Borem Falnotas |

Rest of info is in profile. for the halfling master summoner.
looks, Short blond hair, slightly dirty clothing, from time traveling, he has a bright smile that always seems to be on him.
Cheerful to a fault he looks at every situation and sees how it could be worse and is happy that it is not. he likes to play tricks and have fun with his pet and best friend when ever he can.
background. Growing up as part of a traveling caravan he got lost one day while in sandpoint, he started to cry when a a wolf looking creature came out of smoke, and lead him to a house, when he arrived a old woman helped him find his family, She was Koya's mother, He wanted to help that woman in any way he could, despite his young age. He was latter happily surprised when the woman's daughter joined the caravan his family was a part of, and started to exchange story's, Koya and Borem became fast friends, she treated him like a grandson at times and he loved every moment of it.
As the years passed Borem learned what the wolf was, and he learned to control his own powers to bring it to this world, as well as bringing other "friends" along as well, they would not stay long but he enjoyed the time that he could spend with such creatures. He learned a new place in the caravan when he finally mastered his ability to bring his wolf friend to this world, that of a scout, To help the caravan find more food and be able to travel safer, He was filled with so much pride in himself when he was able to be of use to the caravan rather then just sitting around. The last stop the caravan had was in sandpoint and he took his opportunity to go find Koya and her family and see how they were doing.

Iozif Henricson |

Sorry for posting after posting but wanted to let you know I've updated the appearance section of my profile. Also about the TBD language, I'd like to wait till the reaping is over but if you require me to choose now, it's Goblin.
Posted here for your ease.
------------------------ Description -----------------------
Height: 5' 11" Weight: 160 lbs. Gender: Male
Eyes: Gold Hair: Black,Neat Skin: Tanned, greenish
Dominant Hand: Right Quirks: Neatnik, Care-taker
Speech style: Particularly low voice Quotable: Trust Me
Brief:A tall, well built, dusky tanned, slightly green-skinned kid with neat clothes and hair.
Extended: At first sight, a young Varisian man, in the bright vest and belt, favored by such. It's only sightly unusual to see the leather tunic and cuirass, under the gold-trimmed maroon vest and matching belt. The large belt with its golden studs support attached pouches. Not uncommon also is the sheathed dagger but strapping to the thigh is a rare twist. Not that anyone would worry about a dagger compared to the back hung greatsword. All reasonable for a frontier guardsman in Varisia, if you overlook the greenish skin, large pointed ears and golden eyes of an orc-blood. No tusks, though, and his friendly demeanor invites some trust.

John Lo |

For your consideration John Lo
str: 10
dex: 18
con: 13
int: 10
wis: 14
con: 10
Traits: Reactionary, Heirloom weapon and, Childhood Crush(Shalelu Andosana)
Average Gold; 175gp: musket(the starting one), Longsword 15gp, Leather Lamellar 60gp, 1 pot of cure light wounds 50gp, 4 Alchemical cartridge paper (bullet) (6) 24gp, 22 Black powder (dose) & Firearm bullet (1), and 4gp.
Growing up in a new land had been hard on John Lo. His parents had heard that sandpoint was a good place to be and as such away they went. However, on the way there the caravan was attacked and John was found the lone survivor. Koya Mvashti has been taking helping John learn to take care of himself as if she were your mother. This helped John very much as he became settled into the town. It was during this time that John found someone he was interested in the beautiful Shalelu Andosana. He has never had the guts to act on it, but for a long John has found himself more and more interested in Miss Shalelu Andosana. Someday, maybe you’ll be able to earn her love, but for now, you’re content to spend time with her. Once per day, you may attempt to earn a kind word or a smile from Shalelu Andosana whom you have a crush on by making a DC 15 Charisma check. If you’re successful, the elation and joy at the attention gives you a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws for the remainder of the day. If you’re ever lucky enough to win Shalelu Andosana's love, this +1 trait bonus on saving throws applies at all times, as long as your relationship remains active. It's because of this crush on Shalelu Andosana that John has chosen to look for ways to make caravan travel safer as to make her life easier and spend time with her. Perhaps in the coming days you may get the guts to ask her out on a date...

GM Singer |

Great looking bunch of characters here guys!
I've spent the last hour reading through everything and looking over stats. The diversity is far reaching and the unique combinations are going to make this, like the S&S recruitment a few days ago, an evening of difficult decisions for sure.
Take tomorrow to add, subtract and finalize any submissions as I will be posting the party list sometime that night.
As always, thank you for the time and attention that you have put into these submissions and your overall interest to play. We've got a mighty fine community here and I'm constantly inspired by your ideas.
Now sleep, you night owls, and dream of high adventure- The journey of the Jade Regent begins in just a few days!

rpgramen |

Likewise on the crossing of fingers. It's gonna be a hard choice for poor Singer given all the awesome applications put in here. If Andrezi isn't picked up, I'd like to take this time to preemptively congratulate everyone who makes it in! Similarly, I'd like to congratulate everyone who finished a submission for this campaign, as I've thoroughly enjoyed reading through all of them. No doubt it'll be a great game for everyone involved :D

Valkur |

Looks like a fun game to be a part of. I'm a little late to the party, but I would like to submit a character.
Presenting: Engir Wolfeye.
Human (Ulfen) Male Fighter
I'll post my stats tomorrow.
Campaign Trait: Caravan Guard
Engir grew up in a small fortified steading just north of Jol in the Land of the Linnorm Kings. He spent his youth apprenticed to the town smith, Kjell Forkbeard, who gave him his nickname of wolfeye for his attention to detail in his work. Kjell had hoped Engir would take his place at the forge. Unfortunately Engir was determined to make his life by the blade not the forge.
Engir eagerly participated in raids sponsored by the Chief of their settlement against other nearby settlements for food and livestock.
During one of the raids, Engir accidentally killed the son of the chief whose settlement they were raiding in an unarmed brawl. The chief of the settlement demanded a blood payment for the loss of his son. Engir knowing that his days were numbered, quickly slipped out of town before justice was delivered. He arrived in Jol a few days later quickly finding work as a caravan guard. It was the perfect way to slip out of town quickly with the caravan heading south to Magnimar.
The journey south was rather uneventful until they were just outside of the town of Sandpoint when a large goblin force stuck the small caravan. The caravan guards, along with Engir, were quickly overwhelmed and the caravan was sacked. Engir awoke the next day some how overlooked by the goblins. He made his way into Sandpoint downtrodden and sullen. He felt he was cursed and not even close to being warrior king like he dreamed of as a boy. Since he has arrived in Sandpoint, Engir found a room at the Rusty Dragon. He quickly began drinking his way down to his last copper piece.
Engir wants desperately to be a warrior of renown. Unfortunately he hasn't amounted to much more than a down on his luck caravan guard. Engir at this point only finds happiness in the bottom of his mug. Of course the happiness is fleeting when the drink is no more. At the best of times he is a sullen lout, prone to feeling sorry for himself. Engir truly has lost his proud Ulfen warrior spirit. Perhaps with a bit of heroics, Engir could indeed become a Ulfen warrior of myth and legend.
Engir before drowning is sorrows in his ale mug, cut an imposing figure at 6'4". His once mighty frame is now a bit on the flabby side. He once had tied his straw blonde hair in neat braids. Now his hair is just a tangled mess. Because of his dishonor in fighting and living the cowards life, he has also shaved his beard, which all Ulfen traditionally wear. Engir could certainly be imposing again, if he was to again gain self confidence and find glory in battle.

Brandon Harcroft |

Hi guys, I hope I'm not too late to put in a submission, been without the internet for 3 days.
Anyway, here is Brandon, a human alchemist with hopefully fairly strong ties to the NPCs in this AP.
I'm an experienced DM and roleplayer so posting frequently in character is not a problem.
Male Human (Varisian) Alchemist 1
LG Medium Humanoid (human)
Hero Points 1
Init +3; Senses Perception +4
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 14 (1d8+5)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +4 (1d4+4/19-20/x2) and
Morningstar +4 (1d8+6/x2)
Ranged Bomb +2 (1d6+2 Fire) and
Sling +1 (1d4+4/x2)
Special Attacks Bomb 1d6+2 (3/day) (DC 12)
Alchemist Spells Prepared (CL 1, 4 melee touch, 1 ranged touch):
1 (2/day) Enlarge Person (DC 13), Cure Light Wounds (DC 13)
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Brew Potion, Iron Will, Throw Anything, Toughness +3
Traits Best Friend (Ameiko) (Ex), Dirty Fighter, Reactionary
Skills Acrobatics -1, Climb +2, Craft (alchemy) +6, Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist -1, Fly -1, Knowledge (nature) +6, Perception +4, Ride -1, Spellcraft +6, Stealth -1, Survival +4, Swim +2, Use Magic Device +3 Modifiers Alchemy +1
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Varisian
SQ Hero Points (1), Mutagen (DC 12)
Combat Gear Dagger, Lamellar (leather) armor, Morningstar, Sling, Sling bullets (20); Other Gear Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Belt pouch (empty), Blanket, Chalk (3), Ink, black, Inkpen, Mug/tankard, Mutagen: +4 STR, -2 INT, +2 Nat AC, Paper (3), Scroll case (empty), Spellbook, Tindertwig (5), Torch (2), Trail rations (4), Traveler's outfit, Vial (10), Waterskin, Whetstone
Bomb 1d6+2 (3/day) (DC 12) (Su) - 0/3
Dagger - 0/1
Mutagen: +4 STR, -2 INT, +2 Nat AC - 0/1
Sling bullets - 0/20
Torch - 0/2
Trail rations - 0/4
Special Abilities
Alchemy +1 (Su) +1 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Best Friend (Ameiko) (Ex) +1 vs foes threatening friend.
Bomb 1d6+2 (3/day) (DC 12) (Su) Thrown Splash Weapon deals 1d6+2 fire damage.
Dirty Fighter +1 damage when flanking.
Hero Points (1) Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Mutagen (DC 12) (Su) Mutagen adds +4 to a Physical attribute, -2 to a mental attribute, and +2 natural armor for 10 minutes/level.
Throw Anything Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.
Brandon is an unassuming, average looking Varisian man. Born and raised in the small town of Sandpoint, he does not dress garishly, is slim, of middling height and sporting a somewhat scruffy beard. Passers-by generally pay him no mind and those who do find him polite enough but unwiling to enter into extended conversation.
He spends his time studying in his makeshift lab or reading one of many voluminous tomes on anatomy, psychology, arcana or the natural world. He is quiet, he is shy, he is law-abiding, he is pleasant.
He is also dangerously schizophrenic.
Brandon's parents thought nothing was amiss when he started talking of his friend Edmond Harrow, assuming he was one of the other Sandpoint children. Brandon could often be heard in his room talking with his friend or would spend hours playing in the woods and swamp in the area with Edmond, seemingly learning from his friend about flora and fauna, how to set a deadfall and identify the tracks of deer, boar and wolf.
Brandon was surprisingly precious when it came to the subject of Edmond and the prospect of playing with other children at festivals and birthday parties was at best worrysome. At worst, having to interact with other, meaner children, made the small boy angry and lash out with sudden fury and unbelievable strength given his slight frame.
He was often bullied as a child because of his narrow chest and quiet way. A cocky young human girl called Ameiko Kaijitsu would often show up to deter the bullies with her brash way or a quick kick to the nether regions. One day however, Bran was cornered by three boys and beaten wickedly. He remembered the blows raining down and a boot blocking out the sun but awoke some time later surrounded by the battered bodies of his antagonists. The leader suffered a broken jaw and shoulder, his arm jutting out at an awkward angle. When he was asked what happened he could only answer that Edmond helped him After this particularly violent episode his parents sat him down and asked pointedly about his relationship with Edmond. In many ways they were relieved to learn the other boy was not real, just a figment of his imagination, a play-mate conjured from the recesses of his mind. Brandon was forbidden from ever mentioning Edmond again.
Shortly afterwards the fits started. The first time he simply fainted, apparently overcome by the summer heat. As the years passed the fits grew gradually worse into full seizures where his muscles would contract horribly, veins would bulge at his temples and often his father would force a leather belt between his teeth for fear he would bite through his own tongue. Distraught and a little fearful, the Harcroft's spent what money they had seeking advice from sages, sorcerors and learned men. None could provide an answer to the ailments he suffered and more worryingly his strength seemed to be growing every year, beyond what his thin arms seemed capable of. Worse, he often spoke in a voice that didn't sound his own, especially during his more frequent violent outbursts.
At age 15 Bran was prone to bouts of deep depression and would refuse to leave his room for days on end. Only his friend Ameiko would visit him and she was the only one he ever confided in that Edmond never left him, he still heard his voice in his head. All the other children in Sandpoint were afraid of him but Ameiko never judged him. She told him of her plans to leave Sandpoint with her friends in search of adventure and asked if he wanted to come along. He had never been so happy in his life.
Eventually, desperate, the Harcroft's took Brandon to see Niska Mvashti, the wise woman of over 100 hundred years old. If anyone had encountered Brandon's malody it would be her.
After witnessing one of his seizures, Niska and her daughter Koya declared they could not cure him. However, they offered to teach him all they knew about potion making, alchemy and the natural world in the hopes that he might find the means to control the voices and outbursts that plagued him through magic or chemistry.
He was devastated at not being able to accompany Ameiko but also found himelf enthralled with the knowledge he was gaining under the Mvashti tutilege. He spent the best part of ten years studying science and magic. He postulated often on his condition and created what he described as mutagens as a means to control it. He found his concoctions allowed him to remain conscious during his episodes and also gave him prodigious strength or almost limitless endurance. Whilst under the effects of the mutagens Edmond's presence was stronger than ever, a prospect that both terrifies and thrills him to this day.
Brandon is a man of science. He firmly believes that all divinity can be explained by magic which in turn can be manipulated, controlled and replicated by science. He feels there is nothing that cannot be explained, making him a slightly dour man but passionate about his field of expertise. He does not talk of his affliction and hides the fact that Edmond has lately taken on a personality of his own, often conversing with Brandon for extended lengths of time leaving him with a difficult relationship within his own mind...
Feeling that he has learned everything he can in Sandpoint and the occasional trip to Magnimar about both his condition and the means to control it, Brandon is seeking to broaden his horizons, expand his knowledge and master his strange and dangerous illness.

Dorvren |

Hey GM Singer
I made some changes to the Style and Backstory sections making them a little clearer, and removing something that I thought I had already removed from style, when I reworked the character. I also added the Appearence/Personality section as well
I think the changes make him a much more interesting character, and far more of an arc for his personality to grow throughout the story. Please take a quick look.

Axolotl |

Axolotl wrote:Emerald, that's a great character. If we both get in, Kynira will have many wide eyed questions for you about tattooed sorcerers.Thank you! I appreciate the feedback - I enjoyed reading your background as well, it was very nicely written.
Aw shucks, she was fun to write up.
GM Singer--I missed adding a 3rd trait; I'll take Gifted Adept: Call Animal, and have my milkshake bring all the fuzzies to the caravan.

Thaster the Golden |

I'd like to submit Thaster the Golden, Human Wizard and foster child of Koya Mvashi, as a potential character for your Jade Regent game.
Please click on my profile to see his background and major mechanical features. I will quickly submit a detailed character sheet if accepted to the campaign...I just didn't want to spend time buying equipment, etc. if you're full up.
Thanks for your time and consideration.

hustonj |
I would like to submit Akido Kaijutsu, younger sibling of Ameiko.
I realize that the timing says I may have missed my shot, so I am putting up something quickly, and will try to expand on it from there.
He is shorter than most in Sandpoint and Varisia. His almond shaped eyes, dark hair and yellowish complexion qualify as "exotic" to most locals. His limited equipment appears well-tended, with only a few signs of honest wear indicating that he has spent time using it. The obviously young face and eager look in his eyes strongly suggest that the noted use was simply training, however.
Akido was too young to leave with her when Ameiko and her friends left on their adventures. He was still young enough to learn from them when they returned, though. Ameiko was obviously trying to discourage him form becoming an adventurer, but Shalelu recognized that many of the skills he was trying to learn were as useful for a Varisian Villager as they cold be to an adventurer, and so she taught him to handle being in the wilderness, and to move through the typical hazards that it holds. Despite her desire to restrict his education, Akido was able to gain some knowledge by simply listening to the stories told in the inn, whether by Ameiko or visiting entertainers didn't matter much to Akido.
Akido has grown up enslaved (in his own mind) to the inn, dreaming of running off into the world to find something different, something more exciting. His sister has tried to protect him, as have many of the other residents of Sandpoint. Others recognize the how often his eyes are locked on something outside of the village, how much time he has spent trying to learn from the travelers, and they simply wait to hear that he's left.
Character sketch thoughts:
He is an optimist, but has little life experience. He loves his sister, resents the inn, and wishes that Shalelu had been more willing to teach him far more than she actually did.
Human (Tian) Fighter (Two-Weapon Warrior).
AC 17 (Touch 14, Flat 13)
HP 12 (Favored Class bonus)
BAB+1, Finesse/Ranged +5, Strength +2
Init +4
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Wakizashi
Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Finesse
Younger Sibling: Ameiko
Armor Expert
Trained skills: Climb, Knowledge: Dungeoneering, Knowledge: Engineering, Survival, Swim
Starting Gear:
Wakizashi (x2) +5(+3/+3)/D6+1(/D6)/18+/4#(total)/Deadly/70gp
Studded Leather +3/+5/-1 (-0)/15%/30'/20#/25gp
Longbow +5/D8/x3/100'/3#/75gp
20 arrows 3#/1gp
4 gp on hand
30# of gear - Light Load

rpgramen |

Figured I'd try and get a quick list of applicants up, in case people are still working on stuff and haven't read through all the great characters so far:
Aloria Adu, Gnome Cleric of Desna
Andrezi Teskarova, Varisian Human Fighter
Borem Falnotas, Halfling Summoner
Brandon Harcroft, Varisian Human Alchemist
Bref, Human Arcane Duelist/Sound Striker Bard
Bruden Valdemar, Human Cavalier
Caerwyn Callandriil, Half-Elf Scout Rogue
Dorvren, Human Chameleon Rogue
Emerald Castrovei, Musetouched Aasimar Starsoul Bloodline Tattooed Sorcerer
Engir Wolfeye, Ulfen Human Fighter
G'aerth the Idyll, Human Cleric of Cayden Cailean
Hijiro Hakamura, Kitsune Ninja
Hiro Takeshi, Tian-Min Human Sword Saint Samurai
Ikoma Gohei, Tian-Xa Human Samurai
Ikshu the Fire Bringer, Shoanti Human Cleric
Iozif Henricson, Half-Orc Ranger
Jeihachi Kaijitsu, Tian-Shu Human Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer
John Lo, Aasimar Musket Master Gunslinger
John Johanna, Aasimar Inquisitor
Kynira Andosana, Half-Elf Druid
Lou Kasuri, Human Drunken Master/Many Styles Monk
Mamoru Onitora, Half-Ogre Sword Saint Samurai
Marcus Adarian, Human Cavalier
Nikitarik, Gnome Summoner (I think...)
Osgar Mvashti, Half-Orc Alchemist
Poxymoron, Human Fighter
Rascaliron the Begger King, Human Oracle
Rellen Marn, Human Paladin
Salty McGinty, Human Knife-Master Rogue
Spindle, Gnome Animal Speaker/Dawnflower Dervish Bard
Thaster the Golden, Human Diviner
Xadia Nakamura, Elven Inquisitor
My goodness that's a lot of applications O_O

GM Singer |

So there are a ton of submissions here (many more posted/updated since last night's announcement) and I am still sorting through the last few. With that being said, I'm going to wait until tomorrow to post the party list up. You guys worked hard on these and the least I can do is read them and give them the attention they deserve.
***However, this is the official deadline in regards to submissions and updates.
My sincerest thanks to everyone for putting so much effort into their characters. If my mind were a super computer I'd try and DM a 30 player party and call it a day! (Raid Boss anyone?)
As soon as players/characters are selected I will open the Discussion thread up and the first gameplay post will be on Wed.
In the meantime, might I suggest picking up the Dragon Empires Gazetteer? If you are a fan of oriental style fantasy and you are crazy 'bout your Golarion, this little companion book has a ton of great fluff and lore surrounding Tian Xia.

Dorvren |

Dorvren sighs and steps back into the shadows to await the news, tossing a small pebble against the opposite wall to pull the focus away from himself.
He watches all the others waiting patiently, slowly working up the courage to go and join them all for a drink. He mutters to himself
If only there were not so many people here...
He watches the others dreaming of the adventure that he might get to go on soon. Time with Sandru and a chance to make more friends for the first time in his life. He can wait a few more hours for that.
Thanks Singer :), I just started a recruitment for a homebrew and it is hectic reading through them. I admire your patience :)

hustonj |
I do not envy GM Singer the workload required to get through all of the applications, let alone to eliminate 28 or 29 of the applications.
Sure, a few will probably drop from consideration quickly just because they don't appeal to him for one reason or another. The final couple rounds of elimination decisions are probably not going to be very satisfying, and will have to be at least paritally arbitrary.
The point, though, is to build a group that can have fun together regardless of whether or not the characters are enjoying themselves. I wish everyone the best of luck in finding and joining groups which provide them with that fun.
I hope to find that here, as do the other 33 of you (I get to count GM Singer in the group for that), I hope.
Everybody else should uncross your fingers, now! <g>

GM Singer |

Ladies and gentlemen, I have agonized over this one.
I created several groups out of the submitted characters and each group had so much potential and promise that I wanted to run them all. Characters were selected not only on their role in a party, but on their cultural backgrounds and their connections to the NPCs.
*** Before I post the players for the JR campaign let me also announce that I will be starting a third PbP adventure path next week. If your characters didn't find a home here and you're aching for some time in Sandpoint, worry not, Runelords are on the rise and someone needs to put them in their place..
With that being said.. will the following heroes gather their weapons and armor and make their way to the Rusty Dragon Inn! (Aka Discussion thread)
Ikoma Gohei- Samurai
Dorvren- Rogue
Emerald Castrovei- Sorceror
Aloria Adu- Cleric
Engir Wolfeye- Fighter
A big thank you for all of the interest and time put into this recruitment and your character submissions. My head has been spinning with your collective creativity for days!
A parting thought-
If anyone else wanted to step up and GM a Jade Regent campaign there is a veritable treasure trove of characters already made and ready to roll right here!