GM Rat Sass's Age of Worms

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Ascaria's Pub

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F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Last level: November 16, 2016.

Solrisa, Wurm Squisher:

+1 Lvl Pure Innocent
+8 HP

+feat: improved critical

+4 skillz:
+2 Fly
+1 UMD
+1 Spellcraft

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Mort (The Undigested) Lvl 10:

+7 Hits
+1 Fort Save
+1 Reflex Save
+1 BAB
+ Martial Flexibility (Free)
+1 Flexibility Slot
Knock Out (x2/day)

+1 Perception
+2 Escape Artist
+3 Sense Motive

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

Eri (The Eye Twitcher) Level 10:

Fighter (archer) 1, Sorcerer (Stormborn) 7, Eldritch Knight 2 , +4 HP (total 47)
+3 skills (+2 class, +1 int)(Spellcraft, Knowledge Arcana, Kn. Dungeoneering)
spells per day: +1 3rd (5) +4 4th (4)
spells known: +1 0th:Read Magic, +1 4th: Summon Monster IV
Caster Level +1 (8), Concentration +1 (16)
+1 BAB (6), +1 Ref (9), +1 Will (8)

Male Human Slayer 11

Tynan (The Cautious) Lvl 10:

+1 Slayer Level
+1 BAB, +1 Fort and Reflex Saves, +6 hp
Slayer Talent: Hunter's Surprise
Skills:10 (+1 Acrobatics, +1 Bluff, +1 Climb, +1 Disable Device, +2 Disguise, +1 Perception, +1 Sense Motive, +1 Stealth, +1 Survival)
Studied target bonus increases to +3.
Can have 3 studied targets at once.

Male, Gnome

Ascaria Training Continued...:
I may swap out spells on even levels as an Oracle, and do so this level.

Removing Suppress Charms and Compulsions in favor of Protection from Evil, communal.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Getting slammed following Easter weekend... should be able to update games later tonight, sorry for the delay.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Level 10

+1 Theurge level
HP +9
Spells Wizard: +1 level 1, +3 level 4; Cleric: +1 level 1, +2 level 4
Spells learned on spellbook
- Enervation
- Dimension door
Skills +8
Escape artist
K. arcana
K. local x2
K. religion

Sorry, I finally found a moment to level up Eidi. With permission of the GM the new level 4 spells I would have allocated for the battle with just knowing about a wizard and a fighter would have been:
enervation (school spell)
dimension door x2 (no other wizard level 4 choices)
holy smite (domain spell)
freedom of movement

Unless Rat Sass gives the ok with that I will refrain from using those level 4s.

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22
GM Rat Sass wrote:
No worries, Eidi. Heat of battle, and literal Confusion swirling about you, understandable that 3-dimensional fighting got in the way. In this case, Tynan is not moved with Eidi. Now, Eidi is ground-level with Solrisa, administering his Unbreakable Heart. Solrisa, you have a Will Save DC 14, courtesy of Eidi. Fail it, and your Confusion has been suppressed. Make it, and Eidi's casting 'against' you is not considered an attack, because of Unbreakable Heart's (harmless) qualifier.

Can we talk about this more? I'm not sure why Sol couldn't and wouldn't choose to fail the save, confused or not.

Unbreakable Heart is a ranged spell, so Eidi should be safely away.

Unbreakable Heart is (harmless) which has a SRD descriptor with the following text: "(harmless): The spell is usually beneficial, not harmful, but a targeted creature can attempt a saving throw if it desires." The point of this spell is specifically designed for confusion/enchantments and it seems very odd for it be dismissed so easily.

Thirdly, Solrisa trusts Eidi and has no reason to refuse the spell. She has spellcraft, she knows it's harmless.


|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Confusion is quite difficult to deal with, I think we can all agree. A first-level spell trumping a fourth level spell without the save/purposely failing the save is not how I'd interpret the spells' interplay. If Solrisa were not Confused, of course she could purposely fail the save. As it stands, Solrisa doesn't trust Eidi, as she considers all comers enemies.

I'm not dismissing it easily. I'm certainly not dismissing the saving throw easily.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

What about Eidi's Honor bound domain power? I feel it would be way more easy for me to succeed at a touch attack than expecting Solrisa to fail my low save DCs :(

PRD wrote:

Honor Bound (Su): With a touch, you can remind a creature of its duties and responsibilities, granting it a new saving throw against each enchantment (charm) or enchantment (compulsion) effect that currently affects it. If the saving throw is successful, the enchantment effect is ended. This power only affects effects that allow a save. If you fail a save against such an effect, you can use this ability as an immediate action to grant yourself an additional save. Once the target (either you or a touched creature) has made one additional save per effect, this ability has no further effect on that particular enchantment effect. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

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Yes, Eidi, this is a suitable ability, allowing Solrisa another attempt at the Will Save DC 22 v Confusion. Let's have resolution before Solrisa's turn, one way or another.

So, Eidi, which will it be?

Bald male Half-Elf elder

I think Honor Bound will work better and it has a nicer explanation.

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Perhaps you've seen this before, but I got a chuckle outta it...

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Sorry, massive power outage on the hill today. Still recovering. Will post later tonight.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Crazy days ahead, I've been slow to realize. Senior Tennis Night tonight, should be able to look over the games later tonight. Next week is graduation, so lemme acknowledge slower posting rates for a little while longer...

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Special day today!! Our hunter Eri has bagged himself a beautiful doe, and will sacrifice her on the altar marry her this afternoon!!

Congratulations to Eri and his bride-to-be :)

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Oh Wow!
Congratulations! Enjoy the day, it goes away fast!

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Male, Gnome

I was there, it really happened. Someone is willing to actually spend time with our Eri!

It was a beautiful ceremony, though the priest was like 12. Good victuals and party afterward too! A good time had by all as far as I could tell.

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22
Rat wrote:
The commissions empower you to request a single magical item up to 10kgp for each of you. The Academy is responsible for seeing the task completed. You are welcome to add your personal wealth to see the creation of a more expensive magical item, should you choose to do so.

Gah. Saw this post as I leave on a 5 day excursion/conference in LA. Ill have my thoughts on this when I can get back to my herolab on Sunday.

Cant wait for Paizo to get back after going down in honor or Eri's wedding. Then, maybe, we can get back to killing Loris.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Ah, Paizo, you fickle mistress...

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

Thanks for the congratulations. It was a great party and nice to see everyone in their "real" manifestations. "Thank you" to Paizo for being down. It's an odd gift, but ok.

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

Eri would like to purchase the following:

60 Cold Iron arrows 6 gps

Upgrade his +2 comp bow to include veering.
veering net cost: 10k gps

upgrade to +2 amulet of natural armor net cost: 6k gps

upgrade to +3 cloak of resistance net cost 5k gps

Selling +1 composite bow +2k gps
Party divvy +17400
Eri funds +1354

total cost 21 006 gps
total funds 20754

Can I please borrow?
252 gps

Male, Gnome

I'll loan you 500gp. Easier to track than 252 which is an odd number. That way you have a little spending cash as sell for your morning beer. :D

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22
Ascaria wrote:
Party Divvy - we each get the 10,000gp in the form of a magic item, as well as 7,400gp in cash. Huzzah!
Ascaria wrote:


We had an error in the treasure sheet which I'm cleaning up with this divvy. Sorry for that. From what's left though, everyone gets 3,363gp to make purchases if anything strikes your fancy.

He hands Sol 1,500gp to square the books between them, pocketing the rest of the cash.

Solrisa Iome Arabasti wrote:

.6691.1 gp to spend (+Ascaria owes 1500 gp)

-2000.0 gp upgrade new sword to +1
.4691.1 gp

..4691.1 gp to spend

+.1500.0 gp Ascaria payback
+.3363.0 gp split #1
+.7400.0 gp split #2
+10000.0 gp gift from Ekaym
.26954.1 gp to spend

.26954.1 gp
-16000.0 Winged Boots
.10954.1 gp to spend

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

(units in gps)

5915 - 4620 == +1/+1 ButterFly Sword, and 1295gp remain

Post Butterfly Sword Purchase:
7400 + 1295 = 8695gp
10,000 Magic

18,695gp Total
-12,000, Amulet(Cold) -> Amulet +1(Cold)
-6,000, Belt of Incredible Dexterity -> Belt of Physical Might


Mort is broke with only 695gp left over.

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First Report
Second Report
Third Report
Fourth Report

Fifth Report

Gozran 10, 4749 (Sunday)
-You are woken very early in the morning, for a meeting with celestial Celeste, and eccentric Eidi, regarding Loris Raknian and his involvement in the Gauntlet of Asmodeus, and the Apostolic Scrolls.
-After a lengthy conversation, establishing Heart, Resolve, Pragmatism, Skepticism, and Passion, the group accepts the old half-elf into their fold, if only for the duration of the Gauntlet, and agree to meet with Ekaym Smallcask, potential Sponsor.
-The afternoon arrives, as do you at the Smallcask estate on Hellhound Hill. Ekaym Smallcask, master diplomat and importer, accepts you for his Legio, as you accept him as your Sponsor. Artists and Outcasts is founded, and Ekaym infuses the group with a generous investment.
-Lunch while at the estate, while tailors fit you for finery for your exhibition in the Gauntlet.
-The evening brings a return to the city proper, when investigations and gathering of information begins, regarding betting odds and mechanics, and competitor Legios.

Gozran 11, 4749 (Moonday)
-Further intel is gathered on fellow Legios, attempts at disinformation are made, and research into Loris Raknian and Ekaym Smallcask himself is done.

Gozran 12, 4749 (Toilday)
-The newly-formed Legio busies itself for the morning and afternoon, before dressing, then gathering in Thrune Square. The descent into the Catafalque is a slow processional deep below Egorian Herself.
-The First Dinner takes place! A grand spectacle of food, drink, and performance, with a surprise visit from Queen Abrogail Herself!
-As the Dinner winds down, you are offered a choice, Weal or Woe. The Outcasts decide on Weal, meeting Captain Okoral for the first time, face-to-face.
-Another descent, this time into the Coenoby, your residence for the duration of the Gauntlet. The place is abuzz with the full roster of 24 Legios.
-The evening passes eventfully, with many introductions and interactions among the more amenable competitor Legios.

Gozran 13, 4749 (Wealday)
-The morning of the First Day of the Gauntlet arrives! You find yourselves pitted against Auriga Arcana, Savage Hand, and the Black Opal Cavalry in the 10th Hour. Last minute negotiations ensue, before the Hour tolls.
-The 10th Hour competitors take the field, and the Artists and Outcasts play their boon of Weal, receiving profound insight from the Queen to steel them before battle.
-The battle is fierce, as the Four Legios take turns assailing each other in turn, but there can be only one, and Artists and Outcasts carries the day, against cavalier and archer, against druid and dire badger.
-By the end of the Hours, 6 Legios remain- Preaching and Bleaching, Artists and Outcasts, The Devout, Blood of the Serpent, Pitch Blade, and Auric's Warband.

Gozran 14, 4749 (Oathday)
-The morning of the Second Day of the Gauntlet arrives! A day of rest, and a visit from your Sponsor. Ekaym congratulates your First Day's victory, takes direction from you with regards to your needs, and confides in you his real motive for participating in the Gauntlet- determining the fate of his sister, Lahaka.
-The party begins its exploration of the Coenoby and Catafalque Understructure under cloak of invisibility, courtesy of Eidi, and communicating quietly, courtesy of Eri.
-A near run-in with a pair of gold cloaks, and you find a secret door, leading from a storage room, past a glyph of warding, down a set of stairs into an unknown complex.
-A reunion with Spawn of Kyuss, Mohrg, more Spawn, and a room full of prisoners, and more of the complex is searched.
-Mortimer has some trouble with a sword with a mind of its own, though Eidi comes between the giant and sweet savagery.
-You meet Bozal, tiefling cleric, who puts up a decent fight before succumbing to overwhelming numbers.
-You find the Apostolic Scrolls in all their sickly glory, as they link with an ulgurstasta incubating in its own quarters.
-A trip down another corridor, and the wretched undead form of Lahaka is discovered, a strange and ghastly bedfellow for a Kyuss priest. Ascaria takes her hand, literally. Just one of them.
-Two demons, one stationed, one summoned, plague the party for a little bit, before being banished.
-Further investigation, beyond a secret corridor, and the party finds the private living quarters of Loris Raknian. It's left for a later time.
-A return to the Coenoby, only to find a pair of dwarves loitering in your bedroom, as well as several grim stories of the Gauntlet's entertainment that don't involve gladiators.

Gozran 15, 4749 (Fireday)
-The morning of the Third Day of the Gauntlet arrives! Artists and Outcasts find themselves pitted against the venerable Pitch Blade dwarves.
-Ekaym returns with your resupply, and receives your report, and Lahaka's hand, and listens to further needs for the next day. He manages to keep a serene face in light of such sorrowful enlightenment.
-The 14th Hour arrives! Returning to the arena, the Outcasts find a floor of blood, and flying dwarves with blades of flame. Fire erupts, in the sky and on the ground, and the fight begins.
-The dwarves manage several decent threats to the well-being of the Outcasts, downing Eri and almost outright killing Ascaria. Only by Eidi's saving displacement and Solrisa's protection does that not happen.
-Mortimer grapples, Solrisa swings, Tynan stabs, Eidi acidifies, and Eri missiles, and the dwarves can stand against the assault no more.
-Returning to the Coenoby newly clean of blood, some of you engage with the gnomes in games with balls. When you attempt to assist in Khellek's healing, Auric makes sure you are unable to tamper with the competition.
-By the end of the Hours, 3 Legios remain- Preaching and Bleaching, Artists and Outcasts, and Auric's Warband.

Gozran 16, 4749 (Starday)
-The morning of the Fourth Day of the Gauntlet arrives! Artists and Outcasts find themselves pitted against the mysterious Madtooth the Hungry. The Sponsors do not visit you as scheduled.
-A delay in bringing Madtooth to the field bleeds various spell preparations from the Outcasts, before the monster is revealed- a frogemoth, tentacled and agile-tongued!
-A sudden massive attack by Madtooth, and it seems quite foolish of you to think you would ever best such a monstrosity, that is, until it turns out that it is truly a Day for Fools.
-After remarkably-able grappling all around, and one good gulp of the giant, Madtooth can't endure the flies that are the Outcasts, buzzing about him, and he collapses, much like Tynan did.
-Talabir welcomes the finalists to the observation deck, where each of you is given the opportunity to address your adoring throngs with voice amplification.
-Loris personally congratulates you, promising a spectacular finish to the Gauntlet on the morrow.
-A tense discussion of impending ritual is held between the remaining Legios, while Purple Cloaks secure the Coenoby on the penultimate night.

Gozran 17, 4749 (Sunday)
-The morning of the Final Day of the Gauntlet arrives! The main battle is scheduled for the 12th Hour. When you enter the Catafalque for the final time, you find Auric and Khellek accompanied by several stone golems.
-An opening salvo of Confusion, and the battle begins. The Outcasts take to the air to meet Auric's Warband on their own terms. Eidi manages to counter Khellek well, avoiding the confusion, and helping to remove it from others.
-Mortimer grapples a wizard, while golems have their way. More mental assault, as fear rips through the party, while the maiden disables the golems with her mighty sword.
-The gnome proves to be quite stalwart, keeping hope alive while resisting the wizard's influences. The Khelleks blip back and forth, unable to avoid the attentions of quick-footed maidens.
-Solrisa brings a final swing to the battle, bringing Auric down, and forcing Khellek to surrender.
-Loris has a final surprise for you. For all of the attendees, for that matter- the Apostle of Kyuss, the no-longer-incubating ulgurstasta, which erupts through the arena floor, and sets to harvesting Champion Blood.
-Necromantic acid withers you all. The combined effort of both Champion Legios proves effective enough to down the mighty worm! Everything is left on the battlefield.
-Loris and Kendra depart, leaving the Artists and Outcasts to accept their new titles, and belts, from the Queen Herself.
-The Outcasts return to the Coenoby for one last night below ground. After expert healing, there are cookies for all! And a quiet night of rest...

Gozran 18, 4749 (Moonday)
-Before departing the Catafalque altogether, the Outcasts reexamine Loris's private quarters beyond the library, where maids fantasize about burly bludgeoners. Another entry into the Catafalque is found, courtesy of a private cemetary north of Thrune Square, where a set of stairs leads out and into the city.
-The city welcomes you back to the surface, this time publicly, and awaiting adorers amass, slowing your return to those familiar to you.
-Eventually, you visit the Academy, the Crooked House, and finally the Smallcask Estate, where you are rewarded with the full prize money, as well as commissions for magical items. A song and dance, and dinner with Ekaym and Lahaka comes to a close.

Gozran 19, 4749 (Toilday)
-A return to the streets, shopping, and a visit to Eligos to learn what has been learned from his research, only to find him dead, and worm-ridden, as well as both familiar and butler disposed of in their own fashion.

So ends Book 5 of the Age of Worms Adventure Path :)

Male, Gnome

(Oracle, Life, Spirit Guide Archetype 11)
+6 HP (5 class +1 con) (total 69)
+6 skills (4 class, +1 favored class, +1 int)(Bluff, Craft Drawing, Diplomacy, Heal, Linguistics (trait doubles languages learned: Darkfolk, Grippli), Spellcraft)
+1 Feat (Lunging Spell Touch)
+1 BAB with all that entails (+8/+3)
+1d6 Channel Energy (6d6)
+1 Revelation (Safe Curing (spells that heal no longer provoke AoO))
Spells: Caster Level +1 (11), Concentration +1 (17)
+1 fourth level spell per day (7)
+1 fifth level spell per day (5)
+1 second level spell known (Status)
+1 third level spell known (Dispel Magic)
+1 fourth level spell known (Terrible Remorse)
+1 fifth level spell known (Cleanse)
+2 to Liberating command (+22)
+1 to Pilfering Hand (+17)
+1 to Remove Disease (+11)

Also, I screwed up with my last purchase. I bought two items that didn't stack for the same effects... Silly gnome, magic's for kids!

Anyway, GM Rat Sass is allowing me to exchange my foolish purchase for a ring of Protected Life, which puts 1,000gp back in my pocket. I have loaner money if anyone needs it. Incidentally I am also replacing my scroll of remove fear.

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Last Level: April 14, 2017

Solrisa, Winged Wurm Squisher 11:

+1 Lvl Pure Innocent
+8 HP

+feat: Dodge (TBD)

+4 skillz:
+2 Fly
+1 UMD
+1 Know (Rel)

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

Level 11:

Fighter (archer) 1, Sorcerer (Stormborn) 7 (9), Eldritch Knight 3 , +5 HP (total 54)
+3 skills (+2 class, +1 int)(Spellcraft, Knowledge Arcana, Sense Motive)

spells per day: +1 3rd (6) +4 4th (5)
spells known: 2nd swap admonishing ray for scorching ray +1 3rd (Flame Arrow), +1 4th(Rigor Mortis)
Caster Level +1 (9), Concentration +1 (17)
+1 BAB (7), +1 FORT (8),

Flame Arrow

Rigor Mortis

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)


BAB: +11/+6/+1

Hits: 81
Maneuver Training 3, Overrun +1, +2 Disarm, +3 Grapple
Swapping out Throw Anything for Stunning Fist
11th lvl Feat: Improved Critical
Bonus Feat: Dragon Style
+1 Perception
+1 Intimidate
+2 Sense Motive
+1 Escape Artist
+1 Acro

Bald male Half-Elf elder

I am almost done with Eidi's level up, but have been some days trapped with the feat decision. I wonder if magical item crafting is something acceptable in the campaign and if the party has interest in such a thing.

If so, I think craft wonderous item or craft wand might be something that appeals Eidi.

Male Human Slayer 11

Level 11:

+1 Slayer Level
+1 BAB, +6 hp
Slayer Ability: Swift Tracker
Skills:10 (+1 Acrobatics, +1 Bluff, +1 Climb, +1 Disable Device, +2 Disguise, +1 Perception, +1 Sense Motive, +1 Stealth, +1 Survival)

Belt of Physical Perfection +2: -10,000 gift + -6,000 personal funds.
Goggles of Minute Seeing: -2,500
Belt of Tumbling: +400

Male, Gnome

Ascaria would love the financial savings of crafting (he has a long and expensive list), but I dunno about time.

We're getting up into some expensive items, and at 2kgp a day best case, it takes a long time to make stuff. We might not have that kind of downtime, but that's more a DM question.

I've had crafters in past campaigns I've run, and the time element was the most difficult to sync with the game flow.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Level 11

+1 Theurge level
HP +9
Spells Wizard: +1 level 3, +1 level 4; Cleric: +1 level 3, +1 level 4
Feat Craft wonderous item
Spells learned on spellbook
- river of wind
- stoneskin
Skills +8
Escape artist
K. arcana
K. local
K. religion

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22
Solrisa Iome Arabasti wrote:

.26954.1 gp
-16000.0 Winged Boots
.10954.1 gp to spend

.10954.1 gp to spend

-..100.0 gp massive tip
-.6000.0 gp to Eidi to upgrade Headband of Charisma
..4854.1 gp to spend

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)



Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

Internet is dicey. Will try to post late saturday. Feel free to move me along.

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

On the road again all day today. Probably won't post until tomorrow AM.

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Tongue-in-cheek Escapism

Bald male Half-Elf elder

That's really interasting Rat Sass, thanks for sharing! I can say using roleplaying to improve people's life is real.

In a different order of things, how do you interpret grappled casting concentration checks? All spells are required a check, or only those with a Somatic component?

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|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Casting Spells while Grappled/Grappling: The only spells which can be cast while grappling or pinned are those without somatic components and whose material components (if any) you have in hand. Even so, you must make a concentration check (DC 10 + the grappler’s CMB + the level of the spell you’re casting) or lose the spell.

I will abide by this grapple conditional.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Sorry guys. Have I had known, I would have used paragon surge to get a Skill Focus +6 bonus to identify it. We are supposed to have a second try next day.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Rat Sass, can you clarify if the bane and infliction beads in the lesser strand of prayer beads we found below the arena are 'use activated' or 'spell trigger'? I cannot find this specific item beads, and the core strand have some spell trigger and other use activated ones.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

The lesser strand of prayer beads found here, the personal posession of Bozal the tiefling, operates exactly as the core strand, with the spells being exchanged, for flavor. Both the Bead of Bane and Bead of Infliction function as spell trigger. The Infliction Bead is simply the opposite of Healing- Inflict Serious Wounds, Blindness/Deafness, or Contagion.

Just be careful- the gnome likes to sell off large clusters of unused items for the benefit of the group's cash flow... ;)

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)
Sass wrote:
Just be careful- the gnome likes to sell off large clusters of unused items for the benefit of the group's cash flow... ;)

Aye, he be a wee bit of a bâtard, in that regard, he is.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Going dark til Monday, good people. There is a Lollapa-loose in my neck of the woods, so I go off to sacrifice what little hearing I still have left, by entering the hunting grounds of downtown Chicago...

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Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Aw, ya Lollapaloser.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Alright, I'm still finding glitter in strange places, but most of it's been cleaned off. Should be back to routine. Oooo, and I had a chance to try poutine.

Also, I think Eidi's not in the loop for Mort's dream, so I post selfie here :)

Eidi, when you think you're ready for this level of awesome, seek, and you shall find your true colors.

I highly recommend a pure white beard. The darker hairs screwed up the full potential of the yellow...

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Bald male Half-Elf elder

Oh man! That's a true Unicorn beard! :D

I usually like green, but those bright ones definitely have a lot of potential for a late night party.

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Green beards did get some love that day...

I had to track that guy down to get a pic, since we were a rare breed... :)

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