[Gameday VII][Session 1] GM PaleDim's Master of the Fallen Fortress (Inactive)

Game Master PaleDim

PFS PbP: Master of the Fallen Fortress (Subtier 1)

Starting August 13



[dice=Hoshi]d20+5[/dice] or [dice=Hoshi vs traps]d20+6[/dice]
[dice=Gil]d20+6[/dice] (-2 w/o familiar)
[dice=Endir Feyim]d20+6[/dice]


[dice=Endir Feyim]d20+4[/dice]

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Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Has everybody had a chance to get on the PFS discord server?

Give the constant site outage, how does everybody feel about starting a google hangout or a discord channel where we can keep things going when it goes down?

Paizo Employee

Female Kitsune Rogue (unchained) 3 | HP: 21/21 | AC 16 (T14, FF 12) (+1 vs. traps) | CMB: +2 CMD: 16 | F:+2 R:+7 W:+2 (+1 reflex vs. traps) | Init +4 | Perc +7 (+1 vs. traps, being surprised), SM +7, Bluff +7, Diplomacy +5, Intimidate +1 | Speed 30 ft. | Charm Person: 2/2, Dancing Lights: 3/3, Disguise Self: 2/2 | Prepared Agent: 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

If you post a link here I'll be able to join a discord channel. I couldn't figure out to to find you or other channels by searching on discord, though. It never seemed to work. And I have no idea what google hangout is.

I know, I know. I'm SUPER tech-savvy. Haha.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

The link: http://pfschat.com

You then can join the #pbp_gameday_vii channel. It is listed *way* down towards the bottom of the channel list, which is one reason it may have been hard to find.

The first goal is having a way to communicate if the site has trouble again. Then we could at least have a place to possibly move things forward and collect posts next time there is a long outage. Here's hoping this uptime lasts though.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

I admit these early encounters are pretty pedestrian in challenge, but some coming up to "level up" reasonably.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

NOTICE I will be unable to post most of the day Sunday, September 9 (US/Pacific time). I will be able to catch up and resume that evening (roughly 7pm+).

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Hello adventurers! I will be out of town and unable to post next Saturday and Sunday, September 15-16, as I (and Endir) will be away on a camping trip.

Despite the site outages that plagued us early, I remain confident we will finish before session 2 begins. I understand many people sign up for session 2 games long before gameday, and so I want to end on time.

Paizo Employee

Female Kitsune Rogue (unchained) 3 | HP: 21/21 | AC 16 (T14, FF 12) (+1 vs. traps) | CMB: +2 CMD: 16 | F:+2 R:+7 W:+2 (+1 reflex vs. traps) | Init +4 | Perc +7 (+1 vs. traps, being surprised), SM +7, Bluff +7, Diplomacy +5, Intimidate +1 | Speed 30 ft. | Charm Person: 2/2, Dancing Lights: 3/3, Disguise Self: 2/2 | Prepared Agent: 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

Have fun!

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Back! Everybody else must've gone away this weekend too :)

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

It looks like we could wrap up this weekend. I'll get crackin' on chronicles so they're ready soon.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Boon rolls! Everybody in alphabetical order, and the GM (me) last:

Eiche boon: 1d20 ⇒ 7
Endir boon: 1d20 ⇒ 6
Gil boon: 1d20 ⇒ 2
Korum boon: 1d20 ⇒ 19 Korum boon selection: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Ninura Hoshi boon: 1d20 ⇒ 19 Ninura Hoshi boon selection: 1d4 ⇒ 4
GM PaleDim boon: 1d20 ⇒ 15

Congrats to Korum and Hoshi! You both get the Celestial Traveler boon. I don't have the complete boon text readily available for that, but I'll post it here when I find out.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Would anybody else like to log day job rolls before I complete the chronicles? So far I have one from Endir (rolled 7, 1gp) and Gil (rolled 13, 5gp). Any others?

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode
GM PaleDim wrote:

Boon rolls! Everybody in alphabetical order, and the GM (me) last:

[dice=Eiche boon]1d20
[dice=Endir boon]1d20
[dice=Gil boon]1d20
[dice=Korum boon]1d20 [dice=Korum boon selection]1d4
[dice=Ninura Hoshi boon]1d20 [dice=Ninura Hoshi boon selection]1d4
[dice=GM PaleDim boon]1d20

Congrats to Korum and Hoshi! You both get the Celestial Traveler boon. I don't have the complete boon text readily available for that, but I'll post it here when I find out.

Korum and Hoshi, PM me emails to receive your boons at.

Paizo Employee

Female Kitsune Rogue (unchained) 3 | HP: 21/21 | AC 16 (T14, FF 12) (+1 vs. traps) | CMB: +2 CMD: 16 | F:+2 R:+7 W:+2 (+1 reflex vs. traps) | Init +4 | Perc +7 (+1 vs. traps, being surprised), SM +7, Bluff +7, Diplomacy +5, Intimidate +1 | Speed 30 ft. | Charm Person: 2/2, Dancing Lights: 3/3, Disguise Self: 2/2 | Prepared Agent: 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

Whooo! Happy dance!

Unfortunately, since being a cat fox burglar is not a viable career path in the Pathfinder Society Hoshi is unemployed. No day job roll here.

Instead she will attempt a faction goal: "Forgo your Downtime to finalize a report to the Pathfinder Society. Doing so requires a successful DC 15 Intelligence, Wisdom, or Profession (scribe) check."

Intelligence: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20 Passing!

Sovereign Court

Male Half Orc Paladin 5 AC 21 {T:11/FF:19} HP 49/49 Init+1, Perception -1 / Fort +10, Reflex +6, Will +7

Not too worried (yet), but I believe that creatures with the grab ability still have to make a roll to grapple. I could be wrong, but that's how I have seen it before. With my CMD of 15, it's probably going to get me, but you never know.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Yeah, looks like you’re right. Adding the roll...

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Fixed. Yeah he’s got a pretty high grapple bonus

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Korum and Hoshi, I got word on the full text of the boon you won.

See this post from Hmm.

Grand Lodge

CN Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer (Tattooed) 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 11 (T 11/FF10) | Init +1 (+5 w/ familiar) | Perc +5 (+7 w/ familiar) | Speed 30' | CMB -1 | CMD 11 (9FF) | F+2 R+1 W+2 | Spell Slots 4/4 | Active Conditions: None

Since you have access to the boons, I'm curious. I got a boon and rolled a 2 in a different game but still haven't gotten it sent to me. Do you know which boon that was if I rolled a 2?

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

My access is not so special :P

here is the reporting form for Gameday GMs: https://pbpgameday.com/reporting.php

Check out the dropdown under "Boon won". Assuming your other GM did the same thing as me and selected from that list in order with the d4 roll, your boon would be Sapphire Guardian. Thankfully, that is on this boon list (which I'm filing away for future reference!): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DcZuG30p6ydBQxra2XbUIcUqe3VOlf2OSmk AcXK96Mg/edit#gid=0

Grand Lodge

CN Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer (Tattooed) 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 11 (T 11/FF10) | Init +1 (+5 w/ familiar) | Perc +5 (+7 w/ familiar) | Speed 30' | CMB -1 | CMD 11 (9FF) | F+2 R+1 W+2 | Spell Slots 4/4 | Active Conditions: None

Thank you sir

Paizo Employee

Female Kitsune Rogue (unchained) 3 | HP: 21/21 | AC 16 (T14, FF 12) (+1 vs. traps) | CMB: +2 CMD: 16 | F:+2 R:+7 W:+2 (+1 reflex vs. traps) | Init +4 | Perc +7 (+1 vs. traps, being surprised), SM +7, Bluff +7, Diplomacy +5, Intimidate +1 | Speed 30 ft. | Charm Person: 2/2, Dancing Lights: 3/3, Disguise Self: 2/2 | Prepared Agent: 1/1 | Active Conditions: None


Grand Lodge

CN Male Human (Varisian) Sorcerer (Tattooed) 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 11 (T 11/FF10) | Init +1 (+5 w/ familiar) | Perc +5 (+7 w/ familiar) | Speed 30' | CMB -1 | CMD 11 (9FF) | F+2 R+1 W+2 | Spell Slots 4/4 | Active Conditions: None

Thanks for running it PaleDim. Had a lot of fun. Couldn't even tell it was your first stint as PbP GM.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Glad you enjoyed it, and thank you!

Liberty's Edge

Male Elf Figher 2 | AC 16/14/12 | HP 17/17 | Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0 +1 vs fear | CMB+3, CMD 17 | Init+4 | Perc+7, Senses Low-Light vision | Sense Motive+0 | Speed 30' |

Thanks for running it :D

Really fun.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Looks like my link to the boon sheet was bad. Let's try this again...

PFS & SFS Boon List - Compiled by Michael Eshleman

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