Artemis Entreri

Poxymoron's page

21 posts. Alias of Krallek.

Full Name


Special Abilities

HP: 11 // AC: 17 FFAC: 13, TAC: 14 // Perc: 0 // F: 3, R: 4, W: 0

About Poxymoron

Name: Poxymoron
Race: Human
Class: Fighter1
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Alignment: CN
Deity: Besmara
Languages:Common, Goblin

Stats: 12, 16, 12, 10, 10, 9

STR: 12 = 12
DEX: 18 = 16 + 2 racial
CON: 12 = 12
INT: 10 = 10
WIS: 10 = 10
CHA: 9 = 9

Hit Points: 11/11
Init: + 6

Melee: +2 (5 if it is finesse)
Range: +5

Short swords: d6, 19*2, Main Hand: +3 d6+1, Off Hand: +3 d6 +1
Shortbow: d6 , 20*3, P (+5, d6)

AC: 17 TAC: 14 FFAC: 12

Fighter 1 = 2 *=class #=trained
ACP = 0

Acrobatics: 4
Appraise: 1
Bluff: -1
*Climb: 4
*Craft: 0
Diplomacy: -1
Disable Device: 0
Disguise: 0
Escape Artist: +3
*Handle Animal: 3
Heal: 0
*Intimidate: -1
*Know(Engineer): 0
Know(Local): 0
*Know(Dungeon): 3
Linguistics: 7
Perception: 0
Perform (Sing): 0
*Profession(sailor): 3
*Ride: 3
Sense Motive: 0
Sleight of Hand: 0
Spell Craft: 0
Stealth: 3
*Survival: 5
*Swim: 5
Use Magical Device: NA = NA + CHA Mod + 0;

Class features, Feats, Traits and Racial Traits:


Armor Proficiency: heavy, medium, light

L1 Feat: Two Weapon Fighting (TWF penalties reduced to -4, -4)
Fighter 1 Feat: Weapon Focus (short sword +1 th)
Fighter 2 Feat: Weapon Finesse (use dex for th melee)

Reactionary +2 initiative
Touched by the Sea: +1 to swim checks and swim is a class skill
Poverty Stricken: +1 to survival checks and survival is class skill

AC, Saves, Attacks:

AC: 17
Touch: 12
Flat: 14

Fort: 3
Ref: 4
Will: 0

Melee: 2
Melee Finesse: 5
Ranged: 5
CMB: 2
CMD: 16


Weapons and Armor:

*Studded Leather Armor
*2 X Short Swords
*Shortbow 30 arrows

Winter Blanket
Cooking equipment
BullsEye Lantern
10 flasks of oil
Mallet with 10 iron spikes
Trail rations X 10
Waterskin X2
Empty sack X 2
50' Hempen Rope with a grappling hook.

GP: 42gp

Standing at 5'5" tall and weighing 140 lbs, Poxymoron is fairly small for a human. He has sandy blonde hair and eyes the color of ice. At first glance, he would be considered ordinary looking; if not a little bit creey.

Poxy was born and raised on the docks of Drenchport to Crint Hrawker. His mother wasn't in the picture and Poxy suspected that his father had killed her in one of his murderous rages. His real name is Kell Hrawker but from a young age his father started calling him Poxymoron as a term of 'endearment'. The other dockworkers who had become his surrogate family, started calling him that and the name kind of stuck. It wasn't till he was older did Poxy come to learn what the name actually meant; and why people tended to laugh when they said it.

Now growing up small and motherless on the miserable docks of Drenchport with a name like that, Poxy grew up fast. Fights were frequent and he learned quickly that he was too small to stick it out in the middle of a fight but he was rather adept at skirmishing around the edges of a fight looking for opportunities to land a blow. And in the seedy little port town, there was plenty of opportunity to practice.

One evening in the 'charming' dockside tavern called The Drowned Dwarf he and his friends were settling down to drink off a hard day of working on the docks. The tavern was known for it's abundance of cheap ale and women. As such, it was a favorite stop for visiting sailors looking for some action. That evening, a rough looking crew came into the bar and it wasn't long before a brawl broke out. Poxy had just beat one sailor bloody and grabbed a clay jug and smashed it on the back of the head of another sailor who was busy choking the life out of his friend Gellic. The jug shattered and so did the skull of the sailor. A bar fight was one thing and very tolerable in this salty little town but murder was another thing. Poxy snuck out of the bar and hit the road.