GM Rat Sass's Age of Worms

Game Master Governayle

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The Road So Far...
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Ascaria's Pub

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Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)
Solrisa wrote:
"I'm alive because The Dragon protects me. I do not fear any evil while I walk under the protect of his talon."

Mortimer sucks in his abs and puffs out his chest, drawing himself up to his full height.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Tynan makes quick work of his examination, as his hand passes across a smoother square of stone, which responds immediately to his body's warmth. The entire stone wall moves aside, revealing a dimly-lit storage room. Several coffins lie about inanimately, as well as a handful of large cloth sacks.

Far more animate are the four Spawn of Kyuss which amble about the room, each turning towards the swish of the door's opening. The worms writhing within their eye sockets begin to undulate in your general direction...


Ascaria: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Eidi: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Eri: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Mortimer: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Solrisa: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Tynan: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
SoK: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6

Surprise Round
Tynan- 23
Eri- 17
Ascaria- 14
Solrisa- 13
Mortimer- 13
Eidi- 13
SoK- 6

Roll20 Map has been updated.

Surprise Round! Standard Actions only. Attacking from within Eidi's Sphere of Invisibility only dismisses your own personal cloak. If Eidi attacks, you're all visible...

Male, Gnome

Round: 1, Initiative: 14

HP: 57/57 AC: 22 (F21/T12) (+2 from magic vestment included)
Weapon Equipped = None
Conditions = Magic Vestment on Buckler (+2 ench AC)(1/9h), Blessings of Fervor (1/9r)
Life Link (9)(100’) = Eidi, Eri, Mort, Sol, Tynan
Channel Energy (9/9)(7/7) (DC: 22)(Avoid 6) (5d6+1+2d6)
Amiable Blunder (1/1) (if Diplomacy failed by >5, reroll to avoid worsening attitude)
Rod of Extend (lesser) (3/3)
Melee Attack: BAB +6/+1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Ranged Attack: BAB +6/+1, Dex +1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Spells (Caster Level 9, Concentration +15)
Once per Day: Arcane Mark, Comprehend Languages, Message, Read Magic
Zero (16): Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Spark, Stabilize
First (17): (8/8) Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Diagnose Disease, Enhance Water, Liberating Command, Remove Fear
Second (18): (8/8) Burst of Radiance, Cure Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Light Prison, Pilfering Hand, Suppress Charms and Compulsions
Third (19): (5/7) Cure Serious Wounds, Daylight, Magic Vestments, Neutralize Poison, Prayer
Fourth (20): (4/5) Blessings of Fervor, Cure Critical Wounds, Protection from Energy Communal, Restoration

Assuming someone tells those of us in the rear there’s trouble…

Ascaria immediately casts Blessing of Fervor to speed his allies' actions. (note this does not effect Tynan or Eri this round as I go after you.

Group effects
Blessing of Fervor (everyone)

Male Human Slayer 11

Round: Surprise, Init 23

Tynan whispers through the message spell.

"Heat apparently activated the stone plate... if we can cool it off quickly, we should be able to reclose the door. There are 4 Sons of Kyuss. Engage or evade?"

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

GM Rolls:

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Tynan's whispers don't seem to draw the Spawns' attentions fully 'round...

Male, Gnome

Hearing of evil, he cannot imagine the party letting such things go free. "We engage!" he hisses back through the message.

He hopes it's not a mistake...

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Avoiding to break the invisibility sphere, Eidi touches Tynan while casting shield of faith and using blessing of fervor to extend the spell's duration.
+3 deflection AC for 12 minutes

He then attempts to move to the back, or at least let those wanting to engage pass to the front.

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)


Tynan wrote:
"Heat apparently activated the stone plate... if we can cool it off quickly, we should be able to reclose the door. There are 4 Sons of Kyuss. Engage or evade?"

"There's no time to figure out the plate!" Mortimer wishes that he had partaken some of the fresh mint as he turns to Sol. "Shall we make a game of Oopsie Topsy with these?" he asks.

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Round 1, Init 13+

"You guys wait here...I'll go kill them. Be right back," Solrisa says, entering the room (but still invisible).

"Oh Mort! You can come too!" Solrisa says with a happy smile, happy to share the forthcoming slaughter.

Sol Stats:

AC=24 (+3 armor +2 dex +1 NA +4 shield+2 def+2 'skin)

HP= 78/78
Right hand = long sword
Left hand = shield
LoH 1/7 used (4d6+1d6)
Quick Shirt 0/1 used
Wand of Barkskin (48/50 left)
The Dragon Invoked 0/3 used
Breath of the Dragon 1/2 used

Power attack. One hand.
[ dice]1d20+16-3+2+1[/dice] to hit; (-PA,heroism,+1 magic,+prayer)
[ dice]1d10+6+6+1d6+2+1+1[/dice] magic nonlethal damage.

[ dice]1d20+11-3[/dice] to hit; (-PA,)
[ dice]1d10+6+6[/dice] magic damage.

Power attack. Two hand.
[ dice]1d20+16-3[/dice] to hit; (-PA)
[ dice]1d10+8+9[/dice] magic damage.

[ dice]1d20+11-3[/dice] to hit; (-PA)
[ dice]1d10+8+9[/dice] magic damage.

Gladiating Special:

Shield Other (9 hours, Ascaria)
Magic Vestment (9 hours, Blue Light Special Shield, +2)
Bless (Ascaria, +1 morale)
Shield of Faith (+1 def, Eidi)
Heroism (90 minutes, Eidi, +2 morale attx, saves, skills)
Weapon of Awe (+2 sacred damage rolls, +crit bonus)
Prot Fire (108 hp, Ascaria)
+2 sword and merciful (+1d6, nonlethal)
Prayer (+1 sacred on lots, Ascaria)
BoF (awesome, Ascaria) +2 to def/reflex unless otherwise stated

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Round Surprise!, Init 13


67:/67 Hits, Barkskin (AC+2(27) Blessing of Fervor ((AC +2 (29), Reflex +2 (13), Dodge +2)

Flexibility Slots: 7/7
Shirt Slots: 10/10
Knockout: 1/1

Static below.
AC 25 , 29 on AoO, 22 Touch; 67/67 HP
BAB = +9/+3 (level 9)
ToHit = 1d20+13+1
RHit = 1d20+14-2 (-3 more to hit on Power Attack, +1 Weapon Focus, +6 dam on Power Attack, +1d6 if cold)
LHit = 1d20+14-2 (-3 more to hit on Power Attack, +1 Weapon Focus, +6 dam on Power Attack, +1d6 if cold)
THit = 1d20+9-2 (-3 more to hit on Power Attack, +1 Weapon Focus, +6 dam on Power Attack, +1d6 if cold)
FHit = 1d20+4-2 (-3 more to hit on Power Attack, +1 Weapon Focus, +6 dam on Power Attack, +1d6 if cold)
Throw = 1d20+13

Fort+8 (+4 vs inhaled and contact poisons, +2 vs. disease)
Initiative +4
CMD=29 (10+ BAB + Str bonus + Dex bonus, 30 Maneuver Training Grapple +2, 30 Manuever training Disarm, +2 class feature "AC Bonus" at level 4/9)

+1 Grapple (Armbands), +2 Grapple MT, +2 Improved Grapple (+5 total)

Mortimer prepares to draw the Kyuss spawns' attentions away from the (invisible) party by tumbling past SoKs on his way to the hallway opposite Tynan and Sol.

Acro: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (3) + 21 = 24 Boots of the Elvenkin

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Tynan and Eri ready themselves. Ascaria brings intensity to the infiltration, while he remains at the rear. Solrisa moves to the edge of invisibility, where she waits. Mortimer uses the gnome's gift of speed to land on the other side of a Spawn, coming out of hiding. Eidi grants the ashen man protection in the form of a deflective shielding.

The Spawn seem to slowly come around to the giant's sudden appearance in their midst. Good thing the archer and gnome are well tucked away, as they, too, become visible, as the stairs force them from the half-elf's sphere.

A Brief Recap of what you know about the Spawn of Kyuss:

The creatures are CE undead, able to regenerate damage, as well as gift you worms of your own during a slam attack, or from a distance. There is another gift of disease, as well. And they emanate the perversion of life itself, striking Fear into all who come close enough to look upon their deathly visage.

Eidi, Tynan, and Mortimer, please make a Will Save DC 14 v Fear, or become Panicked. Eri, you too, if you step up during the Surprise Round. Solrisa provides you a +4 to your saves, as you are within 10' of the maiden, and she is, at present, conscious.

Round 1
Tynan- 23 (Will Save DC 14)
Eri- 17 (Visible)
Ascaria- 14 (Visible)
Solrisa- 13
Mortimer- 13 (Visible, Will Save DC 14)
Eidi- 13 (Will Save DC 14)
SoK- 6

The party is up! Tynan and Eri, you still have Standard Actions you can enlist for your Surprise Round activity.

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

Round 1 Init 17 AC:20

Surprise round: cast thunderstaff and 5’ step toward battle

Round 1:
Will DC14: 1d20 + 7 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 7 + 4 = 18

Eri will 5’ step and shoot at the undead in the corner. swift action: engage arcane strike, BoF: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.

The extra d6 is the shock bonus
GB PB Arrow1, thunderstaff, BoF, cover: 1d20 + 10 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 10 + 2 - 4 = 27 for Damage: 2d6 + 8 + 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 5) + 8 + (4) + 1 = 20
GB PB Arrow2, thunderstaff, BoF, cover: 1d20 + 10 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (10) + 10 + 2 - 4 = 18 for Damage: 2d6 + 8 + 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 6) + 8 + (2) + 1 = 22

HP 43/43 AC 14, 18 (18 w/mage armor) Cold Iron Arrows: 47:

AC 14 or 18 [dex +3, amu +1, m. armor +4]
CMD 18
BAB +5

Defensive casting = +15 (@7th)
Spell Penetration= +9 (@7th)

The spells/day listed will include the casting (if any) that I made this round

b]Orisons[/b] DC:14(Acid Splash, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand, Spark, Message, Prestidigitation)
First Level: DC:15 (5/7 per day 4/4 stones) (Burning Disarm, Feather Fall, Grease. Gravity Bow, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, shocking grasp)
Second Level: DC:16 (7/7 per day) (Acid Arrow, Admonishing Ray, Glitterdust, Gust of Wind)
Third Level: DC:17 (4/4 per day) (Dispel Magic, Fireball, Lightning Bolt)

Thunder staff charges: 6/7 (extra d6 dam, 3 rnds ea.)
Shock rounds 3/3
Quick Runner’s Shirt Charge 1/1

Weapon equipped = +2 Composite Long Bow
+11 or +9/+9 (fight+1, sorc +3, EK +1, WF, +1, dex +3 bow +2)
+12 or +10/+10 within 30' with +1 dam

Damage bump: +8 [+2 (bow) +2(str) +2 (feat ex pull) +2 (feat arcane weap)]

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Round 2, Init 13+

"Oh okay, wurmies, try to keep your screams silent while I kill you all," Solrisa whispers before striking out with BluespRae, starting with the one in the corner.

Power attack. One hand.
1d20 + 16 - 3 ⇒ (1) + 16 - 3 = 14 to hit; (-PA)
1d10 + 6 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 + 6 = 19 magic damage.

Power attack. One hand.
1d20 + 11 - 3 ⇒ (4) + 11 - 3 = 12 to hit; (-PA)
1d10 + 6 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 6 = 14 magic damage.

Power attack. One hand. BoF.
1d20 + 16 - 3 ⇒ (9) + 16 - 3 = 22 to hit; (-PA)
1d10 + 6 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 6 = 18 magic damage.

Sol Stats:

AC=24 (+3 armor +2 dex +1 NA +4 shield+2 def+2 'skin)

HP= 78/78
Right hand = long sword
Left hand = shield
LoH 1/7 used (4d6+1d6)
Quick Shirt 0/1 used
Wand of Barkskin (48/50 left)
The Dragon Invoked 0/3 used
Breath of the Dragon 0/2 used

Power attack. One hand.
[ dice]1d20+16-3+2+1[/dice] to hit; (-PA,heroism,+1 magic,+prayer)
[ dice]1d10+6+6+1d6+2+1+1[/dice] magic nonlethal damage.

[ dice]1d20+11-3[/dice] to hit; (-PA,)
[ dice]1d10+6+6[/dice] magic damage.

Power attack. Two hand.
[ dice]1d20+16-3[/dice] to hit; (-PA)
[ dice]1d10+8+9[/dice] magic damage.

[ dice]1d20+11-3[/dice] to hit; (-PA)
[ dice]1d10+8+9[/dice] magic damage.

Gladiating Special:

Shield Other (9 hours, Ascaria)
Magic Vestment (9 hours, Blue Light Special Shield, +2)
Bless (Ascaria, +1 morale)
Shield of Faith (+1 def, Eidi)
Heroism (90 minutes, Eidi, +2 morale attx, saves, skills)
Weapon of Awe (+2 sacred damage rolls, +crit bonus)
Prot Fire (108 hp, Ascaria)
+2 sword and merciful (+1d6, nonlethal)
Prayer (+1 sacred on lots, Ascaria)
BoF (awesome, Ascaria) +2 to def/reflex unless otherwise stated

Male, Gnome

Round: 1 part 1, Initiative: 14 -> 12

HP: 57/57 AC: 22 (F21/T12) (+2 from magic vestment included)
Weapon Equipped = Rod of extend
Conditions = Magic Vestment on Buckler (+2 ench AC)(1/9h), Blessings of Fervor (1/9r)
Life Link (9)(100’) = Eidi, Eri, Mort, Sol, Tynan
Channel Energy (9/9)(7/7) (DC: 22)(Avoid 6) (5d6+1+2d6)
Amiable Blunder (1/1) (if Diplomacy failed by >5, reroll to avoid worsening attitude)
Rod of Extend (lesser) (3/3)
Melee Attack: BAB +6/+1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Ranged Attack: BAB +6/+1, Dex +1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Spells (Caster Level 9, Concentration +15)
Once per Day: Arcane Mark, Comprehend Languages, Message, Read Magic
Zero (16): Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Spark, Stabilize
First (17): (8/8) Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Diagnose Disease, Enhance Water, Liberating Command, Remove Fear
Second (18): (8/8) Burst of Radiance, Cure Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Light Prison, Pilfering Hand, Suppress Charms and Compulsions
Third (19): (5/7) Cure Serious Wounds, Daylight, Magic Vestments, Neutralize Poison, Prayer
Fourth (20): (4/5) Blessings of Fervor, Cure Critical Wounds, Protection from Energy Communal, Restoration

Unsure about what’s happening at the front, Ascaria delays until after Eidi (init 12 please)

Group effects
Blessing of Fervor (everyone)

Male Human Slayer 11

Round Surprise, Init 23

Tynan moves into the corner next to Solrisa, and quickly sizes up the wormface nearest to him. (swift to study target)

Round 1, Init 23

Tynan calls upon the power of Ascaria's blessing to bolster his reflexes. (+2 on attacks, AC and Reflex)

Sword Attack 1: 1d20 + 14 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 14 + 2 - 4 = 30 (+studied, +BoF, -cover)
Sword Damage 1: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 (+studied)

Sword Attack 2: 1d20 + 9 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (13) + 9 + 2 - 4 = 20 (+studied, +BoF, -cover)
Sword Damage 2: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 (+studied)

Offhand Attack: 1d20 + 12 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (4) + 12 + 2 - 4 = 14 (+studied, +BoF, -cover)
Offhand Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 (+studied)

AC:22, FFAC:18, TAC:16
CMD:25, FFCMD:21
Fort: +8, Ref: +12, Will: +6
Hit Points: 58/58
Shield of Faith, BoF

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Round 1, Init 13


67:/67 Hits, Barkskin (AC+2(27) Blessing of Fervor ((AC +2 (29), Reflex +2 (13))

Flexibility Slots: 7/7
Shirt Slots: 10/10
Knockout: 1/1

Static below.
AC 25 , 29 on AoO, 22 Touch; 67/67 HP
BAB = +9/+3 (level 9)
ToHit = 1d20+13+1
RHit = 1d20+14-2 (-3 more to hit on Power Attack, +1 Weapon Focus, +6 dam on Power Attack, +1d6 if cold)
LHit = 1d20+14-2 (-3 more to hit on Power Attack, +1 Weapon Focus, +6 dam on Power Attack, +1d6 if cold)
THit = 1d20+9-2 (-3 more to hit on Power Attack, +1 Weapon Focus, +6 dam on Power Attack, +1d6 if cold)
FHit = 1d20+4-2 (-3 more to hit on Power Attack, +1 Weapon Focus, +6 dam on Power Attack, +1d6 if cold)
Throw = 1d20+13

Fort+8 (+4 vs inhaled and contact poisons, +2 vs. disease)
Initiative +4
CMD=29 (10+ BAB + Str bonus + Dex bonus, 30 Maneuver Training Grapple +2, 30 Manuever training Disarm, +2 class feature "AC Bonus" at level 4/9)

+1 Grapple (Armbands), +2 Grapple MT, +2 Improved Grapple (+5 total)

WillSaveDC14: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

BOF = Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.

Mortimer curls his lip in determination. Let's just see what this does...

Mortimer attacks the Spawn directly to his West.

RPunch: 1d20 + 14 - 2 - 3 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 14 - 2 - 3 + 2 = 28 -PA, +BoF
for Damage: 1d10 + 4 + 6 + 1d6 ⇒ (10) + 4 + 6 + (5) = 25
LPunch: 1d20 + 14 - 2 - 3 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 14 - 2 - 3 + 2 = 22 -PA, +BoF
for Damage: 1d10 + 4 + 6 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 6 + (6) = 20
RPunch: 1d20 + 9 - 2 - 3 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 9 - 2 - 3 + 2 = 10 -PA, +BoF
for Damage: 1d10 + 4 + 6 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 4 + 6 + (4) = 22

Damn slippy things...

Male Human Slayer 11

Forgot to roll my will save.

Will Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Tynan enters the room, striking his Spawn twice, and revealing himself to all. Eri lands a solid blow against his target in the corner. Solrisa manages a single heavy blow, dropping her Spawn with the archer's help. Mortimer begins his deadly work, dropping his Spawn, but not before himself being attacked by 1d4 ⇒ 4 Worms.

Eidi faces his fears, and finds himself up to the challenge, as he almost leans forward, taking an intense interest in the creatures shambling before him. GMPC to Delay into next round.

Will Save v DC 14: 1d20 + 18 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 18 + 4 = 40

Ascaria follows Eidi's lead, waiting and worrying to make sure others haven't been overwhelmed by the Spawns' horrifying presence. Delayed into Round 2.

The remaining two spawn slither up to Tynan and Solrisa, intent on welcoming new members to their ranks. Unfortunately, the skin is unwilling...

Touch Attack, T: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Touch Attack, S: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Round 2
Eidi- 24
Ascaria- 24- (Visible)
Tynan- 23 (Visible)
Eri- 17 (Visible)
Solrisa- 13 (Visible)
Mortimer- 13 (Visible, 4 Worms)
SoK- 6 (-14hp, -38hp/dead, -45hp/dead)

The party is up!

Male Human Slayer 11

Round 2, Init 23

Tynan continues his assault on the worm-riddled corpse, maintaining his enhanced reflexes. He eyes the fiend on Solrisa cautiously as well. (study second target as a swift action)

Sword Attack 1: 1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 14 + 2 = 25 (studied, BoF)
Sword Damage 1: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 (studied)

Sword Attack 2: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 9 + 2 = 19 (studied, BoF)
Sword Damage 2: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 (studied)

Offhand Attack: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 12 + 2 = 27 (studied, BoF)
Offhand Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 (studied)

AC:22, FFAC:18, TAC:16
CMD:25, FFCMD:21
Fort: +8, Ref: +12, Will: +6
Hit Points: 58/58
Shield of Faith, BoF

Male, Gnome

Round: 2, Initiative: 22

HP: 57/57 AC: 22 (F21/T12) (+2 from magic vestment included)
Weapon Equipped = Rod of extend
Conditions = Magic Vestment on Buckler (+2 ench AC)(1/9h), Blessings of Fervor (1/9r)
Life Link (9)(100’) = Eidi, Eri, Mort, Sol, Tynan
Channel Energy (8/9)(7/7) (DC: 22)(Avoid 6) (5d6+1+2d6)
Amiable Blunder (1/1) (if Diplomacy failed by >5, reroll to avoid worsening attitude)
Rod of Extend (lesser) (3/3)
Melee Attack: BAB +6/+1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Ranged Attack: BAB +6/+1, Dex +1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Spells (Caster Level 9, Concentration +15)
Once per Day: Arcane Mark, Comprehend Languages, Message, Read Magic
Zero (16): Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Spark, Stabilize
First (17): (8/8) Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Diagnose Disease, Enhance Water, Liberating Command, Remove Fear
Second (18): (8/8) Burst of Radiance, Cure Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Light Prison, Pilfering Hand, Suppress Charms and Compulsions
Third (19): (5/7) Cure Serious Wounds, Daylight, Magic Vestments, Neutralize Poison, Prayer
Fourth (20): (4/5) Blessings of Fervor, Cure Critical Wounds, Protection from Energy Communal, Restoration

Ascaria leaps out of delay and rushes up front so he can see (Blessings for movement to clear the distance).

Will DC 14 or flee: 1d20 + 7 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 7 + 4 = 23

He worries about the worms on poor Mortimer, and immediately channels to harm undead.
Channel Energy (harm undead): 7d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 1, 1, 5, 4, 1) = 15 DC 22 for half

Group effects
Blessing of Fervor (everyone)

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Mortimer is properly de-verminated by the gnome's golden pulse of positive energy. No worms remain to harrass the giant, for now.

Will Save v DC 22: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Will Save v DC 22: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

The Spawn on Tynan drops, just barely enough surge to sever its ties to the dark animating forces within its frame.

Eidi, Eri, Solrisa, and Mortimer are up!

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Round 3, Init 13+

Solrisa lashes out at all the foes around her, 5' stepping as necessary to find more targets.

1d20 + 16 - 3 ⇒ (9) + 16 - 3 = 22 to hit; (-PA)
1d10 + 6 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 + 6 = 15 magic damage.

1d20 + 11 - 3 ⇒ (6) + 11 - 3 = 14 to hit; (-PA)
1d10 + 6 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 6 = 20 magic damage.

1d20 + 16 - 3 ⇒ (12) + 16 - 3 = 25 to hit; (-PA)
1d10 + 6 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 6 = 18 magic damage.

Sol Stats:

AC=24 (+3 armor +2 dex +1 NA +4 shield+2 def+2 'skin)

HP= 78/78
Right hand = long sword
Left hand = shield
LoH 1/7 used (4d6+1d6)
Quick Shirt 0/1 used
Wand of Barkskin (48/50 left)
The Dragon Invoked 0/3 used
Breath of the Dragon 1/2 used

Power attack. One hand.
[ dice]1d20+16-3+2+1[/dice] to hit; (-PA,heroism,+1 magic,+prayer)
[ dice]1d10+6+6+1d6+2+1+1[/dice] magic nonlethal damage.

[ dice]1d20+11-3[/dice] to hit; (-PA,)
[ dice]1d10+6+6[/dice] magic damage.

Power attack. Two hand.
[ dice]1d20+16-3[/dice] to hit; (-PA)
[ dice]1d10+8+9[/dice] magic damage.

[ dice]1d20+11-3[/dice] to hit; (-PA)
[ dice]1d10+8+9[/dice] magic damage.

Gladiating Special:

Shield Other (9 hours, Ascaria)
Magic Vestment (9 hours, Blue Light Special Shield, +2)
Bless (Ascaria, +1 morale)
Shield of Faith (+1 def, Eidi)
Heroism (90 minutes, Eidi, +2 morale attx, saves, skills)
Weapon of Awe (+2 sacred damage rolls, +crit bonus)
Prot Fire (108 hp, Ascaria)
+2 sword and merciful (+1d6, nonlethal)
Prayer (+1 sacred on lots, Ascaria)
BoF (awesome, Ascaria) +2 to def/reflex unless otherwise stated

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Round 2, Init 13


67:/67 Hits, Barkskin (AC+2(27) Blessing of Fervor ((AC +2 (29), Reflex +2 (13))

Flexibility Slots: 7/7
Shirt Slots: 10/10
Knockout: 1/1

Static below.
AC 25 , 29 on AoO, 22 Touch; 67/67 HP
BAB = +9/+3 (level 9)
ToHit = 1d20+13+1
RHit = 1d20+14-2 (-3 more to hit on Power Attack, +1 Weapon Focus, +6 dam on Power Attack, +1d6 if cold)
LHit = 1d20+14-2 (-3 more to hit on Power Attack, +1 Weapon Focus, +6 dam on Power Attack, +1d6 if cold)
THit = 1d20+9-2 (-3 more to hit on Power Attack, +1 Weapon Focus, +6 dam on Power Attack, +1d6 if cold)
FHit = 1d20+4-2 (-3 more to hit on Power Attack, +1 Weapon Focus, +6 dam on Power Attack, +1d6 if cold)
Throw = 1d20+13

Fort+8 (+4 vs inhaled and contact poisons, +2 vs. disease)
Initiative +4
CMD=29 (10+ BAB + Str bonus + Dex bonus, 30 Maneuver Training Grapple +2, 30 Manuever training Disarm, +2 class feature "AC Bonus" at level 4/9)

+1 Grapple (Armbands), +2 Grapple MT, +2 Improved Grapple (+5 total)


Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.

Barely having time to even notice the worm attack, Mortimer five foot steps and hauls off on the remaining Spawn.

"Much appreciated, Canary!

LPunch: 1d20 + 14 - 2 + 2 - 3 ⇒ (12) + 14 - 2 + 2 - 3 = 23 +BoF, -PA
for Damage: 1d10 + 4 + 6 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 6 + (2) = 14
RPunch: 1d20 + 14 - 2 + 2 - 3 ⇒ (11) + 14 - 2 + 2 - 3 = 22 +BoF, -PA
for Damage: 1d10 + 4 + 6 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 6 + (3) = 16
LPunch: 1d20 + 9 - 2 + 2 - 3 ⇒ (14) + 9 - 2 + 2 - 3 = 20 +BoF, -PA
for Damage: 1d10 + 4 + 6 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 6 + (3) = 18

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

The maiden's first strike is enough to send the Spawn to the floor.

We are Out of Initiative.

To the west, you see a circular room, with a 5' wide pit in its center. An oil lamp illuminates the chamber from a center ceiling chain. The pit itself appears to drop 15' to a wet floor below. The sides of the pit look awfully tricky-slippery, should you need them to descend.

The eastern hallway extends forward to a closed door, as well as branching north down another hallway.

Roll20 Map has been updated.

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Solirsa looks at the spilt and dead wurmy things and decides that it's getting serious. She begins to undress (down to her skivvies) to show how serious she is...and begins to re-armor herself in the plate, any sense of quiet and sneakery is gone.

If others will help, Sol can be re-armored in a few minutes. Sol isn't shy about such things.

When Solrisa is changed, she is ready to move on.

Moved her on map.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Time passes quietly, the only sounds that of the maiden changing into her better armor. No sounds from the pit, no sounds echoing from the hallways. Once Solrisa is on her way, she reveals a second door, with another bend in the hallway to the north.

Roll20 Map has been updated.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Eidi is performing a blessing for the party when the last worm-like creature is destroyed "Greatly done"

Before the blessing of fervor effect finishes, he uses it to cast extended see invisibility.

The half-elf looks then around the room for the finer details, helping himself with detect magic.
Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (1) + 14 = 15

"Mmmm... I vote to open the door before continuing through the hallway" he suggests while inspecting the pit and the oil lamp, moving his hand over the flame to check if it heats.

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)


Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.

Barely having time to even notice the worm attack, Mortimer five foot steps and hauls off on the remaining Spawn.

"Much appreciated, Canary!"

Barely having time to even swing on the Spawn, Sol drops it with a single hit. He looks at Tynan and Sol.

"Again, much appreciated!"

Mortimer looks around, scratching the back of his head.
I hate touching these things... "I've got to -- " he stops abruptly when Solrisa starts to strip down. He gladly moves in his massive screen-like frame to help her armor up. When she is finished, he scratches the back of his head again.

Now, what was it I was going to do? He shrugs in resignation, having forgotten.

Upon encountering the pit to the west, Mortimer says, "I wonder if this pit is directly under that dome in the room upstairs...?"

KnowDungeon: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

He follows the others to the east. Moved on map.

Male, Gnome

HP: 57/57 AC: 22 (F21/T12) (+2 from magic vestment included)
Weapon Equipped = Rod of extend
Conditions = Magic Vestment on Buckler (+2 ench AC)(1/9h), Bless (1/18m)
Life Link (9)(100’) = Eidi, Eri, Mort, Sol, Tynan
Channel Energy (8/9)(7/7) (DC: 22)(Avoid 6) (5d6+1+2d6)
Amiable Blunder (1/1) (if Diplomacy failed by >5, reroll to avoid worsening attitude)
Rod of Extend (lesser) (3/3)
Melee Attack: BAB +6/+1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Ranged Attack: BAB +6/+1, Dex +1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Spells (Caster Level 9, Concentration +15)
Once per Day: Arcane Mark, Comprehend Languages, Message, Read Magic
Zero (16): Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Spark, Stabilize
First (17): (7/8) Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Diagnose Disease, Enhance Water, Liberating Command, Remove Fear
Second (18): (8/8) Burst of Radiance, Cure Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Light Prison, Pilfering Hand, Suppress Charms and Compulsions
Third (19): (5/7) Cure Serious Wounds, Daylight, Magic Vestments, Neutralize Poison, Prayer
Fourth (20): (4/5) Blessings of Fervor, Cure Critical Wounds, Protection from Energy Communal, Restoration

Eidi wrote:
"Mmmm... I vote to open the door before continuing through the hallway" he suggests while inspecting the pit and the oil lamp, moving his hand over the flame to check if it heats.

"Agreed." Ascaria says, also agreeing with Sol that things are getting serious. He, uh, looks away and does not help her with her armor. He's too short, yeah, that's it.

Before the blessings of fervor fade, he casts an extended Bless (+1 attacks & saves vs fear (morale)) to enrich the party for the next while (18 minutes).

Group effects
Bless (+1 attacks & saves vs fear (morale)) (everyone)

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|


The spacing between the Coenoby floor and the Understructure floor is roughly 50'. Having taken the spiral stairwells up, between the circular hallways, you estimate that this new floor you're on is the halfway point between floors.

The stairs leading down from the pantry descended quickly enough, and straight enough, that the location beneath the dome is still located to the north on this floor. The pit is located to the southwest of the dome, and the pit itself likely descends to a level very close to the floor of the Coenoby.

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)


"Ahh -wait! I got it. Now we're heading north, toward a space underneath the room with the dome thing in it!" Mortimer exclaims, albeit quietly.

Male Human Slayer 11

While Sol changes her armor, Tynan examines the eastern door for traps and attempts to listen beyond it.

Perception(Traps): 1d20 + 15 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 15 + 4 = 34 (trapfinding)
Disable Device: 1d20 + 16 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 16 + 4 = 34 (trapfinding)

When the northern door is found, he repeats his search on it as well.

Perception(Traps): 1d20 + 15 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 15 + 4 = 25 (trapfinding)
Disable Device: 1d20 + 16 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 16 + 4 = 36 (trapfinding)


Stealth(East): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20

Stealth(North): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (1) + 16 = 17

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7
DM_Sass wrote:
“The maiden's first strike is enough to send the Spawn to the floor.”

Eri’s shoulders loosen up and he shakes it out. Ugh, hate those things.

Eri will cast Shocking Grasp on himself and move up.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Tynan clears both doors of possible locks and/or traps, leaving the way forward for any who choose to open the door(s).


Behind the door to the east, down the longer hallway, you are able to hear the sounds of more Spawn, slinking about. A low moaning, too...

Male Human Slayer 11

"The doors are clear of any traps, but I hear more of the worm-spawn behind the eastern door... and a low moaning sound."

Tynan looks around at the others.

"Shall we take them out first, or continue to the north?"

Male, Gnome

"I say we go east." Ascaria whispers, "So they don't come up behind us." he suggests.

He stays back of the doors, ready to lead a hand, but leaving plenty of room for the tougher members of the group to advance.

Group effects
Bless (+1 attacks & saves vs fear (morale)) (everyone)

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Solrisa pivots from going north and goes to the east.

"If you guys want to wait here, I'll go get the bad things, or help if you want," Solrisa says with a smile and without braggadocio. She just means it and wants others to be safe.

When others are ready, she'll let someone else open the doors (her hands are full).

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

"East. I don't like those things behind us."

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)


Mortimer joins Sol at the eastern door.

"Psst, hey Eidi! Is Rose available to open the door for us!?"

If Rose is not available, Mortimer will open the door.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

"Good idea Mortimer" says Eidi "Just let me share something with you before we go on"

The half-elf touches Solrisa, Mortimer, Tynan and Eri sharing essence with them.
Solrisa Extra temp HP: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Mortimer Extra temp HP: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Tynan Extra temp HP: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Eri Extra temp HP: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
1 hour duration.
Eidi gets 28 non-lethal damage

Eidi breaths softly as he finishes, looking tired himself, he touches his symbol to relieve some of the tiredness out of his body.
Calming touch: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Calming touch: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
calming touch
Remains: 9 non-lethal damage, 5 share essences, 4 calming touches

"Ok, let's go" the half-elf points to somewhere in the space then to the door "Rose, please, open the door for us"

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

GM Rolls:

1d20 ⇒ 16
1d20 ⇒ 1

Something unseen moves through the hall, and the east door opens before you. The air in this hall begins to permeate the hallway you currently occupy. It's quite noisome. The northern wall has a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf, while the southern wall maintains an old piece of machinery, long fallen into disuse. Along the southern wall, there are a couple of combat dummies that may have been attached to the machine, possibly automating them.

There is a brazier in the center of the room, keeping the temperature from plunging into unhealthy cold. The warmth seems to be dedicated to the care of three men chained to the walls, who audibly moan for their condition. Certainly, it matters little to the host of Spawn which all turn to face the opening of the door.

Closer to the door stands a different abomination- a skeleton that still has a writhing bundle of entrails which moves through the ribcage, and up and through the jaw.

Knowledge(Religion) DC 23:

This creature is a Mohrg, a CE undead which rises from death following a public execution, having failed to atone for an evil life. 1 question for every 5 points above 23.

The room stirs into activity, as its given focus.


Ascaria: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Eidi: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Eri: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Mortimer: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Solrisa: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Tynan: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
SoK1: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16
SoK2: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6
M: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Round 1
Tynan- 23
Mortimer- 22
Eidi- 20
M- 16
SoK1- 16
Solrisa- 12
Eri- 9
Ascaria- 8
SoK2- 6

Tynan, Mortimer, and Eidi are up! Roll20 map has been updated.

Please note Ascaria's Bless, and Eidi's dispensation of Temporary Hit Points.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

"More of them" Eidi says some words calling for a blessing on Solrisa.
Blessing of the faithful: +2 sacred to attacks, skills, saves or AC until end of turn

Male Human Slayer 11

Round 1, Init 23

Tynan peeks from behind Mort and Solrisa to see the Son of Kyuss directly ahead of them. He quickly looks for a weakness in its defenses, then makes a stabbing motion with his short sword. (swift action to study target) His ring flashes subtly, and a wide gash opens in the creature's putrid flesh.

Sword Attack: 1d20 + 16 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 16 + 1 = 31 (studied, bless)
Sword Damage: 1d6 + 5 + 3d6 ⇒ (2) + 5 + (6, 1, 1) = 15 (studied, sneak attack)

That worked better than last time...

AC:22, FFAC:18, TAC:16
CMD:25, FFCMD:21
Fort: +8, Ref: +12, Will: +6
Hit Points: 58/58 + 9 temp
Shield of Faith, Bless

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Round 1, Init 22


73:/73 Hits, Barkskin AC+2(27), Shared Essence (+6)

Flexibility Slots: 7/7
Shirt Slots: 10/10
Knockout: 1/1

Static below.
AC 25 , 29 on AoO, 22 Touch; 67/67 HP
BAB = +9/+3 (level 9)
ToHit = 1d20+13+1
RHit = 1d20+14-2 (-3 more to hit on Power Attack, +1 Weapon Focus, +6 dam on Power Attack, +1d6 if cold)
LHit = 1d20+14-2 (-3 more to hit on Power Attack, +1 Weapon Focus, +6 dam on Power Attack, +1d6 if cold)
THit = 1d20+9-2 (-3 more to hit on Power Attack, +1 Weapon Focus, +6 dam on Power Attack, +1d6 if cold)
FHit = 1d20+4-2 (-3 more to hit on Power Attack, +1 Weapon Focus, +6 dam on Power Attack, +1d6 if cold)
Throw = 1d20+13

Fort+8 (+4 vs inhaled and contact poisons, +2 vs. disease)
Initiative +4
CMD=29 (10+ BAB + Str bonus + Dex bonus, 30 Maneuver Training Grapple +2, 30 Manuever training Disarm, +2 class feature "AC Bonus" at level 4/9)

+1 Grapple (Armbands), +2 Grapple MT, +2 Improved Grapple (+5 total)

"Thanks Eidi! Thanks Rose! Mortimer says, running 15' into the room to slap the Gutsy Skellington.

MortimerSpecial: 1d20 + 14 - 3 ⇒ (17) + 14 - 3 = 28 -PA
for Damage: 1d10 + 4 + 6 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 6 + (3) = 17 +PA, +Cold, Silver, Cold Iron, Magic

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|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

While Tynan and Eidi find things to do in the hallway, Mortimer launches himself into the lion's den, as the undead throw themselves at the intruder. The grotesque skeleton pauses to allow the Spawn to savage the giant first.

Slam Attack, M: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19 for 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10 damage

Slam Attack, M: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20 for 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10 damage

Slam Attack, M: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10 for 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 damage

The Spawn have little luck, and somehow, the strange skeleton creature conveys the disappointment in its body language.

Slam Attack, Flank, M: 1d20 + 15 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 15 + 2 = 33 for 2d8 + 5 ⇒ (3, 6) + 5 = 14 damage

Slam Attack, Flank, M: 1d20 + 15 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 15 + 2 = 23 for 2d8 + 5 ⇒ (5, 7) + 5 = 17 damage

Tongue Touch, Flank, M: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 10 + 2 = 27 Fortitude Save DC 21, Mortimer, or become Paralyzed for 1d4 ⇒ 2 minutes.

Solrisa, Eri, and Ascaria are up!

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Round 1, Init 12

Solrisa 5' steps in, calling upon the Dragon to help her deal with the big ugly thing.

"Oh Mort! Look out!"

1d20 + 16 - 3 + 3 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 16 - 3 + 3 + 1 + 2 = 39 to hit; (-PA,theDragon,+bless,+sacred)
1d10 + 6 + 6 + 9 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 6 + 6 + 9 + 9 = 37 magic damage. (theDragon)

1d20 + 11 - 3 + 3 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 11 - 3 + 3 + 1 + 2 = 16 to hit; (-PA,theDragon,+bless,+sacred)
1d10 + 6 + 6 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 6 + 6 + 9 = 31 magic damage.

Pot crit:
1d20 + 16 - 3 + 3 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 16 - 3 + 3 + 1 + 2 = 29 to hit; (-PA,theDragon,+bless,+sacred)
1d10 + 6 + 6 + 9 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 6 + 9 + 9 = 36 moar magic damage.

Sol Stats:

AC=31 (+10 armor +2 dex +1 NA +4 shield+2 def+2 'skin) +3 more vs morhg

HP= 78/78+6 temp
Right hand = long sword
Left hand = shield
LoH 1/7 used (4d6+1d6)
Quick Shirt 0/1 used
Wand of Barkskin (48/50 left)
The Dragon Invoked 1/3 used
Breath of the Dragon 0/2 used

Power attack. One hand.
[ dice]1d20+16-3+2+1[/dice] to hit; (-PA,heroism,+1 magic,+prayer)
[ dice]1d10+6+6+1d6+2+1+1[/dice] magic nonlethal damage.

[ dice]1d20+11-3[/dice] to hit; (-PA,)
[ dice]1d10+6+6[/dice] magic damage.

Power attack. Two hand.
[ dice]1d20+16-3[/dice] to hit; (-PA)
[ dice]1d10+8+9[/dice] magic damage.

[ dice]1d20+11-3[/dice] to hit; (-PA)
[ dice]1d10+8+9[/dice] magic damage.

Gladiating Special:

Shield Other (9 hours, Ascaria)
Magic Vestment (9 hours, Blue Light Special Shield, +2)
Bless (Ascaria, +1 morale)
Shield of Faith (+1 def, Eidi)
Heroism (90 minutes, Eidi, +2 morale attx, saves, skills)
Weapon of Awe (+2 sacred damage rolls, +crit bonus)
Prot Fire (108 hp, Ascaria)
+2 sword and merciful (+1d6, nonlethal)
Prayer (+1 sacred on lots, Ascaria)
BoF (awesome, Ascaria) +2 to def/reflex unless otherwise stated

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

Round 1 Init 9 AC:18

Eri will stand his ground and cast acid arrow at the undead straight ahead (no save)

ranged touch att., bless, cover: 1d20 + 8 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (7) + 8 + 1 - 4 = 12
damage: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6

HP 43/43 AC 14, 18 (18 w/mage armor) Cold Iron Arrows: 45:

AC 14 or 18 [dex +3, amu +1, m. armor +4]
CMD 18
BAB +5

Defensive casting = +15 (@7th)
Spell Penetration= +9 (@7th)

The spells/day listed will include the casting (if any) that I made this round

b]Orisons[/b] DC:14(Acid Splash, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand, Spark, Message, Prestidigitation)
First Level: DC:15 (4/7 per day 4/4 stones) (Burning Disarm, Feather Fall, Grease. Gravity Bow, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, shocking grasp)
Second Level: DC:16 (6/7 per day) (Acid Arrow, Admonishing Ray, Glitterdust, Gust of Wind)
Third Level: DC:17 (4/4 per day) (Dispel Magic, Fireball, Lightning Bolt)

Thunder staff charges: 6/7 (extra d6 dam, 3 rnds ea.)
Shock rounds 0/3
Quick Runner’s Shirt Charge 1/1

Weapon equipped = +2 Composite Long Bow
+11 or +9/+9 (fight+1, sorc +3, ElKn +1, WF, +1, dex +3 bow +2)
+12 or +10/+10 within 30' with +1 dam

Damage bump: +8 [+2 (bow) +2(str) +2 (feat ex pull) +2 (feat arcane weap)]

Male, Gnome

Round: 1, Initiative: 8

HP: 54/57 AC: 23 (F22/T13) (+2 from magic vestment, +1 from shield other included)
Weapon Equipped = None
Conditions = Magic Vestment on Buckler (+2 ench AC)(1/9h), Shield Other (1/9h), Bless (3/18m), Prayer (1/9m)
Life Link (9)(100’) = Eidi, Eri, Mort, Sol, Tynan
Channel Energy (8/9)(7/7) (DC: 22)(Avoid 6) (5d6+1+2d6)
Amiable Blunder (1/1) (if Diplomacy failed by >5, reroll to avoid worsening attitude)
Rod of Extend (lesser) (3/3)
Melee Attack: BAB +6/+1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Ranged Attack: BAB +6/+1, Dex +1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Spells (Caster Level 9, Concentration +15)
Once per Day: Arcane Mark, Comprehend Languages, Message, Read Magic
Zero (16): Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Spark, Stabilize
First (17): (7/8) Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Diagnose Disease, Enhance Water, Liberating Command, Remove Fear
Second (18): (8/8) Burst of Radiance, Cure Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Light Prison, Pilfering Hand, Suppress Charms and Compulsions
Third (19): (4/7) Cure Serious Wounds, Daylight, Magic Vestments, Neutralize Poison, Prayer
Fourth (20): (4/5) Blessings of Fervor, Cure Critical Wounds, Protection from Energy Communal, Restoration

Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Ascaria shrugs, uncertain what they face - though it looks quite nasty…

Mort heals a little as Ascaria’s round starts in earnest.*

He moves up a little, leaving room for Tynan or Eri to get in there if they want, and casts Prayer (+1 attacks, damage, saves, & skills (luck)) It should effect the entire party, and the close group of enemies.

Group effects
Bless (+1 attacks & saves vs fear (morale)) (everyone)
Prayer (+1 attacks, damage, saves, & skills (luck))(everyone)

* Mort heals 5hp of damage thanks to Ascaria.
Sol takes 2hp from Ascaria this round.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Tynan magically sneak attacks a Spawn. Mortimer manages a decent blow against the unusual undead. Eidi assists the maiden, if only for a brief moment. Solrisa nearly destroys the slimy skeleton with a single strike. Eri debates effectivity, choosing a well-placed acid arrow. Ascaria tries to make things unpleasant for the undead, bringing a bit of prayer to bear upon the room.

The rear Spawn move forward, two of them circling the giant, one of them moving to the north hallway, and disappearing from view.

Slam Attack, M: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10 for 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 damage
Slam Attack, M: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25 for 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 damage

A single worm makes it way onto the giant's frame...

Round 2
Tynan- 23
Mortimer- 22 (-21hp, Worm, Fortitude Save DC 21, or Paralyzed 2 minutes)
Eidi- 20
M- 16 (-90hp)
SoK1- 16 (-21hp)
Solrisa- 12 (-2hp)
Eri- 9
Ascaria- 8 (-3hp)
SoK2- 6

Tynan, Mortimer, and Eidi are up!

Bless and Prayer are in effect.

Male Human Slayer 11

Round 2, Init 23

Tynan moves up behind Solrisa, and quickly studies the target to her left. (swift to study) Using the corner as cover, he reaches around it to stab at the Son, but doesn't connect.

Sword Attack: 1d20 + 16 + 1 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (1) + 16 + 1 + 1 - 4 = 15 (studied, bless, prayer, -cover)
Sword Damage: 1d6 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 5 + 1 = 11 (studied, prayer)

AC:22, FFAC:18, TAC:16
CMD:25, FFCMD:21
Fort: +8, Ref: +12, Will: +6
Hit Points: 58/58 + 9 temp
Shield of Faith, Bless, Prayer

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