GM Mustache |

Hmmmm I had been set on using a firearm but not necessarily as a gunslinger but I'm concerned that the lack of Quick Clear is going to be far too much of a burden.
I'll get my thinking cap on.
GM, did you get my PM to consider?
Well, without quick clear you would certainly want to hold a backup weapon at least. Unless you like punching things, or watching your gun blow up in your face.
And once you get higher levels it is a nonissue, you won't be using misfirable guns. But level 1-7ish could be tough.

Redblade8 |

Here's what I've got so far. Still needs to gear up. I'll make a profile for him if chosen.
Maks Sundahl is the adopted son of Victor Sundahl, the founder of "Sundahl's Scrappers." The Scrappers are a mix of adventuring group, salvage company, and craftsmen, who roam Numeria acquiring skymetals. When they have enough to make it worth their while, they head to the town of Torch, and use the facilities there to turn their scavengings into salable items. Victor and the Scrappers found Maks alone in the countryside when he was a toddler, and took him in.
Maks has taken to life with the Scrappers, showing a talent for metalworking. More interesting than that, however, as the years have gone on, Maks has started manifesting the ability to project and control fire. No one is completely sure how this happened, but the purple tint the flames sometimes have makes the Scrappers think that exposure to the Torch Hill's flame is somehow responsible. When the flame went out, Victor, realizing his livelihood was at stake, offered Maks’ services to the town to better the chances of getting the fire lit again.
Starting gold: 1d6 ⇒ 4*10 = 40 gp Yikes, these guys make monks look like Richie Rich.
Maks Sundahl
Male human (Kellid) pyrokineticist 1 (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 10)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +6
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 14 (1d8+6)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2 (+2 to saves vs. emotion and fear)
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks kinetic blast
Kineticist Wild Talents Known
. . Defense—searing flesh
. . Infusions—burning infusion (DC 13)
. . Blasts—fire blast (1d6+1 fire)
. . Utility—basic pyrokinesis
Str 13, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 13
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Precise Shot, Toughness
Traits focused mind, skymetal smith
Skills Acrobatics +6, Craft (armor) +3, Diplomacy +1, Escape Artist +6, Knowledge (engineering) +2, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +6, Use Magic Device +4
Languages Common, Hallit, Orc
SQ burn (1 point/round, max 6), finesse weapon attack attribute, gather power, rules changes
Special Abilities
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Burn 1/round (1 nonlethal/burn, 6/day) Burn HP to gain greater effects on your wild talents.
Burning Infusion (DC 13) Catch foes on fire.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute The “light weapons” category has been renamed to “finesse weapons.” Characters can choose to use either their dexterity bonus or their strength bonus to hit with these weapons, no feat required. “Finesse” is also now a weapon attribute li
Fire Blast (Sp) Level 0; Burn 0
Gather Power (Su) Move: reduce the burn cost of a blast by 1 or Full-round: reduce the burn cost of a blast by 2
Kinetic Blast (Sp) The kineticist can unleash her kinetic blast at a range of 30 feet at will.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.

Charles Caskgrip |

This is Digger Chandler's non-Android submission. I need to adjust him a bit to your specs, mostly making sure the equipment aligns with his rolled wealth. Will type up his backstory later today. In short, he's a sneaky second-story halfling who longs to land a score that would help him escape from the cycles of poverty and thievery.
Wealth: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 6, 6) = 19x10=190

Charles Caskgrip |

Charles Caskgrip was born seventh out of a brood of 13 children. The Caskgrips were and are a rather poor family, and their numbers required a lot just to stay fed. Though their parents worked hard, it was never enough. So the older kids began finding ways to make ends meet. Some had a talent for singing or dancing, and busked on the street of Torch. Others developed artisinal skills and sold their trinkets at the market. But most of the Caskgrips weren’t that lucky. Charles, smaller and quieter than most, was taught the “family trade” by his elder brothers: thievery. His quiet nature made him a stealthy pickpocket and his deft fingers made him an able second-story man. Through most of Charles’ life, he stole and burgled to help feed his family.
Helping support his siblings felt good even when the crimes didn’t. But Charles longed for something more. Surely one of these strange places that fell from the stars housed the sort of score that could put his family in a better place permanently, and long-dead starmen would be even less of a burden on Charles’ conscience than rich hoarders and jerks vis a vis larceny. Khonnir Baine fascinated the lad with his tales of technological wonders. And he always had a snack for Charles. Naturally shy, it wasn’t easy for Charles to make friends, but the eccentric wizard was an exception. But now Khonnir has gone missing, and Charles is worried.
Pa Caskgrip (Samuel), handsome and hardworking
Ma Caskgrip (Rebecca), loving and fastidious
Sam Jr. (Eldest at 25, serves as family muscle
Norman (24, wise-ass conman)
Carla (23, and and able crackswoman)
Diana (22, lookout and distractions)
Clifford (21 a simple shoemaker)
Paul (20, a talented busker)
Charles (19, a pickpocket and second-story man)
Woodrow (18 a burgeoning illusionist)
The twins Melvilla and John (17 both geniuses)
Frasier (11)
Lilith (10)
Frederick (8)

Aldizog |
I would be interested if there is a feat to eliminate the chance of fumbles.
Or, I'd be willing to employ some sort of conservative fighting style that eliminates the chance to crit but also avoids fumbles.
Any such feat or fighting style?
I guess barring that, I could play a support caster or blaster caster who never makes an attack roll.

Digger Chandler |

Android wealth: 1d6 ⇒ 3x10
Female Android Unchained Monk 1
LN Medium Humanoid (Android)
Init +4; Senses; Perception +8 (Darkvision, Low Light Vision)
AC 15
HP 13
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee: Unarmed +4 (1d6+3) b
Melee: Quarterstaff +4 (1d6+3) b
Melee: Nunchaku +4 (1d6+3) b, disarm
Melee: Axe Knuckle +4 (1d6+3)x3, s
Melee: Kumade +4 (1d6+4)x3, p, grapple
Melee: Dagger +4 (1d4+3) 19-20 s,p
Ranged: +3 (1d4+3) 19-20 s,p
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +4 (+6 to grapple); CMD 16
Traits: Against the Technic League, Reactionary
Acrobatics 6 (2+1+3)
Escape Artist 6 (2+1+3)
Perception 8 (2+1+3+2)
Stealth 6 (2+1+3)
Background Skills:
Artistry (Poetry) 4 (0+1+3)
Knowledge Engineering 1 (0+1)
Languages: Common
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Monks are proficient with the club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, short sword, shortspear, shuriken, siangham, sling, spear, and any weapon with the monk special weapon quality.
Monks are not proficient with any armor or shields.
When wearing armor, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load, a monk loses his AC bonus, as well as his fast movement and flurry of blows abilities.
AC Bonus
When unarmored and unencumbered, the monk adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his AC and CMD. In addition, a monk gains a +1 bonus to AC and CMD at 4th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every four monk levels thereafter, up to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.
These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the monk is flat-footed. He loses these bonuses when he is immobilized or helpless, when he wears any armor, when he carries a shield, or when he carries a medium or heavy load.
Bonus Feat: 1st: Deft Maneuvers
At 1st level, 2nd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, a monk can select a bonus feat. These feats must be taken from the following list: Catch Off-Guard, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Improved Grapple, Scorpion Style, and Throw Anything.
Flurry of Blows
At 1st level, a monk can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action. When making a flurry of blows, the monk can make one additional attack at his highest base attack bonus. This additional attack stacks with the bonus attacks from haste and other similar effects. When using this ability, the monk can make these attacks with any combination of his unarmed strikes and weapons that have the monk special weapon quality. He takes no penalty for using multiple weapons when making a flurry of blows, but he does not gain any additional attacks beyond what’s already granted by the flurry for doing so. (He can still gain additional attacks from a high base attack bonus, from this ability, and from haste and similar effects).
At 11th level, a monk can make an additional attack at his highest base attack bonus whenever he makes a flurry of blows. This stacks with the first attack from this ability and additional attacks from haste and similar effects.
Stunning Fist
At 1st level, the monk gains Stunning Fist as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.
Unarmed Strike
At 1st level, a monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A monk’s attacks can be with fists, elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a monk can make unarmed strikes with his hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed. A monk can apply his full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all his unarmed strikes. A monk’s unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, although he can choose to deal nonlethal damage with no penalty on his attack roll. He can make this choice while grappling as well.
A monk’s unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.
Monk’s Kit
Scrivener’s Kit
Dagger x2

![]() |

Quick question about the feat tax options if I may.
Point blank shot is gone, but just to be clear does the +1 bonus to hit and damage within 30ft no longer exist at all or does it apply as a combat option?
I only ask because especially for 3/4 Base classes that +1 to hit is quite handy at low levels.
Also, I'm really interested in the Eldritch Archer archetype for Magus and later I'd like to use a firearm as part of the build but I have a couple of questions on that:
At 1st level, an eldritch archer gains a bonded object as per the wizard’s arcane bonded object; it must be a ranged weapon, and it can’t be used to cast a spell once per day. Holding her bonded item does not prevent the eldritch archer from providing somatic components for her spells.
GM - I can see changing the bond to a firearm when I acquire one would be a real problem. Assuming it could be around level 4, it would take a week and 1,800 gold pieces and both would probably be problematic.
Based on your earlier statement allowing people to swap out feats to make use of technology found later in the AP, how much leeway might I have on changing the arcane bond to a firearm or tech weapon later? If none, that's fine and I understand it's just something that I would have to plan ahead for.

Kanek |

I'm going to tweak this character, but hes a gunslinger with the intent of going magus eldritch archer after the first level. He was submitted to other Iron Gods campaigns but never got selected. I'm going to go through his stats and see if he meets your requirements. I also need to expand on his background.
Sorry if I missed it, but how long are you running recruitment for?

GM Mustache |

Point blank shot is gone, but just to be clear does the +1 bonus to hit and damage within 30ft no longer exist at all or does it apply as a combat option?
Based on your earlier statement allowing people to swap out feats to make use of technology found later in the AP, how much leeway might I have on changing the arcane bond to a firearm or tech weapon later? If none, that's fine and I understand it's just something that I would have...
My understanding of those alternate rules is that point-blank is gone. Erased. Instead, pick weapon focus and get the +1 to hit no matter what range you are.
Changing feats, or changing the sub-type of class ability (like the gun a gunslinger uses for guntraining), will be allowed in between books. For free, no gold cost. So the answer to your question is... what you want to do is allowed.

GM Mustache |

I'm going to tweak this character, but hes a gunslinger with the intent of going magus eldritch archer after the first level. He was submitted to other Iron Gods campaigns but never got selected. I'm going to go through his stats and see if he meets your requirements. I also need to expand on his background.
Sorry if I missed it, but how long are you running recruitment for?
last sentence of the first post

Redblade8 |

JamZilla wrote:My understanding of those alternate rules is that point-blank is gone. Erased. Instead, pick weapon focus and get the +1 to hit no matter what range you are.
Point blank shot is gone, but just to be clear does the +1 bonus to hit and damage within 30ft no longer exist at all or does it apply as a combat option?
Weapon Focus wants +1 BAB. And if your figurative bread is getting buttered fighting targets within 30 feet, +1/+1 beats +1.
(just making the Devil's Advocate case for PB Shot to exist in some form, even if its no longer the roots and trunk of the ranged feat tree)

GM Mustache |

GM Mustache wrote:JamZilla wrote:My understanding of those alternate rules is that point-blank is gone. Erased. Instead, pick weapon focus and get the +1 to hit no matter what range you are.
Point blank shot is gone, but just to be clear does the +1 bonus to hit and damage within 30ft no longer exist at all or does it apply as a combat option?
Weapon Focus wants +1 BAB. And if your figurative bread is getting buttered fighting targets within 30 feet, +1/+1 beats +1.
(just making the Devil's Advocate case for PB Shot to exist in some form, even if its no longer the roots and trunk of the ranged feat tree)
I understand that argument. I didn't write those feat tax rules, but I do think they are better than the vanilla rules. For simplicity, I am not going to nitpick them. We are taking the lot.

![]() |

Kzuk-oth, last of Clan Flameheart
Male Human (Kellid) Alchemist (Fire Bomber) 1
CN Medium Humanoid
Init +1; Perception +0
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (dex +1, armour +5)
hp 11 (1d8+2+1)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0;
Speed: 30 ft
+4 Ripsaw Glaive 1d10+6/8 x3
+4 Torch 1d6+4 +1 fire x2
Ranged +2 Bomb (1d6+2), 3/day
+1 Sling (1d4+4) x2
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8
BAB +0, CMB +4, CMD 15
Feats: Brew Potion, Throw Anything, Medium Armour Proficiency, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Ripsaw Glaive, Hand Crossbow)
Traits: Against the Technic League (Weapons), Firebug
Skills: 4+2+1+2 points:
Disable Device +5
Knowledge(Arcana) +6
Knowledge(Nature) +6
Spellcraft +6
Survival +4
Craft(Alchemy) +7
Climb +5
Linguistics +6
Lore(Numerian Kellid Tribes) +6
Languages Common, Hallit, Androffan, Orc
Spells Known:
1st: Cure Light Wounds, Identify, Enlarge Person, Ant HaulFor when you really need to get that Huge Robot somewhere.
Spells Prepared: Cure Light Wounds, Enlarge Person
Combat Gear:
Gold: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 4) = 110 Gold pieces.
Ripsaw Glaive 30gp
Scale Mail 50gp
Alchemical Crafting Kit 25gp
Sling /w 10 bullets
5 Torches
3 sets of flint and tinder
Flask of Kerosine Oil 5gp
On first glance, Kuz looks like an ordinary, if somewhat wirier and taller Kellid. Okay, if Kuz gets a long bath, has more than one eyebrow at a time, stops hunching over and nervously biting his lips and jittering from spot to spot, he might resemble something akin most of the honourable barbarians who roam the Numerian steppes.
But the chance of someone convincing Kuz to do any of the above would require them to overcome the man's bloodshot eyes staring behind yellowed goggles, ragged and unkempt patch black hair and the plethora of burn marks covering his light brown forearms. That, and the whirring spear with a lot more spinning blades a spear has any right to possess. The smell of chemicals and alcohol exudes from the Kellid, and seems to permeate whenever he stays in any place for long, which is thankfully almost rarer than his baths.
His long, tattered coat is covered with many burned patches and spots where chemicals had fallen over, and under it the glimmer of metal can be seen. On his three belts lie multiple flasks, waterskins and pieces of dried animals and metal junk.
Despite all this, the brave (foolhardy, almost) person who approaches Kuz would be surprised by the man's intellect and education surrounding all matters alchemical. His personal preference to "booms!" aside, in the rare events he needs to spend a winter in Torch, he's often helping by fixing alchemical items and maladies, and isn't so hardly convinced to practice his more... destructive pursuits on the outskirts of the town, with only smoke spires and the occasional high-pitched, giggling laugh to indicate that someone is there.
"So we're to re-check the village, see if anyone missed anything? I expected more... I don't know, sky magic...", the cowled man complained his companion as they hitched the horses to a half-burned post. "I get that we need to cut our teeth, but there's got to be more than that to the Tech...", he started saying, before a raised hand shut him up. "Shush. There's smoke. And where there's smoke, there's fire. Maybe one of the Flamehearts is back. Or someone's heard of the raid, and is trying to find something.", said a woman's voice, unsheathing a sword from her belt. "That'll save us the effort."
Walking towards the smoke, the man stared at the ruination around him, the burned husks of buildings and the blood on the ground, still visible after a week. The Flameheart Clan had found something from above, and the first Technic League representative had met an unfortunate end here. The retribution was, of course, swift and just. The tribe refused to surrender and were killed to the last, whatever they'd found recovered and sent to Starfall. The two Technic League members walked through the quieted village, following the smoke trail, upon finding a small campfire. "This is fresh.", the woman said, looking at the ground for tracks.
"Are they heading towards that tent, or awa...", the man started saying, before the grinding sound of gears clicking together rose through the village. "Break the cog! Spill the oil!", a terrifying, maddening cry broke out as a flask crashed into the man, setting him on fire. Crying out in pain, he saw his boss raising her sword. Magical lightning covered the blade, as she turned around the corner quietly, just as the sound of a man inhaling harder than he should rang through the village. "Twist the gears! Fray the belts!", the voice cried out again in between horrid cries, as the whirring of cogs was suddenly drowned in the sound of metal hitting flesh and a woman's death wail.
A massive Kellid, covered in soot and blood, with bloodshot, insane eyes staring death at him stampeded from the corner, grasping a pike with the woman's corpse hanging from its end before hurling it away as if it were a rag. The man screamed, breaking into a run, before feeling an impact on his back and feeling fire burning into his flesh. Rolling on the ground in a futile attempt to drown out the flames, the last sounds in his life were the mechanical gnashing of blades into flesh and the cry, "Feed the Flameheart PYRE!"
Build-wise, I'm planning on going on a mainly frontline role, and obtaining heavier armour as the game progresses. I've enjoyed the idea of having some sort of flamethrower attachment to the armour (as indicated by the way Breath Weapon Bomb works), and use Immolation bomb and various burning sensations in combination (or bombination) with the Ripsaw Glaive, which, while decent, is mostly for flavour. I'll also be grabbing defensive feats (Iron Will, Toughness, etc), and make use of the Goblin only feats the Fire Bomber has.

Faolan Baran |

My background and crunch can be seen in my alias. Let me know if you'd like me to explain anything, change anything, whatever. :) Oh, and I’m not Vitaliano da Riva - this brawler with shield is not overly optimized I think but should fit in well with a strong group. Also, I dig what you said about not being able to use the tech that comes to the group. I’m OK with that for this character.
I’ve DMed and Played on these boards for a few years now and been in the D&D realm for a few decades. I’ve always been an active and supportive player in every game. Please feel free to peruse my aliases and campaigns for examples.
If selected, I can also help with treasure notes if you like. I have a useful spreadsheet that I use in campaigns I'm in to help track that sort of thing so you don’t have to. You should be able to see a version of it here (link).
I humbly submit that this breaks the build intent and I ask you to rule instead that I can re-shoulder the shield at the end of the round as a free action so I can use it to protect myself (Shield to AC) on the opponents turn. That certainly seems intended - the whole trick of the Shield Champion is to throw and retrieve while being all cool looking. ;) Further, the archetype is by no means overpowered, and requires a number of feats to do well and additional cash, which detracts from other options I may have as a brawler.
How do you want to rule? I’m fine with any ruling, and do not plan to change the build, I’ll just make do if you disagree. :)
- - -
Starting Gold: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 4) = 9 (x10gp)
Ouch, that's tight. I'll make some adjustments. :)

GM Mustache |

My background and crunch can be seen in my alias. Let me know if you'd like me to explain anything, change anything, whatever. :) Oh, and I’m not Vitaliano da Riva - this brawler with shield is not overly optimized I think but should fit in well with a strong group. Also, I dig what you said about not being able to use the tech that comes to the group. I’m OK with that for this character.
Ok, I agree that a shield thrower would be very hard to make overpowered. And the 5th level returning shield ability sure makes it seem like you should get to use it for AC. So looks good.

Digger Chandler |

As for my pbp history, I've been in three decade-long games on a private board, but have long ones here, too. I play and DM in real life, DMing often for amateurs. As a teacher I've run students and as a ...um, appreciater of bars run some newbie bar games. My schedule allows for theoretical multiple-posts per day. I like collective storytelling, crafting arcs (often around alignment evolution), and being surprised by your own character.

GM Mustache |

I would be interested if there is a feat to eliminate the chance of fumbles.
Or, I'd be willing to employ some sort of conservative fighting style that eliminates the chance to crit but also avoids fumbles.
Any such feat or fighting style?
I guess barring that, I could play a support caster or blaster caster who never makes an attack roll.
lol, this post kinda made me laugh a little. The goal of the game isn't to win! The goal of the game is to go down in a blaze of glory! Fumbles are part of the fun. You do have to confirm a fumble (reroll and miss again) for it to count.

Aldizog |
lol, this post kinda made me laugh a little. The goal of the game isn't to win! The goal of the game is to go down in a blaze of glory! Fumbles are part of the fun. You do have to confirm a fumble (reroll and miss again) for it to count.
The goal isn't to win, of course, it's to have fun.
Fumbles aren't fun in the least. They detract from my enjoyment more than getting crits adds to it. So I'd give up crits to avoid fumbles (a trade which obviously I wouldn't do if 'winning' was my goal). If there is no way to do so, so be it.
Disarms forced by enemies (i.e. the Disarm maneuver) are both cinematic and realistic. Turtling up and waiting for the PC to roll a 1 and throw his weapon away... or impale himself... Not so much.
Anyway, clearly not the game for me.

GM Mustache |

Here are submissions so far; just want to be organized. Let me know if you got missed.
Varrad - inquisitor
Van- psychic
LaRa- alchemist
Sarnal Verin- arcanist
X - monk
Kronn the Ravager- human barb
Arkad Gilternhamer- human barb
Jerrek of Nex- human fighter
Ezekial Smith- half-elf cleric/wizard
Mak Sundahl- human pyrokineticist
Charles Caskgrie- halfling rogue
Kanek- human gunslinger
Kuz- human alchemist
Faolan Baran- human brawler
Cathryn- half-orc barb

GM Mustache |

GM Mustache wrote:
lol, this post kinda made me laugh a little. The goal of the game isn't to win! The goal of the game is to go down in a blaze of glory! Fumbles are part of the fun. You do have to confirm a fumble (reroll and miss again) for it to count.The goal isn't to win, of course, it's to have fun.
Fumbles aren't fun in the least. They detract from my enjoyment more than getting crits adds to it. So I'd give up crits to avoid fumbles (a trade which obviously I wouldn't do if 'winning' was my goal). If there is no way to do so, so be it.
Disarms forced by enemies (i.e. the Disarm maneuver) are both cinematic and realistic. Turtling up and waiting for the PC to roll a 1 and throw his weapon away... or impale himself... Not so much.
Anyway, clearly not the game for me.
I certainly wouldn't play like that. No worries if you aren't interested.

Ton'iel Wexley |

OK here is my (JamZilla) submission, Ton'iel Wexley, robot-hunting Eldritch Archer Magus.
This is a joint submission with Wulf Torstein so I hope you enjoy what we've put together and that the backstories aren't too long!
The android shot first.
Ton was fast, but nothing like this. He pulled the arc pistol from it’s holster at his belt with the smooth, practiced motion that comes with hundreds of draws. An instant after his keen eyes registered the flicker of motion in the android’s shoulder, muscle memory took over and the weapon was in his hand.
Except it wasn’t. It was tumbling through the air, falling from a hand that was instantly limp, the strength flooding from it as though a breach in a dam had formed.
The bullet ripped through his lower belly and smashed his pelvis to dust and splinters, exiting through his back and lodging into the oak chair on which he sat. The blast was loud enough to rattle the glass in the window beside them and raised the table a full inch. The weapon was in the android’s hand, beneath the table, concealed from view but nothing could hide the roar of that weapon and the stench of black powder and blood.
The entire world tumbled end over end as he was uprooted from his seat and sent hurtling through the air to crash onto the hard wood of the tavern floor. He watched through glazed eyes as Wulf engaged the android, swinging his hammer with mighty blows but so far as he could see as the light faded, none actually landed.
The last thing he saw was the weapon, kicked here and there in the melee, the tiny blue lights at the centre of his fading vision like the last star in the sky before storm clouds close in.
It was six months ago that Ton Wexley sat in a tavern not entirely dissimilar to the one that would eventually change his life forever. In one hand he held a half-crumpled piece of paper, in the other was a rolled cigarette of cheap tobacco that burned unsmoked almost to his knuckles. He read the contract over for the thousandth time.
It was written in silvery ink and stamped with the gear-like emblem of the Technic League. He had no affinity with them, with any group in truth, but that group of technologists were rumoured to overly exert political and economic power. Someone more savvy might have been concerned with that, but he had been paid a hundred gold up front with the promise of two hundred more on completion. Politics was never his game in any case.
Ton was a Scrapper, someone who made a living ‘decommissioning’ rogue robots that over the years had gone haywire and now roamed the countryside generally causing havoc. Normally he worked for small communities that had been having trouble with a reconditioned farming unit or even a guard ‘bot or two that had decided for whatever reason to turn it’s metallic fists on unsuspecting travellers.
But this was different. They had hired him to decommission an android. From what little he understood about them, a living creature.
His pale eyes flicked from the contract to the weapon the Technic League had loaned him, a beautiful firearm of creamy white metal and glowing blue lights. It lay on the bar like a terrible, wonderful table decoration.
He’d been riding with the broad-shouldered human for the last six weeks. He found him pretty intense, angry a lot of the time. Didn’t matter, he had bills to pay and the man’s hammer was probably worth it’s weight in gold for the added muscle. Besides, he liked him. Couldn’t take much of a joke but he didn’t suffer fools either, and that was good.
Ton had the lithe frame of his kind but he sagged in the shoulders and had terrible posture from too many nights sat on too many bar stools like this one. He had talent in the arcane arts but his application was poor. All his life he had done just enough to get along and had taken the fast silver over the hard-earned gold and done so gladly with a smile on his face and some smart-ass remark to go with it.
But when it came to the work. He was unshakeable.
These machines had caused a lifetime of hurt for many and his new partner in Steadfast Revocations - the name of his little robot-hunting company - was testament to that. He’d told the story of how he had come by his… disfigurement… a layer of tough grey metal that sat beneath his skin in ragged patches that made him look like some kind of half-finished sculpture.
Ton was nothing if not a practical man. Some might have called it manipulative but he needed to get this job done and make a success of Revocations if he was ever going to get anywhere. So he had used that terrible memory to offer Wulf a job hunting robots.
It was strange that Ton would think back to that night now, when he were lying in a pool of his own blood and his friend lay beside him. With a kind of distant curiosity he watched Wulf spasm rhymically, defeated in a way he hadn’t seen but a thin line of drool ran down his beard like the froth on the lips of a rabid dog.
As darkness slowly took him, it wasn’t regrets over the wife he had and lost, the father he had left in tears and the son who hated the guts that were probably spilling out on that sawdust floor. It was the thought that the Technic League might have somehow set him up for this…. And that it was a machine that did it….
The days that followed were a daze of pain and fever. Technic League arcanists had recovered him and Wulf and healed them only enough so that they could talk. But there was only one topic they were interested in - what happened to the android and more importantly, what happened to the gun they loaned him.
Both were gone.
A weapon that cost more than he would earn in even five of his long elven lifetimes had disappeared and so they turned them out into the street. In some ways he was fortunate to leave with his life, though he was broke, half-healed and delirious with infection. Wulf seethed with an anger the like of which Ton had never seen, swearing revenge on the Technic League.
Ton didn’t carry a gun now. He couldn’t afford even a broke down old musket. Instead he wore a longbow strapped across his back that Wulf himself and bent out of a yew tree. He also didn’t walk far any more if he could help it. His pelvis didn’t repair properly and he had an irregular step that made his bootfalls sound like a beating heart.
But Steadfast Revocations had continued. Job after job, just trying to make ends meet. And those unsteady legs carried on walking too, sometimes loaning Wulf’s massive hammer as a kind of walking stick, sometimes leaning on the big man himself. After days, those legs had carried him now into Torch, a pretty backwater place made famous by some technological marvel.
He wasn’t especially interested in that. But rumours that someone called Khronnir had recovered a deactivated robot had surfaced, and worried him too. If there were one down there in those unexplored ruins beneath the town then who knows how many more there might be, and some may even need decommissioning. It was a danger to the town and an opportunity for them.
Ton stands over six feet but looks shorter because he is hunched and stoop-shouldered. His lank hair is often greasy and tied back simply and it is very rare that he doesn't have several day's growth on his chin.
He could be handsome if he paid even a small amount of attention to his appearance but his eyes are often bleary and bloodshot from alcohol or smoke and his clothing is usually rumpled and whatever he has reasonably clean stuffed into his bag.
Ton is grumpy, curmudgeonly, passive-aggressive, foul-mouthed and generally dismissive. He is often the most intelligent person in the room and has grown to realise that he often disappoints people because he simply doesn't put the effort into interpersonal relationships.
On the other hand he is very loyal to the few people he calls friends and, despite often having shakes from one too many drinks, he is steadfast, determined and iron-willed.
Ton'iel is going to become a powerful ranged damage-dealer with a sprinkling of useful skills and a range of both debuffing and buffing spells, making him a well-rounded member of any team.
All the mechanics are in this profile and if you have any questions please just let me know.

Wulf Torstein |

My submission for Wulf Torstein, Invulnerable Rager Barbarian. Hater of the Technic League.
Joint submission with Ton'iel Wexley
Any problems just let me know.
Wulf’s attention was fixed on the exchange at the table in front of him. His palms sweated a little and his muscles felt as taut as a drawn bowstring.
His friend was persuasive when it came to offering him the job in the first place. But as he listened to him talk to the android he realised that Ton enjoyed speaking to people about as much as Wulf. He got the sense this was the first time he tried to take in a quarry alive.
The tavern was a smoky, seedy establishment with a rag-tag band in one corner that to Wulf’s uncultured ear seemed to play the same song over and over while ruddy faced men and the occasional woman drank ale and talked in low voices.
He tried to keep one eye on the crowd and one on the table before him where Ton sat opposite the android. He’d never seen one before but despite that, it was unmistakable. The pale skin, almost metallic in colour, was in some ways similar to his own disfigurement which both concerned and fascinated him.
Later he would curse himself for letting his mind wander even for a moment. Perhaps if he hadn’t he could have intervened sooner and his broad shoulders would carry that burden like a yoke for many months to come.
His attention snapped back when he heard the blast of the gun. He didn’t trust the things and had described Ton’s own weapon as trying to capture thunder in his hand. Explosive and unpredictable.
But he could not deny their effectiveness.
Ton was sent pinwheeling backwards over his chair in a spray of blood, smoke and heat rising from the muzzle of the android’s weapon as it stood quickly and faced the big human.
Wulf’s hammer came down in a blurring arc, powerful enough to crush the skull of an oxen. But where he was expecting the slight resistance of a skull, the weapon instead reduced the chair the android was in a half-second before to kindling. He reversed his grip and brought the hammer around once again, sending onlookers in the bar scattering out of the way like skittles. His bellow was at least as loud as that of the gun as he once again saw his earthbreaker connect with nothing but thin air, the nimble android ducking and weaving the deadly head of the hammer as if it were in slow motion.
A slender hand flicked out and something caught the sunlight as it flew through the air before hitting Wulf’s shoulder and latching there with tiny pronged legs.
Despite his friend’s grievous condition on the floor beside him, the big man could not help but laugh. He seized the object and unceremoniously ripped it away with a grunt, the prongs tearing a patch of skin with it and the ragged wound seeping blood immediately. Where the wound should have been filled with raw, angry flesh what was instead revealed was a dull grey patchwork of metal that sat beneath the skin and traced grey lines across the man’s chest and shoulder - like perfectly straight and perpendicular veins.
You think this gadget would stop me! he shouted, moving to throw the thing to the ground and crush it with his boot.
But before he could the android muttered something he didn’t understand and a burst of electricity erupted from the object, tracing it’s way along those grey lines beneath his skin all the way to his heart, which stopped for a brief moment with the jolt. He had time only enough to bite his tongue and taste coppery blood before he toppled like some great felled oak.
Wulf was a hunter and trapper back in his Kellid village. It was a pretty typical place full of hard men and women who had fought off orc raids and harsh winters alike. Since a young age his parents had taught him about the bounties and dangers of the wilds and for twenty winters he had used his skill in the mountains and his prodigious strength to both feed and protect the village.
But on a night he would never forget, a ‘Grey Goo’ swept down out of the mountains. Later when he had told Ton of it, the elf had swallowed his drink hard and said that he had heard of them, but never had the misfortune of having to run for his life from one. They were swarms of weaponized nanites — microscopic mechanical constructs - that reduced everything in their path to wisps of dust.
Wulf hadn’t run either. He and some of the other warriors had tried to stand against it, but their arrows and blades did nothing - they may as well have been attacking the wind. In quiet moments during the night he would wake, sometime screaming, sometimes not but always drenched in sweat when he dreamed of that buzzing, hideous mass. In those moments he was ashamed to admit that despite the fact he and his comrades had saved half the village, if he had his time over he may well have ran into the mountains and not looked back. His shame brought the taste of bile and anger and he would clench his fists and swallow both down.
The Goo was timeworn, old and malfunctioning. It ravaged the warriors and the village all the same but some it left alive, though barely. Instead, it tried to interface with them in a way that was lost in time and could never been understood by the techno-phobic Kellid anyway.
Those warriors who survived were changed forever, finding that the nanites had reconfigured some of their flesh to hard patches of grey metal. In fearful and whispered conversations, those men and women came to be known ‘foils,’ a term of utter disrespect and one that sent Wulf into a frenzy even now. He lasted a year in the village after that, dedicating himself to it’s reconstruction. But in that time he began to notice how the survivors who were unscathed no longer wanted to share his table when they broke for meals, or did not want to tell him about the hunt that afternoon. He decided to leave when he overheard his own mother whispering that he had become disfigured. Wulf didn’t know the word, but he understood it well enough.
Ton had seen him fight three men after one of them had bumped into him and had the audacity to say Watch it, foil.. When the fight broke out their punches slammed into his metal-infused skin as though they were punching a wall of iron while he simply pummelled them with reckless abandon. The elf had dragged him away before he had killed one of them.
Ton had then offered him strong liquor for his thirst and ice for his bruises, laughing as he asked if he wanted to put his talents to better use than fighting ruffians and get some measure of payback on the constructs that had marked him so.
Wulf had worried that he couldn’t pay for the drink but the elf waved the notion away disinterestedly while he rolled a cigarette. The smell of that smoke turned Wulf’s stomach but he listened while the elf sucked it down and talked about a job opportunity. Despite his foul smoke, fouler mouth and narrow, untrusting eyes; Wulf had liked him immediately.
After the incident with the android, Wulf had felt completely betrayed by the Technic League. For hours he sat and seethed as they questioned first him and then Ton and then him again and on and on and on it went.
They seemed to think they had stolen something from them - the weapon they had loaned Ton for the mission. Never once did they say why this android was so important to them but it was only then that the big man considered that they armed his friend so well only because they knew it was probably a fight they couldn’t win.
He felt used. Like a lame sheep thrown to the wolves and when they had turfed them into the street, Ton barely able to walk, he had roared long and loud in protest.
Wulf hated to see how Ton struggled with stairs or long walks. The elf didn’t complain. That’s not true, the elf complained constantly. But it was usually about the cost of whiskey or the wife who he still sent money to despite the fact she had left him years earlier. He never complained about his leg. But that didn’t stop Wulf feeling guilty.
It was out of friendship and duty that he had stuck by the elf as he determined to make Steadfast Revocations a success.
Wulf had heard a rumour of a town north of them. Apparently, a deactivated robot had been found and it had caused quite the stir, especially because it came from some weird ruin from under the town. Ton had brightened immediately at this, slapping his companion on the back and insisting they make the journey to Torch to investigate for themselves.
Wulf is steady, determined, loyal and ready for anything that's thrown at him. He is aggressive and gets angry very easily with situations he has no control over. But knows how to read a situation.
He calls very few people friend but those he does he would do anything for.
He's wracked with nightmares over what happened to him and the situation of how he left his village. Ashamed that deep down he wished he had just run away. He also feels guilt over what happened to his friend Ton and the fact he was taken down so easily.
Wulf is a scruff of a man, caring very little about his looks and what those think about him. Standing at 6'2 he holds himself as a man ready for a fight, standing straight. The part of him that stands out the most is his skin, when looked at closely it looks almost stretched over his body covered in scars and speckled throughout with silvery grey spots.
Wulf is the front line of the party - He will stand his ground and make sure no one gets to those behind him. He will dish out decent damage but will be pushing to absorb a lot of damage also. Focusing on damage reduction and saves.

GM Mustache |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

We have had lots of great submissions so far. So many, in fact, I don't see much point in keeping the original deadline of February 2. I'm going to move it up to end of the day on Saturday the 27th. Hopefully people who have already expressed interest read this post.
And you know what this campaign really needs? A dwarf who likes to shoot guns. More specifically, a dwarf bard who likes to shoot guns. I've always had a soft spot in my heart for both dwarves and bards. I'm going to save a single spot in the group for a dwarf bard and people are welcome to submit for that even if they have already submitted an android and/or another character.
And I decided to make this a six player party instead of five. I'm already scaling it to six for my live group, so why not?
I'm breaking all the rules here, people!

Srchr |

I decided to make an android submission as well. Srchr is a... well, he doesn't really know what he is, so he is trying to find out. I guess that makes him an investigator. He is curious, meticulous, and practical. His voice is calm and patient, almost soothing, like a narrator or a guide. He dresses like a monk, with heavy robes and hood to help hide his alien features.
Wealth: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3) = 9 X 10

Bret Doften |

I humbly submit Bret Doften, a human oracle gifted with the might of a lunar dragon after ingesting her blood! (Which, after typing that out, is a lot freakier than I thought it would be...)
"I'm not a monster. Just... superior."
CG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Deity: Desna Homeland: Numeria
Init +2; Senses Perception +5, Darkvision 60'
AC 18 Touch 12 Flat-footed 16 (+5 Armor, +1 Shield)
HP 10/10
Fort +1 Ref +2 Will +2
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Morningstar +2 (1d8+2/x2), Sickle +2 (1d6+2/x2)
Special Claws +2/+2 (1d4+2/x2)
Mystery Dragon
Revelations Talons of the Dragon, Draconic Resistance, Dragon Senses
Curse Covetous
Spells Known
0th (At will) - Detect Magic, Enhanced Diplomacy, Guidance, Resistance
1st (4/day) - Cure Light Wounds, Hedging Weapons, Protection From Evil
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 13
Feats Extra Revelation x2
Traits Stargazer, Blood of Dragons (+1 Perception)
(1) Intimidate +7
(1) Kn. Arcana +5
(1) Perception +5
(1) Sense Motive +4
(1) Spellcraft +5
(1) Use Magic Device +7
Languages Common, Draconic
Combat Gear Scale Armor, Morningstar, Sickle, Light Steel Shield
But Bret was an anomaly: she hadn't planned on revealing herself to any humans. Rather, he stumbled into planet-bound lair by sheer accident during a game of hide-and-seek, finding her residing among the remains of whatever technologies she had collected and still functioned, studying them to sate her curiosity. At first, Azzatazirx intended to eat him to keep her location secret, but the young human, his enraptured curiosity overpowering his fear, spat forth a constant stream of questions, giving the lunar dragon pause. His thirst for answers amused her, and she indulged his queries with a patient collection of answers. By the time he left, Bret had elevated himself from nuisance to bemusing student in the dragon's eyes.
Over the years, Bret would constantly return to Azzatazirx, often dragging back technological trinkets he found interesting and asking an endless stream of questions about his discoveries, thoughts, and revelations. His wit grew sharp and he started to mimic aspects of the lunar dragon, such as hording curiosities and thirsting for much more complex answers. In time, the impossible happened: Azzatzirx began to see Bret as something of an offspring, the hatchling she'd never had, and she took pride in his development.
But one early morning, Bret snuck out to meet his teacher, only to find she been seriously injured. By what, Bret couldn't say, and Azzatazirx would not speak of, but his best educated guess was some sort of strange alien machine... and to damage his mentor, it must have been absolutely huge and powerful! The lunar dragon was too wounded to continue on; her death was inevitable. But she instructed her adoptive pupil to carry out one final task, to thank him for his companionship and set him on a greater path. She spared a few drops of her blood and told him to drink them during the next full moon, before breathing her last.
Heartbroken, but respectful of his teacher's dying wish, Bret ingested her blood a week later during the full moon. Doing so transformed him, granting him strength, insight, and magical ferocity the likes of which he could've only dreamed of; he was now part lunar dragon! Gifted with this might, and determined to see his teacher avenged, Bret set out to travel Numeria. His singular goal: to find and destroy the machine that killed his draconic mentor, and make those who used it pay for their foolish mistake!

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I, too, am appreciative of dwarven bards, and generally out of trope concepts! However, I've never liked playing dwarves that much, myself, so I'll pass on the dwarf bard spot.
EDIT: Forgot Paizo didn't have underscore and put a strikethrough instead, so I accidentally sounded like someone discriminating towards our folicularly endowed and vertically challenged friends.

Bret Doften |

I made a Kobold bard with this concept in mind, but I could see it working for a dwarf too:
The King of Rock!
A humble miner with a love of singing, he noticed while playing his lute on break during the mining day that his music sounded interesting when it reverberated off the tunnel walls. Grabbing a chipped off piece of a mining pick (get it?), he quickly started playing his lute with it and created a whole new brand of sound!
However, the clan elders found the music to be loud, disrespectful, and corrupting, so he was exiled! Now he roams the land bringing the glory of his "rock" music to the huddled masses!
Oh, and he needs an electric guitar. And by that, I mean his instrument fires off lightning whenever he plays it!
EDIT: Here are some lyrics to get you started on your album.
I want a rock! ROCK!
You want a rock?! ROCK!
We all want some ROCKS!
I want a rock! ROCK!

Elern Gargur |

Starting Gold: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 3) = 11
This is PixelsAreGod, submitting Elern, a dwarven bard. I decided I liked the idea of a storyteller best, as it fit the culture of dwarves nicely. I only need to handle items: the fluff and crunch are in the alias.
While he can't do any gunslingin' yet, I'm considering taking levels in Mysterious Stranger down the road (maybe around level 4 or 5) in order to gain proficiency as well as some deeds.
Thanks for the consideration!

GM Mustache |

Dotting for interest. I'm thinking of an Impossible Sorcerer. I'm also in a face-to-face Iron Gods game. Does that make any difference?
Yeah, it kinda does. I appreciate your honesty. So many people in this thread really want to run Iron Gods, I would want to give them the chance over you. Sorry but that was nice of you to say.

Enchanter Tim |

Enchanter Tim wrote:Dotting for interest. I'm thinking of an Impossible Sorcerer. I'm also in a face-to-face Iron Gods game. Does that make any difference?Yeah, it kinda does. I appreciate your honesty. So many people in this thread really want to run Iron Gods, I would want to give them the chance over you. Sorry but that was nice of you to say.
No worries. I'll withdraw so others can get the chance at this story. Have a great game, everyone!

GM Mustache |

A little over 48 hours to get all characters submitted or finalized. Deadline is January 27 11:59 pm eastern standard time.
I posted some rules and expectations over in the campaign thread: http://paizo.com/campaigns/IronGodsAPWithGMMustache
If you don't like these and it changes your mind about playing, let me know otherwise I'll expect people to be cool with it. It's nothing that out of the ordinary.

Groundhog |

A little over 48 hours to get all characters submitted or finalized. Deadline is January 27 11:59 pm eastern standard time.
I posted some rules and expectations over in the campaign thread: http://paizo.com/campaigns/IronGodsAPWithGMMustache
If you don't like these and it changes your mind about playing, let me know otherwise I'll expect people to be cool with it. It's nothing that out of the ordinary.
There's nothing there I wouldn't be comfortable with, except the final point about dynamic lightning. I've played on roll20 once in the dawn of time, and seen groups split up over the issue of 'dynamic lightning'. Working together in combat becomes almost entirely impossible when navigating dungeons especially. I suppose I could slug it out, but I'd really prefer not to.

GM Mustache |

GM Mustache wrote:There's nothing there I wouldn't be comfortable with, except the final point about dynamic lightning. I've played on roll20 once in the dawn of time, and seen groups split up over the issue of 'dynamic lightning'. Working together in combat becomes almost entirely impossible when navigating dungeons especially. I suppose I could slug it out, but I'd really prefer not to.A little over 48 hours to get all characters submitted or finalized. Deadline is January 27 11:59 pm eastern standard time.
I posted some rules and expectations over in the campaign thread: http://paizo.com/campaigns/IronGodsAPWithGMMustache
If you don't like these and it changes your mind about playing, let me know otherwise I'll expect people to be cool with it. It's nothing that out of the ordinary.
Ok, fair comment. I'm interested to see how it works, but if the group doesn't like it we don't have to keep it.

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Character Submission: Drin Sholm, a half-orc Enchanter who knows very little about technology but thinks it could be just the edge he needs avenge himself against his father.
Male Half-Orc Enchanter 1
CN Medium Humanoid
Deity: Calistria Homeland: Numeria
Init +1; Perception +1, Darkvision 60'
AC 11 Touch 9 Flat-footed 9 (+2 Armor, -1 Dex)
HP 8
Fort +1 Ref -1 Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Greataxe +1 (1d10+1/x3), Dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20x2)
Spells Known
0th (At will) - All except Divination and Transmutation
1st (2/day) - Charm Person, Hypnotize, Sleep
Enchanter Spell-like Ability: Dazing Touch (7/day)
Str 13, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 0
Combat Casting
Arcane Bond: Raven Familiar (Prize: +3 Appraise)
Scribe Scroll
(1) Appraise 11
(1) Diplomacy 4
(1) Kn. Local 8
(1) Linguistics 8
(1) Spellcraft 8
(1) Use Magic Device 2
Languages Common, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Gnoll, Hallit, Orc
Starting Wealth: 2d6 x 10 = 50
Combat Gear Leather Armor, Greataxe, Dagger
Drin Sholm grew up near Iadenveigh, as one of many half-orcs sired by the disgraced former orc chieftan Huld. Drin lacked the strength and ferocity of his siblings, and his father soon drove him out. Supporting himself through scavenging, Drin was overcome by the hermit Adaur while helping himself to the enchanter's belongings. Seeing that the young half-orc meant him no harm, and in need of physical assistance in his old age, Adaur took the boy on as an apprentice in exchange for labor and taking his magical wares to market. Drin learned the value of victory through wits and dominating the mind of his opponents. Orcs, he saw, were especially vulnerable to his new abilities.
For reasons known only to the sage himself, Adaur never taught Drin much of the magic known to other wizards, such as the ability to use magic to read scrolls or detect spells, or to manipulate objects at a distance. Drin becomes defensive and irritated when anyone mentions these shortcomings in his training.
Now Adaur has passed, and Drin has plans. First, he must learn more and and return home to teach his siblings and father that there are more powerful forces in Golarian than mere muscle. Then he will complete Huld's shame by taking over the tribe that ousted him.
Like the residents of Iadenveigh, Drin is suspicious of technology. Now he wonders if it may not be another means by which to have revenge on his father.