Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Round 9, Init 7
Solrisa's smile fades briefly as Korush declines to face her.
"...certainly take a while..."
"Oh, no, Korush!" Solrisa replies, her smile returning, but also with some sternness. "I could never be with someone too afraid to face me in funsie combat."
Solrisa lashes out at Korush not once, not twice, but thrice (or until he falls).
Power attack. One hand.
1d20 + 16 - 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 16 - 3 + 2 + 1 = 21 to hit; (-PA,heroism,+1 magic,+prayer)
1d10 + 6 + 6 + 1d6 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 6 + 6 + (2) + 2 + 1 + 1 = 28 magic nonlethal damage.
Power attack. One hand.
1d20 + 11 - 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 11 - 3 + 2 + 1 = 27 to hit; (-PA,heroism,+1 magic,+prayer)
1d10 + 6 + 6 + 1d6 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 6 + (4) + 2 + 1 + 1 = 22 magic nonlethal damage.
Power attack. One hand. BoF.
1d20 + 16 - 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 16 - 3 + 2 + 1 = 20 to hit; (-PA,heroism,+1 magic,+prayer)
1d10 + 6 + 6 + 1d6 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 6 + 6 + (5) + 2 + 1 + 1 = 26 magic nonlethal damage.
AC=29 (+9 armor +2 dex +1 NA +4 shield+2 def+1 def) -2 (charge)
HP= 78/78
Right hand = long sword
Left hand = shield
LoH 0/7 used (4d6+1d6)
Quick Shirt 0/1 used
The Dragon Invoked 0/3 used
Breath of the Dragon 1/2 used
Power attack. One hand.
[ dice]1d20+16-3+2+1[/dice] to hit; (-PA,heroism,+1 magic,+prayer)
[ dice]1d10+6+6+1d6+2+1+1[/dice] magic nonlethal damage.
[ dice]1d20+11-3[/dice] to hit; (-PA,)
[ dice]1d10+6+6[/dice] magic damage.
Power attack. Two hand.
[ dice]1d20+16-3[/dice] to hit; (-PA)
[ dice]1d10+8+9[/dice] magic damage.
[ dice]1d20+11-3[/dice] to hit; (-PA)
[ dice]1d10+8+9[/dice] magic damage.
Shield Other (9 hours, Ascaria)
Magic Vestment (9 hours, Blue Light Special Shield, +2)
Shield of Faith (+1 def, Eidi)
Heroism (90 minutes, Eidi, +2 morale attx, saves, skills)
Weapon of Awe (+2 sacred damage rolls, +crit bonus)
Prot Fire (108 hp, Ascaria)
+2 sword and merciful (+1d6, nonlethal)
Prayer (+1 sacred on lots, Ascaria)
BoF (awesome, Ascaria) +2 to def/reflex unless otherwise stated
Eri Nandri |
Round 9 Init 16 AC:22
BoF: Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves
Eri 5’-steps back and casts burning disarm on Korush.
disarm dam: 5d4 ⇒ (3, 2, 2, 1, 2) = 10
”That’ll do, sir. “
AC 14 or 18 [dex +3, amu +1, m. armor +4]
CMD 18
BAB +5
Defensive casting = +15 (@7th)
Spell Penetration= +9 (@7th)
The spells/day listed will include the casting (if any) that I made this round
b]Orisons[/b] DC:14(Acid Splash, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand, Spark, Message, Prestidigitation)
First Level: DC:15 (4/7 per day 4/4 stones) (Burning Disarm, Feather Fall, Grease. Gravity Bow, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, shocking grasp)
Second Level: DC:16 (7/7 per day) (Acid Arrow, Admonishing Ray, Glitterdust, Gust of Wind)
Third Level: DC:17 (1/4 per day) (Dispel Magic, Fireball, Lightning Bolt)
Thunder staff charges: 6/7 (extra d6 dam, 3 rnds ea.)
Shock rounds 0/3
Quick Runner’s Shirt Charge 0/1
Weapon equipped = +2 Composite Long Bow
+11 or +9/+9 (fight+1, sorc +3, EK +1, WF, +1, dex +3 bow +2)
+12 or +10/+10 within 30' with +1 dam
Damage bump: +8 [+2 (bow) +2(str) +2 (feat ex pull) +2 (feat arcane weap)]
GM Rat Sass |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
With the elves surrendering, all eyes turn towards Korush, the remaining Black Opal Cavalry member, and leader.
Ascaria recenters himself, holding back from further healing, as another Legio falls. Eri tries to remove the scimitar from the lone man, with heat. Korush stands his ground, allowing the heat to sear his palm, and forearm.
"Trying to knock the weapon from my hand? You, sir, have no honor."
Mortimer manages a decent blow across the swordsman's jaw, likely shattering it. In his zeal to subdue, the giant fails to guide the horse home in its attack. Tynan mimes a lunge at too far a distance to hit anything in melee, though he seems confident something might have occurred.
Solrisa brings her sword down, though she fails to hit. It's only when the momentum carries her weapon upwards into her next strike, connecting forcefully between Korush's faulds, that the maiden finds the man's weakness. He groans loudly, dropping his weapon, and doubling over to clutch his family opals with both hands.
The crowd erupts in an undulating wave of cheers! It takes the Catafalque several minutes to quiet enough to hear even Talabir's amplified voice.
"Alright, alright now!! YES!!! We have our victors- your applause is well and truly justified, for the battle we have just witnessed. Artists and Outcasts shall continue the Gauntlet!! Be sure to attend their next Battle, two days hence!! Congratulations, Eidi, and Ascaria, and Eri, and Mortimer, and Solrisa, and Tynan!! You have honored the Queen with your prowess, and with the blood spilt today, you, in turn, are honored as contributors to the Tribute to Asmodeus!!"
As the Gauntlet's main referee addresses you, all conquered Legios, alive or dead, are brought from the field. Rennida and Anetah accompany their sisters' bodies, while the corpses of the Savage Hand are carted by Gold Cloaks, each and every one. The horses of the Black Opal Cavalry are reined in, the bodies of Anslo and Bernice still sitting in their saddles. Once Mortimer is instructed to dismount, Korush is thrown over his own saddle and led away.
From the viewing platform, Kendra and Loris speak quietly to themselves, while the Queen Herself applauds you politely. You are escorted from the field by your own gaggle of Gold Cloaks, returning to the Coenoby, where all awaiting Legios come to see who has returned. Most of them look surprised that it is the Artists and Outcasts who have managed to triumph. Auric and Khellek nod to you all from a distance, knowingly.
The 10th Hour has concluded.
Ascaria |
Weapon Equipped = None
Conditions = Magic Vestment on Buckler (+2 ench AC)(1/9h), Shield Other (+1 def AC, +1 res saves)(1/6h), Bless (2/18m), Protection from Fire communal (2/15m), Prayer (9/18r), Blessing of Fervor (9/9r)
Life Link (9)(100’) = Eidi, Eri, Mort, Sol, Tynan
Channel Energy (2/9)(7/7) (DC: 22)(Avoid 6) (5d6+1+2d6)
Amiable Blunder (1/1) (if Diplomacy failed by >5, reroll to avoid worsening attitude)
Rod of Extend (lesser) (1/3)
Melee Attack: BAB +6/+1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Ranged Attack: BAB +6/+1, Dex +1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Spells (Caster Level 9, Concentration +15)
Once per Day: Arcane Mark, Comprehend Languages, Message, Read Magic
Zero (16): Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Spark, Stabilize
First (17): (7/8) Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Diagnose Disease, Enhance Water, Liberating Command, Remove Fear
Second (18): (7/8) Burst of Radiance, Cure Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Light Prison, Pilfering Hand, Suppress Charms and Compulsions
Third (19): (3/7) Cure Serious Wounds, Daylight, Magic Vestments, Neutralize Poison, Prayer
Fourth (20): (3/5) Blessings of Fervor, Cure Critical Wounds, Protection from Energy Communal, Restoration
At the start of the round, Mort and Eidi are healed, but then Ascaria drops all the links in a single immediate action.
As Korush slumps, Ascaria rushes to the elves and cavalry in the NE using the last round of Blessings to boost his feet. He channels once, hoping to stave off death for any unfortunates - or at least let the survivors leave under their own power with some dignity.
Channel Energy (healing): 7d6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 6, 2, 4, 1, 5, 5) + 1 = 27
He then returns to the party and enjoys the adulation of the crowd, though he cannot see them. He feels their warmth in the pounding of their hands and feet as the sounds wash over him. He waives at the invisible throng, thanking them for the rush. All our combats should be like this!
When he gets back downstairs, he gathers the party for another round of healing in the privacy of their rooms.
Channel Energy (healing): 7d6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 5, 5, 5, 6, 2, 5) + 1 = 32
After the channel, he spends a minute chatting in between focusing on each member of the party and re-linking them.
"That went well. Very well indeed, though we scattered more than I'd like, we had to to meet the enemy. Tynan, that was pretty slick, pretending to be me there to confuse the archers. They went after the big man anyway, but that was cool.” he laughs, giddy with their success.
He rambles on for some minutes chatting about the high points of the battle and praising everyone's accomplishments in turn. He clearly had a great time, and looks forward to the upcoming bout in two days.
"So what is on tap next? Is it more teams, or do we face a creature? Does anyone know? What are we supposed to do in the meantime?"
* Mort and Eidi each heal 5hp of damage thanks to Ascaria.
Sol - you take 4hp total damage from Ascaria’s absorptions prior to the channel.
Eidi |
Eidi trembles as the end of the mass combat arrives. He attempts to hide it leaning over his staff "I would not like to be proud of fighting, but that was quite a battle, isn't it?"
The half-elf then tends his hand towards Korush and attempts to help him up by casting a healing spell if needed "You are a proud fighter Korush. You fight well and only fell due to our sheer numbers"
If possible he also acknowledges the elven females boldness "You are wild and fury. It was tremendous to fight with you"
He then turns to greet the public, maintaining a serious facial expression for once.
As the group walks out of public eyes he closes up to the group "It is clear now Celeste was totally right choosing you" he cleans his tunics from the sand "Yes, that arena is huge Ascaria, but perhaps next time there will be not that many ranged combatants"
"As far as I know we will have a free day tomorrow so we can recover" he then whispers "and investigate looking for those scrolls"
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
He channels once, hoping to stave off death for any unfortunates - or at least let the survivors leave under their own power with some dignity.
Solrisa smiles broadly at this, widely showing approval with her teeth. She beams triumphantly and begins to congratulate everyone on such good fighting.
"Ascaria! I never felt bad at all during the fight! It was very, very nice!" Sol beams at the little gnome then turns to Eidi. "Eidi! I'm so sorry Korush attacked you, I was coming as fast as I could. I don't see how he even got there! It was like magic!"
Sol looks happy to see Eidi okay.
"Eri, your lightballs were very nice. Next time we celebrate, you should do those in the sky! I would clap!" Solrisa smiles at Eri. "And Tynan, it was a very good game of oopsie topsie! I had lots of fun!"
Finally she comes to Mortimer, the giant.
"Oh Mort! The way you stopped those arrows was very very nice. And you punched them too! It was very good! We should do this again!"
Solrisa is quite giddy.
Mortimer Smith |
"You, sir, have no honor."
Mortimer glances at Eri as he clocks Korush in the jaw, "'Honor'? I don't think that word means what Mr. 'Disappears Into Thin Air' thinks it means."
"I've seen your skill, beautiful one. It wouldn't last a while. Now, I can think of other things we could do, that would certainly last for a while..."
Sol wrote:"I could never be with someone too afraid to face me in funsie combat."
... Korush is going to regret having said what he said...
Solrisa brings her sword down, though she fails to hit. It's only when the momentum carries her weapon upwards into her next strike, connecting forcefully between Korush's faulds, that the maiden finds the man's weakness. He groans loudly, dropping his weapon, and doubling over to clutch his family opals with both hands.
Dismount: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Mortimer jumps off the Horse and leans over Korush."Hey, Mr. Incorporeal WantToBe, don't worry -- they'll come back down again someday. Thank Sol and her mercy -- she knows what she's doing. That kind of blow can kill a man outright!" He slaps him on the back in a comradery way.
He then thankfully, but with also a twinge of remorse, watches Ascaria scurry off to heal the downed competitors littering the field.
Were it not for the Calvary, that could have turned out very different for us. Not knowing what else to do, he bows to the standing Elves in respect.
"... and with the blood spilt today, you, in turn, are honored as contributors to the Tribute to Asmodeus!!" From the viewing platform, Kendra and Loris speak quietly to themselves, while the Queen Herself applauds you politely.
"Did he just say that the blood spilt ... contributes to the Tribute of Asmodeus? Is it me, or did he make that sound like it's a bigger thing than one would otherwise think? Something tells me, we're going to be really popular in not so much a good way tonight," Mortimer whispers trying to conceal his distaste for the venue by gritting his teeth has he gazes upon Loris and Kendra.
"Oh Mort! The way you stopped those arrows was very very nice. And you punched them too! It was very good! We should do this again!" Solrisa is quite giddy.
Mortimer tries to steady Solrisa in her excitement by placing his hands on her armored shoulders. He speaks very quietly, "Oh, you and your merciful ways did great too, Sol. Even being not out to kill or spill, I didn't enjoy all of the punching so much..." Hoping she's steadied enough, he withdraws his shoulder 'embrace' and looks around the arena before settling his eyes back on Loris and Kendra. "But it looks like we're not quite done here yet anyway. We need to find the next puzzle piece to fighting the greater evil of worms and cults and black dragons."
"So what is on tap next? Is it more teams, or do we face a creature? Does anyone know? What are we supposed to do in the meantime?"
"Thanks for the healing, and beer and ... stuff, Canary. I think what is up next, maybe a restless night. I'm not sure I like the way Loris and Kendra were whispering to each other after our 'Win' -- I don't think they expected that outcome, exactly."
"As far as I know we will have a free day tomorrow so we can recover," he then whispers, "and investigate looking for those scrolls."
He turns to Eidi.
"Also, what Eidi said -- about those scrolls. You've been here before Eidi? You know how this place works? How do we go about finding out about those scrolls while trying to watch our own backs at the same time? We were just the Tenth Hour. I wonder how the other gladiators on deck today will fare... I don't mind telling you, I'd like to confront who we have to -- find those things as soon as possible -- and get out of this -- HellHole!"GM Rat Sass |
The Coenoby stirs with activity, as the 12th, and 14th Hour Battles all come to pass. With each passing hour, your accommodations underground become more and more vacant.
The 12th Hour Victors arrive several minutes after their Battle. The Legio called The Devout managed to overcome Manic Tyrannical by a swift betrayal, with punishing flanks from the outset. Looking for strength in numbers, the Manic duo began the fight amidst The Devout, seeking to shield themselves from the first round's ranged attacks. They never saw the second round... The Devout enjoy themselves at the tables, watching and eating, eating and watching.
The 14th Hour Victors, Blood of the Serpent, arrives quietly, almost evading detection, until Pharbol calls them out boisterously from the kitchen doorway. The four monks return to their quarters, talking quietly among themselves. Little trickles down to the Coenoby regarding the dynamics of their Battle, other than it was over far too quickly.
The dwarves of Pitch Blade begin to bark out at their competitors, as to the noble work they'll perform for the Gauntlet, by prolonging their battle to compensate for the monks' lack of showmanship.
The kitchen is in full gear, as the awaiting Legios partake of the pantry.
The food items and bottles of wine provided to The Devout is noticeably finer quality, which is saying something.
Roll20 Map has been updated.
Mortimer Smith |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
"Boy, look at the Devout's spread!" Mortimer exclaims, peering out the door of the team's room. "It's like they're eating a 7 course meal at a four star restaurant! I haven't seen any other team get the Gold Dragon Foie Gras or the Dire Shark Fin Soup! The wine looks expensive too! The only thing missing is the fancy table cloth, napkins and the center piece."
He watches in morbid fascination as the Devout pig out over the rare food.
"Is it because they're 'devout' worshipers of Asmodeus? -- And what is that?!!"
He pauses gawking, like one watching in disbelief the aftermath of a really bad car accident.
"I couldn't eat any of that anyway, especially the Dragon. I'd feel really bad. Good think Raziel isn't here to see that. I think I'll stick to the wild caught trout."
Mortimer examines the updated roster.
8th Hour
Preaching and Bleaching(4)- Asleek, Eaudil, Cagreci, Iruth
More Demon Than Demon(4)- Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion
Cerberus(3)- Doaki, Eyagino, Ip’klam
Ratking(2)- ???. ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???
10th Hour
Auriga Arcana(6)- Rennida, Krinn, Eelyssa, Anetah
Savage Hand(5)- Joran, Scriminaduro, Gnasc, Thryn
Black Opal Cavalry(5)- Korush, Anslo, Bernice
Artists and Outcasts(3)- Eidi, Ascaria, Eri, Mortimer, Tynan, Solrisa
12th Hour
Blessed of Nessus(4)- Jophiel, Pakrolas, Nesex, Socha
Meet the Grave(3)- Ryleth, Myleth, Nereth, Weyleth
The Devout(3)- Hallela, Urao the Black, Srastru, Theam
Manic Tyrannical(2)- Mormahr, Cloirin
14th Hour
Blood of the Serpent(7)- Hana, Dul, Set, Net
Wrath of Westcrown(4)- Len, Curoe, Maecleklo, Tis Raaveo, Esenoen, Laorudri
The Raveners(4)- Dukk, Armin, Goad
Teeth of Gorum(3)- Xruul, Ghamok, Onugug, Perthag, Durz
16th Hour
Pitch Blade(8)- Drusfan, Pharbol
The Eyes of Abendego (5)- Baylin, Othafoc
Tempest(3)- Vhane, Buhiif, Breaur, Richaen
Bleed the Freaks(2)- Winkin, Blinkin, Stinkin, Cod
18th Hour
Auric’s Warband(9)- Auric, Khellek, Flesh Golems
Blackwater Root(3)- Kremaa, Ribess, Chom, Gizurk, Sklag, Grinth
Devil’s Folly(3)- Mew, Mock, Blas, Phemy, Fetor
Backdoor Menace(1)- Owukunk, Grink
Ignoring the odds, he says, "I'm kinda rootin' for Bleed the Freaks, but unless they have something really sneaky up their sleeves, I don't think they stand a chance."
Ascaria |
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"As far as I know we will have a free day tomorrow so we can recover" he then whispers "and investigate looking for those scrolls"
"Also, what Eidi said -- about those scrolls. You've been here before Eidi? You know how this place works? How do we go about finding out about those scrolls while trying to watch our own backs at the same time? We were just the Tenth Hour. I wonder how the other gladiators on deck today will fare... I don't mind telling you, I'd like to confront who we have to -- find those things as soon as possible -- and get out of this -- HellHole!"
Ascaria’s eyes go wide. ”Oh, right!” he stammers, ”I almost forgot why we’re down here. Would be a shame to get caught though and miss the fighting.” he looks up at the ceiling, thinking of the roar of the crowd above.
He looks around, ”So. What’s the plan? The guards seem to have the side passages pretty well blockaded. Maybe if we could get the lizard folk to brawl or something, they might shift loose long enough to get past them, but then we’ll need another diversion to get back out. I don’t know.”
He considers his spells and options. He turns to Eidi, ”I know you cast some arcane spells. I don’t suppose you can make us all invisible huh?”
Ignoring the odds, he says, "I'm kinda rootin' for Bleed the Freaks, but unless they have something really sneaky up their sleeves, I don't think they stand a chance."
Ascaria nods his head in agreement.
Eidi |
Eidi smiles when Solrisa approaches "There is no reason to be sorry Solrisa. I made what I could to take some attention so you are more free to finish the job." he touches his back "I guess when you get that old it means you are not that easy to die"
Then, when the conversation revolts about the scrolls Eidi tries to talk through the the whispering message "I do not have knowledge of the layout but we can try to gain some information from some of the guards. After we rest today I can prepare a locate object spell. It is not guaranteed it will work, but we might get to know where the scrolls are if we get lucky" he then smiles at Ascaria when the gnome asks about invisibility "You can be sure of it. I can even make us invisible today. The only limitation is you should stay within 10 feet from me, and it will only last 16 minutes at most. But tomorrow I can prepare more of those I think it might be of use"
He then nods about the discussion "Simple is always best. Let's make them discuss"
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Solrisa smiles broadly as she returns to the Coenoby, happily distracted by their win. She hasn't ever won much in her life, and is happy to have finally won something, even if it was just one small part of a bigger thing.
Solrisa's eyes go wide and she bonks her forehead.
"OH YES!! I'm supposed to...!!" Solrisa exclaims in loud surprise before she remembers the secrecy of their quest. She lowers her voice to a cheerful whisper: "I'm supposed to check out Loris for not being a good man. He might be bad!"
Solrisa squints her eyes, looking around the Coenoby, as if practicing for later. She won't forget again. No, totally not.
Eri Nandri |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
perception DC15: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
The kitchen smells fill Eri’s nostrils. His smile persists despite Eri’s repeated dismissing of it. Finally he says, ”I can’t sit here right now. I need some food and drink. I think we’ve earned some celebration. Anyone care to join me?” He continues in message: “We can continue to discuss here. It’s not perfectly secure but my stomach is rumbling and I am entirely too sober right now.”
He pauses briefly as he looks at the party before heading out to the big table.
Calling a waiter over he begins a lengthy discussion of his food and drink preferences. His aim is to try something new and delicious that is a little outside of his comfort. He begins with drink.
Ascaria |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Ascaria is delighted that they can all be invisible. "GREAT! Yes, let's wait until tomorrow when we can be invisible both coming and going - just in case."
"For now, we should celebrate! I feel like a drink as well!"
Ascaria follows Eri out into the main room and plants himself next to him. As the drinks flow, he takes out some paper and doodles the battle above. He spirals the drawing around the Asmodean symbol in the floor, and draws little battles around the rim, trying to capture each round of action as it occurred - not in space but in time, so the characters are represented several times throughout the drawing.
As usual, he is not present in the finished piece.
drawing: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16
He can't get the pieces to fit together as he'd like, and the entire thing comes out like one big holy symbol to Asmodeus. It dominates the page, and frustrates his creativity. In the end, he crumples it up and tosses it into the fire. "Damn unholy symbol" he complains to himself.
Much later, with a few drinks in his belly, he tries again, this time giving life to the party going on around him. He tries to capture the faces in the crowd, blurring the bodies and other background in a whirl of shades. He wonders what color might bring to his drawings, but has no colored pencils to try...
drawing: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
Dissatisfied with this work he burns it as well, and his repeated failures color his evening. He settles for the companionship of the party, but he seems a little distant and uneasy. Unusual for him...
GM Rat Sass |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
The Devout have barely finished with their sumptuous spread, when Backdoor Menace wheedles time at their leftover lunch, picking over the faux foie gras, the tender bits of dragon liver, however small. Their eyes roll several times as their culinary pleasure centers are stroked, over and over. The members of The Devout take over Auriga Arcana's room, enjoying a vantage over the common area.
Meanwhile, Drusfan and Pharbol sit and sharpen a pair of throwing axes, which they toss back and forth to each other, then resume sharpening. They keep an eye on the pair of cyclops, murmuring strategy with interspersed chuckles. The Eyes of Abendego wait patiently at the entrance of the Coenoby, occasionally touching foreheads and whispering to each other, while Tempest suits up in fine armor, and circles around, bowing their heads in prayer.
Bleed the Freaks notices the various gatherings of their competition, so decide wordlessly to enter a game of hot potato... with alchemist's bombs. Their pace begins slowly, as they enter a chant among themselves. Their pace speeds up, as they chuck the bomb more quickly with every travel around the circle... "When we go right, nothing goes wrong... When we go fight, nothing stands long... Catch a break, break a bone, bone a fish, fish a creek, creak a board, board a boat, boat a..." BOOM!! The poor loser of the round stands, laughing, his team mates laughing along, as he wipes the blast from his face, and pats out the smolder. Then the next bomb begins.
The Gold Cloaks watch, from a distance, uninterested, or possibly a little nervous, in having to engage the Freaks in what appears to be a contained threat. Two of the Freaks, Stinkin and Cod, take turns organizing bombs, while Winkin and Blinkin mimic the dwarves by tossing daggers back and forth, chuckling in deep, mocking voices. The dwarves slow clap, aware of the sincerest form of flattery.
The 16th Hour arrives, opening up even more space in the Coenoby, allowing plenty of room at the main dining tables for the Artists and Outcasts. Though the decadent display is absent, the food itself is top tier. Oysters buttered and garlicked, deviled quail eggs, sweetened beets in port syrup, and several different animals for their roasted racks. Sadly, no foie gras remains this day, once you take to the tables. The cook tries to make it up to you by preparing giant lobster with red pepper and cardamom jus. Accompanying the meal, an assortment of spirits on par with the First Dinner, ranging from hearty ales to sipping liqueurs. Considering the following day is free from battle responsibilities, your indulgence may go unchecked.
The 16th Hour Victors hoot and holler upon their return. Drusfan and Pharbol are bloodied, to be sure, but they are hardly injured in their enthusiasm. Drusfan carries both cyclops' eyes by their rather durable eyestalks, bouncing them like a child's play-toy clacker. Every so often, he spins them about his head. This becomes all too evident, as they circle around the dining table, small flecks of blood spattering your spread, before returning to their room. The halflings from the kitchen bound out, and do their best to clean up what they can, taking back the plates that look less than appetizing.
Word circulates that the Eyes of Abendego and Pitch Blade cleared the field of the mad bomber Freaks and lackluster Tempest, before squaring off, two on two. Othafoc almost took down Pharbol, his magical trident well set against the dwarf's charge, a massive burst of flame adding injury to injury. The dwarves' overland speed was a strong factor, as Baylin couldn't keep her distance, her protections no match against Pitch Blade's weaponry. Inevitably, one cyclops fell, leaving the other to stand against two, a slow, losing battle. No surrender, no retreat, and Othafoc fell last on the field.
The 18th Hour Battle comes and goes, and no one is surprised or waiting expectantly when Auric and Khellek return, triumphant. Khellek's arm is bent at an alien angle, while Auric appears scathed by several spear wounds. Both of them take advantage of the physician's healing, retreating to the comfort of the infirmary, mixed with such pleasant smells.
The report on the last Battle of the first day comes as no surprise- all three Legios mounted attacks on Auric's Warband simultaneously, hoping to dethrone the title holders. The lizardfolk proved more noble in intent than the tiefling Legio, which saw an opportunity to begin weakening the Legio likely to remain strongest, should the Warband fall. A house of cards, and Auric took full advantage of his strong armor to engage Devil's Folly, largely ignoring the volleys of spears he drew into their midst from Blackwater Root.
The First Day of the Gauntlet of Asmodeus has come to a close. The Second Day promises a visit from your Sponsor, allowing you the opportunity to restock or reequip as you see fit. The Coenoby remains quite awake, well into the night. The Gold Cloaks still maintain a presence, but it is less so, now that the field's been reduced from 24 to 6.
Eidi |
Eidi enjoys the food but only eating the necessary to fulfill his body requirements. Equally same, the old half-elf avoids the alcohol with a smile and prefers to drink hot milk.
He approaches Eri as he delights himself with the food "In my case I have to say one of the oddest meals I ever had was molded rice with pineapple. I am curious, what is your favorite dish?"
As the food conversation ends he tells Eri "It has been a long but successful day, we deserve a bit of celebration" while offering a toss with his milk "The energies you released in the arena where astonishing Master Eri. Have you always had that power?"
A little later he approaches Ascaria as he draws and discusses some of the positioning in the arena "Perhaps we can make an advancement with you in the middle next time" he pads the gnome in the back as he frustrates with the drawing "Patience is the road to perfection"
He also listens attentively for all the news that arrive from the arena, taking mental note of the successful ones and the strategies they followed.
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
"Oh ham! I wonder if they have ham! Let's go see if they have ham!" Solrisa's goes go wide as she goes to the food. She eats heartily and happily, talking loudly and praising the other teams when she can. She earnestly cheers happily for each new victor.
She chooses what to eat like she fights: taking some of each as she comes upon it.
When she sees Khellek return, Solrisa rushes to her friends side, happy to try to ease the man's pain with a touch.
"Oh, Khellek! That's a bad one! Let me see if I can help!" 5d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 4, 4, 2) = 18 healing. Solrisa steps back to see if the man needs more ministrations. "What happened? Was it a good fight?"
Ascaria |
Ascaria isn’t too surprised at the outcome of the last fight, and he grows tired as the evening wanes.
A little later he approaches Ascaria as he draws and discusses some of the positioning in the arena "Perhaps we can make an advancement with you in the middle next time" he pads the gnome in the back as he frustrates with the drawing "Patience is the road to perfection"
”Oh yeah, we usually keep me somewhat in the middle in most combats. Doesn’t always work out of course, but it mostly does. I figure you’re in the middle with Eri and I, or maybe on the other flank from Tynan.”
"But yeah, sometimes the drawing just doesn't come..." he sighs.
He watches as Sol heals Khellek and smiles.
In the morning he’s up early, scrounging around the kitchen for an early meal. When he’s fed and happy, he waits in the room for the rest of the party to collect and begin their mission.
Mortimer Smith |
"I can't sit sit here right now. I need some food and drink. I think we've earned some celebration. Anyone care to join me?"
Mortimer grunts softly. "I think I prefer to wait until all of this -- " he says with an eye-roll to indicate the Catafalque Complex and its Event, "-- is over before celebrating."
"For now, we should celebrate! I feel like a drink as well!"
"It has been a long but successful day, we deserve a bit of celebration"
"Oh ham! I wonder if they have ham! Let's go see if they have ham!"
Oysters buttered and garlicked, deviled quail eggs, sweetened beets in port syrup, and several different animals for their roasted racks. Sadly, no foie gras remains this day, once you take to the tables. The cook tries to make it up to you by preparing giant lobster with red pepper and cardamom jus. Accompanying the meal, an assortment of spirits on par with the First Dinner, ranging from hearty ales to sipping liqueurs.
Mortimer watches from the Team's doorway as the entrees are placed on the table. Sighing deeply, he reluctantly makes his way across the room to join his team in celebration. He helps himself to the quail eggs and lobster, but sticks to water as a beverage.
When she sees Khellek return, Solrisa rushes to her friends side, happy to try to ease the man's pain with a touch.
Where's she going?! -- Uhh, oh... Mortimer absently chews on a hunk of buttered bread.
Drusfan carries both cyclops' eyes by their rather durable eyestalks, bouncing them like a child's play-toy clacker. Every so often, he spins them about his head. This becomes all too evident, as they circle around the dining table, small flecks of blood spattering your spread, before returning to their room. The halflings from the kitchen bound out, and do their best to clean up what they can, taking back the plates that look less than appetizing.
Mortimer abruptly stands, slamming his hand palm down on the table while exclaiming "DAMNIT! Those guys ... " Abashed, and somewhat appalled by his own behavior, he gently refolds is napkin and places it on the table.
"I'll be in our quarters," he says evenly, walking back to the room.
When it is his turn, he keeps a vigilant watch. He sleeps a dreamless sleep, arising the next morning early. In silence, he packs his things in preparation for the days excursion.
Eri Nandri |
He approaches Eri as he delights himself with the food "In my case I have to say one of the oddest meals I ever had was molded rice with pineapple. I am curious, what is your favorite dish?"
As the food conversation ends he tells Eri "It has been a long but successful day, we deserve a bit of celebration" while offering a toss with his milk "The energies you released in the arena where astonishing Master Eri. Have you always had that power?”
”I’ve spent a lot of time in the woods eating to survive. It makes for a pretty limited range of foods. I like foods that are spicy because it can overcome the gaminess of small wild creatures. I’m starting to like things we’ve been having recently. I think the chef whipped something special up. It is like a dumpling with no filling, covered in cheese and spices. I don’t know what they call it, but I can hear it calling me when I close my eyes.”
”Oh, the lightning. I just picked it up recently. Much of our tussles have been in close quarters so I haven’t had much use for it. It’s pretty nifty, don’t you think?”When we start to re-outfit, Eri looks for defense. ”What is the maximum protection I can get?”
Ioun Stone
dex belt
Tynan Swale |
Tynan doesn't wave to the crowd upon exiting the arena, instead opting to ruminate on Talabir's words.
"You have honored the Queen with your prowess, and with the blood spilt today, you, in turn, are honored as contributors to the Tribute to Asmodeus!!"
What have we done...
His mood remains subdued during the subsequent meal, but he eyes all of the subsequent "victors" warily, especially the obviously sadistic Drusfan.
GM Rat Sass |
Ham is easily enough procured, though there are several options of which you may avail yourselves- skin removed/smoke roasted, dry-cured prosciutto, serrano, brine-soaked, glazed in apricot, glazed in brown sugar and garlic... even raw, if you happen to be that kind of ham lover.
"Oh, Khellek! That's a bad one! Let me see if I can help! What happened? Was it a good fight?"
Khellek waves to Auric, as his arm is taken by the maiden. Auric smiles grandly, tipping a phantom hat at the older wizard, before excusing himself to the infirmary. Khellek diverts to the kitchen, where he secures some barley tea, and bids Solrisa join him at the table for a spell.
"Thank you kindly. You have healing in your blood. That is a gift, and I'm grateful you choose to share it with me." He moves his arm, quite appreciative of its restoration to full movement. "I was being reckless, and tried to catch one of the bombs, and throw it back on the Freaks. He tricked me into believing he had just lit it. Won't be making that same mistake again, anytime soon." He smiles over his tea, his reading spectacles fogging from the steam rising.
"As for the fight, well, I suppose we shouldn't have been surprised about the pileup. The lizardfolk were formidable for their numbers, I'll give them that. The brooding elf in Menace was decently skilled with throwing daggers, which kept Auric in his line of fire, until I could get a couple of spells cast. It's all in the dynamics of battle. But of course you know that, too. I hear you were equally formidable, young lady. Perhaps we'll have ourselves a Diamond Lake Expeditionary Face Off next round!" His eyes crinkle in his smile, and he continues to enjoy his beverage.
Into the evening, Drusfan and Pharbol trade steins of brew, while dipping lamb kebabs in butter sauce and mint yogurt. They seem permanently fascinated by the echo of the grand Coenoby chamber, now that there are less bodies to absorb the sound. They eventually decide to pay attention to the giant standing in his doorway.
"Oye! You just gonna stand there and stare, or are you entertaining enough to hold conversation? We got questions for you, if you're in the mood to answer them. Come, take a seat."
The morning comes, uninterrupted. The Coenoby wakes to a much, much quieter atmosphere. With only twenty-two remaining gladiators, the entire roster of Gauntlet entrants could sit at the dining tables at the same time. There is still a Gold Cloak presence, but it's considerably less than the First Night's assignment.
Shortly after breaking your night's fast, you are greeted by Ekaym, who walks into the Coenoby while looking all about, taking it all in. His apparel is multi-hued, reminding you of a peacock, or an artist's palette. He clasps Tynan and Eri on the backs, giving a congratulatory squeeze, while addressing you all, robustly. "Well done! Well done, all of you! I had not expected such a demonstration of power. From what I gathered, your Battle was more evenly ranked, and skewed towards the higher, which I thought most unfortunate. Still, your rank meant little, while your teamwork meant a lot! Congratulations on your victory! I have the trophy, and the winnings. I can provide them to you now, or hold onto it until you've finished the week."
Ekaym looks about, before his look tells you that he'd like a quieter place to continue your discussions. Presuming you take him back to your quarters, he continues in a more subdued voice.
"While it’s fortunate that you turned out to be decent gladiators, I must admit that I had a hidden motive for entering you in the games. You see… my sister, Lahaka, disappeared here in Egorian, last year. I’ve been looking for her for months now, but I’ve hit a dead end."
"She was a traveling entertainer, a bright joy who brought happiness to cities throughout the world. When her travels brought her to visit me here, she crossed paths with Loris Raknian. She is a beautiful woman, my friends. No man who sets eyes upon her can forget. Even for his age, I believe that they became lovers. She tends to fall for men of great power. They met while she performed at last year's First Dinner. At the conclusion of the Gauntlet, she vanished without a word. This is not my sister's way."
"Alas, I’ve paid for divination spells, but have learned little. And so, I decided to come to the games themselves this year. I hoped that by entering some gladiators in the competition, I’d have a chance to explore the area, talk with Raknian, and maybe find out what happened to Lahaka. So far, I’ve found nothing. Raknian’s nearly impossible to get to, and I’ve uncovered no clues in the easily-accessible upper structures, surrounding the Catafalque. There are two places I’ve not been able to reach— his accommodations, and the arena understructure. This is where you come in, my friends. If I may call you friends. If you can slip away from the Coenoby between battles and search the surrounding rooms for clues as to what happened to my sister, I’ll be in your debt, and you will help the Smallcask family find peace, and maybe justice, as well. What do you say?”
Ascaria |
Weapon Equipped = None
Conditions = None
Life Link (9)(100’) = Eidi, Eri, Mort, Sol, Tynan
Channel Energy (9/9)(7/7) (DC: 22)(Avoid 6) (5d6+1+2d6)
Amiable Blunder (1/1) (if Diplomacy failed by >5, reroll to avoid worsening attitude)
Rod of Extend (lesser) (3/3)
Melee Attack: BAB +6/+1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Ranged Attack: BAB +6/+1, Dex +1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Spells (Caster Level 9, Concentration +15)
Once per Day: Arcane Mark, Comprehend Languages, Message, Read Magic
Zero (16): Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Spark, Stabilize
First (17): (8/8) Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Diagnose Disease, Enhance Water, Liberating Command, Remove Fear
Second (18): (8/8) Burst of Radiance, Cure Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Light Prison, Pilfering Hand, Suppress Charms and Compulsions
Third (19): (7/7) Cure Serious Wounds, Daylight, Magic Vestments, Neutralize Poison, Prayer
Fourth (20): (5/5) Blessings of Fervor, Cure Critical Wounds, Protection from Energy Communal, Restoration
Ekaym comes earlier than expected and it throws Ascaria off a little. He was hoping to get out quickly to investigate, but this is probably better. It would have been bad if he’d come while the party was sneaking and they couldn’t find us!
He listens to his story of woe, and considers telling him why they’re really there, but decides the few folk who know that the better.
”I can’t speak for everyone, but for my part, I’ll help you find your sister. We may even find a decent way to sneak about down here if we’re lucky.” he winks at Eidi. ”We’ll see what we can learn.”
”So, uh, how much prize money are we talking about? There are one or two things I might like, but I owe Sol here first and would like to pay that off. Can you bring us stuff from the outside?”
GM Rat Sass |
"Well, like I've already told you, your first victory just secured us the Bronze Trophy and a purse of 2000gp, and my visit here is expressly sanctioned to help you all with supplies and purchases you'd see fit to secure, before your next battles. Oh, that reminds me..." Ekaym pulls a wand from his satchel. A Wand of Cure Light Wounds, Fully Charged.
"I figure you'd be able to apply this afterwards, but you hardly seemed to suffer on the battlefield." He shoots Eri a brief look of apology. "Well, most of you."
When Eri mentions his desire for certain items, for which Ekaym promises to hunt during the afternoon. You'll need to be specific about any items you want to purchase, and provide the funds, should Ekaym be able to find them.
Mortimer Smith |
"Oye! You just gonna stand there and stare, or are you entertaining enough to hold conversation? We got questions for you, if you're in the mood to answer them. Come, take a seat."
"Well, as brother to lizardfolk, I look out for you, then. Ribess heard Okoral pointing your team out, to the dwarves. Keep your eyes on them. Do not turn your back on them."
Mortimer barely acknowledges the Dwarves before him with a glance. He rotates ninety degrees so that he can see both in and outside the Team's quarters, and wedges himself comfortably in (and the Dwarves out) with a foot extended and braced against the doorframe. "You have questions? Go ahead and ask them here then," he replies in kind. He makes no effort to remove himself from this station. If they insist, he tells them "I'll sit with you after my watch."
Mortimer will subtly evade all manner of clasping and squeezing -- no matter how congratulatory -- offered to him by Ekaym, should any such thing occur. Ever.
"She was a traveling entertainer, a bright joy who brought happiness to cities throughout the world. When her travels brought her to visit me here, she crossed paths with Loris Raknian. She is a beautiful woman, my friends. No man who sets eyes upon her can forget."
Even though he is, Mortimer tries not to look too keenly interested. He pulls his worry stone out of his pocket and starts flipping it over in his hands, letting his imagination run rampant. He tries not to crush the stone outright when Ekaym mentions his sister's affair with Raknian.
He must have put some evil enchantment on her. I don't see anyone going after that on purpose!
"If you can slip away from the Coenoby between battles and search the surrounding rooms for clues as to what happened to my sister, I’ll be in your debt, and you will help the Smallcask family find peace, and maybe justice, as well. What do you say?”
"I can’t speak for everyone, but for my part, I’ll help you find your sister. We may even find a decent way to sneak about down here if we’re lucky.” he winks at Eidi. ”We’ll see what we can learn.”
Mortimer nods, "Yah, sure. We can poke around for clues, maybe even find Lahaka."
Unsure what to get, he lets the others pick over the prize winnings first. If asked if he needs anything, he shrugs, "I like to throw things sometimes."
Eidi |
Eidi greets Ekaym on his arrival then listens attentively to him. Unperturbed, he shows no surprise when the man reveals the history about his sister.
The half-elf winks back his eye to Ascaria "Yes, we will try to make our best to find out what was of your sister, do not worry Ekaym" he makes a thoughtful pause then asks "Can you provide us with a physical description of Lahaka? Anything useful about her character? What kind of things were of her taste?" A part of powerful men
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
" I hear you were equally formidable, young lady. Perhaps we'll have ourselves a Diamond Lake Expeditionary Face Off next round!"
Solrisa blushes at the compliment, but shrugs it off modestly.
"Oh no, it was all the good work of Ascaria and Mort and Eri and Tynan and our new leader, Eidi. It seemed like I was just running here and there...there was so much noise and chaos!" Solrisa explains. "Oh! And the horses! I never know which direction I was going to be attacked from next! And oh! I just ran and ran and fought and fought! And there were arrows!"
Solrisa smiles and gets up to get herself some ham after making her goodbye from Khellek. Then she gets more ham. Because ham.
* * *
"What do you say?”
Solrisa pauses for a moment, considering this very seriously. On one hand, she wants to help immediately...going as far as to begin a search of the arena right now, but on the other hand, she already worries that even being here in this fight is a waste of time and a distraction from what they should be doing: tracking down and killing that big mean dragon that left the bad wurm eggs with the lizardfolk.
Her faces scrunches up as she considers.
"I think I want to help,'ve certainly been very helpful to us, but I don't want to promise-promise to help. I think we should and can help as long as it doesn't get in the way of what we really need to focus upon: the scrolls. But since they are seem so aligned, and that Loris may the culprit, I think I can tentatively agree...but cannot promise to move heaven and earths to make it happen. I'm sorry for your loss. That's a sad story," Solrisa rises to offer Ekaym a hug.
* * *
Given a request for gear, Sol would love a Potion of Fly.
Eri Nandri |
Hearing Ekaym’s story Eri’s slight scowl goes deeper. ”For my part I’m happy to take another little bit of justice from this place. The more the better.”
When writing this in my last post I was hoping for a loan, but the ioun stone will have to do.
Ioun Stone
dex belt
GM Rat Sass |
"You have questions? Go ahead and ask them here then. I'll sit with you after my watch."
Drusfan looks about the chamber, not particularly interested in booming questions at the giant. Pharbol nods to his mate, encouraging him. Drusfan takes the cue, and asks the first question. "Alright then. How'd your Battle go?" Pharbol asks the second. "Who's your sponsor?" Drusfan asks the third. "You gonna make the Gauntlet a habit?" Pharbol asks the fourth. "You been promised resurrection?"
Both dwarves look on, content with the even number of questions in their first volley.
"I can’t speak for everyone, but for my part, I’ll help you find your sister."
"Yah, sure. We can poke around for clues, maybe even find Lahaka."
Ekaym brightens to Mortimer's inflection on the word 'find', as well as Ascaria's optimism. "Yes, I would be grateful for whatever you're able to uncover. Finding her has become a dim hope for me, but it is a kind of hope, to be sure."
"Can you provide us with a physical description of Lahaka? Anything useful about her character? What kind of things were of her taste?"
Ekaym produces a locket, opening it delicately. It reveals a picture of a beautiful woman's face, presumably Lahaka's, as Ekaym doesn't speak while he shows you all her face.
"I think I want to help,'ve certainly been very helpful to us, but I don't want to promise-promise to help. I think we should and can help as long as it doesn't get in the way of what we really need to focus upon: the scrolls."
Ekaym looks to Eidi for a moment, a light confusion passing across his countenance, before responding. "I suppose we all have our agendas, and I am glad that we have made it to the Second Day, at least. I wish you well in finding these scrolls of yours, and in searching, perhaps you'll find something regarding my sister, as well."
When Eri affirms his cooperation, Ekaym begins to take down a list of items that will occupy his time for the afternoon, possibly into tomorrow morning.
Dusty Rose Ioun Stone, Eri
Potion of Fly, Solrisa
Things to Throw, Mortimer
Leaving your sleeping quarters, you are fortunate to witness Captain Okoral and Pitch Blade standing at the entrance, deep in conversation, while Preaching and Bleaching sit around the dining table, paying attention to a stern-looking woman in a golden shawl. She also wears a holy symbol dedicated to Asmodeus.
Within minutes, the three sponsors have gone, yours with the promise to bring back what he can to support you for tomorrow's battle. Feel free to retcon requests.
With the morning becoming subdued in its activity, the kitchen grows quiet, and the Coenoby almost feels tomb-like for its stillness. It is still late morning, but the Catafalque is likely gearing up for the first of many exhibitions.
What do you do?
Ascaria |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Ascaria waits until the group is alone once more, in the privacy of their rooms, communicating in whispers with Message. He hopes the combination will thwart any would-be listeners to their conversation.
"OK. There are three passages in here - right? Not counting the waterway, but I don't think we want to swim quite yet."
"There's the entrance in the west wall to the north. We can skip that for now I think. There's some sort of passage on the same wall to the south. And then there's a rough stonework to the southeast. I've not seen guards at that passage, so it's likely nothing of import."
He gestures to the door, "I say we do the invisibility thing, and make our way through that southwest passage. See what we can discover. Then when we're done, we return with another invisibility. Easy."
"Hopefully we won't get caught and kicked out of the competition, but if we are caught, I'll just say there were no guards and we were curious. Maybe we'll get lucky and it'll confuse them." he grins, ever hopeful.
Mortimer Smith |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
"Alright then. How'd your Battle go?"
"Who's your sponsor?"
"You gonna make the Gauntlet a habit?"
"You been promised resurrection?"
Mortimer answers in kind as each question is fired off, but doesn't express any interest in querying the dwarves in turn.
"Battle went alright, I guess. Nothing to write home about. Sponsor's Ekaym Smallcask, if you stick around, you might get to meet him. Won't speak for the others, but the Gauntlet is worth experiencing at least once. Haven't determined if I'd want to make it a habit yet. Yes, we were promised, but I don't think there will be a need for any resurrection."
Ekaym brightens to Mortimer's inflection on the word 'find', as well as Ascaria's optimism. "Yes, I would be grateful for whatever you're able to uncover. Finding her has become a dim hope for me, but it is a kind of hope, to be sure." Ekaym produces a locket, opening it delicately. It reveals a picture of a beautiful woman's face, presumably Lahaka's, as Ekaym doesn't speak while he shows you all her face.
Mortimer suddenly finds himself suddenly intaking air. "For the sake of Sarenrae!" he exclaims, looking at the picture of Lahaka, then back to Ekaym, then back to Lahaka. "That's your sister?! Your uh," shutup Mort, what are you saying?! Don't insult the brother! "I mean, wow," I've heard sometimes one person in the family inherits all the good looks. But wow. Poor Ekaym. "Was she a musician? I see what you mean about 'no man forgetting her once he sets eyes on her'. And -- " he trails off awkwardly " that's merely a picture..." He pauses, apparently lost in thought. "Yah, we'll find her," he says with some conviction. We just have to. "If she's to be found, we wan't leave her with the likes of Raknian and his ilk..."
Just before Ekaym leaves, Mortimer inquires (through message if that's an option, otherwise quietly), "Ekaym, is that woman there the Sponsor for Preaching and Bleaching, do you know? Who is she?"
"I say we do the invisibility thing, and make our way through that southwest passage. See what we can discover. Then when we're done, we return with another invisibility. Easy."
"Easy? That sounds O.K. to me, I guess, but does that invisibility cover up noise, too?" Mortimer asks, pointing to all of his loud equipment. "Maybe there should be an additional distraction?"
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Solrisa delays from the scouting mission, looking down at her clanking armor.
"Maybe I should stay here? With the ham?" Solrisa asks. She's intrigued about being invisible, but knows she makes more noise than most anyone.
Eri Nandri |
RetCon5: Can Ekaym acquire 2 scrolls of silence?
Eri keeps message going at all times and includes Ekaym. It’s a 0th level spell.
Through message Eri suggests we sit facing each other in a huddle in case there is a scry in the room.
”We should stay together. Ekaym, can you also get two scrolls of silence? Are your purchases known to others? This might garner suspicion.”
Ascaria |
"I suspect the invisibility will be enough, but silence couldn't hurt as well - if we can get the scrolls quickly. I don't want to lose this day." Ascaria suggests.
"But I also think we should all go. If Mort and Sol somehow give us away, then so be it, but I'll not wander around back there without the two of you. Who knows what you'd get up to while the rest of us were gone." he smiles wryly at his own joke, but doesn't elaborate.
"Let's plan to go after lunch. We can claim a siesta and it'll give us a few hours before dinner to hunt around."
Eidi |
Eidi expression seems concerned when Solrisa and Mortimer suggest they might not made it "I have reasons to think something darker than we think is being hidden in this place. We are strong while we keep together and we might need your ideas and skills where we are going"
He leans over his staff like tired "Invisibility should be enough, by when the guards get out of their confusion if they hear you, we will be already far away." he draws a thick book "I have prepared some silence spells as well for today and left open plenty of my capacity to prepare later in the day more spells as we find out what are we facing exactly" and looking at their armors "Perhaps you can leave the worst and crankier of your equipment if that really worries you. Do you have any lighter armor nearby?" he looks at Ekaym at that point.
The half-elf nods in agreement with Ascaria's plan "That seems as a great place to start Ascaria"
If, whenever, the party agrees to go ensemble he will cast an extended sphere of invisibility on the party with the help of his rod "It is very important you do not perform any aggressive action against anyone or the spell will break for you. It is very important you remain within 10 feet of me or you will be revealed"
GM Rat Sass |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"Battle went alright, I guess. Nothing to write home about. Sponsor's Ekaym Smallcask, if you stick around, you might get to meet him. Won't speak for the others, but the Gauntlet is worth experiencing at least once. Haven't determined if I'd want to make it a habit yet. Yes, we were promised, but I don't think there will be a need for any resurrection."
The dwarves guffaw with the giant's last answer, enjoying Mortimer's confidence in battle. Drusfan, or is it Pharbol, begins the next lob of questions. "You just fight with your hands, or do you actually have any fighting skill with weapons?" Pharbol, or is it Drusfan, steps up with a follow-up. "We heard you like to hug, and let your wardrobe do all the work." Both dwarves have a good laugh at that one, and somehow manage to drink and keep laughing at the same time.
"Ah, now, but really. I'm sure you're able and all, but all by yourself, toe-to-toe with one of us, something tells me you'd fold like a dry leaf." Drusfan tilts his head, wondering. Pharbol keeps up the observations. "Look how he hovers, standing guard. He's the noble kind of guy. Likes to think he's protecting his herd against the wolves of this world. Real money's in working for someone like Loris. Even the Queen. You should consider it. The pay is second to none." The black-beard raises his stein, pouring a little on the floor in Mortimer's direction.
Ekaym addresses Mortimer's enchantment over his sister's portrait. "She has many talents, music among them. She can act the Seven Tragedies of Letrinith, as well as she dances the Somnambula. Give her a harp, and she can wrap even a Hellknight around her little finger."
The diplomat looks the old woman over, at Mortimer's inquiry. "I do not know her name, but she's likely an emissary of the Grand Temple. They like to have a horse in every race..."
"Ekaym, can you also get two scrolls of silence? Are your purchases known to others? This might garner suspicion."
"I was not searched, heading down here, so I'd assume that any requests you make will be kept in confidence. I'll try and find your scrolls, though I fear it will take me the better part of the afternoon to secure them. We have very little time as it is, I hope you'll not wait on my return."
When the Artists and Outcasts begin their subterranean expedition, where does Eidi cast Invisibility? Do you wander down the SW corridor first a little, or do you cast it in your sleeping quarters and depart from there? Or somewhere else...? The Gold Cloaks have their positions, more or less constantly, and they appear relaxed in their duties, almost to the point of boredom. Roll20 map reflects the typical posts of the Gold Cloaks, currently. The numbers 1-3 indicate Ascaria's initial assessment, 2 being the current focus.
Mortimer Smith |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"You just fight with your hands, or do you actually have any fighting skill with weapons?"
Mortimer snickers derisively. "That's for me to know, and for you to find out." He ignores their attempts to fluster him with their comments about hugging and wardrobe.
""Real money's in working for someone like Loris. Even the Queen. You should consider it. The pay is second to none."
"The likes of you know? Even so, I don't think I'd find much challange in -- " he trails off, briefly noting that one of the dwarves is pouring fluid out of his stein. He raises an eyebrow and scowls.
"What's the matter? Having trouble holding your liquor?" He resumes his duty, apparently forgetting or ignoring that which he finds not challenging.
"If Mort and Sol somehow give us away, then so be it, but I'll not wander around back there without the two of you. Who knows what you'd get up to while the rest of us were gone."
Mortimer raises an innocent eyebrow and glances at Ascaria.
"Perhaps you can leave the worst and crankier of your equipment if that really worries you."
Mortimer points to his stomach, then he points to his knees. "I can sort of try to mitigate one of these cranky features," he shrugs, chewing on a hunk of bread, "but I will not consider removing either," he grins.
"I'm ready," he adds, swallowing what's left of the bread whole. "Let's go."
Ascaria |
Weapon Equipped = None
Conditions = Magic Vestment on Buckler (+2 ench AC)(1/9h)
Life Link (9)(100’) = Eidi, Eri, Mort, Sol, Tynan
Channel Energy (9/9)(7/7) (DC: 22)(Avoid 6) (5d6+1+2d6)
Amiable Blunder (1/1) (if Diplomacy failed by >5, reroll to avoid worsening attitude)
Rod of Extend (lesser) (3/3)
Melee Attack: BAB +6/+1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Ranged Attack: BAB +6/+1, Dex +1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Spells (Caster Level 9, Concentration +15)
Once per Day: Arcane Mark, Comprehend Languages, Message, Read Magic
Zero (16): Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Spark, Stabilize
First (17): (8/8) Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Diagnose Disease, Enhance Water, Liberating Command, Remove Fear
Second (18): (8/8) Burst of Radiance, Cure Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Light Prison, Pilfering Hand, Suppress Charms and Compulsions
Third (19): (5/7) Cure Serious Wounds, Daylight, Magic Vestments, Neutralize Poison, Prayer
Fourth (20): (5/5) Blessings of Fervor, Cure Critical Wounds, Protection from Energy Communal, Restoration
"Let's head down the corridor a little ways and cast the invisibility there. If someone is always around, we could just shuffle down that other passageway now (#3) and maybe cast around the corner there and come back through (to #2)."
Ascaria checks his gear. He casts Magic Vestment (+2 for 9 hours) on his buckler, and offers the same to Sol's shield.
Ready to go, he moves to the door and waits for the others.
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
"Perhaps you can leave the worst and crankier of your equipment if that really worries you. Do you have any lighter armor nearby?"
Solrisa nods her head excitedly, almost beginning to strip in the middle of the discussion and instead sits down.
"I do have my sleeping armor, which is much more comfortable and should eliminate some of the noise. Some, but not all."
After the meeting, Sol will return to the room and change into something more comfortable. At the right time, she will assemble with the others.
* * *
Not sure if this happens before or after the scouting...because not sure when we are...we'll insert when it fits.
Solrisa approaches Tynan looking for a favor. She still wears both her swords, but draws out BluespRae, her new sword that she just got.
"Have you seen my new sword, Tynan? It's a good one, I think. Would you mind sparring with me a bit so I can get used to it? I might use it in our next fight (or the one after that), but haven't had a lot of time to get used to it yet."
Solrisa looks at Tynan with hopeful eyes.
Eri Nandri |
RetRetCon5x5: When Eidi mentions he can cast silence he cancels the order for the scrolls or just doesn’t mention it. (I forgot that lots of spell casters can cast all the spells)
He casts Mage Armor +4 for 7 hours on himself and keeps message going. He has his bow out.
"Let's head down the corridor a little ways and cast the invisibility there. If someone is always around, we could just shuffle down that other passageway now (#3) and maybe cast around the corner there and come back through (to #2).” [\quote]
”Sounds good.”
Eidi |
Quick update
Eidi nods in agreement to Ascaria "We will better avoid talking while invisible so try to keep an eye at others signals" he then looks at Eri "If ever we need to say something I have confidence Eri can maintain his message spell active so we shall use that channel"
Once the group gathers outside and everybody gives a ready signal, Eidi walks towards the corridor and looks around for anything suspicious.
Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (3) + 14 = 17
When everybody is set around him, he casts the sphere of invisibility spell.
GM Rat Sass |
"What's the matter? Having trouble holding your liquor?"
"Nah, just pouring one off to you, Brown Bread." Drusfan refills his mate's stein as it returns to the table. "Soak it up later, if you're thirsty. Bodily fluids are hard enough to hold onto."
With that gesture, the dwarves have had enough of the wooden doorstop.
1d20 ⇒ 12
1d20 ⇒ 14
1d20 ⇒ 14
Hallway #1 is your thoroughfare from Catafalque to Coenoby, Tynan.
The party gears up, midday, taking advantage of dead quiet in the Coenoby, where most of the other Legios have taken to their quarters, or have wandered down the southeast passage way for their own explorations. Preaching and Bleaching seems to really enjoy visiting there, for their comings and goings.
Eidi casts his cloaking magics, instructions given to remain close and quiet, and the party strikes out to investigate a branch of the Coenoby heretofore unknown. The southwest hallway extends to a circular walkway that appears as large as the Catafalque understructure's own circular walkway. From the arena, you take an elevator down to the understructure level, where you proceed to walk in an arc to the stairs which take you down to the Coenoby. Copacetic?
The hallway arcs left and right, with not a guard in sight. Which way do you go?
Roll20 Map has been updated. Big map, so scroll down and to the right.
Oh, if you so choose, feel free to roll Stealth checks. It's likely not that important...
Ascaria |
Wanting to get out of sight of any impending guards, Ascaria whispers, "Go left... let's go left."
He then moves with Eidi, careful to stay in the radius.
I moved on the map in the direction I'd like to go, but I'm sticking with Eidi wherever he goes.
Stealth: 1d20 + 4 + 20 ⇒ (19) + 4 + 20 = 43 (invisibility)
Eidi |
Eidi acknowledges Ascaria's directions and moves towards the left, making careful and very predictable moves so everybody can follow.
Stealth: 1d20 + 1 + 20 ⇒ (20) + 1 + 20 = 41
Once at the level of the barred stairs he makes a sign for everybody to know he is stopping.
Perception on the stairs: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28
Eidi precasts these spells today:
mage armor
unseen servant (Rose)
And uses a magic missile to reload his staff (full loaded 10/10 afterwards), using then a pearl of power to recover magic missile.
He only left a single level 3 cleric slot open for later preparation, but still has his divine and arcane bonded objects castings for flexibility.
(Arcane: CL 8; Concentration +14; Divine: CL 6; Concentration +8)
Level 0
Wizard - (at will; 4 prepared)
ghost sound (Vol 16)
dancing lights
Cleric - (at will; 4 prepared)
detect magic
create water
Level 1 (pearls of power I: 1/2)
Wizard - (6/day)
ray of enfeeblement (For 17)
* mage armor
obscuring mist
disguise self
magic missile
* unseen servant
Cleric - (5/day)
shield of faith -D
obscuring mist
unbreakable heart
command (Vol 14)
summon monster I
Level 2
Wizard - (6/day)
blindness/deafness (For 18)
3x alter self
see invisibility
Cleric - (5/day)
zone of truth - D
calm emotions (Vol 15)
enthrall (Vol 15)
stone shape
Level 3
Wizard - (4/day)
ray of exhaustion (For DC 19)
* 3x invisibility sphere
Cleric - (4/day)
prayer - D
dispel magic
paragon surge
+ Open slot
Mortimer Smith |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"Soak it up later, if you're thirsty. Bodily fluids are hard enough to hold onto."
"Right. Should you happen to be resurrected, be sure and send our regards to Gerber, Hogarth and Kilroy," Mortimer shoots back.
Inviso Mode
Stealth: 1d20 + 1 + 20 ⇒ (20) + 1 + 20 = 41Once at the level of the barred stairs he makes a sign for everybody to know he is stopping.
Moving slowly, Mortimer gently plows into Eidi. Although he uses message, he whispers nonetheless. Message: "Sorry Eidi. Didn't see you there..."