GM Mustache |

Sounds pretty cool. Are occult classes okay? I'm not sure what I want to play, *possibly* a kineticist? Or maybe a mesmerist, although building one that would be useful against robots could be tough.
Occult classes are allowed though I have never been in a game with one before, I don't know how they will do. Plenty of non robot enemies in the game though
Ivory, I will have to read up on that and let you know. Like I said above, I don't know the occult yet!

Ivory Songbird |

Psitech Discoveries, linked for your convenience, GM.
They basically let you have a really cool bit of magitech vibe to your character. Sample things include being able to generate force fields, convert spells into laser beams, powering technological devices through my psychic energy, and, although not relevant in this AP due to level restrictions, uploading the PC's consciousness into robots.
As for the Psychic class itself, it's best to think of it like a Sorceror whose magic is psychic-based. It's a full-caster that can use 6 spells of each level at 20th level and has 'bloodlines' in the form of Psychic Disciplines. It's nowhere near as complicated as Kineticists and Occultists as far as mechanics go.

Vitaliano da Riva |

There has been a Brawler (Shield Champion) build I've been wanting to play for some time. But it would be using the Shield Master Tree (Adding in Shield Snag and Bashing Finish).
Honestly, if somehow the character survived to 11th level...it could be potently pretty power. (Two-weapon fighting basically with two shields)
I'm gonna be honest about the potential power in this. At 11th level, it will be putting out something like 4d6+6, 4d6+3 (Without power-attack) at +16,+16,+11,+11,+6. So a potential of 5 hits (more likely around 3 to 4 a round really). (That's of course without a Monk's robe....then it's more like 6d6 instead.)
It can be "brutal" and possibly out of control. But then a rogue could keep up with that damage.

Varrad |

Personality: Fascinated by human ideas and emotions, he sees morality as a much simpler thing than most other creatures do. What others assume is empathy is simple pragmatism to him. Helping others is possible and should be done if possible. Mercy is not a weakness because it allows other creatures to be productive members of the human social structure. However he struggles with the humanoid idea of 'banter' often misconstruing words and slang or making inappropriate jokes because he doesn't understand humor.
Creatures removed from free thinking such as constructs, undead, degraded mutants and the like are beyond such measures. He also heavily dislikes the Technic League for their persecution of his kind and finds them to be a horrible idea too long unchallenged in their ignorance. For himself he finds a small twinkle of what he believes emotion to be in his Goddess and wishes to share it with humans whom he knows has a wider scope of emotional processing.
Male Android Inquisitor of Iomedae (Keeper of Constructs) 1
NG Medium humanoid (construct)
Init +3; Senses: Perception +8
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4
Defensive Abilities:
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee Attack Block:
Longsword (Two-Handed) +2 (1d8+3/19-20x2)
Special Attacks:
+2 Attack and Damage vs Constructs
Racial Abilities
Constructed: +4 racial bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, and stun effects. Immune to fatigue, exhaustion, disease, sleep. fear and all emotion based effects. Can never gain morale bonuses.
Nanite Surge: Once per day as an immediate action, an android can cause her nanites to surge, granting a bonus equal to 3 + the android’s character level on any one d20 roll; this ability must be activated before the roll is made. When an android uses this power, her circuitry-tattoos glow with light equivalent to that of a torch in illumination for 1 round.
Emotionless: –4 penalty on Sense Motive checks
Alert: +2 Perception
Exceptional Senses: Lowlight vision, Darkvision 60 ft
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 15
Dedicated Adversary (Constructs) (1st)
Against the Technic League: +2 Trait bonus on all damage vs members of the Technic League
Fate's Favored: +1 to all Luck bonuses
Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Heal: 6, Intimidate: 4, Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), *Knowledge (engineering): 2, Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion): 5, *Linguistics: 2, Perception: 8, Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive: 2, Spellcraft (Int), Stealth: 7, Survival: 6, and Swim (Str).
*Non-Class Skill
Languages: Common, Hallit, Dwarven
Longsword (One Handed Sword) 1d8 19-20x2, 6 lbs (15 gp)
Dagger x2 (Light One Hand) 1d4 19-20x2, 1 lbs each, 10 ft range (4 gold total)
Light Crossbow 1d8 19-20x2, 4 lbs, 80 ft Range (35 gp)
Bolts x30 3 lbs (3 gp total)
Scale Mail +5 AC, +3 Max Dex, -24 ACP, 25 lbs (50 gp)
Full Essentials Kit
Backpack 2 gp 2 lbs, Bedroll 1 sp 5 lbs, 1-pint flask 3 cp 1.5 lbs, 7 days’ trail rations 3.5 gp 7 lbs
Total Cost: 5.63 gp
Weight: 15.5 lbs
Remaining Gold: 27.37
Spells Per Day
LvL 0: ∞
LvL 1: 2
Spells Known
LvL 0: Create Water, Brand, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead
LvL 1: Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor
Special Abilities
Penetrating Blows: The keeper of constructs treats his weapons as adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction when attacking constructs. At 8th level, he ignores the first 5 points of DR or hardness when attacking constructs. At 16th level, he ignores the first 10 points of DR or hardness when attacking constructs.
Judgment: 1/day
Construct Influence: A keeper of constructs’ knowledge of constructs’ inner workings allows him to gain an upper hand over constructs. He can use the Intimidate skill to demoralize constructs, and when he attempts to do so, he gains a bonus on the check equal to half his inquisitor level (minimum 1).
Construct Influence: A keeper of constructs adds twice his Wisdom modifier plus his Intelligence modifier as a bonus when attempting Knowledge checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of constructs.
Favored Class Bonus
+1 Hit Point

Kunala |
Welcome to the boards GM Mustache. Your Idea of playing an android with no memory which has just awoken "from its most recent shut-down and restart," is very intriguing. I'm sure you will have many applicants for it.
I will confess I was in an 'Iron Gods' game more than a couple of years ago, It didn't get through the first book. But since you asked for no one to read the material; I thought it appropriate to ask if having played a portion of it would disqualify me from the game.
I would rather know that before I start putting a character together.

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Huh, dilemma. I have an android that I'd love to play, and yet not having a background makes me dubious about choosing him...
In any case it will be some sort of arcane caster going towards the Technomancer prestige class, or perhaps an Occultist or a Kineticist focused on lightning and telekinesis. Decisions, decisions...

GM Mustache |

Welcome to the boards GM Mustache. Your Idea of playing an android with no memory which has just awoken "from its most recent shut-down and restart," is very intriguing. I'm sure you will have many applicants for it.
I will confess I was in an 'Iron Gods' game more than a couple of years ago, It didn't get through the first book. But since you asked for no one to read the material; I thought it appropriate to ask if having played a portion of it would disqualify me from the game.
I would rather know that before I start putting a character together.
That's fine. The first book is so introductory, you really have no idea about anything until the end of book 2.

GM Mustache |

There has been a Brawler (Shield Champion) build I've been wanting to play for some time. But it would be using the Shield Master Tree (Adding in Shield Snag and Bashing Finish).
Honestly, if somehow the character survived to 11th level...it could be potently pretty power. (Two-weapon fighting basically with two shields)
I'm gonna be honest about the potential power in this. At 11th level, it will be putting out something like 4d6+6, 4d6+3 (Without power-attack) at +16,+16,+11,+11,+6. So a potential of 5 hits (more likely around 3 to 4 a round really). (That's of course without a Monk's robe....then it's more like 6d6 instead.)
It can be "brutal" and possibly out of control. But then a rogue could keep up with that damage.
It all seems Paizo legal, but a little cheesy. You really wouldn't benefit from any technological weapons so you would miss out on the main point of the AP, but I would not outright reject the character.
In general, for everyone, all Paizo material is fair game, but remember the premise of the AP.

GM Mustache |

Psitech Discoveries, linked for your convenience, GM.
They basically let you have a really cool bit of magitech vibe to your character. Sample things include being able to generate force fields, convert spells into laser beams, powering technological devices through my psychic energy, and, although not relevant in this AP due to level restrictions, uploading the PC's consciousness into robots.
As for the Psychic class itself, it's best to think of it like a Sorceror whose magic is psychic-based. It's a full-caster that can use 6 spells of each level at 20th level and has 'bloodlines' in the form of Psychic Disciplines. It's nowhere near as complicated as Kineticists and Occultists as far as mechanics go.
Looks good. Has a lot of synergy with Iron Gods.

Arkhad Giltenhammer |

Starting gold: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 2) = 12 = 120gp
Applying with Arkhad, a local who's grown too frustrated with his beloved Torch's disappearance to leave the task of repairing it to other adventuring parties. Mechanically, he's a pretty simple Sunder build, who particularly enjoys smashing his opponents' gear and then fixing it to use himself. Story-wise, he's the son of a beloved blacksmith who disappeared (unbeknownst to Arkhad) after an unfortunate run-in with the Technic League. The full backstory and personality will be up later.

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Extremely interested in Iron Gods. I'll admit, I've played it for the second part of the first book, so I have some knowledge of the game, but I'll make sure to separate player from character knowledge.
Speaking of which, I'm definitely interested in the Android spot, since I've had a concept of an Android FOR Iron Gods, and I'd be very interested in playing it.
LaRA (Library and Research Assistant)
Female Android Alchemist (Mindchhemist) 1
LN Medium Humanoid (construct)
Init +3; Perception +3
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (dex +3, armour +4, shield +2)
hp 10 (1d8+1+1)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1; +4 vs mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, stun
Immune: fatigue, exhaustion, disease, sleep, emotion-based effects.
Speed: 30 ft
Melee: +3 Light Mace (1d6)
Ranged +3 Bomb (1d6+4), 5/day
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8
BAB +0, CMB +0, CMD 13
Feats: Brew Potion, Throw Anything, Precise Shot
Traits: Against the Technic League (weapons), Mathematical Prodigy
Skills: 4+4+2 points:
Disable Device +7
Knowledge(Arcana) +9
Knowledge(Nature) +8
Knowledge(Dungeoneering) +5
Spellcraft +8
Survival +5
Perception +7
Craft(Alchemy) +9
Knowledge(Engineering) +9
Linguistics +8
Languages Common, Androffan, Hallit, Orc, 2 more.
Spells Known:
1st:Cure Light Wounds, Monkey Fish, True Strike, Identify, Crafter's Fortune, Ant Haul
Spells Prepared: Cure Light Wounds, True Strike,
Combat Gear: (not sure it's there yet)3d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 1) = 120 Gold Pieces.
Studded Leather Armour 25gp
Heavy Wooden Shield 7gp
Light Mace 5gp
Alchemical Crafting Kit 25gp
Potion of CLW 50gp (17, if I can craft it myself, but I don't think that's possible pre-game here.)
Build-wise, I'm seeing LaRA as party buffer, font of knowledge, and a secondary bomb-thrower.

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Hello there! I've got a character that was part of an Iron Gods campaign that fell through shortly after the start. Jerrek of Nex is a bit dim, but he's got a good heart. I've built him to try out the Cyber-Soldier archetype.
I'm actually very keen to try out the Feat Tax system as well as Rolld20, both of which I've never experienced, despite being on these PbP boards for awhile. I'll make sure my character is updated with your house rules.
Thanks for the consideration. Stats and background are in the profile.

Groundhog |

2. I've never been a big fan of feat stacking. It gives you crazy combinations like a gunslinger using semi automatic guns with rapid shot and deadly aim at the same time. I am reserving the right to limit absurdly crazy combinations. I'll put more up in the Campaign notes when the game gets started.
Could you expand on this? I was kind of thinking of applying with an archer, but if feats aren't going to work together then I don't think I will want to.

GM Mustache |

Quote:2. I've never been a big fan of feat stacking. It gives you crazy combinations like a gunslinger using semi automatic guns with rapid shot and deadly aim at the same time. I am reserving the right to limit absurdly crazy combinations. I'll put more up in the Campaign notes when the game gets started.Could you expand on this? I was kind of thinking of applying with an archer, but if feats aren't going to work together then I don't think I will want to.
You know what, I'm fine putting my own restrictions on my live group full of players who don't know what they aren't doing anyway, but I am not going to do that to Pathfinder experts on the Paizo messageboards. So you can ignore what I said there.
(Just for interest, I created a dual-wielding pistol gunslinger for Iron Gods. He was insane with 8 attacks by level 11, rarely miss because you almost always hit touch AC, and dealt something around 100 a turn. I didn't want my live group to do that so I banned stacking rapid shot and deadly aim. I'm sure to pathfinder geniuses that is small potatoes but would have been game breaking in my live group and is wasn't a complicated build or anything to figure out.)

Groundhog |

Groundhog wrote:Quote:2. I've never been a big fan of feat stacking. It gives you crazy combinations like a gunslinger using semi automatic guns with rapid shot and deadly aim at the same time. I am reserving the right to limit absurdly crazy combinations. I'll put more up in the Campaign notes when the game gets started.Could you expand on this? I was kind of thinking of applying with an archer, but if feats aren't going to work together then I don't think I will want to.You know what, I'm fine putting my own restrictions on my live group full of players who don't know what they aren't doing anyway, but I am not going to do that to Pathfinder experts on the Paizo messageboards. So you can ignore what I said there.
(Just for interest, I created a dual-wielding pistol gunslinger for Iron Gods. He was insane with 8 attacks by level 11, rarely miss because you almost always hit touch AC, and dealt something around 100 a turn. I didn't want my live group to do that so I banned stacking rapid shot and deadly aim. I'm sure to pathfinder geniuses that is small potatoes but would have been game breaking in my live group and is wasn't a complicated build or anything to figure out.)
Yeah, dual wielding ranged weapons can be get a bit much. It helps that the normal gunslinger is essentially melee+, if he wants touch attacks, but with tech weapons even that is out the window. I get where you're coming from.

GM Mustache |

Yeah, dual wielding ranged weapons can be get a bit much. It helps that the normal gunslinger is essentially melee+, if he wants touch attacks, but with tech weapons even that is out the window. I get where you're coming from.
Your standard technology guide pistol hits touched range at 60 ft. Most battles don't get too much longer distance than that so you are pretty much always at touch ranged. And these same pistols don't suffer from misfires, and they only need to be reloaded every ten shots. and they are semi-automatic which means they basically have rapid-shot built into them which then can stack with rapid shot. So yeah.... super powerful, probably OP. I would just scale the enemies though, if things got too out of hand.

GM Mustache |

So knowledge of book 1 is ok? I've GMed book 1 and have always wanted to play or run book 2 and beyond.
Going through book 1 as a player is okay, but I am not sure about GM'ing book 1 and then playing in this. The problem being that you have already read the entire plot synopsis which is right at the beginning of book 1.
Did you read any of the other books? If not, okay then. If you remember anything, you have to promise to not metagame.
So many people here posting about not going past the first book. Crazy. Book 1 is good but book 2 is AWESOME.

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I'm interested in playing a Nanite Sorcerer or Nanite Bloodline through Eldritch Heritage and starting with Impossible Sorcerer. The latter would have hints at Nanite biology, but no over influences until third level. I have at least two ideas for backstory and an interesting story arc. I don't really want to go crossblooded because the loss of spells known kind of hurts.
The other idea if we need some healing is a Clone Master Alchemist Coupled with the Vivisectionist archetype if that's alright. This guy wouldn't necessarily be obsessed with eternal life, but sees it as a means to survive being hunted by his old master and simpler folk who see his practice as Evil.
I was trying to think of a weaponsmith, someone who would be excited at the prospect of using the high tech Torch as a forge (and who would be promptly disappointed to find out it's burned out). I was thinking of working the concept into a divine caster worshipping Brigh (which I believe has some significance to the plot??) but I'm less enthusiastic about this than the first, but I could definitely get into a character like this.
EDIT: Ooh or a Tinkerer Alchemist who worships Brigh...
Just consider this my dot. Feedback is appreciated but not necessary.
Also, how do we feel about the tone on a scale of Westworld to Ben 10?

GM Mustache |

I'm interested in playing a Nanite Sorcerer or Nanite Bloodline through Eldritch Heritage and starting with Impossible Sorcerer. The latter would have hints at Nanite biology, but no over influences until third level. I have at least two ideas for backstory and an interesting story arc. I don't really want to go crossblooded because the loss of spells known kind of hurts.
The other idea if we need some healing is a Clone Master Alchemist Coupled with the Vivisectionist archetype if that's alright. This guy wouldn't necessarily be obsessed with eternal life, but sees it as a means to survive being hunted by his old master and simpler folk who see his practice as Evil.
I was trying to think of a weaponsmith, someone who would be excited at the prospect of using the high tech Torch as a forge (and who would be promptly disappointed to find out it's burned out). I was thinking of working the concept into a divine caster worshipping Brigh (which I believe has some significance to the plot??) but I'm less enthusiastic about this than the first, but I could definitely get into a character like this.
EDIT: Ooh or a Tinkerer Alchemist who worships Brigh...
Just consider this my dot. Feedback is appreciated but not necessary.
Also, how do we feel about the tone on a scale of Westworld to Ben 10?
One of my live players calls the game He-Man. Want to get into the feel of it, watch some He-Man. :)
Based on what I've seen so far in entries, a character who heals or off-heals certainly has a better chance at getting in. But it is very early yet.

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Hey GM and prospective players, very interested in this!
I don't know about class yet but I have a very clear idea for a concept. I'm interested in playing a robot/android bounty hunter with the Robot Slayer campaign trait - very much taking Blade Runner as inspiration.
I'd like to make a joint submission with my buddy Ictoo if that's acceptable. The characters don't need to know eachother but we are botb experienced role players and are very reliable.
I'm going to start putting something together.

Ictoo |

Hey GM Mustachem, I'm very interested in Iron Gods - Haven't had the change to play in any games. I really would love to learn more about the areas and the precursor to starfinder.
I'm really stuck on the idea of a Barbarian Human. Few points - he will have had dealings with the Technic League, his tribe displaced by them along that line, I also have the idea of a confrontation with a nanite storm that will affect him (Tougher skin - that will play into his damage reduction) He will be scarred as he hates what he's become and would be cutting away at his skin.
As mentioned above I'd like to apply jointly with JamZilla, I'm in a lot of his games and we play in home games together also.

Ezekiel "Zeke" Smith |

Greetings! I am submitting Ezekiel ("Zeke") Smith, a half-elf Ecclesitheurge Cleric/Spellslinger Wizard aimed at the Mystic Theurge prestige class. Like his lost parents he is a follower of Groetus (the god of the apocalypse) and has grown up believing that the end of the world will come soon. As a matter of religious observance, he is driven to make the most of the time he has left-- and, with a clean shot between the eyes, cut short the time remaining to those who would do harm to him or his community.
Young Zeke often wondered who his real father was, and why his mother would leave him in Numeria instead of raising him underground. If he is faithful to their god, he believes that one day Groetus will grant him the knowledge he seeks. Perhaps his father lived in Numeria and didn't know Zeke was there, he imagined. He could be someone important in the Technic League, though Zeke hoped that wasn't the case. He wanted to respect his father, and the League seemed to him to be dedicated to solely selfish and destructive ends.
Today Zeke dresses like a blacksmith, which reflects his obsession with skymetal and his pride on having successfully crafted an item from the mysterious substance. (He made a silvery orb about the size of a coin with a skull inscribed into the surface, which he has since set into a ring.) He spends most of his time at the forges, trying to craft himself a working pistol, but he has not yet succeeded and his prototype is still a useless hunk of metal. His fair skin and white hair are often black with soot, making him appear more like his drow mother than his human father.
He has something of an adventurous spirit, and many times he has sneaked away from the village to explore the nearby caves, even though Khonnir Baine absolutely forbid it. He wonders where he can find the entrance to the Darklands that his mother used years before, for he would dearly love to see her again and ask her questions about his origins. He has never seen a dark elf since his early childhood and is curious what they are really like.
He is quick to laugh among his friends, though he is not especially outgoing. He is also very fond of strong drink, causing his stepsister Val to joke that he is actually studying to be a "ginslinger." (The two of them have a lighthearted sibling rivalry, having competed for their father's attention most of their lives. They don't hate each other, but their incessant teasing often forced Khonnir to separate them.) When drunk, Zeke often tries to warn those he cares about that Groetus will come soon, urging them to "make it count, make the time count." He tries to set a good example and lives each day like it is his last.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) 1
Favored Class: Wizard
Ability Scores: Str 8 (-1), Dex 14 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 15+2 (+3), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 10 (+0)
HP: 10 (1d8+2)
AC: 12 (+2 Dex)
Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex, +2 Elven Reflexes, +2 Underworld Guide)
Speed: 30'
Saves: +4 Fortitude / +2 Reflex / +4 Will* (+2 vs mind-affecting, +2 vs emotion or mind-affecting, +2 vs illusion, +2 vs enchantment)
BAB: +0
Light crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20 x2, 45 bolts)
Dagger +2 (1d4/19-20 x2) or Dagger +2 (1d4/19-20 x2, 10' range)
Race Traits: Alert for Betrayal (+2 saves vs illusion, Perception is class skill), Elf Blood (count as both human and elf), Elven Immunities (immune to magic sleep effects, +2 saves vs enchantment), Low-Light Vision, Multidisciplined (+1 CL to all classes, max character level), Underworld Guide (+2 initiative, +2 saves vs traps and hazards when underground)
Traits: Called (1/day reroll a natural 1 on an attack roll), Elven Reflexes (+2 initiative), Magical Knack: Wizard (+2 CL, max character level), Skymetal Smith (+2 saves vs emotion or mind-affecting effects as long as he has his item)
Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) 1 abilities: CL 1, spells 3/1+1(obscuring mist, true strike), aura (chaotic), channel positive energy (1d6), deity (Groetus), domains (darkness/loss, void), domain mastery (darkness/loss primary, destruction secondary), domain powers (guarded mind; touch of darkness 3+WIS/day), ecclesitheurge's vow, spontaneous spells
Feats: Agile Maneuvers*, Additional Traits (Called, Magical Knack), Blind-Fighting* (bonus from Darkness domain), Combat Expertise*, Deadly Aim*, Power Attack*, Weapon Finesse*
Skills: Craft Alchemy +7, Heal +6, Knowledge Arcana +7, Knowledge Religion +7, Linguistics +7, Perception +6, Spellcraft +7
Languages: Androffan (from Linguistics), Common, Elven, Hallit, Orc, Undercommon
Spells prepared
orisons: detect magic, guidance, mending
1st: bless (x2), true strike (destruction domain)
Equipment: skymetal holy symbol (free), dagger (1gp), light crossbow (35 gp), 45 bolts (4.5 gp), wizard's kit (backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, ink, inkpen, mess kit, soap, spell component pouch, 8x torches, 5x trail rations, waterskin: 19 gp), waterproof bag (.5 gp), 2x potion of mage armor (100 gp), artisan's clothing (free)
Build Notes
Mystic Theurge is usually considered suboptimal, but with technological equipment and guns he becomes incredibly versatile. With both wizard and cleric spells he can support his party, and he has lots of debilitating effects he can shoot through his guns to confound his enemies. I really like the challenge of making a good and effective character with less-popular options, and I think this build is an excellent way to do it.

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@GM - I usually never ask this question, but are we limited to a single submission per character? I'm quite happy with my android one for the moment, since I've had the character concept for a long while (in a flashback for my previous IG character, actually).
However, I'm asking this, since I've had the not-too-unique idea of the (somewhat) unhinged tech tribal, with main visual inspirations from Horizon: Zero Dawn and Mad Max. I'm actually thinking him as an Alchemist as well (since the class is so flexible!), but one of a wholly different, fume-inhaling, robot smashing and napalm-hurling variety.

GM Mustache |

@GM - I usually never ask this question, but are we limited to a single submission per character? I'm quite happy with my android one for the moment, since I've had the character concept for a long while (in a flashback for my previous IG character, actually).
However, I'm asking this, since I've had the not-too-unique idea of the (somewhat) unhinged tech tribal, with main visual inspirations from Horizon: Zero Dawn and Mad Max. I'm actually thinking him as an Alchemist as well (since the class is so flexible!), but one of a wholly different, fume-inhaling, robot smashing and napalm-hurling variety.
Ok, well let's go crazy, something I may regret. Everyone can submit 1 android for a 1 android slot (and have very little chance to get in) and also submit a normal character (and have slightly better chance to get in). If you want.

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Dual submission? Oh, that's lovely. So, I'm parking my Android here and working on something else, I'm thinking Dwarven Techslinger or some kind of Rogue.
Sarnal Verin
Age "24" Height 5ft. 6in. Weight 130 lbs.
Male Android Arcanist(Blood Arcanist(Nanite)) 1
LN Medium humanoid/construct
Init +3; Senses Perception +3, Sense Motive -3, low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft.
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
HP 8
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3
. . +4 against mind-affecting, paralysis, poison, stun. Immunity to fatigue, exhaustion, disease, sleep, fear, emotion and morale bonuses
Speed 30 ft.
- Dagger +0 (1d4) [Piercing or Slashing, 19-20/x2]
- Melee Touch Attack +3
- Dagger +3 (1d4) [Piercing, 19-20/x2]
- Light Crossbow +3 1d6 [Piercing, 19-20/x2]
- Ranged Touch Attack +3
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +0; CMB 0; CMD 10
- Combat Casting (+4 on Concentration checks to cast defensively)
- Pragmatic Activator (Int to UMD instead of Cha)
- Against the Technic League (spells) (+1 to spell DC against Technic League characters)
Racial Traits
- Constructed (saves bonuses and immunities)
- Emotionless (-4 to Sense Motive)
- Nanite Surge (1/day as an immediate action, get 3+character level on a d20 roll)
Skill Points 7/level (+4 Int, +1 FCB)
- Knowledge (arcana) +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
- Knowledge (nature) +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
- Knowledge (planes) +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
- Knowledge (engineering) +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
- Knowledge (geography) +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
- Spellcraft +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
- Use Magic Device +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
Background Skills
- Craft(mechanical) +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
- Linguistics +8 (1 rank, +4 Int, +3 class)
Favored Class Bonus +1 skillpoint
Languages Common, Hallit, Gnomish, Elven, Dwarven, Androffan[Linguistics]
Magic Items --
Mundane Items --
Encumbrance light/33-66-100 lbs. (light load)
Money 90gp
Class features
Arcane Reservoir 4 points, 3 each morning. Spend one to increase spell DC or CL by 1.
Consume Spells 1/day move action to expend a slot and add level to reservoir
Bloodline Arcana Transmutation school effects affecting only me last 50% longer
Bloodline Power (1st level) 2/day add nanite poison to melee weapon (injury, DC 12, 1/round for 6 rounds, 1 Str)
Arcanist Spellbook
- Level 0
-- All of them
- Level 1
-- Color Spray
-- Disguise Self
-- Grease
-- Mage Armor
-- Shield
-- True Strike
-- Vanish
Spells Prepared (0/1) 4/2
- Level 0
-- Dancing Lights
-- Detect Magic
-- Mage Hand
-- Mending
- Level 1
-- Color Spray
-- Mage Armor
Spells per Day (0/1) infinite/3
Spell DC 14+level
Sarnal is weirldy colorless, his hair, eyes and skin all in the same shade of pearl-grayish white. He's of medium height and feeble corporature, and he usually dresses in an artificer's outfit, with a cotton shirt (recently dyed a bright blue to provide the color his carnation is missing) and leather breeches (dyed a deep red).
Sarnal is an awkward, introverted, geekish kid. He's the tipe of guy who could speak for a couple hours about something he found interesting (usually related to magic, engineering or craftworks), without thinking whether his interlocutor is understanding even a single word. He can, as well, unwillingly offend people with a remark that he thought to be innocent.
As for alignment, I wrote him LN to represent both his dedication to magic and crafts and the fact that he hasn't yet been faced with any significant moral decision.