GM Rat Sass's Age of Worms

Game Master Governayle

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The Road So Far...
Map of Alhaster
Ascaria's Pub

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Bald male Half-Elf elder

Eidi nods to Eri "Thanks boy. My poor old back is grateful by your gesture" and smiles.

"It all depends on the difficulty of the grouping. If we get into a difficult matching we better throw them all we can as fast as possible. Otherwise, better to hide some of our tricks" the half-elf makes a last reflection through the message channel "I can create a mist around us in the first round so we have time enough to cast all our spells. This might be specially useful if archers are paired against us"


After the tactical discussion at the room Eidi moves between the rest of the participants. He first approaches the Pitch Blade dwarven barbarians. Pointing with his face to the gnolls he asks the dwarves "What are those laughing at? How do they let them in this contest?"

At other moment he approaches one waiter and asks "Can I have a late night hot milk? Something simple, just to drink." He thanks them with a smile and approaches one of the elven females from Auriga Arcana "You would prefer to have poets instead of gladiators in a night like this isn't it?" he offers his hot milk to one of the females "I think we were not presented. My name is Eidi. Artists and Outcasts."


Although the half-elf small-talks with some of the gladiators for a while he makes sure to come back early to sleep. Eidi tiptoes into the room trying to avoid waking up Solrisa. He places his tunic at the foot of his bed, then goes below the blanket placing his silver staff at his back "Please, give us strength and focus tomorrow. Good night"

Male, Gnome

Ascaria nods when Eri offers Eidi his bed. ”I agree, we should stick together when possible from here on out. No knowing what trouble might lie down here between bouts. I mean sure, your team might get kicked out or something, but there might just be teams working together, and maybe they’re willing to sacrifice their spot for another.”

He has no idea, really, what he’s talking about, but he worries just the same. He heads out to keep an eye on Eidi as he cruises the tables. He doesn’t encroach, just keeps him in view while he has his own pint (self crafted via Enhance Water) and chats with the folks around him amiably enough.

He’ll see if he can get some information, if there’s time, about the spellcasting rules…

Gather Information: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (17) + 20 = 37 hours: 1d4 ⇒ 3
(looking for when we can start casting, can we cast in the morning our day long spells, can we cast on the way ‘up’ the shaft, exactly how does it work?)

Tired, he turns in with Eidi and sleeps soundly, rising early, excited for the day ahead. He prays fervently, and prepares himself for the coming fight. He looks to the others, "Are we all ready for breakfast?"

He shakes his head as something occurs to him. "Oh wait a tick. My armor." he casts Magic Vestment (+2 for 9 hours) on his buckler (assuming it's legal to do so), and considers the same for his armor, but decides against it for now.

"OK. Ready."

Male, Gnome

Realizing he won’t have the time to get what he needs carefully, he thinks about just asking the questions directly. It will reveal himself as a spellcaster, which might be risky, but he needed the information.

Then, like a kick to the head, he remembered Khellek. He could ask Khellek! He’d be honest enough about the answer, and likely already knows who I am and what I can do.

Ascaria heads off to find Khellek, just before the curfew, and puts the questions to him in a rush…

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)
Okoral wrote:
"Nah. He already met with the relevant competitors during the dinner. Figures."

"What's that?! Surprised already?" he asks grinning broadly, taking his leave of the elevator.

Eidi wrote:
"The half-man will not be here much longer."

"What?! Mortimer exclaims, trying to keep his voice down to a whisper, " What do you mean?! If you're planning on dying, why would you need air?! Don't worry, we'll protect you!"

Mortimer glances in the kitchen and blanches slightly. It is only because you know him that you notice at all.

He wanders around the room, taking in all of the fellow competitors. Noticing the Reptile-like-Folk, he makes sure that his gift from the LizardFolk -- tied around his head over the diadem -- is in plain view of them as he walks by their table. He watches the gnome scurry back and forth as the room arrangements are sorted out. When Solrisa is ready to prepare for bed, he kicks everyone out of the room and standing in the doorway -- acts as a Privacy Screen for her until she is ready. Facing out into the common room while at this station, he carefully watches Eidi approach the Elven females with the warm milk, wondering at what the old half-elf is really playing.

Once they're all together talking strategy he offers:

"We'll stick together. I can throw things, like thunderstones at spellcasters, slow some others down with some tanglefoot bags. Did anyone happen to notice what teams Loris visited and spoke with throughout the dinner? I'm wondering if those are the ones we really need to watch out for -- save our best artillery and defences for them..."

"I'm flexible. I'll do -- whatever it is I usually do when -- whatever it is that happens happens, and Solrisa will protect all of us, because that is what she does best," he concludes, sounding solid enough for himself, at least. "Sol -- don't forget to use that Barkskin wand thingy we brought on us when we go up to the arena."

As an afterthought he adds while prepping to keep watch, "And uh, don't worry if whatever --" is it cat?! " they're prepping in the kitchen doesn't suit you. I can borrow Sol's butterfly net and catch some fish we can roast." There's bound to be some watercress around here...

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|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

As Eidi approaches Pitch Blade, both dwarves look up at the aged half-elf, in unison.

Eidi wrote:
"What are those laughing at? How do they let them in this contest?"

"You'd have to..." Drusfan begins. "ask them yourselves." Pharbol finishes.

"As for letting them in..." Pharbol continues. "if someone's willing to pay enough, they're in." Drusfan explains.

As Eidi approaches Auriga Arcana, he finds himself face-to-face with a wild man. The warm milk in the half-elf's hand is quickly knocked from it. "You spilled. You should be careful." Before the wild man can say another word, one of the elves steps up, drawing the wild man's attention. He smiles as she reaches her hand down his front, his smile growing larger. A fraction of a second later, his face contorts, and he begins to howl, drawing all eyes, including those of the guards. They advance, she steps away, raising both hands, releasing the wild man's manhood.

"Yes? He just asked me to give him a squeeze, so I acquiesced." She demurs, as the guards ask the wild man for his side of the story. The wild man is too preoccupied with pain to answer. Waving his hand and shaking his head, he retreats into his room, where his brooding partner frowns. The guards return to general supervision.

The female elf returns her attention to Eidi. "I'm Krinn, of Auriga Arcana. Sorry about your milk. I'm sure there's more. Who says you can't be both? Poet and gladiator, I mean. Are you a poet, Eidi? I would certainly enjoy an original work."


Ascaria wrote:
He heads out to keep an eye on Eidi as he cruises the tables. He doesn’t encroach, just keeps him in view while he has his own pint and chats with the folks around him amiably enough.

As Ascaria separates a little from the central crowd, one of the gnolls gets up to engage the gnome. "Saw you and Okoral. Which one you keep?" The gnoll keeps his voice low, and non-threatening, what with the guards right there and all.


Ascaria wrote:
Ascaria heads off to find Khellek, just before the curfew, and puts the questions to him in a rush…


To access Khellek, Ascaria has to turn on his charm a little to engage the guards posted to protect Auric's Warband. Auric is sitting on his bed, sharpening his blade, while Khellek looks up from his spellbook to wave you into the room. The guards grudgingly step aside.

Khellek answers your questions with an amused look on his face. "You are far too tightly wound, master Canary. Did they tell you not to cast spells? No, they did not. They told you all aggression off field was grounds for disqualification, and that holds true. Haven't you already cast spells in the Coenoby? I certainly have." He winks at you, then continues. "Cast too early, and your short-run spells will wink out. Your day-long spells should be fine, cast when you want to. Just remember to check when your match is, and plan accordingly. You only have one match a day. Hard work, eh? Let it all hang out, I say! They expect it of you. Preparation spells are boring, and can be done at any time. The crowd wants a show. You should give them one. They will arrange you on the field first, then make long, drawn-out announcements, so don't make snap decisions."

Auric shakes his head, smiling. "You shouldn't encourage him, you know."

Khellek smiles at both of you. "Come now. They're hardly seasoned gladiators. This is their first time, after all. I only hope their Sponsor is kind, and at the ready with healing magics."

He bids you a good night, wishing you a good draw for your first round.


Mortimer wrote:
He wanders around the room, taking in all of the fellow competitors. Noticing the Reptile-like-Folk, he makes sure that his gift from the LizardFolk -- tied around his head over the diadem -- is in plain view of them as he walks by their table.

Initially, it's difficult to say that the giant's courting ritual has any impact, as the lizardfolk adjust one eye, then the other, to take in any movement, outside their room. If it wasn't obvious before, it becomes so when two of the lizardfolk approach Mortimer outside your room.

"I am Kremaa. This is Chom. We are Blackwater Root. That is our team, that is our clan. Isthasi. You are Isthasi. Who made you?"

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Solrisa regrets her decision to go to bed when there is so many RP opportunities. Good stuff above.

Solrisa is pleased with her decision to go to bed immediately and in no way regrets her decision to do so. She knows she needs her sleep tonight and it would be ridiculous to go out cavorting or carousing now.

Solrisa will waken for her watch, but otherwise slumbers until morning when she will rise early to begin preparations.

Male, Gnome
GM Rat Sass wrote:
As Ascaria separates a little from the central crowd, one of the gnolls gets up to engage the gnome. “Saw you and Okoral. Which one you keep?” The gnoll keeps his voice low, and non-threatening, what with the guards right there and all.

Ascaria is watching Eidi and so is surprised by the question, then more surprised by the asker. Never talked to a gnoll before. I… I don’t know his language! How’d I miss that one? he wonders, staring a long time at the gnoll.

He tips his hat politely and says, ”Weal I guess.” He shrugs and adds, ”If it’s not a trap. Did you get one? What did you select?”

GM Rat Sass:
Ascaria nods his head up and down as Khellek schools him. He feels very small indeed as Auric points out the obvious ignorance on the part of the party. ”Thank you Khellek, I hope we make it past the first round!” he grins and runs off not wanting to get caught out in the curfew.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

The gnoll grins toothily at the gnome, then moves back to his team at the long table. Without answering, of course.

Male, Gnome

The gnome shrugs again at the rudeness of the gnoll. He chuckles to himself glad he's not like that, continues sipping his pint, and watching Eidi.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bald male Half-Elf elder

Eidi looks at the dwarves then at the gnolls, and finally shrugs "Well, I guess money opens many doors" he then moves to the elven group.

When he is attacked by the wildman he stares at him with a soft smile without trace of rage or fear "Oh sorry! I do not know how did I stumble with you like that"

Then, after the man is released from the elven manhood-grapple "Thanks Krinn. That was very kind of you" he smiles back at the female and then looks for Ascaria's eyes Did you saw that?

"Well, I am not poet, but I am an amateur winder artist and have attempted with some songs before" the half-elf brings his hand into the tunic, then draws a fine oak-made ocarina he shows to the guard smiling "I would rather not torture your ears, but if you insist I can throw some notes to soft this dense air"

Provided the elven female wants to listen, he brings the ocarina to his lips and emits a couple of notes to find the tune. He then closes his eyes letting the music go and starts a short melancholic song reminiscent of another time.
Perform wind: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

He opens his eyes once finished and storing his ocarina back to the tunic he smiles to Krinn "I hope you liked it and it inspires you for tomorrow's show"

Male Human Slayer 11

While quietly discussing tactics with the group, Tynan speaks to Eri. "It might be a good idea to hold off on your fireballs until we get a chance to see if there are any healers on the other teams, and get them neutralized. Using one too early, and the damage can be all but negated with a single action." Tynan nods at Ascaria. "We've seen what he's been able to counteract."


Later, wishing to explore the area a bit, Tynan borrows a piece of parchment and a quill from Ascaria. He will take a seat on the ground in the corner near the central tables, and begin humming quietly, then looking up thoughtfully, then quickly scribbling on his paper, repeating for some time. Hoping to appear as a distracted artist (bluff), he will actually be attempting to listen in on any conversations at the table.

Bluff: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26

Perception(Eavesdropping): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29

(Should anyone from another team check what he is writing, it is a poor attempt at a poem, and not notes about anything he has heard.)

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)
WildMan wrote:
The warm milk in the half-elf's hand is quickly knocked from it. "You spilled. You should be careful."

Ut-oh, bad move, Wildman! He silently watches with amusement as the Elf uses the Wildman's "knobs" to manipulate him.

Kremaa wrote:
"I am Kremaa. This is Chom. We are Blackwater Root. That is our team, that is our clan. Isthasi. You are Isthasi. Who made you?"

Mortimer draws himself proudly to his full height.

"Well met, Isthasi Kremaa, Isthasi Chom and clan Blackwater Root. I am Mort, that's Eidi and Ascaria," he says pointing to the rogue members still outside the privacy of their room. "There are three others with our team, Artists and Outcasts. It was Shamans Hishka and Shesht of the Twisted Branch clan in the Mistmarsh who made us Isthasi, for freeing the Clan of a Tyrannic Duo and helping protect the Clan's future and children. You have come a long way, Isthasi, to participate in The Game. With such determination, you will surely garner success."

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7
Tynan wrote:
”It might be a good idea to hold off on your fireballs”

”Yeh, I agree, but things might change when the spaghetti hits the fan.”

Eri sees everyone trail off as Sol takes her beauty rest. He will stick around and take first watch so that no one is left alone. To occupy his time he’ll rig up a simple noisemaking trap for the door that will be activated after everyone comes back.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|
Eidi wrote:
"I hope you liked it and it inspires you for tomorrow's show."

Krinn enjoys the musical performance, and she's joined by the others of her team, who come into view, more out of curiosity than appreciation. As Eidi finishes his piece, Krinn smiles and applauds, while the other elves nod politely.

"I will certainly take it as inspiration master Eidi. Rest up! It should be a very interesting day tomorrow."


GM Rolls:

1d20 ⇒ 15
1d20 ⇒ 15

Tynan wrote:
Hoping to appear as a distracted artist, he will actually be attempting to listen in on any conversations at the table.


If the folk at the table notice you, they don't let on right away, or look like they care all that much that you've taken to a corner. The conversation seems to focus on the discussion of Weal/Woe, as it relates to Dukk asking opinion from Drusfan and Pharbol. You glean that Dukk got the chance to select a scroll, while Pitch Blade did not. They encourage her a little, as she's chosen 'Woe'. It's what Pharbol/Drusfan would have picked, too. The members of Meet the Grave and Korush's team seem to be interested in the dwarves' conversation, but they don't speak of any choices they personally made.

As for the gnolls, they seem to enjoy a game of 'who's quicker/which way'. They place a piece of meat between them, and a hand next to the meat. With knives in the other hand, the nature of the game is to go for the other's hand, or the meat. Reward... or punishment? Most times, they stab each other, the meat largely ignored. Depending on the pain of the injury, it leaves the less crippled the chance at the prize, though even that's not guaranteed, as muzzles collide, savagely. Savage Hand, indeed. They raise their hands to Joren, who shakes his head in frustration, before nodding.

Mortimer wrote:
"Well met, Isthasi Kremaa, Isthasi Chom and clan Blackwater Root. I am Mort, that's Eidi and Ascaria. There are three others with our team, Artists and Outcasts. It was Shamans Hishka and Shesht of the Twisted Branch clan in the Mistmarsh who made us Isthasi, for freeing the Clan of a Tyrannic Duo and helping protect the Clan's future and children. You have come a long way, Isthasi, to participate in The Game. With such determination, you will surely garner success."

Kremaa nods to Chom, who turns from the conversation to look back on the rest of the gathering. "Well, as brother to lizardfolk, I look out for you, then. Ribess heard Okoral pointing your team out, to the dwarves. Keep your eyes on them. Do not turn your back on them."

At the same time, Pharbol makes a clicking noise, while tossing several copper at beggar Tynan. The brother dwarves laugh heartily, one of them heading to the kitchen to retrieve more drink.

Several at the dining tables excuse themselves for the night. Bleed the Freaks return to their room with only one fish successfully caught, though it was likely dead and floating freely on the surface. Perhaps it was only a long, wet mushroom. Hard to tell.

The night is still somewhat active, for those 11th hour interactions you may seek out, before turning in.

Male, Gnome

As the evening winds down, Ascaria scoots off to see Khellek as noted previously followed by a sound nights sleep. He thinks as he turns in, that he should have drawn the room, but in his excitement it completely slipped his mind.

In the morning he suggests, "We can set hour long term spells now, and I'll dip Bless and Protection from Energy early - pending our placement above - but I'll hold the other spells until we're actually in the thick of things, so I'll only need two rounds of early prep and two rounds in combat I think."

He looks over the party and suggests, "I can enhance armor, a little, if you've got something not already ensorcelled. Anyone want a boost?" he looks keenly at Eidi, unsure of what he's got.

When everyone is kitted, he opens the door and heads to breakfast with the group.

No rush for those still role playing the evening. Savor it. :)

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Eidi nods at Krinn "It was fun to talk with you. I look for to continue our conversation tomorrow. Whatever the result"

The half-elf says goodbye to everybody, even the gnolls, then leaves for the group's room.


In the morning Eidi stretches himself in the bed "Good morning everybody. How was your stay in the hammock Eri? Again, thanks for it"

He nods to Ascaria "Yes, there are a few spells I also plan to cast after the breakfast" he then rejects about the need of strengthening his armor "Faith is my single protection" he gives as an answer while smiling at the vivid gnome.

The half-elf follows suit for the breakfast. At the main table he looks for some boiled eggs, then he scavenges for some cookies he saves at his private pot "This might be of use later"

He approaches to a waiter and asks "Might it be possible for me to have a licorice root?"

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Solrisa, when she falls asleep, dreams of sweet things: ham and butterflies.

Solrisa will have more to do come morning, but want enjoy reading the rest of the night's posts first.

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)
Kremma wrote:
"Ribess heard Okoral pointing your team out, to the dwarves. Keep your eyes on them. Do not turn your back on them."

Mortimer nods silently in solemn appreciation.

GMSass wrote:
At the same time, Pharbol makes a clicking noise, while tossing several copper at beggar Tynan. The brother dwarves laugh heartily, one of them heading to the kitchen to retrieve more drink.

What's that? Are they -- they're making a move already? No... It's like everything here is a test of some kind. I can't allow them to provoke me now. He watches as one of the dwarves heads to the kitchen for more drink. Oh... no good will come of that. ' better get Tynan out of there now. Should play this up as they see it -- let them think Tynan is some poor hobo. Maybe their underestimation of him will be their undoing...

He imagines casually wandering over to Tynan. "C'mon," he would say, with a flick of his head. "It's getting close to curfew, and the evening has sooo drawn on. We should get some rest before dawn bears down on us like ... " he would trail off wearily, "well... actual bears..." He imagines he would then let out a hearty yawn before heading back to his station at the entrance to their room.

He shakes his head. I don't think I could be that ... compelling. Besides, the Man sometimes likes to do things on his own without intrusion... let's see what happens...

Instead of moving, he tarries at the entrance to the Artist and Outcasts room, keeping an eye on the Dwarves and hoping that Tynan will tear himself away from the central tables sooner than later.

When Artists and Outcasts are finally all together in the room, he sleeps after his watch somewhat restlessly near the entrance, enduring disconcerting dreams about various types of giant mushrooms emerging without warning from the wall sconces in ambush.


When they awaken in the morning, he says somewhat groggily, (using message if possible), "The LizardFolk here -- you know," he says, pointing to the throat-wrap gift he's currently sporting around his head, "our bretherin? I might have said we have their backs... But anyway -- they said 'Ribess' -- I think he or she is one of their clan -- heard Okoral pointing us out to the Dwarves, and that we shouldn't turn our back on them. Did any of the rest of you get the impression that the Dwarves would be serious trouble in particular for us? Is there something personal between the Dwarves and the LizardFolk? Did you guys hear anything interesting from anyone you talked to last night?" He resists the urge to lay back down, and tries to motivate himself to move by convincing himself that there will be ham and pineapple for breakfast.

Or at least fish.


Eidi wrote:
He approaches to a waiter and asks "Might it be possible for me to have a licorice root?"

"Lik-uh-rish root?" Mortimer suddenly blurts out, genuinely curious. "What's that?!"

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

When we wake up in the morning Eri casts Mage Armor on himself. He’ll get everyone with Message, too. He’ll reboot message until it’s showtime. He spends time fussing over his kit, adjusting a strap here, tightening a belt there. He seems pretty jittery even before the kava.

”Good morning everybody. How was your stay in the hammock Eri? Again, thanks for it”

”It’s no trouble at all. Nice work getting on some good graces, and finding out who could use a little extra attention.”

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Feel free to address any late night loose ends. Let's continue.

Morning comes in the sounding of a horn, announcing the 6th hour of the day. As the party wakes to the First Day of the Gauntlet, it becomes obvious that the Coenoby is already abuzz with conversation and preparation.

An announcement board in front of the kitchen now has the attention of roughly two dozen folk straining to read the posting of the day's roster of fights. With some patience, one or more of you is able to make your way to the board, and take in the match-ups.

8th Hour
Preaching and Bleaching(4)- Asleek, Eaudil, Cagreci, Iruth
More Demon Than Demon(4)- Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion
Cerberus(3)- Doaki, Eyagino, Ip’klam
Ratking(2)- ???. ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???

10th Hour
Auriga Arcana(6)- Rennida, Krinn, Eelyssa, Anetah
Savage Hand(5)- Joran, Scriminaduro, Gnasc, Thryn
Black Opal Cavalry(5)- Korush, Anslo, Bernice
Artists and Outcasts(3)- Eidi, Ascaria, Eri, Mortimer, Tynan, Solrisa

12th Hour
Blessed of Nessus(4)- Jophiel, Pakrolas, Nesex, Socha
Meet the Grave(3)- Ryleth, Myleth, Nereth, Weyleth
The Devout(3)- Hallela, Urao the Black, Srastru, Theam
Manic Tyrannical(2)- Mormahr, Cloirin

14th Hour
Blood of the Serpent(7)- Hana, Dul, Set, Net
Wrath of Westcrown(4)- Len, Curoe, Maecleklo, Tis Raaveo, Esenoen, Laorudri
The Raveners(4)- Dukk, Armin, Goad
Teeth of Gorum(3)- Xruul, Ghamok, Onugug, Perthag, Durz

16th Hour
Pitch Blade(8)- Drusfan, Pharbol
The Eyes of Abendego (5)- Baylin, Othafoc
Tempest(3)- Vhane, Buhiif, Breaur, Richaen
Bleed the Freaks(2)- Winkin, Blinkin, Stinkin, Cod

18th Hour
Auric’s Warband(9)- Auric, Khellek, Flesh Golems
Blackwater Root(3)- Kremaa, Ribess, Chom, Gizurk, Sklag, Grinth
Devil’s Folly(3)- Mew, Mock, Blas, Phemy, Fetor
Backdoor Menace(1)- Owukunk, Grink

Several in the crowd look uneasy, as they discover themselves slotted against certain teams. Others look quite satisfied. The only team unrepresented in the gathering is Auric's Warband, who likely knows they're slated last in the day, for the pomp and circumstance.

Breakfast unfolds quickly, as the kitchen is in full gear immediately. Licorice root for the aging half-elf, ham, pineapple and eggs for the giant and maiden, khava for the archer, live chickens for the gnolls. The First Day's Breakfast is almost as resplendent as the Banquet the night before. There is no lacking for carbohydrates, fluids, and proteins.

Two hours until the first four depart for battle, four hours until you do...

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Male, Gnome

HP: 57/57 AC: 22 (F21/T12) (magic vestment on buckler included)
Weapon Equipped = None
Conditions = Magic Vestment on Buckler (1/9h)
Life Link (9)(100’) = Eidi, Eri, Mort, Sol, Tynan
Channel Energy (9/9)(7/7) (DC: 22)(Avoid 6) (5d6+1+2d6)
Amiable Blunder (1/1) (if Diplomacy failed by >5, reroll to avoid worsening attitude)
Rod of Extend (lesser) (3/3)
Melee Attack: BAB +6/+1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Ranged Attack: BAB +6/+1, Dex +1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Spells (Caster Level 9, Concentration +15)
Once per Day: Arcane Mark, Comprehend Languages, Message, Read Magic
Zero (16): Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Spark, Stabilize
First (17): (8/8) Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Diagnose Disease, Enhance Water, Liberating Command, Remove Fear
Second (18): (8/8) Burst of Radiance, Cure Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Light Prison, Pilfering Hand, Suppress Charms and Compulsions
Third (19): (6/7) Cure Serious Wounds, Daylight, Magic Vestments, Neutralize Poison, Prayer
Fourth (20): (5/5) Blessings of Fervor, Cure Critical Wounds, Protection from Energy Communal, Restoration

Ascaria munches on a good sized breakfast and drinks his fill of coffee and juice.

When he and the group have seen the rankings and are back in their rooms, safely and securely, he uses the message as well, just to help stifle eavesdroppers, ”Good, we’re not first. We can see how they do things, and figure out how timely they are so we can plan our spells. Anyone know anything about the teams we’re facing? They’re all ranked higher than us, but they haven’t seen us so that doesn’t mean anything. We’re the underdogs!” he grins widely.

He rushes on, very much excited by the events of the day, and maybe a little too much coffee. ”OH, I almost forgot, Khellek said if it’s not prohibited, it’s approved, more or less. Basically it means we can cast whenever we want. So did anyone want an armor boost from me?”

He tries to think of other preparations but comes up empty. He’s starting to think he’s overthinking the whole thing. He thinks.

Male Human Slayer 11

Tynan listens in on the table, and when the pair dwarves toss him some coppers he responds while pocketing them. "Oh! Hey, thanks!"

Returning to the room, he shares with the others what he heard, through the message spell.

"So, the dwarf Dukk from the Raveners said that they were given the weal/woe option and chose woe. The two dwarves from Pitch Blade said she made the right choice, and they would have done the same had the option been presented to them."


After the matches are announced, and the groups has returned to their chamber to talk, Tynan speaks up.

"What do we know about these teams we're against? I know that Korush from Black Opal Cavalry was pretty interested in the weal/woe decisions of the dwarves, but didn't make mention of whether they had an option, and if so, how they chose. We should watch them closely."

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Eidi looks at the Auriga Arcana name in their group and stares there for more than one minute. He smiles then looking for the elven females "Well, that was surprising but it could happen" He also observes other groups "Auric's Warband and Pitch Blade... well those seems to be having an easy day today..."

At the kitchen he accepts the licorice root placing it on his mouth and savoring for a while. The half-elf drinks some cold milk and eats some cookies while saving some more in his pot when no one seems to be looking.

Back at the room he sits on the floor while the other's talk. Holding his staff against one shoulder the oldie removes the licorice root from his mouth placing it in front of him, draws his dagger and starts to shave it into slices. "I know Auriga's Arcana are archers. Elven archers. And by their name we can expect some magic coming from them. Elven archers..." he sighs then adds "And Black Opal... well Korush seemed a good man but proud. Tough ones. They are probably the best prepared to defeat the elven archers thanks to the mobility and charge of their mounts"

When Eidi finishes he places all the licorice root shaves into a pouch in his tunic "As for Savage Hand... they are a mystery to me. Are they the gnolls?"

The half-elf opens a thick book into the floor and starts to read, abstracting himself from the conversation, checking once and again some of the pages. As he ends, he takes the symbol in his neck and starts to say some words in low voice, only his lips moving.

Once finished, he stands up and drawing a small piece of cured leather says 'armadura de mago'. He follows grasping his symbol and chanting 'hueso defensor'. He finishes by drawing a string and a piece of wood from his pouch and chanting 'sirviente invisible'.


AC 19
DR 5/bludgeoning
Active spells:
mage armor 8 h
defending bone 6 h
unseen servant 8 h

Level 0
Wizard - (at will; 4 prepared)
Cleric - (at will; 4 prepared)
detect magic
create water

Level 1 (pearls of power I: 2/2)
Wizard - (6/day)
ray of enfeeblement (For 17)
mage armor
2x magic missile
unseen servant
enlarge person
Cleric - (5/day)
shield of faith -D
obscuring mist
unbreakable heart
sun metal
remove sickness

Level 2
Wizard - (6/day)
2x blindness/deafness (For 18)
alter self
web (Ref 18)
acid arrow
Cleric - (5/day)
zone of truth - D
calm emotions (Vol 15)
remove paralysis
defending bone
weapon of awe

Level 3
Wizard - (4/day)
ray of exhaustion (For DC 19)
aqueous orb (Ref 19)
Cleric - (4/day)
prayer - D
wind wall
dispel magic
paragon surge

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Mortimer deliberately saunters in front of Pharbol to hover behind one of the Bleed the Freaks members and next to one of The (two) Eyes of Abendego. He looks up at the cyclops and -- not knowing what else to say or do because he's not used to looking up at people -- politely flashes her a wide goofy grin. He looks out over Blinkin's head to examine the roster.

It's a good thing I'm tall...

He returns to the room, again passing in front of Pharbol, pausing right in the Dwarf's line of sight to take another gander at the roster from this angle. He takes his time, 'inadvertently' pivoting to block the Dwarf if he tries to get past him.

He partakes of ham and plenty of pineapple (but avoids mushrooms), then eventually returns to his team's room full of more than just food.

"Five -- uh -- contestants named "Legion" ? Why do you think the names of Team Ratking are question marks? Do you suppose they use wildcards? Or last minute entrants just to round things out or something like that?"

Ascaria wrote:
"So did anyone want an armor boost from me?”

"How much of that can you throw around? Do I need an armor boost from you? We have the wand, will that work with it?"

Eidi wrote:
He smiles then looking for the elven females. "Well, that was surprising but it could happen."
Mortimer looks at the elven female archers.
Mortimer wrote:
"Well, I mean -- I find somethings are *fun* to lose to -- but that's more of an individual effort and not a team effort -- "

Could it happen? Something tells 'Mr. Passion' that I won't have to work at all to throw the game in their favor... Fine with me. They are going to outmatch us. All of us. They probably deserve it.

"Do we have protection from arrows?"

Eidi wrote:
"And Black Opal... well Korush seemed a good man but proud. Tough ones. They are probably the best prepared to defeat the elven archers thanks to the mobility and charge of their mounts."

"Eidi, have you seen the competition before? Do they really have mounts?! I took the 'Cavarly' part of their name to be nothing more than bravado... Hey! If they do have mounts, can we bolster our skills in handling animals to gain control over them?"

Eidi wrote:
"As for Savage Hand... they are a mystery to me. Are they the gnolls?"

"I think they'd be more at Savage 'Teeth' than 'Hand', but I don't know from Gnolls at all. Do you think they'll have Undead on the arena sides too -- mixed up with all the selected teams for added chaos? Maybe Ascaria could create some water, and maybe Sol could bless it." He pauses for a moment.

What slows down Gnolls? "Too bad we don't have a big net."

"Hey Eidi -- what is that licorice for?"

Bald male Half-Elf elder

"Team Ratking? Perhaps they do not speak the common, or their names are impossible to write down in our alphabet?" theorizes Eidi.

"No protection from arrows, this does not help against magical ones. I have a couple of tricks to thwart any projectile" Eidi shows a mischievous grin to Mortimer "Or three"

"I am not sure about mounts, but Karush bragged the whole dinner about his skill from horseback, so I assumed he will fight with his mount" explains the half-elf "I am not that familiar with animals, but it might be difficult to outwin their knights. Perhaps if you have access to animal enchanting... Otherwise our best chance against them is placing physical or magical obstacles in front of them to avoid their charges, and having some lance or other polearm to brace against their charge"

Eidi carefully reflects about the undead question "I am not sure if there will be undead in this combat, but I have reasons to think we will have to face some not dead at one time or another during the Gauntlet"

The oldie smiles when Mortimer asks about the licorice "This my friend is the drug of the fighter. Once you try out a bit of this you will keep asking for more once and again"

Male, Gnome
Mort wrote:
"How much of that can you throw around? Do I need an armor boost from you? We have the wand, will that work with it?"

”I have plenty if we’ve only the one fight today, and the wand is different so they should blend well together.” Ascaria smiles. ”It might be a long fight, but better to be missed then healed!” he looks at Mort’s armor before he casts (Detect Magic). ”Oh! Er, sorry Mort. My spell can only match what you have already, it can’t add to it. I can’t help you there, bummer.”

Mort wrote:
"Do we have protection from arrows?"

Ascaria thinks a moment and says, ”I have a potion actually from a long time ago. It’s not total immunity, but it does last three hours or so. I think I’ll use it, expecting the worst. I have, after all, had it a very long time now.”

He adds, ”I don’t have anything for the group though. As they can sit back and pepper the other groups to death, I think we should advance on them as quickly as we can. Maybe make them our priority if we can.”

Eidi wrote:
"No protection from arrows, this does not help against magical ones. I have a couple of tricks to thwart any projectile" Eidi shows a mischievous grin to Mortimer "Or three"

”Oh. Hrm. If we’re to be immune to their archery, perhaps we let them be while they pour their death onto the other teams. We can fight the gnolls while the other two teams decimate each other!” he grins triumphantly. ”I’ll save my potion for another day.” he says with ignorant confidence.

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Solrisa rises, a smile on her face, excited about *something* but forgetting exactly what until she remembers.

"Oh yes! Today we gladiate!! And the best part of being a gladiator is being 'glad!'" Solrisa cheers as she rolls out of bed to beg Ascaria for fresh water so she can pre-bathe before armoring up.

Solrisa bathes, then dons her nicely polished armor and fixes her hair (one braided blonde strand behind each ear), and, as a final touch, puts the wilting remains of one of Mort's blue flowers in her right ear. She attaches not one, but two swords to her back, and then her quiver and bow.

She looks to see that others are preparing as well.

Ascaria wrote:
”So did anyone want an armor boost from me?”

Solrisa's eyes widen, her eyes going to her shield and then back to Ascaria. She looks again at her blue light special shield, then again at Ascaria. She begins to fumble at her purse to draw out two platinum rings.

She looks at the rings, then at Ascaria, then at her blue light special shield.

"Oh! I want to help you and I want you to help me! We can trade!" Solrisa brings her shield and the ring over to Ascaria. She plops herself, then her gear next to the gnome.

"If you want to help me be protected by making my shield better...I'll ask you to wear this ring so I can protect you better. Would you like that?" Solrisa explains her plan.

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

Eri tucks in to a reasonably hearty breakfast, eggs, ham, potatoes, khava, and then goes a little further seeing that there’s time to digest.

Ascaria wrote:
”So did anyone want an armor boost from me?”

”Yes, please. I think my magics and yours will dovetail.”

Eri covers his mouth from any cameras Scry sensors and uses message to say,”I’m hoping to drop a fireball on the other two teams when one is close to winning. I hope they might be right next to each other. Best case scenario being I finish off two at once. Worst case, I delay the new group a little while they heal. The archers might put a snag in that rug. I don’t know if I’ll have that much flexibility or awareness, but that’s my plan.”

He pauses as a thought strikes him. He covers his mouth again and whispers into message, ”We are the favored to win as far as the rankings are concerned. Do you think the other three teams might gang up on us in the beginning?”

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

As Mortimer plays obstructionist, Pharbol takes leave of his study of the board to approach the cyclops. He wiggles a finger at the female, who lowers herself to hear what is whispered in her ear. Whatever it is, she shoots straight up, and turns to leave the gathering in a huff.

Breakfast ends more abruptly for the first four teams, as certain members of each team begin to consult with members of the other three teams, scrolls in hand. Every so often, the gestures become more aggressive, or more submissive, as the needs must be.

Eventually, Guards in Gold Cloaks enter en masse to escort the 8th Hour competitors. Several catcalls from the spectators in the Coenoby see them off, then the excitement dies down. Several teams remain in the central dining area, some stoic and contemplative, others brash in ribald conversation.

Two hours until showtime.

Male Human Slayer 11

"No Eri, we're not favored to win... we're the underdogs. The higher numbers are higher rankings."

"Ascaria, what if anything can you do for my armor?"

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Eidi nods to Tynan "Tynan is write. Look Auric’s Warband got a 9 and they are the last year winners"

The half-elf observes as the guards make their job. "What would happen if this people were not around... this will quickly become a massive gladiatorial arena... I guess they will do it if they could sell the tickets"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male, Gnome

HP: 57/57 AC: 23 (F22/T13) (magic vestment and shield other included)
Weapon Equipped = None
Conditions = Magic Vestment on Buckler (+2 enc AC)(1/9h), Shield Other (+1 def AC, +1 res saves)(1/6h)
Life Link (9)(100’) = Eidi, Eri, Mort, Sol, Tynan
Channel Energy (9/9)(7/7) (DC: 22)(Avoid 6) (5d6+1+2d6)
Amiable Blunder (1/1) (if Diplomacy failed by >5, reroll to avoid worsening attitude)
Rod of Extend (lesser) (3/3)
Melee Attack: BAB +6/+1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Ranged Attack: BAB +6/+1, Dex +1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Spells (Caster Level 9, Concentration +15)
Once per Day: Arcane Mark, Comprehend Languages, Message, Read Magic
Zero (16): Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Spark, Stabilize
First (17): (8/8) Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Diagnose Disease, Enhance Water, Liberating Command, Remove Fear
Second (18): (8/8) Burst of Radiance, Cure Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Light Prison, Pilfering Hand, Suppress Charms and Compulsions
Third (19): (4/7) Cure Serious Wounds, Daylight, Magic Vestments, Neutralize Poison, Prayer
Fourth (20): (5/5) Blessings of Fervor, Cure Critical Wounds, Protection from Energy Communal, Restoration

Solrisa Iome Arabasti wrote:

Solrisa's eyes widen, her eyes going to her shield and then back to Ascaria. She looks again at her blue light special shield, then again at Ascaria. She begins to fumble at her purse to draw out two platinum rings.

She looks at the rings, then at Ascaria, then at her blue light special shield.

"Oh! I want to help you and I want you to help me! We can trade!" Solrisa brings her shield and the ring over to Ascaria. She plops herself, then her gear next to the gnome.

"If you want to help me be protected by making my shield better...I'll ask you to wear this ring so I can protect you better. Would you like that?" Solrisa explains her plan.

Ascaria eyes the ring, and once he’s sure it’s not something Sol really needs for the fight, he acquiesces. ”Thank you Sol, a very fine ring indeed!” He considers going down on one knee to accept but worries what Mort might think. He simply puts it on his finger, almost absent-mindedly, not knowing its portent, and casts Magic Vestment (+2 for 9 hours) on her shield, adding to its color briefly.

Eri Nandri wrote:
”Yes, please. I think my magics and yours will dovetail.”

”Sure thing Eri, but normally I’ll want to preserve my spells a little as you're not in the front line. Now though, let’s pile on. It’ll be just one fight, though a long one.” He casts Magic Vestment (+2 for 9 hours) on his… clothes I think, as he has no armor to speak of.

Tynan Swale wrote:
"Ascaria, what if anything can you do for my armor?"

Ascaria casts Detect Magic and looks at Tynan’s armor. ”Sorry friend, but I cannot make it more magical than it is already. My magics are a little limited in that regard.” he smiles his apology.

GM Rat Sass wrote:
Eventually, Guards in Gold Cloaks enter en masse to escort the 8th Hour competitors. Several catcalls from the spectators in the Coenoby see them off, then the excitement dies down. Several teams remain in the central dining area, some stoic and contemplative, others brash in ribald conversation.

Ascaria watches the teams being lead off, and counts in his head until he can hear the roar of the crowd as they, presumably, arrive topside. Then he counts off again until he hears the roar of the crowd as the fight begins. Assuming the crowd can be heard at all down here… If not, he just waits a little while before helping himself to more coffee as he drifts somewhat nervously through the crowd, always trying to keep an eye on one of his team.

GM Rat Sass & Solrisa:
So, Sol is casting Shield Other (link) on Ascaira. Should setup a nasty little feedback loop of healing and god only knows how it’ll work in the wild, but we’re about to find out. One thing though. The damage I receive through my Life Link (link) ability is questionable.

Shield Other states, “the subject takes only half damage from all wounds and attacks (including those dealt by special abilities) that deal hit point damage”. I’m not sure if the critical phrase is ‘wounds and attacks’ or ‘deal hit point damage’. My Life Link states, “the shaman takes 5 points of damage”. No wound or attack, but it is hit point damage.

It feels to me like the Life Link would bypass the Shield Other spell and apply to Ascaria only. But this is clearly gray area, and up to DM adjudication. It doesn’t matter to me how you rule, we’ll deal with either choice. So how do you want to play it?

Oh, if you decide my Life Link ability is effected by Shield Other, is it effected in batches, or singularly? For example, if in batches, and I take two incoming (10hp damage) Sol would pick up 5. However, if singularly, we round down, and so Sol would take 4 (2 from each hit). Singular feels more correct, but again, up to you.

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Solrisa clappity claps as Ascaria accepts the ring of funsies.

"Oh, this is going to be good! And you're making my shield better too! Oh!" Solrisa is getting very excited for the gladiating to begin, not minding a good scuffle for the sake of scuffling or fun.

Solrisa hugs Ascaria after she be-magics the rings that will bind them in victory or defeat.

She keeps hearing people talk about rankings and it puzzles her.

"Why do we care about rankings at all? Why don't we just do our best? Even with Mort, we probably won't win, but we can always do our bestest," Solrisa cheers and explains.

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)
Eidi wrote:
"This my friend is the drug of the fighter. Once you try out a bit of this you will keep asking for more once and again"

"Is that --?!! I mean, how is that?! You're just having me on, tell me! Is it the Weal? Maybe I should refrain from trying it until after the Games!"

GMSass wrote:
As Mortimer plays obstructionist, Pharbol takes leave of his study of the board to approach the cyclops. He wiggles a finger at the female, who lowers herself to hear what is whispered in her ear. Whatever it is, she shoots straight up, and turns to leave the gathering in a huff.

Mortimer quickly follows after the giant Cyclops -- 'narrowly' avoiding trampling Pharbol in mid-stride -- an an attempt to gently get her attention and pep-talk her in his own whisper.

"Wait -- did he upset you?! Whatever he said, it's likely not true. He's just mean spirited, and just likes to bait us taller folk. He probably thinks it makes us look clumsy and ignorant. Let's not allow him provoke us, it's a waste of energy. Let's save it for him for the arena!"

diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17

~~~ Back with the AandO -- Message
He recalls how Bleed the Freaks behaved the night before, trying to bob for fish. He pulls the 3 pound summer sausage from his backpack and places it into the haversack.

This might come in handy for something...

"Ascaria, don't forget the usual bolsters, that Bless thing -- and that other thing you do that tastes like beer!"

Solrisa wrote:
"Why do we care about rankings at all?

"We don't!"

Solrisa wrote:
"Why don't we just do our best?"

"We will!"

Solrisa wrote:
" Even with Mort, we probably won't win, but we can always do our bestest."

"even with" me? Aww! No pressure. Mortimer feels his face get a little flushed.

"Yes. The best of our er, 'bestest'." And fun too. Nuts to the Sponsors.

He wanders around the cavern checking out 10th-18th hour competitors, keeping his wary eye on Pitch Blade in particular. He also pokes his nose into the side corridors to see if his battle scarred nose can detect the presence of horses and other mounts.

Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23
Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18
Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23
Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29
+2 Inviso, Incorpo, Surprise. He's trying to get some idea of what strategies teams might be thinking of based on what he might be able to overhear and what equipment they're preparing.

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

Eri sits like when he used to hunt in the woods. He slowly un-focusses his senses and takes the great hall into his consciousness. Basically he sits on the floor just outside our room and takes it all in, listening and watching.

perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|
Ascaria wrote:
Ascaria watches the teams being lead off, and counts in his head until he can hear the roar of the crowd as they, presumably, arrive topside. Then he counts off again until he hears the roar of the crowd as the fight begins. Assuming the crowd can be heard at all down here… If not, he just waits a little while before helping himself to more coffee as he drifts somewhat nervously through the crowd, always trying to keep an eye on one of his team.

For your depth in the earth beneath the Catafalque, you are unable to hear the roaring crowd, should they be roaring at present.

Mortimer wrote:
"Wait -- did he upset you?! Whatever he said, it's likely not true. He's just mean spirited, and just likes to bait us taller folk. He probably thinks it makes us look clumsy and ignorant. Let's not allow him provoke us, it's a waste of energy. Let's save it for him for the arena!"

The giant attempts to engage the cyclops, who turns an unfriendly eye upon him. It's hard to say if the dwarf hindered any chance Mortimer had with the woman, but Baylin is unmoved by a stranger's words. And yet, she doesn't become hostile at the same time, though she continues to walk back to her room.

"How would you know, human? If you feel baited, speak to the dwarf. Leave me alone."


Your study of other teams gets more or less a rough idea of their equipment, which teams lean more heavily on armor(Blessed of Nessus, More Demon Than Demon, The Devout), which teams seem more focused on casting(Preaching and Bleaching, Wrath of Westcrown). You'll get little else in the form of conversation or eavesdropping, as all those present seem preoccupied with the day's promise of battle.


The tables in front of you allow you to watch the comings and goings of most of the teams battling later in the day.

Drusfan finishes his breakfast, beckoning Pharbol wordlessly. Pharbol slips something into Drusfan's hand, which is casually tossed at beggar Eri. Several coppers scatter into and around the archer's lap. Both dwarves enjoy another chuckle, before returning to their room.

For how shy the members of Artists and Outcasts seem to be hours before their first combat, they are eventually approached by the olive-skinned swordsman. "Eidi's group! Artisan Stoutcasks! You all look very interesting, very, uh... varied. My name is Korush. Eidi, I hoped for you to make introductions already. Ah, well, allow me. My teammates are Anslo and Bernice. We battle each other, eh? Or do we? There are the Auriga, and the Savage. How do you intend on approaching the fight?"

Perception DC 15:

The gnolls are not so subtle about paying attention to your general conversation. It looks like they might get up at any time and walk over, how they sway.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

"Oh! Sorry Korush... we are new in the Gauntlet and were a bit too nervous going on about how to handle this" he points to the rest of the members "These are Ascaria, Eri, Mortimer, Solrisa and Tynan"

Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22

"I will be frank Korush, we were most worried about you and your mounts, our best hopes were for you to charge on the archers before the elven women would harass all of us from the distance" the old half-elf looks back at the team "I guess we will have to focus on our defense in order to have an opportunity. How about you? Are you worried about the arrows and the gnolls?" Eidi says these while making a calculated stare at the gnolls nearby and observing their reaction at Korush words.

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Solrisa sits and smiles at everyone that passes by. She feels she is ready to go and just wants to enjoy things as they happen.

"Oh Eri! This is really exciting, isn't it!!? I can't wait to see what happens," Solrisa cheers happily.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|
Eidi wrote:
"I will be frank, Korush, we were most worried about you and your mounts, our best hopes were for you to charge on the archers before the elven women would harass all of us from the distance. I guess we will have to focus on our defense in order to have an opportunity. How about you? Are you worried about the arrows and the gnolls?"

Korush takes the introductions in stride, focusing on the frankness of the half-elf. He smiles wolfishly. "Glad to hear we're worrying someone down here. I'll agree with you- the archers were our first concern, as those in the know ranked them higher than us. Savage Hand has been walking around as a trio, but there are four names listed. We figure they've got something like our horses waiting for them upstairs." He smooths his mustache, thinking.

"Well, I suppose if you're willing to tackle the gnolls, we could harry the archers, until it becomes clear how we all match up. Joran and his pack are less willing to discuss their leanings. Shall we trust each other, then?" Korush smiles broadly, offering the old one his hand.


A little while after, Krinn approaches your gathered team. Korush and his mates are not visible, though the gnolls continue to linger at the tables.

The comely elf introduces herself to the rest of you. "We were hoping to avoid coming to blows, Eidi, perhaps until the later rounds. We saw Korush approach you already. Any chance you'd rather ally with us at the outset, instead? Have you already given your word to the Cavalry?"

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7
Sol wrote:
”Oh Eri! This is really exciting, isn't it!!? I can't wait to see what happens.

”Me, too. Let’s sit and have some khan and snacks while we wait.” Eri moves to the tables and finds a helper to bring those things to us.

perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Male, Gnome

Ascaria walks over to Eidi (if he's not there already) when Korush approaches. He sticks out his hand when introduced and, hopefully, shakes.

"Heavy cavalry huh? That's great! I've often thought of going around mounted, but horses are just so damn big for me." he chuckles.

He listens to their conversation and suggests, "I think we should both go after the archers, then there's a mathematical chance the gnolls will too - right?" he scratches his head a little, math not being his strong subject. "But I suppose they won't just stand there will they, so we'd better take 'em."

"If you take the archers, we'll take the gnolls I think. I don't speak for everyone of course, but it just makes good sense. Besides, the gnolls are rude." he grins.

He talks to the party when Korush leaves, using messenger to help hide his thoughts, "I think that's a good deal. We leave the cavalry alone in the opening seconds and only face each other when the bigger archer threat is taken care of. A good thing I think - are we agreed?"


GM Rat Sass wrote:

A little while after, Krinn approaches your gathered team. Korush and his mates are not visible, though the gnolls continue to linger at the tables.

The comely elf introduces herself to the rest of you. "We were hoping to avoid coming to blows, Eidi, perhaps until the later rounds. We saw Korush approach you already. Any chance you'd rather ally with us at the outset, instead? Have you already given your word to the Cavalry?"

"Oh my! What intrigue! Well, we have agreed, more or less, not to attack them in the opening round. I suppose we could focus on the gnolls if you'd like. Leave you lot alone for a moment in the opener. We'll have to face each other eventually of course, but if you like, we could play with the gnolls first." he turns and waves at the nearby gnolls and smiles brightly at them.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Eidi does not want to give his word without discussing it before with the party but Ascaria's words reassure him "Indeed what you propose aligns properly with what my team has talk. We can agree with this Korush" the half-elf shakes hands with the savage knight.

He comes to update the team about the news "Korush has proposed his team to go for the archers and leave to us the gnolls. I think we were ok with this pact. What do you think about it?"

Later, when Kirin approaches, and given the answer of the team is not very contrary, Eidi is up to explain the terms of the agreement when Ascaria arrives. Not liking to lie the elves but seeing the cunning idea of Acaria the half-elf nods in agreement "We have agreed to attack first of all the gnolls. I am also distasted to fight with all of you Krinn"
Diplomacy (to make this sound as a fair offer): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14

After updating the party, Eidi moves to somewhere with a view to the arena and observes how the games work.

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22
Eri Nandri wrote:
”Me, too. Let’s sit and have some khan and snacks while we wait.” Eri moves to the tables and finds a helper to bring those things to us.

Solrisa smiles and goes to grab some morning ham and khave with Eri.

"Oh, this is going to be fun, today!"

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)
Baylin wrote:
"[ ... ] Leave me alone."

Seems clear enough... better not say anything about 'perspective'. Though, I hope for her sake that she doesn't actually trust those jerks. Mortimer acquiesces to the Cyclops's request by halting in his tracks. It takes a few seconds as he looks concernedly after her, then remembering where he is, he picks a random direction and dejectedly walks away.

Messenging later, Mortimer lets the others know about his observations. Feel free to read the GM spoiler to Mortimer.

Korush wrote:
"Artisan Stoutcasks! You all look very interesting, very, uh... varied."
Mortimer raises an eyebrow at the Stranger's verbal fumble over their team name, and can't help but notice him looking over the group, particularly Solrisa and her breastplate. Everything about this guy bothers me.
"My name is Korush. Eidi, I hoped for you to make introductions already. Ah, well, allow me. My teammates are Anslo and Bernice. We battle each other, eh? Or do we? There are the Auriga, and the Savage. How do you intend on approaching the fight?"

He finds himself nodding in greeting as is customary when introductions are made.

PerceptionDC15: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31 +2 ...

Mortimer finds himself glancing at the Gnolls.
If you go by ranking, the odds are so very much against us... none of these people should be all that worried about us.

Tynan wrote:
"I know that Korush from Black Opal Cavalry was pretty interested in the weal/woe decisions of the Dwarves ... "

... does it work like a wild card to throw off the odds along all of the matchups?

Korush wrote:
"I'll agree with you- the archers were our first concern, as those in the know ranked them higher than us. Shall we trust each other, then?"

Korush smiles broadly, offering the old one his hand.

I have a doubt... "Tell us, Korush -- you have been through the Gauntlet before. What can you tell us of your experiences? Just how accurate are the odds... ?" to those 'in the know'? he trails off.

A little while after, Krinn approaches your gathered team. Korush and his mates are not visible, though the Gnolls continue to linger at the tables.

Krinn wrote:
The comely elf introduces herself to the rest of you.

Mortimer's eyes flicker a tiny bit. He smiles in greeting, making sure he's just out of her reach. "I liked the way you 'handled' that Wildman," he sheepishly confesses, embarrassed by his pun. He bows and peers at her through his thick layers of eyeliner. Damn that Ekaym and his makeups.

Krinn wrote:
"We were hoping to avoid coming to blows, Eidi, perhaps until the later rounds. We saw Korush approach you already. Any chance you'd rather ally with us at the outset, instead? Have you already given your word to the Cavalry?"

"No, we have not already given our word to the Cavalry!" exclaims Mortimer suddenly.

Mortimer straightens up finally and turns to Eidi enthusiastically. "Yes, what do you think Your Venerable-ness? Krinn has gotten your back at least once already this evening that I noticed. Korush -- I'm not so sure about him. I mean, he didn't even get our Team name correct. He seems -- unfocused -- at best."

If it isn't clear, in the later 'private' group discussion, Mortimer will clearly state that he doesn't trust Korush, and would feel most uncomfortable cutting a deal with him.

Male, Gnome

As the party discusses, via messenger and presumably alone in their rooms, their options, Ascaria listens to Mort’s concerns. ”Oh I agree, I don’t know any of these people, the elves neither, and so who knows if any of ‘em are being honest with us, but that’s OK I think.” He is clearly not concerned about the honesty of the other groups.

He paces back and forth as he thinks, ”My fear is that we walk out there and all three teams turn on us - and try to squash us right off. If we can, through pacts, get one or two of the teams to turn on folks other than us at the start, we win. But if they don’t abide by our little agreements, well, that’s life - and no worse than I'm expecting.”

”Our original plan was to spend two rounds in preparation, now that we can cast a few things in advance, and then attack a team - assuming none have already charged into us while we’re preparing. I still think that’s a good plan. If we have agreements with both the cavalry and the elves, the team we attack, when we’re ready, is the gnolls. They're not a bad starting point anyway since we know little about them.”

”Of course we may be attacked before we’re ready in which case we respond in kind to whomever attacks us first. Even if the elves should hold their bows, we should still defend ourselves against them while we prepare eh Eidi? For that matter, anyone have any suggestions how to avoid a cavalry charge?”

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Eidi looks at Korush from afar "For much that I agree there is a risk, I would rather not turn against it, specially if we can come to a fair neutral agreement with both as Ascaria already offered them. I support the gnome on this"

"If the elves decide to attack us while we prepare, I will just create something where to hide from their arrows" he pauses about the second question "I have seen before at war the use of lances to brace against a charge. But some magic in between them and us can obstacle them enough too"

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)
Ascaria wrote:
”Oh I agree, I don’t know any of these people, the elves neither, and so who knows if any of ‘em are being honest with us, but that’s OK I think. Even if the elves should hold their bows, we should still defend ourselves against them while we prepare eh Eidi? For that matter, anyone have any suggestions how to avoid a cavalry charge?”

"Well, I'd trust the Elves before Korush, as they have already risked disqualification on Eidi's behalf -- to go after Gnolls before going after us. They are after all, ranked higher if nothing else. What if we made a pact with the Gnolls and the Elves to -- all of us -- go after Korush? That might solve the Cavalry charge problem. They Gnolls have been eavesdropping on our meetings with both teams. They seem to want to engage us, but won't make the first move. I wonder if I should go over to them and attempt to glean something about their attitudes toward this battle, but Diplomacy is clearly not my strong suit."

Male, Gnome

Ascaira listens to Mort's suggestion and shrugs, "The gnolls wouldn't talk to me, but perhaps if I knew their language it'd be different."

"If you want to approach them and see what they say, I think that's a fine idea. I dunno that I trust a gnoll more than Korush, but you seem to and I trust your opinion. Go talk to the gnolls and see what they have to say."

"After all, if they all agree to fight each other, we can just sit back and watch until they whittle each other down."

"I like the sound of that." he grins. "We don't attack Korush, we don't attack the elves, we don't attack the gnolls. We just sit back and prepare."

"I don't think we need to attack Korush."

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

"I have no experience with Gnolls, Canary, to trust them or not, and that's not quite the strategy I had in mind. What if I convinced them to work with our Team and the Elves to crush the Cavalry?"

... if there are no objections --

Mortimer walks out into the great hall, locates the Gnoll table and heads over to it.

"May I have a seat?" he whispers abruptly while taking a chair and flipping it around to sit. "All of our odds increase if we work together to crush the Cavalry. What say you?"

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Solrisa's head spins with all the talk of strategy and making deals. She does listen politely to everyone and makes it clear that she will go with the consensus of the group...but...

"But I don't think it's fair to make deals. If we're going to win, we should fight it proper out with everyone," Solrisa says.

"I think we should only fight those that move against us, striking back with fury when attacked," Solrisa says. "When someone attacks us, that's when we return the whatfor." Solrisa smashes her large manish left hand into her right palm, indicating what the 'whatfor' was in case someone did not know.

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