GM Rat Sass's Age of Worms

Game Master Governayle

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The Road So Far...
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Ascaria's Pub

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Bald male Half-Elf elder

Eidi kindly declines the wine and instead picks up a glass of water. He listens attentively to all the presentations and explanations, interrupting only after the insults "Careful Ekaym. You better treat this people politely. You do not want to find yourself failing to recruit the winner team"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32

The half-elf waits for his turn, he then performs a reverence "I am the one known as Eidi. Celeste's colleague." he stands up once again and continues "I am here just to help these young people to navigate the Arena details. In combat, I just hope to avoid being a nuisance." he touches his back as if going through plenty of pain "But you can expect I have faced before or heard about most of what they can throw us at the Arena, and will try for that knowledge to play at our advantage"

As about the name... "This is your thing, but what about the Diamond Blades and Co.?" he then acknowledges Mortimer proposal "The Owl Knights, sounds sage" with a wide smile.

Male, Gnome

Blaise wrote:
"Are you trying to renegotiate the terms? The terms, I might add, that you laid down at the first? I'm told you were interested in 8 gold for each of these. That's presuming you're trustworthy enough to have manufactured each ball to the same weight. I'd assume you're interested in living long, prosperous lives. The Queen doesn't take too kindly to con artists.”

Ascaria looks at Mort, shrugs, and turns back to Blaise. Everyone is so hostile in this ‘burgh. he thinks.

”Sir, we suggested 8gp, but we were hoping you would tell us what it is worth. You are, after all, the expert. But if you’re not willing to share that information with us, and would seek to take advantage of us in our ignorance, while accusing us of being con men, then perhaps we are wasting your time, as well as ours.”

”I rather think that you are interested in these spheres, and we’re interested in finding a buyer. So let’s start over, shall we?”

He leaves the decision in the angry man’s hands. He’s not committed to selling the spheres here anyway. Lots of hauling. But perhaps…
- - -

Eri Nandri wrote:
”How about Diamond Lake Cutters, or Artists and Outcasts, or Diamond Lake Thumpers, or Artists, Outcasts, and Thrashers, um…”

”Oh, I like that one. Diamond Lake Cutters. Has a nice ring to it.” he grins.

Mort wrote:
”We’re the ’Knights of the Order of Owls’*, and we don’t let anything stand in our way!” Mortimer says, his voice resuming its steady but quiet tone as he strides over to the Rack of Expensive Wine, and gently slides it back into the wall.

”KoOOL!” Ascaria can’t help but quipping. He likes this game, clearly.

”How about Prairie Fire? It think it’s got a good ring to it, and it is an unstoppable force, often underestimated but dangerous in its ferocity once it gets going.” he adds his own idea to the options.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Bear and Bellows, Ascaria and Mortimer:

Blaise looks irritated, of course, expecting to 'hammer' out a deal, and return to work. A look you've seen on Oswald's face many times over.

Ascaria wrote:
"Sir, we suggested 8gp, but we were hoping you would tell us what it is worth. You are, after all, the expert. But if you’re not willing to share that information with us, and would seek to take advantage of us in our ignorance, while accusing us of being con men, then perhaps we are wasting your time, as well as ours. I rather think that you are interested in these spheres, and we’re interested in finding a buyer. So let’s start over, shall we?”

Blaise looks down on the gnome, his eyes remaining flat. "You said nothing of appraising the metal when you approached my business. My daughter stated it plain enough to me- you knew the metal's worth, and its inherent quality so pure it could produce Impervious weapons. I verified that claim, and found no reason to dispute your value, as it agreed with my own. You're beginning to insult me, if you think I'd take advantage of anyone's ignorance. Because you're certainly not."

The red-faced man moves to pour himself a cup of water from a silver pitcher, before continuing.

"So, let's start over. How many of these balls can you provide? How far have you traveled to Egorian, to make your inquiry of the Queen's Smithy?"


GM Rolls:

1d20 ⇒ 20

Tynan wrote:
"I bring my blades, and the knowledge of where to strike with them most efficiently."

Ekaym raises his glass, spilling a little of it in his zeal. "There we go, then! Close quarters fighting is inevitable. Good man, Tynan, ready to dig in."

Mortimer wrote:
"Look -- Eri is extremely spontaneous and flexible between his use of magic and bow -- and Ascaria is most vigilant -- not prone to stumbling into traps. He’s full of his own surprises, above average in efficiency! And no Sol! You are good at protecting -- really good -- and whether - Ekaym realizes it or not -- it is exactly the sort of thing he means! And Tynan is most excellent at filling in the gaps when and if they occur!”

"Ah, the big man can speak. Well spoken, too. Very nice."

Mortimer wrote:
"What happens when a team doesn't surrender? Can the opposing team fight to the death or coup de grace, or is that taboo?"

"The only taboo associated with the Gauntlet is in the details of the surrender. If a team surrenders, any further aggression will disqualify either side. Disqualification during the Gauntlet is the real taboo, as it paints both competitors and Sponsor. As your Sponsor, it is the only thing I'll ask of you. Do not disqualify yourselves."

Sense Motive DC 35:

It is not the only thing he'll ask of you...

Eidi wrote:
"Careful Ekaym. You better treat this people politely. You do not want to find yourself failing to recruit the winner team."

Ekaym turns with a slight look of being offended, but his facial features soften at the half-elf's words. He purses his lips, and nods, looking down on his wine glass. "My apologies. Perhaps I've had enough wine." He walks to a side table, and sets down his drink, then returns to continue the conversation.

Eidi wrote:
"I am the one known as Eidi. Celeste's colleague. I am here just to help these young people to navigate the Arena details. In combat, I just hope to avoid being a nuisance. But you can expect I have faced before or heard about most of what they can throw us at the Arena, and will try for that knowledge to play at our advantage."

"Your age will bring its own intimidation, I think. If they think you a sorcerer from the go, they'll likely target you. You, or the gnome, if you reveal your healing prowess before the tournament starts. After the first day's round, word will get around. Many, many spectators, some of whom, like me, will have access to the Coenoby for small visits, daily. Enough time to share information, and bring support, should it be needed."

Ekaym listens as the party bandies different names, overtly pleased that interest is being invested.

"Alright, you've professed ignorance about the Gauntlet, and I am satisfied with your mettle, so let me bring you up to speed about what will occur not two days hence." He falls into a leather chaise, which faces you all. A single leg rests on the cushion, while the other drapes to the floor.

"Two nights from today, at the evening's sixth bell, you'll be required to attend the first day's Dinner. A lavish event. I doubt you've seen its like, ever. That alone should be enough to entice you, but we know you have your own reasons to enter. Sorry, where was I? Oh, yes." He looks at his wine glass, slowly closing his eyes when he realizes its distance from him, and quietly chides himself.

"There are four rounds of elimination, total, involving twenty-four teams. The first day's battle is broken into six separate battles, each battle a free-for-all between four teams. So your first day, you'll face off against three other teams, at the same time. Thrilling, isn't it? I can only picture the Coenoby hosting all twenty-four teams on the previous night, then hosting only six by the end of the first day."

"I suggest you do your best to gather information on the other teams, during the Dinner, while avoiding revealing much about yourselves. This should serve you well, if you prove resourceful."

Ekaym shifts in the chaise, before continuing. "The second day is a day of rest for the winning teams. Of course I'm hopeful that you'll be one of the first day's victors. You'll remain below, in the Coenoby, while the arena is used for mock battles, magical demonstrations, and various non-combat games. I particularly liked last year's game of gnome catapulting. I hope they bring that one back." He snorts, forcing himself to wipe his nose a little.

"On the third day, you'll be paired off against one of the other winning teams. The fourth day sees a small change in organization, as two teams face off against each other, while the third team is challenged to a battle with a large, exotic beast. The fifth day is the last battle between the two remaining teams, for all the glory, and, of course, the Hellfire Belt itself." He sits up, bringing both legs down so his feet are planted on the floor.

"As for the winnings, yes. The first day's victory awards us a Bronze Trophy and a purse of 2000gp. The third day's victory awards us a Silver Trophy and a purse of 5000gp. The fourth day, a Gold Trophy, and a purse of 10000gp. The fifth day, the Hellfire Belt, and a purse of 20000gp. Oh, also, the commission of a special magicked item, tailored to your request. One of the perks of acquiring the Belt."

"Of course, as your sponsor, I'm entitled to half your winnings. Is this to your satisfaction?" He stands, and walks across the room, where a small rolling table awaits. He pulls a drawer open, while bringing the table to the center of the group. From the drawer, he pulls a contract, and a quill and ink. Its title- Gauntlet of Asmodeus Gladiator License. Ekaym's name is already penned.

He holds the quill up, ink still wet, for the first of you to take it, and sign the License.

Male Human Slayer 11

Tynan cautiously eyes Ekaym as he speaks, trying to get a better understanding of the man. Study target

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 16 + 2 = 34

"What are the benefits that your sponsorship brings to us? You've only mentioned our part of this arrangement."

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

"Well, I assume you'll want the same care as the other Sponsors provide their teams. It's something of an unspoken pleasure, making the other Sponsors suffer the expense of a raising of the dead gladiators, especially when a larger team fails to yield. Pride and Purse are both at stake." He watches Tynan intently, returning the penetrating gaze, as if the prey understands the predator.

"I also intend on fitting you all with luxurious attire, for the Dinner. You'll be on display, and will need to be on your best behavior."

"Lastly, those of you who are not as well-equipped need to speak up now, so we can arm you appropriately. Another point of pride. For me, at least. Whether you can keep your equipment following the tournament is yet to be seen."

Male Human Slayer 11

"What sort of equipment is on the table, so to speak?" Tynan smiles at Ekaym, giving him a nod as he recognizes a master of wordplay.

Tynan carefully reads over the contract, looking for any questionable wording, but waits to sign until others have had a chance to read it as well.

"Hmm... I notice here that one of us must be declared the group's 'leader'. What is the significance of that?"

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

"Ah, yes. I almost forgot that point. One of you will have to bear the title of 'Leader' for your group. I believe that only helps facilitate dispensing information to teams without bringing large groups together. The Leaders are notified of their next matches, and so forth."

Ekaym pauses, to allow the others a chance to step up, either with questions, signatures, or both, before continuing about what he's willing to subsidize.

Male Human Slayer 11

"Is that the only function of the leaders in these matches? We certainly wouldn't want to be caught unaware if, for example, a team is disqualified or loses if their leader is neutralized..." Tynan seems unsure that he's getting the whole story.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Sense motives: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Eidi listens carefully at Ekaym and tries to assess the utter implications of his words. He seems concerned about the possibility some members of the group might be specifically targeted.

The half-elf takes a comfortable sit near the table "How much freedom will we have at the Coenoby? Are we allowed to leave the Arena during those days?"

"Are there other rules we should know? I am specially concerned about the audience. Are there any limitations on spells that might reach the grandstands?" Eidi looks at Ekaym while he plays with the edge of the table.

With a soft voice he continues his inquiries "Do you have any information about this year competitors and their sponsors? What about Loris himself and his most direct collaborators?"

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Solrisa smiles as she is called 'imbecile', as if she hasn't been called worse before.

Mort wrote:
...<anger, visible shaking>...

"Oh, it's okay Mort!" Solrisa shrugs off Ekaym's insult with a smile. "It's like when Rae used to get mad after I knocked her down while we were sparring. She didn't mean the things she said. It's just that she didn't have nice things to say right then...and that's okay. Sometimes they just need a moment to remember to be nice and be polite..."

Ekaym wrote:
"My apologies..."

Solrisa nods as the man apologies, letting bygones be bygones as you're supposed to do after you've been apologized to. She stands to offer the man a forgiveness (or supportive) hug if he needs it.

Solrisa's eyes glow with mirth as the man describes gnome-a-pulting. That does sound like fun! Solrisa's eyes flicker to Ascaria. But only if they didn't get hurt and volunteered for it.

Ekaym wrote:
"Of course, as your sponsor, I'm entitled to half your winnings."

Solrisa shrugs, seems fine to her. She was used to sharing, especially with Rae. Like when they had a piece of cake to share, Rae would cut it in half, then take a slice, then cut the other piece in half so they each got half...just like Mum said: sharing.

Solrisa doesn't sign anything just yet, still having questions about timing.

"How long before the fight start-*starts* will we know? Like, how much heads up will we have to pray or prepare to fight? Also, you're sure it's not to the death, right? We shouldn't try to kill anyone right? I don't want to do this if we're trying to kill anyone...that's not what I do," Solrisa confirms with Ekaym.

Male, Gnome

Blaise wrote:

Blaise looks down on the gnome, his eyes remaining flat. “You said nothing of appraising the metal when you approached my business. My daughter stated it plain enough to me- you knew the metal's worth, and its inherent quality so pure it could produce Impervious weapons. I verified that claim, and found no reason to dispute your value, as it agreed with my own. You're beginning to insult me, if you think I'd take advantage of anyone's ignorance. Because you're certainly not.”

The red-faced man moves to pour himself a cup of water from a silver pitcher, before continuing.
“So, let's start over. How many of these balls can you provide? How far have you traveled to Egorian, to make your inquiry of the Queen's Smithy?”

”My apologies for our part in the confusion. Starting over indeed. Greetings!” Ascaria smiles warmly at the man.

”We’re from Diamond Lake, do you know it? It’s a few days travel from here, but not too far in the grand scheme of things. As to how many, I can’t really say for sure. Some thousands of them though, that much is certain. We could hire some folk to transport them to you, and if the price is right, we’ll likely buy some magics to support the transportation and speed things along. Either way though, this is a long term contract I think - not a quick overnight thing.”

”Is this still something that interests you? I don’t want to take up your valuable time if this isn’t the sort of thing you’d do.” Ascaria adds helpfully.
- - -

Ekaym wrote:

"I also intend on fitting you all with luxurious attire, for the Dinner. You'll be on display, and will need to be on your best behavior."

"Lastly, those of you who are not as well-equipped need to speak up now, so we can arm you appropriately. Another point of pride. For me, at least. Whether you can keep your equipment following the tournament is yet to be seen."

Ascaria looks at the thread-bare nature of his vest, what can be seen under his shining breastplate, and admits it’s a good time for a make-over. ”I agree with Tynan, there are things that would be useful to me, but I’d not lean too heavily on your good purse. Nothing I need is less than 4,000 gold and there are some bracers I like for six. But that seems like an undue burden on you sir.”

“Ekaym” wrote:
"Ah, yes. I almost forgot that point. One of you will have to bear the title of 'Leader' for your group. I believe that only helps facilitate dispensing information to teams without bringing large groups together. The Leaders are notified of their next matches, and so forth."

Ascaria signs the document without reading it closely. He trusts this man. But then he trusts nearly everyone…

”Interesting. So one of us needs to be ‘in charge’ at least as far as the other teams are concerned? I wonder if leaders are targeted just to score points with the crowd. If that’s the case, I suggest Sol or Mort. Let ‘em come after our toughest.” He looks Eidi over, ”Then again, you look rather solidly built other than your back. I dunno. I’m curious though. What else is the leader in for? If they just receive notes, then yeah, it could be anyone. But if there’s talking to be done…” he thinks about Eidi and his smooth reasoned voice.

”But yeah, Tynan here has a point, can you expand on the leaders roll a little?”

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Bear and Bellows, Ascaria and Mortimer:

Ascaria wrote:
"We’re from Diamond Lake, do you know it? It’s a few days travel from here, but not too far in the grand scheme of things. As to how many, I can’t really say for sure. Some thousands of them though, that much is certain. We could hire some folk to transport them to you, and if the price is right, we’ll likely buy some magics to support the transportation and speed things along. Either way though, this is a long term contract I think - not a quick overnight thing. Is this still something that interests you? I don’t want to take up your valuable time if this isn’t the sort of thing you’d do.”

Blaise's eyes widen. "Thousands, you say? Well now. If I had concerns about you wasting my time, I'd say that's done, now. I had no idea that Diamond Lake mines were capable of such a yield. Whose mine, if I might ask? Old Dourstone? Or Balabar? Ancient Ellival doesn't deal in anything but silver, so it can't be him. You working on commission, then?"


Tynan wrote:
"Is that the only function of the leaders in these matches? We certainly wouldn't want to be caught unaware if, for example, a team is disqualified or loses if their leader is neutralized..."
Ascaria wrote:
"But yeah, Tynan here has a point, can you expand on the leaders roll a little?”

"This is the first Gauntlet in which I have entered, personally. Yes, I have spectated several, and have never seen much in the events to suggest that a Leader is more valuable than the rest of his or her team, in terms of neutralization. Often, the Leader is the strongest of the team, so seeing her fall, you'll usually see the team fall soon after. If any of you fail to show for roll call, not just the Leader, you'll disqualify the whole team. Of this I have been made aware."

Eidi wrote:
"How much freedom will we have at the Coenoby? Are we allowed to leave the Arena during those days? Are there other rules we should know? I am specially concerned about the audience. Are there any limitations on spells that might reach the grandstands? Do you have any information about this year competitors and their sponsors? What about Loris himself and his most direct collaborators?"

"The gladiators are confined to the Coenoby, once the Gauntlet begins. From what I've gathered, initial Gauntlets allowed the competitors free reign of the city, but it proved too rowdy an affair. There was even an attempt on a gladiator's life, the wager was so high." Ekaym shakes his head, presumably in disgust.

"The audience is well-protected, Eidi. They are there for the spectacle, after all. The wealthiest citizens often have the closest seats to the bloody action. There are arena mages who install protective walls, allowing gladiators of a magical bent to unleash mighty energies without risking unfortunate collateral damage, and likely swift execution. Put your mind at ease."

"Sadly, at this late hour, I haven't had the opportunity to leverage for more information, as I've been devoid of entrants myself. Tit for tat, and all. This is why I insist you socialize wisely during the Dinner. It's your only time to get acquainted with your opponents, before you 'get acquainted' with your opponents." He smiles sheepishly.

"As for Loris and his retinue, on this I can share more information. He has several classes of guard- Arena, Pouncer, and Personal. The Arena Guard are decent fighters, which serve to patrol the watchposts, maintain the barracks, and assist with entry and exit. Their number is fluid, but I'd estimate roughly 100 of them. You can recognize them by their gold cloaks. The Pouncers are lower class, unarmored 'citizens', used for direct crowd control, to quash brawls before they get too unruly. They'll have clubs, and wear black tabards. They're assigned in pairs, one pair per section... so... roughly 64 of them. Don't hold me to that number. As for the Personal Guard, he's culled 30 ex-gladiators to attend to him. They wear purple cloaks, and they're led by Captain Okoral. The man's tanned, with a crew cut, and doesn't seem to age. I'll point him out to you during the Dinner, if I can."

Solrisa wrote:
"How long before the fight start-*starts* will we know? Like, how much heads up will we have to pray or prepare to fight? Also, you're sure it's not to the death, right? We shouldn't try to kill anyone right? I don't want to do this if we're trying to kill anyone...that's not what I do."

Ekaym smiles politely enough, though it doesn't reach his eyes. "The battles begin no earlier than the morning's tenth bell, allowing all participants full access to their powers, divine or otherwise. As for this gladiatorial event, you can best your opponents however you see fit. Capture them with nets, vanquish them with magic, subdue them with poison, knock them unconscious with non-lethal strikes. Do you doubt your teammates' intentions? Do they require convincing about your preferred rules of engagement? What exactly do you do, besides stone sculpting? I've never seen a gladiator take the field as purely morale support, but I suppose there's a first time for everything."

Tynan wrote:
"What sort of equipment is on the table, so to speak?"
Ascaria wrote:
"I agree with Tynan, there are things that would be useful to me, but I’d not lean too heavily on your good purse. Nothing I need is less than 4,000 gold and there are some bracers I like for six. But that seems like an undue burden on you sir.”

Ekaym's smile reaches his eyes, this time. "Money is no object here. Let's see what you currently own, and come to an understanding, shall we? Of course, that's dependent on you all signing the License. Which of you will be 'Leader'? We'll also need the team name, before you leave today."

Time to bring yourselves equal to Wealth by Level. Please review your current inventory, and take the necessary adjustments with Ekaym's cash infusion.

Male, Gnome

Bear and Bellows:
Blaise wrote:
Blaise's eyes widen. “Thousands, you say? Well now. If I had concerns about you wasting my time, I'd say that's done, now. I had no idea that Diamond Lake mines were capable of such a yield. Whose mine, if I might ask? Old Dourstone? Or Balabar? Ancient Ellival doesn't deal in anything but silver, so it can't be him. You working on commission, then?”

”Well, not to put too fine a point on it, this is not from the mines, though Balabar is quite impressive. I don’t think we can share the source with you, it’s a little complicated, but these spheres came from no recent mine.”

”We’re not miners you see, though I’ve spent many a day in the mines helping out. We just got lucky and happen to know where this haul is, how to safely get to it, and all that entails.”

”So all we need to do, is settle on a price, and figure out the best way to get them all to you. We intent to use lord Smenk, the mining manager, to handle the shipping details, if that would be agreeable to you?”

Ascaria grins widely, hoping the big man understands.
- - -

Ekaym wrote:
Ekaym's smile reaches his eyes, this time. “Money is no object here. Let's see what you currently own, and come to an understanding, shall we? Of course, that's dependent on you all signing the License. Which of you will be 'Leader'? We'll also need the team name, before you leave today.”

Ascaria considers what he has, and outlines his gear in broad strokes to his benefactor. ”That’s very generous sir. I suppose, for my part, I should ensorcel my armor. Just bought it you see. I could go two ways, pending your advice. I could grant it a minor improvement (+1) and make it alterable (glamoured improvement), so I can look particularly good for the dinner. Or I can keep it simple and improve it a little more (+2).”

Ascaria debates, ”I lean toward the glamor, as I can manage the improvement if need be with spells. Unless you feel otherwise, let’s do that.” (total purchase, 3,700gp of my 4,200gp window - close enough for Ascaria, he’s not greedy)

He turns to the group, ”We need a leader and a name. Some have been proposed, what do you all think?”

Names in order of Ascaria’s preference, but any are fine…
Diamond Lake Cutters
Knights of the Order of Owls
Prairie Fire
Diamond Blades and Co.

Leaders in order of Ascaria’s preference, but anyone is fine…

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22
Ekaym wrote:
"Capture them with nets?"

Solrisa's face lights up as her eyes go to her butterfly net dangling near the top of her backpack.

We could get big butterfly nets! Solrisa thinks with a sharp intake of breath. This is a good idea. I should ask Eri later...he'll know to be sure.

Ekaym wrote:
"What exactly do you do besides stone sculpting?"

Solrisa seems confused by the problem, looking down at her slightly polished mail armor.

"Well, like I said, I'm very good at protecting, I think," Solrisa begins modestly, and openly. "And I could very good at following the Dragon, I think, but it's hard to tell. So that's what I do, I guess." For her to know that she's good at something she would have needed to be told she was good at it...and that has happened so rarely, she can't recall any at the moment. "The man who bought my stone sculpted chess sets seemed to like them enough to pay me money for them, so I'm probably good at that, like I mentioned before."

Shopping list to come tonight.

* * *

@Eri, later after meeting is done:
Solrisa approaches Eri who has seemingly offered useful information in the past.

"Eri, should we capture the other combatants in nets? That way we won't hurt them as much? Wouldn't that be better than hurting them? Could that work?" Solrisa looks at Eri with her bright, questioning, & guileless eyes.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

"This is your team, I am just a collateral help. I think you should decide yourself about what name feels more comfortable with you, as well as whom should be the contact with the organization" intervenes Eidi looking at his new companions "I can emit a vote though in case of a draw"

The half-elf looks then at Ekaym "Your offer is much appreciated, but my humble belongings are enough to fit my skills. Anyway, there are a couple of questions I would be glad if you could answer now" he pauses thoughtful "Are pacts between teams forbidden in this first part of the event? I can guess joining forces to wipe out the stronger of the four teams during the simultaneous combat might be a solid strategy and a dangerous risk"

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Bear and Bellows:

Mortimer draws himself up to his full height and inhales slowly, hoping to keep Blaise's (and his own) impatience in check.

Ascaria wrote:
”We’re not miners you see, though I’ve spent many a day in the mines helping out. We just got lucky and happen to know where this haul is, how to safely get to it, and all that entails.”

A little magic or elevator, a long flexible track, and those puppies will roll right out of there neatly into the cargo end of a horse drawn cart. Thinking on this is fun. Mortimer smiles.

Ekaym wrote:
"As for this gladiatorial event, you can best your opponents however you see fit. Capture them with nets, vanquish them with magic, subdue them with poison, knock them unconscious with non-lethal strikes."

"Remember, if you have anything you want thrown but do not want to throw it yourself, I can provide your vaulting needs free of charge," Mort says, pointing to the haversack. That's right. I throw things. That's all I do, right? Keep pestering poor Sol about what she can do though, because somehow the armor the blade and the loyalty to the Dragon doesn't make it all that self evident to you...

Ascaria wrote:
”We need a leader and a name. Some have been proposed, what do you all think?”

"Prairie Fire was kind of neat -- sounds like the kind of thing you don't expect and fail to see coming. It could cause our opponents to be over confident, or think we're focused solely on fire, and maybe give us an advantage. It's also harder to bastardize."

He turns to Ekaym. "Are the leaders allowed consul or bodyguards? I don't mind if Eidi is the leader -- because -" Mortimer pauses briefly looking Eidi over, because he's probably not been hit in the head quite as much as me "- he's been here before and done things like that -- but I do mind if he ends up becoming a pincushion for some jerk just because of the label. Me on the other hand, I don't have a problem with being someone's punching bag just because."

Later, when the meeting is done, and Ekaym is well out of earshot, Mortimer says, "Sol, if you are at all worried about doing too much harm to non-evil entities in the game, I -- and I'm sure the rest of the group -- would understand if you wanted to sit any part of, or all of it out."

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22
Ascaria wrote:
”We need a leader and a name. Some have been proposed, what do you all think?”

Solrisa takes a moment to consider the names but any of them catch her fancy.

"Well, I'm not really a knight...none of us are really knights, are we? I could never be a cutter...unless you meant stonecutter, I could be that. Oh! I wish we all had Diamond Blades, that would be neat...but me and Tynan are the only ones to really use blades."

Solrisa puts her head down, trying to think think THINK of a good name.

"I would prefer something Butterfliers! Or uhm...the Blue Flowers of the Dragon! Or uhm..." Solrisa's eyes cast around the room, looking for inspiration. "Or the Mort! That's not good. Uhm...OH! Eri Onerous Entrants!?"

Solrisa looks around for more inspiration.

Sol really doesn't have an opinion for the name, but she wishes one better fit the group and the group's personality. Also, Er(i)roneous Entrants. That's a winner.

"Oh, I don't mind who's leader. Just tell me when and where to go, I'll be there!"

* * *

Mortimer Smith wrote:
Later, when the meeting is done, and Ekaym is well out of earshot, Mortimer says, "Sol, if you are at all worried about doing too much harm to non-evil entities in the game, I -- and I'm sure the rest of the group -- would understand if you wanted to sit any part of, or all of it out."

Solrisa smiles at Mort's thoughtfulness.

"Oh, I'll sit out if I have to, but if it's just for fun and not for killing, then it should be fun. I like sparring! It'll be a good test of what we can do!" Solrisa seems excited by the competition now that her fears have been allayed. "Don't worry, I'll be there to protect people. I'll do that."

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7
Ekaym wrote:
“Money is no object here.”

”Oh, my. Thank you very much. There are a few things I could use. I’ve never had fine clothes. Thank you for broadening our view of the world a little.”

@Sol later:
”Hmm. Nets might be good for delaying attacks if we need to avoid being attacked by more than one group at a time. That won’t disqualify the team. We’ll need to attack them eventually."

Sol wrote:
but she wishes one better fit the group and the group's personality”

”Diamond Lake Delvers or Myriad Mashers might work. I still like Artists and Outcasts, everyone likes an underdog. Eri Onerous Entrants is a mouthful, but I like the double meaning. They could call us The Ents for short.“

Treasure calculations in progress. Will soon resolve.

Male, Gnome
Eidi wrote:
The half-elf looks then at Ekaym "Your offer is much appreciated, but my humble belongings are enough to fit my skills. Anyway, there are a couple of questions I would be glad if you could answer now" he pauses thoughtful "Are pacts between teams forbidden in this first part of the event? I can guess joining forces to wipe out the stronger of the four teams during the simultaneous combat might be a solid strategy and a dangerous risk"

”Oh that’s a very good idea. A pact might work wonders in the early going, and both sides would let it go when we came head to head in later rounds. A very good idea indeed.” he waits for the answer.

Eri Nandri wrote:
”Diamond Lake Delvers or Myriad Mashers might work. I still like Artists and Outcasts, everyone likes an underdog. Eri Onerous Entrants is a mouthful, but I like the double meaning. They could call us The Ents for short.“

Somehow I missed Artists and Outcasts… nice one!

”Oh, good suggestions. And I agree with Sol, the name should be meaningful if we can manage it. So Diamond Lake Delvers and Artists and Outcasts are my two current favorites. Although, Erroneous Entrants has a certain ring to it and will put a spoke in their wheels. And as everyone seems unwilling to vote, I say Eidi is our leader. If none are opposed, let’s settle that at least.” He grins at the new man, hoping he’s up to the task of carrying messages.

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Solrisa smiles at the moment, the idea that one of her ideas being taken seriously making her happy.

"I could Artists & Outcasts. That's a good one."

Eri, later:
Solrisa seems downcast for a moment, a good idea ruined by reality. Her mood picks up again, a smile coming to her lips. "Oh, okay. That makes sense. Thanks for listening."

Shopping list: mw adamantine 'long' sword (with blue coloring) & a Pearl of Power 1 & a giant human butterfly net.

Male Human Slayer 11

"It might be best to avoid Diamond Lake Delvers as a name. If things go wrong, we certainly don't want to make it easy for anyone to know where we're from..." Tynan looks at the others and shrugs. "I'm not opposed to Artists and Outcasts, though."

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

"Ekaym, Do you know a trusted purveyor of magics? I have a sensitive purchase to make and I would not like to have what we are buying to get to our competitors."

Shopping list: Cloak of resistance +3 (net cost 5k trading up from +2), 3 scrolls of invisibility sphere (1354 gps), and 4 runestones of power (8000 gps)

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Eidi nods at Mortimer's idea "That is clever, to cause confusion on our rivals by causing a wrong expectancy on them by the team name. I like it" he also nods at Tynan's idea to avoid the groups origin name "It seems we are settling at Prairie Fire or Artists and Outcasts. Shall we merge it to Fire Artists and Prairie Outcasts?" he laughs a bit at the idea.

"Me the leader. I shall accept" he stands up and moves to the License papers in order to sign "Let's make it" with a well trained wrist movement the half-elf oldie signs the License next to Ascaria's name.

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

"My vote is for Artists and Outcasts."
Eri signs.

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Mortimer adds his name to the paper.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Bear and Bellows, Ascaria and Mortimer:

Ascaria wrote:
"So all we need to do, is settle on a price, and figure out the best way to get them all to you. We intend to use Lord Smenk, the mining manager, to handle the shipping details, if that would be agreeable to you?"

Blaise's face scrunches a moment, obviously reacting to your choice of manager. "Eight gold a ball, shipping costs are yours." Master Gandervall pulls out an iron bar and a handful of gold coins- eight to be exact. He places both on the table in front of you, then pours himself another cup of water. Cup in hand, he motions you to choose between your iron ball, melted down and recast as bar, or accept his price, and seal the deal.


Ascaria wrote:
"I lean toward the glamor, as I can manage the improvement if need be with spells. Unless you feel otherwise, let’s do that.”

"I have no argument with your decision, Ascaria. I don't expect you'll be towards the front of your group, will you? Seems like the wiser thing would be to send those who can withstand more punishment, especially as you feel out your opponents' abilities."

Solrisa wrote:
"Well, like I said..."

Ekaym is already turning towards Eidi, expectantly, while the maiden explains herself cryptically.

Eidi wrote:
"Anyway, there are a couple of questions I would be glad if you could answer now. Are pacts between teams forbidden in this first part of the event? I can guess joining forces to wipe out the stronger of the four teams during the simultaneous combat might be a solid strategy and a dangerous risk."

The merchant smiles. "Collaboration is anticipated, and has been witnessed in previous events, notably the triad battles. This year should be interesting, as the Gauntlet hasn't seen four teams at once. I've thought on it over the last week. We're not certain what teams will be slated against each other. They could make the Dinner very interesting if they post the line-ups at the beginning of the evening. I know I would do that, if I were Loris."

Mortimer wrote:
"Are the leaders allowed consul or bodyguards? I don't mind if Eidi is the leader -- because - he's been here before and done things like that -- but I do mind if he ends up becoming a pincushion for some jerk just because of the label. Me on the other hand, I don't have a problem with being someone's punching bag just because."

Ekaym stands, and wanders back to his glass of wine. "You're overthinking the title. If your team wins, Eidi will advance to the podium to accept the award. If there are dispensations, Eidi will be called forth to gather your team's alloted items, goods, papers. It's mostly crowd control within the gladiators. Don't worry so much. You speak as if there will be no honor among the competitors. I'm sure you'll be fine. Off the field."

Eri wrote:
"Oh, my. Thank you very much. There are a few things I could use. I’ve never had fine clothes. Thank you for broadening our view of the world a little. Ekaym, Do you know a trusted purveyor of magics? I have a sensitive purchase to make and I would not like to have what we are buying to get to our competitors."”

Ekaym nods and grins, appreciative of the appreciation. "If you care to, let me know what you seek, and I will procure it for you. Otherwise, I think you'll be fine, since you're the last horse to the race. No one knows of your entry, yet." Hearing what Eri proposes to purchase, Ekaym frowns.

"Oh, no. Invisibility isn't permitted, Eri. What kind of performance do you think that offers to Egorian's finest? The arena is there to witness battle prowess. Your resources are better applied elsewhere."

"It sounds like you are now Artists and Outcasts. Eidi, I think you will represent this force well. You have a noble look about you. You all will stay for a light lunch? I expect my tailors will be here shortly. I insist."

Insist, he does. Finishing his glass of wine, he makes his way to the wine rack, pulling if from the wall. From the rack, he pulls a golden bell, and rings it gently. The acoustics of the large room send the resonant rings quickly up and out. In no time, you are joined by four servants, all non-descript young men, who escort you further into the Manor.

The dining hall is located at the rear of the estate. The entire southeast wall is made of glass, lightly tinted in red. You will sup in the shadow of Thrune Manor, which rises above its own section of the city wall, further up Hellhound Hill.

The various small plates of food continue to roll out, in bite-size portions. Some dishes are cold, like olives stuffed with cheese, while others are presented with gloved hands and cautions to avoid touching the plate itself with fried seafood. Ekaym himself stands while he eats, occasionally raising his glass in the direction of the window, and saluting the Queen. When he does, so do the servants.

When it is obvious that the hungriest of you has been sated, Ekaym briefly inquires with one of his servants, who nods his head and whispers. "Very good," Ekaym states. "Let's commence with the fitting."

Another escorting, and the party finds themselves in another grand sitting room, which has been converted into an actual fitting room. Six tailors stand at the ready, some even able to conceal their heretofore bored looks before you all enter the room. Ekaym motions to you all, then motions to the tailors, who each approach you and bring you in front of three-panel mirrors. Each of you are instructed to strip naked. They seem unconcerned about modesty, and the triptychs do provide a small amount of privacy, obstructing some lines-of-sight. Some of them, at least.

You are fit resplendently for the first Dinner. The expectation is no armor is to be worn. Solrisa's and Mortimer's tailors make no pretense about their giddiness, with such specimens to design for. The gnome's tailor huffs a lot. When all is said and done, you will be wearing fine woolen outfits, made from llama. The dyes are intensely vibrant, and while the main pieces pay firm respect to regal colors of crimson and sable, your half-cloaks are will be embroidered with the imp and the barrel of House Smallcask, with a small alteration- the panels of the barrel will have a color distribution similar to an artist's palette. The half-cloaks will be worn during the Dinner, as well as for field presentation prior to battle. Your battle tabards are fit comfortably over your armors, and will maintain the same emblem as your half-cloaks.

Once the measurements are taken, you are fit for several pieces of fine jewelry. Eri is fit with a golden brooch. Solrisa is given a plunging necklace of gold, made to look like a horse's tail. Mortimer is provided golden bracers. Tynan wears a golden ring representing a lion's head. Ascaria is given a golden scepter. Eidi wears a gold crown. "Purely on loan, you understand. I'll need you to wear each of those during the Dinner. Make me proud." Ekaym looks very business-like as he confirms the nature of the adornments. "You'll also wear various make-ups. I'll encourage you to find creative ways of catching the eye."

With the afternoon largely spent, you are welcomed to depart. Ekaym takes his Summons bar back, reassuring you that any business he conducts for you will be concluded before you all depart for the Catafalque, three nights hence.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

During the dinner, Eidi enjoys the seafood, but he kindly rejects the wine, preferring a juice instead to enjoy the strength of the food flavor. "And tell us Ekaym. How did you resolve to become a sponsor this year?"

Eidi feels a bit uncomfortable with the rich garments but accepts to play the game as the Smallcask team. He looks at the fitting with curiosity, looking back and stretching his arms.

"I am sure you will be proud of your team" says the half-elf while winking an eye.

Male, Gnome

Bear and Bellows:
Ascaria looks to Mort, and waits for him to decide on the deal. Seems a fair deal, and a worthy task when we’re done here.
- - -

Ekayim wrote:
"I have no argument with your decision, Ascaria. I don't expect you'll be towards the front of your group, will you? Seems like the wiser thing would be to send those who can withstand more punishment, especially as you feel out your opponents' abilities."

Ascaria blanches a little, remembering that one time he went in front to push things along and was dropped for his trouble. ”No, I remain in the middle as much as possible, but you never know what’s coming, and it’s best to be prepared.”

Ekayim wrote:
The merchant smiles. “Collaboration is anticipated, and has been witnessed in previous events, notably the triad battles. This year should be interesting, as the Gauntlet hasn't seen four teams at once. I've thought on it over the last week. We're not certain what teams will be slated against each other. They could make the Dinner very interesting if they post the line-ups at the beginning of the evening. I know I would do that, if I were Loris."

Ascaria brightens up and suggests, ”I know what we can do. Let’s check with the bookies. Surely they’re already laying odds and collecting bets. They might not know everything, but their very livelihood is at stake - they’ll know more than most. We don’t even need to question them, we just take a look at the odds, and figure out, roughly, how the teams are ranked.”

He takes a deep breath as he rushes along, ”Then at the dinner, when we find out who our other teams are in the opening round, we approach the weakest, according to the odds, and try to make a deal with them. If they’re at all self aware, they’ll know they’re weak. As outsiders, they won’t know us well and we can play it up like we’re worried about getting cut down in the opening seconds. ‘Just want to last until the end of the round.’ we can say.”

”Then, teaming up with them against the two stronger teams, we stand a better chance. If it works, we then best them at the end. If they turn on us, the weakest team is turning on us, so it won’t be as bad. We can’t lose!” Ascaria is clearly excited by this addition to Eidi’s plan, and hopes the others are as enthusiastic.

Ekayim wrote:
"Oh, no. Invisibility isn't permitted, Eri. What kind of performance do you think that offers to Egorian's finest? The arena is there to witness battle prowess. Your resources are better applied elsewhere."

Damn. That would have been a great way to avoid the early fighting and save our strength. At least no one else can use the same trick on us! He wonders what other tricks have been used in the past. Surely there are some standard practices to these things… he must do some research.

Ekayim wrote:
The various small plates of food continue to roll out, in bite-size portions. Some dishes are cold, like olives stuffed with cheese, while others are presented with gloved hands and cautions to avoid touching the plate itself with fried seafood. Ekaym himself stands while he eats, occasionally raising his glass in the direction of the window, and saluting the Queen. When he does, so do the servants.

He doesn’t understand all the ‘Queen’ worship, but he politely follows along with his host. It’s important to him and I respect that. He does understand the food. And enjoys it mightily. He idly wonders if such, well, wonders, could be brought to Diamond Lake. He doesn’t much like the capital city, and idly thinks about an impressive inn, with all the finest. He suspects it would lose money from the start, and never recover, but he could live there, and dine there in luxury, and perhaps not loose too much money in the process.

I must start saving… he thinks, keenly aware he’s currently in debt, and to more than just their host. He looks kindly at the patient Sol.

Ekayim wrote:
The gnome's tailor huffs a lot. When all is said and done, you will be wearing fine woolen outfits, made from llama. The dyes are intensely vibrant, and while the main pieces pay firm respect to regal colors of crimson and sable, your half-cloaks are will be embroidered with the imp and the barrel of House Smallcask, with a small alteration- the panels of the barrel will have a color distribution similar to an artist's palette. The half-cloaks will be worn during the Dinner, as well as for field presentation prior to battle. Your battle tabards are fit comfortably over your armors, and will maintain the same emblem as your half-cloaks.

Ascaria admires his outfit. Though he feels it’s a little ostentatious for daily wear, it’s perfect for the sort of gala they are headed to. Again, he admires the wealth of their host, and makes plans for his own future…

Ekayim wrote:
With the afternoon largely spent, you are welcomed to depart. Ekaym takes his Summons bar back, reassuring you that any business he conducts for you will be concluded before you all depart for the Catafalque, three nights hence.

He thanks Ekayim for his hospitality, and assures him he’ll be ready for the upcoming trials.

When the party has left and are out of earshot he suggests, ”We have a few days to prepare, and a little time before we’re known to be contestants. We should use it to learn what we can about the opposition and Loris. I suggest we spend this evening among the bookies to see what we can do about ranking our opponents. Tomorrow, in the afternoon and evening, I want to see what I can learn about Loris, and the next afternoon and evening I want to see what I can learn about prior winning teams and their strategies.”

”I have some ideas on how to approach people to get this information. So my mornings are open if anyone needs me for anything, but otherwise, I have a busy few days ahead of me. You’re all welcome to join me of course - it’ll be hard work pacing ourselves in the various eating and drinking establishments throughout the city - but it must be done.” he grins.

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Bear and Bellows:

Blaise wrote:
Blaise's face scrunches a moment, obviously reacting to your choice of manager."Eight gold a ball, shipping costs are yours."

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29 What kind of scrunch? The pleasantly surprised kind or the scowly kind?

"Deal!" Mortimer says, grabbing and shaking the man's hand and accepting the gold. "Here's seven more," he adds, pulling seven more identical 4lb iron balls out of the Haversack. "Been wanting to unload these for awhile. Seemed kind of a waste to just be throwing them around!"

Smallcask Manor

Ekaym wrote:
Ekaym is already turning towards Eidi, expectantly, while the maiden explains herself cryptically.

Mortimer watches Ekaym out of the corner of his eye, his distaste for the man ever growing. He's not even bothering to try to understand...

Ekaym wrote:
"You're over thinking the title. If your team wins, Eidi will advance to the podium to accept the award. If there are dispensations, Eidi will be called forth to gather your team's allotted items, goods, papers. It's mostly crowd control within the gladiators. Don't worry so much. You speak as if there will be no honor among the competitors. I'm sure you'll be fine."
Well, no -- it's more than -- his thought is abruptly cut short when Ekaym adds:
Ekayam wrote:
"Off the field."

What is that supposed to mean? He doesn't bother to understand things, and I've not even tried to explain to him what is I do. Either he's extremely cocky, or it doesn't actually really matter for any of us, or he's a bigger gambler than I thought.

Ekaym wrote:
"Otherwise, I think you'll be fine, since you're the last horse to the race. No one knows of your entry, yet."

That sounds ... fair? He keeps saying "You'll be fine" to us. How long has this actually been a done deal?

Ekaym wrote:
"It sounds like you are now Artists and Outcasts."

Mortimer smiles. ... because we're really not all that eligible for being labeled to begin with!

Ekaym wrote:
"Eidi, I think you will represent this force well. You have a noble look about you. You all will stay for a light lunch? I expect my tailors will be here shortly. I insist."

Mortimer relaxes visibly when Eidi accepts the Leader position. I don't really have the head for that sort of thing.



GMSass wrote:
The various small plates of food continue to roll out, in bite-size portions.

Oh! Tapas! Mortimer helps himself to the food, but when offered wine, he remembers the imp and barrel logo of the Smallcask Vineyard and politely declines, reaching for water instead. He watches Ekaym salute the queen, ever wondering about the man and his investments.

The Fitting

GMSass wrote:
Solrisa's and Mortimer's tailors make no pretense about their giddiness, with such specimens to design for.

Feeling his face and ears get hot, Mortimer shoots a glance in Solrisa's direction. He rolls his eyes and sharply exhales. When all is done, he regards his "finished" appearance somewhat ruefully.

The wool is nice, but the colors -- and these bracers? It's all a bit garish, but I suppose it is for show. There's no way I could get used to this -- any of it.

Mort visibly balks for a few seconds at Ekaym's imperative command that they adorn themselves with "makeups".

Mortimer will happily accompany Ascaria on his information gathering excursion (also to take this opportunity to shop for various sundries).

"Hey Ascaria -- I'm wondering how Ekaym became -- well, what he is -- with that manor and this gaming interest. Do you think Celeste and Eidi have something on the guy? While we're gathering information about the odds, do you think we might be able to pick up some information on Ekaym without letting on that he is our sponsor?"

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Solrisa spins in the mirror, reflecting the beauty of her new garments coupled with the golden glory of the horses ass tail jewelry. She helpfully survived the fitting by helping lift and separate when necessary. She was not shy about things at all.

"Oh, Ekaym, this is beautiful! This is very lovely!" Solrisa spins, a big smile upon her face. She knows it isn't real, but is very lovely.

Sol is happy to be be-gowned and dressed. And when the food is served: Sol eats. She eats like she enjoys it, like it brings her pleasure, and without any guilt. She eats until she is happily satiated.

* * *

Ascaria wrote:
”Let’s check with the bookies...”

Solrisa's eyes widen, looking at Ascaria.

"Yes! I'll make a bet! I never make bets because I never know who to bet on! But...but...I can bet on us, can't I, Ekaym? With Mort and Ascaria, we can't lose! Mort is such a good fighter! I bet he wins it all without us!" Solrisa thinks this is a grand idea.

Solrisa is happy to accompany Ascaria in the morning to find information about Loris.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|


The scowly kind. Blaise pays you square for the next seven balls.


GM Rolls:

1d20 ⇒ 19

Eidi wrote:
"And tell us, Ekaym. How did you resolve to become a sponsor this year?"

Ekaym sets down one plate, looking over various choices, before deciding on a thinly-sliced cold meat. "Status, of course. There are only twenty-four Sponsors this year, but only six of them are private citizens. I am glad to be one of them."

Sense Motive DC 36:

Status may be part of Ekaym's motivations, but it is not the primary reason. His first words were premeditated...

Eidi wrote:
"I am sure you will be proud of your team."

Ekaym raises a pastry in toast to the old half-elf's optimism.

Solrisa wrote:
"But...but...I can bet on us, can't I, Ekaym?"

"I'll leave it to your friends to instruct you on the propriety of entrants and betting."

Feel free to post intentions for this day's same evening plans, as well as tomorrow's full day. Ascaria has already indicated Gathering Information, 1d4 ⇒ 4 hours for each check, so we'll say maximally a morning, afternoon, and evening check, less if so desired. For each check, please specify the kind of information you're gathering.

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7
Ascaria wrote:

Eri sees Canary’s enthusiasm and agrees. ”That sound like the perfect plan. Let’s talk to the experts. Do we want to split up and seek information from two different sources? I can assist, but I’m not as silvery tongued as others in this group.”

”Yes, please.”

Eri squirms as the tailors become too familiar with the precise proportions of his body. THOSE AREN’T PILLOWS! When he sees, and feels the finished product a slow smile crosses his face. ”Thank you very much. This is outstanding!” He stands a little taller and moves with a little more authority.

Ekayim wrote:
“You'll also wear various make-ups. I'll encourage you to find creative ways of catching the eye.”


I don’t want face paint. I am not ok with that. Could I carry a walking stick or have a boutonnière or something? To sum up, Flowers - ok, grease - not ok.”

Male, Gnome
Ekaym wrote:

"I'll leave it to your friends to instruct you on the propriety of entrants and betting."

”Actually, Ekaym, uh, what is the propriety? I’ve done a fair amount of betting in my time, but I’ve never been a participant before. Are we not supposed to bet at all, or can we only bet on ourselves to win?”

Ascaria spends the evening hunting down, and getting odds from, the various bookies around town. He makes a few small bets with each bookie, so they’re not annoyed by his questions, and he makes sure to spread his questions among several bookies so as not to attract attention. He’s simply getting the odds on each team from multiple sources, and asking a few questions here and there about why the odds are stacked so.

He’s ranking the teams, and learning a thing or two about each to help rank them further.
Gather Information Bookies: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (6) + 20 = 26

The next day he sleeps in a bit and spends the morning going over with the group what they learned the night before. He takes out some paper, and writes down each team name, roughly in order of how the bookies ranked them.

”OK, today, we’re going to see what we can learn on the streets about Loris and Ekaym. Might give us some clues, but at the very least it’ll teach us something. Right now we know next to nothing. Time to change that. Sadly, we’ll have to spend our afternoon and evening chatting it up with the locals, and doing a little drinking along the way, but someone has to do it.” he sighs at his burden before breaking out in a wide grin.

Ascaria spends a little time that afternoon searching through the public houses and even Thrune Square for information about Loris Raknian. As the party knows little really, he’s grabbing any snippit he can. In the evening, he seeks information about Ekaym per Mort’s suggestion.

Looking for background information, well liked?, close allies?, known enemies? - whatever he can find.
Gather Information Loris: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (4) + 20 = 24
Gather Information Ekayim: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (8) + 20 = 28

Apparently Ascarias dislike of this city bleeds through (what a bunch of rolls!) and he's less successful than he'd like to be. Yet, unless his skill failed him, the party should surely learn something.

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Oooh, Eri! Sorry! You do not win a prize for the word boutonnière! I thought for a moment that your post would be the first recorded use of the word on no, you're the fifth, my usage is the sixth. Thanks so much for playing! Have a wonderful ooc comment to commemorate your non-achievement. :)

GM Rat Sass wrote:
"I'll leave it to your friends to instruct you on the propriety of entrants and betting."

Solrisa spins to look at the rest of the party.

"Oh! Can one of you explain? Eidi? You know things...tell me...?" Solrisa asks everyone...and Eidi. "Why can't we bet on ourselves to win?"

Solris will take her new blade to Bear & Bellows to get it enchanted to +1. She hopes to have it back in time for the second fight, at the latest. -2000 gp.

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Once they are safely out of Blaise's earshot, Mortimer says, "Blaise scowled quite a bit when we mentioned we'd use Smenk as the shipping manager. I'm not sure what to make of that, but it makes me wonder if we'll be able to get Smenk to do it at all."

Eri wrote:
"I don’t want face paint. I am not ok with that. Could I carry a walking stick or have a boutonnière or something? To sum up, Flowers - ok, grease - not ok.”

Mortimer, eyebrow raised, looks at Eri with more than just a little confusion in his aspect. A boutonnière?! Flowers?! Maybe he would rather be wearing velvet instead of wool also?

Mortimer shakes his head. "Unless it's the kind you -- Eri -- throw down, little grease never killed anyone."

He pulls out a folded up hunk of paper and hastily scribbles something on it, then puts it away.

He follows Ascaria's growing pack of information gatherers, happily taking on the role of Silent Brawn, ducking into shops here and there as they go.


Mort's Chopping List Addons
tangleburn bags (3 @ 150)
thunderstones (5 for 150)
disguise kit (50gp)
1 stunstone (350)


* 8 balls sold to Blaise The Wonder Blacksmith.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bald male Half-Elf elder

"I do not think betting for oneself to win is forbidden Solrisa. It would be unmoral to bed for oneself to lose" the half-elf stands up to start moving to help the group gather useful information "That said, I would not trust on the wealth brought by beds. One should get the living through hard work. And anyway bedding is a trap and a vice that ruins many people's life." he starts to walk with the help of his silver staff out of the manor "That said, it is a clever idea to try get some information about the contestants in there"

Eidi will then lose himself around the streets near the Arena area.

GM Rat Sass:

Eidi will cast disguise self to resemble a half-elf merchant.
8 hours

The half-elf will invest the afternoon to spread through the people interested the rumor Ekaym Smallcask has finally got a team to sponsor in the Gauntlet. "He had difficulties to find a proper group, he just gathered a band of desperate people, most of them artists and some outcast without place in society. I do not understand why he risks his reputation in that way. I bed they will run away scared and yield at the first combat aggression and will be wiped out in first round"
Bluff (spread rumor): 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10

He also talks with guards, common folk and shop keepers around the area, in an attempt to discover more about the groups attending the Gauntlet call.
Diplomacy (gather information): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

I’d like to begin by thanking the Academy and all the people that have helped me get to this high honor. Secondly I’d like to, wait, did you say 5th?

Eri would like to assist Ascaria in his information gathering.

assist Loris: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
assist Ekayim: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Mort wrote:
”Mortimer shakes his head. "Unless it's the kind you -- Eri -- throw down, little grease never killed anyone.”

”There’s always a first time.”

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22
Eidi wrote:
"I do not think betting for oneself to win is forbidden Solrisa. It would be unmoral to bet for oneself to lose"

Solrisa's eyes light up.

"Oh! I would like to do some betting! I don't think we can lose! Not with Mort and Eri and Ascaria and Tynan! No way, SisterRae!" Solrisa claps happily to herself. "I'm not very good at winning games so winning this one will be really fun!"

"I used to play games with Rae, but I could never beat her. Not in RaeBall nor in RaeSeek nor in ARROOOO-den!" Solrisa explains. "Sometimes I think I'd be winning in RaeBall but then Rae would remind me that it's Tuesday and I'd forgotten to hop thrice to the left before I jumped on the bed and I lost points. Another time, I misremembered to twirdle my hair before I spoke to my doll, which I didn't even know was a rule until Rae made it up, and then I lost again. So...I didn't win much But this is going to be different."

Solrisa smiles at the fond memories of her sister.

"Eidi, you'll have to come with me to place my bet to make sure I do it right."

Bald male Half-Elf elder

"Did Rae ever wrote down all the rules of your games Solrisa?" asks Eidi after listening attentive her story "Did she ever also jumped in the bed while playing?"

"I think Ascaria was also interested to visit the bookies, there is not much I really know about beds" answers the half-elf clearly uncomfortable about the idea "There are some tasks I want to do this afternoon but if you really feel the need I can come with you Solrisa. Take care though of bets, it can drive a person very low, very soon."

Male, Gnome
Eidi wrote:
"...Take care though of bets, it can drive a person very low, very soon."

"Oh, there's nothing wrong with a little flutter now and again." Ascaria says smiling, looking forward to his time with the bookies. As usual, he separates his funds and puts a little something into the 'bets' pouch.

Just a flutter... he thinks as he counts out some coins, and then an extra gold sovereign for luck - to be spent last.

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

"If you're not first, you're last."

Eri wrote:
"There’s always a first time.”

"You talk as if it was going to melt you down to the ground in a heap or something. Do you have prior experience with makeups?"


Sol wrote:

"Yes! I'll make a bet! I never make bets because I never know who to bet on! But...but...I can bet on us, can't I, Ekaym? With Mort and Ascaria, we can't lose! Mort is such a good fighter! I bet he wins it all without us!"

"Oh! Can one of you explain? Eidi? You know things...tell me...? Why can't we bet on ourselves to win?"
"Oh! I would like to do some betting! I don't think we can lose! Not with Mort and Eri and Ascaria and Tynan! No way, SisterRae!"


Relax. No pressure, guys... Eye rolling Mortimer sighs. He looks completely blindsided when Solrisa turns to the group asking for betting advice, recovering only after then briefly looking helpless. He nods appreciatively when Eidi imparts nuggets of wisdom about gambling.

Eidi wrote:
"Take care though of bets, it can drive a person very low, very soon."
Ascaria wrote:
"Oh, there's nothing wrong with a little flutter now and again."

Mortimer shoots the coin counting gnome a sideways glance of concern. He's WAY too excited about the prospect of talking to bookies... ' gonna have to keep a close eye on him.

"No, Eidi's right -- it can be bad. I did that once -- I think -- some gambling," he scratches the back of his head, trying to recollect. "I can't really remember -- there was a gambling hall at least. Lazare's, I think. I woke up in the back alley with a headache from the ninth plane of some Hell. I don't know how long I was out. Gave it up, I think. I mean -- if I ever started. At least, I've not bet on anything since."

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22
Eidi wrote:
"There are some tasks I want to do this afternoon but if you really feel the need I can come with you Solrisa. Take care though of bets, it can drive a person very low, very soon."

Solrisa nods, excited to go gambling.

"We should definitely see what it's like."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Slayer 11

(Sorry for the late post... been a busy weekend. Happy Thanksgiving all!)

Tynan looks warily at the tailors who strips him down. When they move to remove the tarnished silver chain he wears around his neck, Tynan stops them. "No. This stays with me... just work around it."

Once they've completed their work, Tynan looks himself over in the mirror, admiring the fine workmanship. It doesn't take long before the fabric on his skin makes him begin to itch. Tynan looks closer at the fabric. "Is this wool? This should make the dinner even more uncomfortable..." Tynan begins to scratch, but attempts to keep his discomfort under control.

Wool... why did it have to be wool?

(Wool makes me itch like CRAZY in real life, so Tynan gets the same treatment. Just writing about wool makes me itchy!)


Tynan listens to Ascaria's first report from the bookies, mulling over the information in his head.

"If you'd like, I can sow some misinformation out there... maybe we can throw off some of the betting."

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|
Eri wrote:
"I don’t want face paint. I am not ok with that. Could I carry a walking stick or have a boutonnière or something? To sum up, Flowers - ok, grease - not ok.”

Ekaym wrinkles his mouth in disapproval, but says nothing in the moment.

Ascaria wrote:
"Actually, Ekaym, uh, what is the propriety? I’ve done a fair amount of betting in my time, but I’ve never been a participant before. Are we not supposed to bet at all, or can we only bet on ourselves to win?”
Eidi wrote:
"I do not think betting for oneself to win is forbidden, Solrisa. It would be unmoral to bet for oneself to lose."

Your sponsor turns from a look of disapproval, to one of disappointment. "Well, I suppose I should give you some credit for asking, Ascaria. No, Eidi, it is expressly forbidden for the entrants to bet, on anything pertaining to the event. Let's say that Solrisa is fighting, uh... Mortimer. The odds begin to arise, and Mortimer is favored 6 to 1 to best Solrisa. Solrisa makes an arrangement with Mortimer, even accepts coin from him, to wager on herself, with the promise that when Mortimer allows her to lose, they'll split the winnings. Is that a clear enough example? I was hoping it was already clear to you all, from an ethical standpoint." He clasps his hands together, as if expecting questions. It is at the very least apparent that Ekaym would disapprove of such activity.

Tynan is perhaps pleasantly-surprised to find the wool garments soft and comfortable. High quality.

Various members of the party disperse to gather information for the evening, then reconvene at evening's end, to bring together what nuggets of intelligence they can.

Ascaria has a good deal to share about the betting machinations. First, and foremost, all bets are conducted with Books. All of them. No Book, no discussion about the Gauntlet, whatsoever, by any of the local bookies. The Books come with a high enough price tag, 500gp, to discourage the less respectable bookies from entering the betting pool. Another discouragement would be from whom you purchase the Book- The Grand Temple of Asmodeus. Each bet placed within the Book's pages becomes its own mini-contract, signed in blood, which is said to facilitate clearing the Book when it comes due. The Books were already disseminated a week earlier, though their total count is difficult to determine accurately.

The bets are set on Legio(team) Rankings. Artists and Outcasts haven't been ranked, as of the evening of your arrangement with Ekaym Smallcask. The Rankings are based on speculation and previous performance of the members of each team. For the cloud cast by numerous Sponsors, including Ekaym(albeit by happenstance), the Rankings are expected to tighten keenly by the end of the First Night's Dinner. The competition will be on display. There might even be the means of influencing the Rankings by the teams themselves, if they prove audacious enough. For the first night's effort in gathering information, Ascaria is able to pin Auric's Warband as the highest ranking Legio (9), with Pitch Blade a close second (8). The lowest ranking Legio, Backdoor Menace (1), is getting its requisite sneers. 1 gold will get you 10, betting on them.


I'm debating allowing Tangleburn bags and Stunstones.


The next day brings more opportunity for intelligence gathering. Eidi is able to ascertain a couple more Legio's names and current rankings- Blood of the Serpent (7) and Auriga Arcana (6) stand out, adding to Ascaria's initial list. Other low-ranking Legios are also noted- Bleed the Freaks (2), Ratking (2), and Manic Tyrranical (2), to name a few. The middle rankings are a slew of speculation. Eidi also concludes correctly that official betting is only begun at the start of the event. When the Books open, there is a flurry and a fury of wagering, all of it held on premises.

Several in the crowd jeer at Eidi for casting aspersions on the Outcasts, but there are a few who nod their heads, eager to hear anything that can be leveraged.

Ascaria and Eri have their successes, as well. Loris Raknian is well-respected in Egorian for his business-spectacle, but also well-feared in his hires and ex-hires. He runs a tight ship, with little forgiveness for incompetence. He hasn't participated, even in exhibition, for the last several years, leading some to believe that his time is truly done as a fighter, that he is now in his twilight. His right hand man, Captain Okoral, borders on middle-aged, but his reputation is foggier. The man is known to be the face of Raknian's business negotiations, when negotiations enter rough waters.

Ekaym Smallcask is an open book, now that you've had a chance to see him up close and personal, on his estate, no less. He's made his money with two prongs of the same forked tongue- he's a business man who has personally traveled abroad, and serves the Queen as diplomat to Osirion and Qadira, at various times. Until recently, he lived with his sister, Lahaka, though she hasn't been seen publicly in the last several months, leaving some to speculate that she'd been married off to a Qadiran politician, or his like.

The last full day before the Gauntlet comes to a close. Returning to the Crooked House, you are greeted by familiar faces, as well as Raziel, who has weedled a comfortable spot next to the stove.

A morning and an afternoon to ready yourselves, before you are expected to depart for Thrune Square, and the Gauntlet's Dinner.

If you seek more information, feel free to use the last two chances to refine what information you've already gathered. Seeding disinformation, as Eidi's already attempted, can be performed by Bluffing. Diplomacy accompanying it might soften ruffled feathers, even...

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Solrisa, when not accompanying the others on various trips, spends the time preparing for the combats to come. She cleans her armor and sharpens her swords and generally makes merry.

With the opportunity to bet gone, she has little interest in the rankings and will take each fight as they come.

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

Seeing everyone’s disappointment at his reticence to be painted Eri relents. ”Well, I guess I can do it. If it’s for the greater good.”

Also, hearing that invisibility is right out, he swaps those scrolls for a couple of dispel magic scrolls. Other than that, he tries to keep busy by assisting with gather info or general readiness things. Maybe some wine.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male, Gnome

Ascaria spends the morning trying to draw the party. He has much trouble, and never finishes anything but a few empty sketches - ideas mostly. And that’s the problem. He doesn’t know where Eidi yet fits. He draws him in the middle with himself and Eri. Though in a few ideas he’s on the flank opposite Tynan with Mort and Sol in front. He’s just not sure how the group will jell as yet. Eventually he crumples the few pages and tosses them in the fire. I’ll wait until after the first fight. Then I’ll know the man better.

Over a late breakfast, or early lunch, he suggests they spend their afternoon looking for information on what winning teams in past years have done. What has been the secret of their success? He asks folks who their favorite past teams were, and what made them so good. He expects a lot of excited stories as fans talk about their teams…

He’s not focused so much on who the teams are, but rather what they did that made them special. Looking for tricks the party might use to improve their chances.
Hours: 1d4 ⇒ 3 Gather Information: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (11) + 20 = 31

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Eidi smiles on Ekaym's explanation on why bets should not be done "Perhaps I should not be that confident on people's morality" he turns to Solrisa, in truth much relieved "It seems we must keep ourselves far away from the betting"


Back at Eligos' manor, the half-elf focuses on resting and trying to assimilate and trace a plan for the night's meeting provided the information gathered by the group.

When the time comes, he walks to the Crooked House to gather with the rest of the team. "How are you doing? Ready for the social event?" Eidi feels most uncomfortable himself in the new garments but raises no protest "I have been thinking how can we profit the best tonight's opportunity. My conclusion is we better try to maintain a low profile. The less attention we get, the most probable we can surprise our contraries during the first day. Of course we should observe and ask small questions here and there. If we find the opportunity to come to an agreement with another team, I think it is better to make it with an average one"

As the group walks towards the dinner Eidi asks "And what do you think of this opportunity and how to manage it?" Once at the doors he will quickly knock the door and play a greeting reverence as a presentation "These are Artists and Outcasts. I believe we are in the list of assistants"

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

During the party's investigation phase, Mortimer tries to hide his new-found boredom in bookie books and ratings. He deliberately shoves himself into the background to try and stay under the radar, except to -- as a gentle reminder -- kick the gnome's betting purse back into the gnome's pocket. He occasionally finds himself yawning and stretching.


Did you change my spoiler? It seems more vague now. Unless you are still debating -- Mortimer buys them anyway (because he wants them), but leaves them in safe keeping out of reach from the Gauntlet where they can not be accidentally (or otherwise) confiscated.

He picks up some more smelt and bounces back into the Crooked House, his usual pale aspect failing to reveal how hungry he has actually become. He eagerly greets Scout and Raziel asking, "Is there any smelt leftover?!" He has smelt for dinner. The following morning, he has smelt for breakfast.

He shadow boxes in order to hone his reaction time and sharpen his ... fists.

Just before the Grand Dinner

Mortimer pulls out his freshly acquired disguise kit. "Hey -- Eri! I think this is what he might have in mind." He starts applying grease to his face and gluing hair to various parts of his head. When he is finished, he looks somewhat like this.

"Maybe you could shoot for something more like this?"

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Slayer 11

Tynan takes the information gleaned by the others, and makes his way out to the bookie area. Seeking a discrete location, he concentrates briefly on his hat and changes his appearance.

Dressed as a slightly overweight, aging cook, Tynan will tell the following story to any who listen while "shopping" at the food market. He will size up likely listeners before talking to them. (study target)

"I overheard a couple of the participants from the Gauntlet talking the other night while I was cleaning up the kitchen. This big fellow from Artists and Outcasts was complaining the only reason he was even entered was because he's been thrown out of his church. It seems he's a priest of Shelyn, and broke some piece of artwork, so they are making him fight to prove himself before they let him back in. He was practically in tears because he's a pacifist, and doesn't know how to fight at all, despite his size. It must be true, because he didn't have a weapon on him! Some wiry fellow with him was trying to convince him he should just carry a sword to throw his opponents off. It should be a laugh to see him running from fights in the Gauntlet!"

Bluff: 1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 14 + 2 = 27

Dressed as a shorter, skinny, pimply teen stablehand, Tynan will tell the following story to any other interested listeners, once again studying his marks ahead of time. (study target)

"So, the other day a completely beautiful girl brought in her horse to be reshoed. This weird little gnome fellow and an old half elf were with her, and I don't think they saw me. They were talking about the Gauntlet, and how their team Artists and Outcasts was participating for the first time. The girl was beautiful, but dumb as a rock... she kept asking the smith why there were no laces on horseshoes. The oldster was worried about her safety in the fight. From what I heard, her sister was killed not long ago, and the girl decided to start wearing her armor. He said she's just a stoneworker, and shouldn't be in the arena. The gnome kept nodding, saying she had lost her mind. They are hoping to win enough to get the church to fix her. The little guy said he would do what he could to protect her, and went into some crazy fighting stance then did a backflip! He must be a monk or something... never seen anything like it in my whole life! Anyway, the weirdest part of the whole this was when the smith asked her if she had any family, and she curled up in a ball sobbing in the corner of the stable. It took the other two an hour to get her out of there, but at least she stopped asking about laces. That team is in trouble if they are counting on her, THAT's for sure..."

Bluff: 1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 14 + 2 = 25

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