Mystic Theurge

Eri Nandri's page

913 posts. Alias of sfernsler.

Full Name

Eri Nandri




Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7




Chaotic Good




Hunter / Trapper

Strength 13
Dexterity 17
Constitution 10
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 10
Charisma 24

About Eri Nandri

Eri started off in the mines. As a young child he liked to explore them. His parents usually left him to his own devices and he found ways to get into the mines undetected. That was all fine and good until he became old enough to work them. He liked wandering them, but when he was forced to be in them and stay in one spot that changed slowly over time, he became restless fast. Being with a large group of people bugged him. Cave-ins worried him, but not as much as the fear of being stuck in a small space with a bunch of his fellow workers. He always had an eye out for how to get back to the surface. The rest of his senses were tuned to the rock, the fetid air and anything else that might portend danger. If something was going down, he wanted to know first. Mining did not come easily. In fact, Eri didn't really pick up on anything they tried to teach him. He did find time to learn how to shoot his bow.

In his meanderings his innate magic skill emerged. Soon he was freaking out his coworkers and bosses with strange noises and magic tricks. He tried to keep it secret but was not good at going unnoticed. Tired of his nonsense he was sent off to learn from Allustan, the local wizard. In him Eri found a kindred spirit. Neither of them gained solace from others and so when Eri would wander off Allustan would not really notice. He would give him errands or tasks to figure out and Eri was content to go off and figure it out for himself. One day Eri was sent off on a task and kind of forgot to go back. For awhile Allustan kept expecting him to return. This expectation slowly turned into a vague sense of something missing. Allustan would squint into the distance looking for something, stop and mutter to himself and then go back to work.


[spoiler=Stats and Saves]
Fighter (archer)(1) / Sorcerer (7)(effective lvl 13)(storm born) / Eldritch Knight (7)


Acrobatics = +3
Appraise = +1
Bluff = +7 (0 rank)
Craft (origami) = 5 (1 rank)
Climb = +5 (1 rank)
Diplomacy = +8 (0 ranks, trait)
Disguise = +7
Escape Artist = +3
Fly = +3
Heal = +0
Intimidate = +7
Knowledge (Arcana) = +19 (15 ranks)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) = +11 (7 ranks)
Knowledge (Geography) = +6 (1 rank, trait)
Knowledge (Nobility) = +6 (2 rank)
Knowledge (local) = +7 (2 rank)
Knowledge (nature) = +5 (1 rank)
Knowledge (planes) = +5 (1 rank)
Linguistics= +0
Perception = +6 (6 ranks)
Profession Trapper= +4 (1 rank)
Ride = +3
Sense Motive = +4 (1 rank)
Spellcraft = +19 (15 ranks)
Stealth = +6 (1 rank)
Survival = +5 (1 rank, trait)
Swim = 1

Saving Throws:

Fortitude +13 (+2 fight, +2 sorc, +4 ER, +5 cloak )
Reflex +13 (+2 fight, +2 sorc., +2 ER, +2 dex, +5 cloak)
Will +12 (+5 sorc., +2 ER, +5 cloak)

Armor Class= 15 (dex+3) (amulet+2)
Touch AC = 13
Flat-Footed AC = 12

CMB = +12
CMD = +24
HP = 74

BAB = 11
Initiative = +2
Move = 30'base

Feats and Traits and Powers:

Diamond in the Rough: +1 trait bonus: Knowledge Local, Diplomacy. kn:local becomes class skill
Nomadic +1 trait bonus: knowledge geography, survival kn:geo = class skill

Bloodline Powers:
Thunder staff: standard action touch weapon giving shock property for rounds per 1/2 sorc. lvl
Stormchild: resist electricity 5 and sonic 5 and treat wind effects as being one step less severe.

Weapon Focus (bow) +1 att
Point Blank Shot +1att/dam w/in 30'
Precise Shot (no -4)
Eschew Materials
Combat Casting +4 concentration (lvl +13, feat +4, Cha +7 =+24)
Cast defensively DC: 15 +double spell lvl
Rapid Shot
Spell Penetration +2 to caster level to overcome spell resistance (d20 + caster level +2)
Greater Spell Penetration +2 to caster level to overcome spell resistance (d20 + caster level +2 (+4))
Dodge +1 AC
Empower Spell (+1/2 damage dice)
Selective Spell (+1 spell level to not target 4 people in AoE spell)
Dispel Focus (+2 on dispel roll)
Many Shot (Fire 2 arrows at once for first shot)
Free Spirit (+2 bonus vs. mind affecting all escape artist or grapple checks to escape)


Defensive casting concentration check = +24 (@13th, with headband, feat)
Spell Penetration= +17 (@13th) [feats: spell pen and greater spell pen]
Dispel magic level check= +15 (@13th)

known: 9/7/5/5/4/3/2
b]Orisons[/b] DC:14(Acid Splash, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand, Spark, Message, Prestidigitation, Read Magic)
First Level: DC:18 (7/7 per day 4/4 stones) (Detect Secret Doors, Feather Fall, Grease. Gravity Bow, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, shocking grasp)
Second Level: DC:19 (7/7 per day) (Acid Arrow, Admonishing Ray, Scorching Ray, Glitterdust, Knock)
Third Level: DC:20 (6/6 per day) (Battering Blast, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Mad Monkees)
Fourth Level: DC:21 (7/7 per day) (Detect Scrying, dimensional anchor , Rigor Mortis, Summon Monster IV)
Fifth Level: DC:22 (4/4 per day) ( Fire Snake
, Parchment Swarm, Sonic Thrust)
Sixth Level: DC:23 (4/4 per day) (Elemental Assessor, greater dispel)

Equipment and Wealth:

GPS: 1375

Mundane Items
regular composite long bow set to str 13, 200 gps
regular long bow
throwing ax 8 gps d6, x2, 10ft,
dagger 2gps d4, 19-20 x2, 10ft
Bedroll 1sp
Blanket 5sp
Hammock 1sp
35 ft. silk rope

Magic Items

Quiver of Elhonna
+2, veering, rod of fury composite long bow : 8000 gps
4 spears
20 silver, pointy (42/20)
19 Cold Iron, Ghost Salt (402/20) (allows you to hit incorporeal undead)
20 Silver, Blunt (42/20)
17 javelins
1 unfinished rod of many parts

In a separate Quiver of Elhonna
60 Cold Iron Arrows arrows 6gps
18 javelins
5 spears
1 long bow

potion of cure moderate
potion of cure moderate
potion of touch of the sea

potion of blur
potion of cat’s grace
potion of expeditious retreat
potion of invisibility
potion of spider climb

(x2) scroll of dispel magic
(x1) scroll of inviso sphere
(x9) scroll of magic missile
(x5) scroll of locate object

Headband of Alluring Charisma +4
(x2)First Aid Gloves (5 charges)
+2 amulet of natural armor
Quick Runner’s Shirt
+5 cloak of resistance (resistance bonus)
Four (4) Runestones of Power 1st level

[spoiler=Ring of the wind dukes]Ring- Success! This is a Ring of the Wind Dukes. The Ring bestows one negative level on any chaotic creature that wears it. The negative level remains as long as the ring is worn and disappears when it is not. This negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the ring is worn. As long as it is worn, the wearer ignores the effects of strong winds and gains resistance to electricity 10. Once per day, she may use Charm Monster against any creature with the Air subtype. Elementals suffer a –4 penalty on saving throws against this effect. Once per day as a standard action, the wearer of the ring can transform into a 60-foot-long line of lightning. All creatures in this line suffer 10d6 points of electrical damage (Reflex DC 14 halves). The wearer returns to physical form at the opposite end of the line of lightning.

Personality and Appearance:

Eri looks like he spends a lot of time outside. His skin is young, but ruddy and wind blown. His gaze alternated between piercing and meandering. He has sturdy gear that is at the beginning of many years of use. His clothing is mainly buckskin leather with some bits of wolf fur lining added when it gets cold. He has seen some small part of the world and he wants to see more.

His personality comes from spending some time in the trees watching the forest. He's not a good spotter as his mind tends to wander so he tends to spend more time hunting and trapping then he really needs to. He's good with a bow and makes up for his poor perception by laying traps placed well using some knowledge of the land and some knowledge gotten from acquaintances in town. He can spend long hours paying his dues in the cold outdoors, but he likes to counter that when he can with warm food and good company, but not too much. He really loves listening to nothing and watching as it breezes by.