Eri Nandri |
Fighter (archer) 1, Sorcerer (Stormborn) 7 , +4 HP (total 39)
+6 skills (4 class, +1 favored class, +1 int)(Spellcraft, Knowledge Arcana, Kn. Dungeoneering, kn. local, perception x2)
Spells: Caster Level +1 (7), Concentration +1 (15)
+1 2nd lvl, +1 3rd level spell per day
1st level spell:Burning disarm 2nd level spell: Acid Arrow 3rd level spell: dispel magic
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
.2701.1 gp
+6846.0 gp latest loot
-2000.0 gp gift to Ascaria
-1500.0 gp loan to Ascaria
.6053.1 gp to spend
.6053.1 gp to spend
-4000.0 gp belt +2+...3.5 gp sell old shield
-.292.0 gp mw darkwood hvy shield w/illumination boss
-..25.0 gp misc purchases food/inn/tips/donation to orphans
.1739.1 gp
GM Rat Sass |
Technical difficulties in office, with IT taking over computers for various durations. Apologies for spotty performance today...
Tynan Swale |
+1 Slayer Level, +6 HP
+1 BAB, +1 Fort and Reflex saves
+10 skill points (+1 Acrobatics, +2 Bluff, +1 Climb, +1 Disable Device, +1 Perception, +2 Sense Motive, +1 Stealth, +1 Survival)
9995gp -5100gp (Mithril Chain Shirt +2) -4000gp (Cloak of Resistance +2) = 895gp
GM Rat Sass |
Crossbows, methinks. No problem, Eri. Amid the grubby hand grabbing of the gnome, you could have found time to secure your mundane item.
GM Rat Sass |
Evening, folks! With Hourpen's departure, I wanted to bring a new player into the fold, so I'm currently talking with someone, to solidify plans. I'd like him to join us for the start of Book 5. If we're a good fit, we'll enjoy many more books to come.
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Anyway, I'd like to carve out 660gp in group funds to reverse the Pseudodragons fate. I think we're OK on wands for now, I still have a full wand of CLW and a tiny bit of another. Plus we have lots of potions to work though, and two other wands of CMW if we get really chapped. We also still have one more Breath of Life in Eri's hands. Do we want to buy another set of gloves while we're in town? It's 4,500gp, but it's a nice emergency save if we need it. I'm ambivalent so vote please.
Finally, Tynan is a bit behind us in WBL. I'd like to do an uneven distribution to catch him up a bit. Eri is also a little low, but he might take the Rod of Empower which would push him up. The other items, once identified, might do the same so I'm not committing to anything quite yet, just planning ahead a little. Give it some thought.
- - -
+1 to most of this. I'm pretty neutral about the gloves too.
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
.6053.1 gp to spend
-4000.0 gp belt +2
+...3.5 gp sell old shield
-.292.0 gp mw darkwood hvy shield w/illumination boss
-..25.0 gp misc purchases food/inn/tips/donation to orphans
.1739.1 gp
.1739.1 gp to spend
-.150.0 gp donation to prisoners (50 each)-..50.0 gp 4*scroll detect magic
.1539.1 gp
GM Rat Sass |
For revisionist history- the year is 4749, not 4979, transpositional numbercrunching tomfoolery aside... subsequent Summary Reports will reflect the new, correct year...
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
.1739.1 gp to spend
-.150.0 gp donation to prisoners (50 each)
-..50.0 gp 4*scroll detect magic
.1539.1 gp
.1539.1 gp (+Ascaria owes 1500 gp)
.7402.0 gp latest split----------
.8941.1 gp to spend
GM Rat Sass |
Still hoping for some RP from Eri and Tynan here. Big events are being foretold and surmised and debated. I want to hear more voices in this, before long.
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Still hoping for some RP from Eri and Tynan here. Big events are being foretold and surmised and debated. I want to hear more voices in this, before long.
+1 to this. There is so much there that I want to see responded to (by Sol or someone else) that I help off on responding to any of the Eligos stuff until other stuff has been dealt with.
I have meetings most of this afternoon, but should be able to post more after the gym while watching election results come in.
Should be an interesting night.
GM Rat Sass |
I'm just gonna apologize now for the likely spotty posting that will happen over the next several days... the wind's been sucked outta my sails...
GM Rat Sass |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |
First Report
Second Report
Third Report
Fourth Report
Gozran 2, 4749 (Fireday)
-The intrepid band convenes at the Hungry Gar, cleaned up, and ready for the promise of visiting the big city, Egorian! Ah, but first, a visit with Governor Neff.
-Following a debriefing in private, the party is lauded in public, for its heroics in defending Blackwall Keep. They are rewarded well, but humble themselves before Diamond Lake, giving back to the community.
-The gnome shares a prescient moment, promising to purchase First Aid Gloves. Surely, it's excessive precaution...
-A revisiting with Allustan, and the party sets down plans to visit Egorian, and Allustan's associate, Eligos, to continue the investigation of worms.
Gozran 3, 4749 (Starday)
-Solrisa secures a second horse from Braxander of Able Carter's.
-With Maurice in the driver's seat, the party makes its way by coach towards Egorian. This day only brings an owlbear attack.
Gozran 4, 4749 (Sunday)
-Another day on the road. This day ends with a scrap with displacer beasts! The party proves too strong to be prey...
Gozran 4, 4749 (Moonday)
-A full day's travel, and arrival in Egorian by sunset.
-Beyond corrupt gate guards, you arrive in the late evening at Eligos's Estate.
-A dark conversation begins, of the undead and the worms they carry, of the cult activity in Dourstone Mine, of the lizardfolk blight, of the black dragon... A promise of assistance is secured.
-Mortimer makes the acquaintance of Felix, Eligos's skunk familiar.
-The party takes up lodging in the Crooked House Tavern in the same evening. Coins are tossed, Fish Eye is sampled, and the party and the proprietor and wife are introduced.
Gozran 5, 4749 (Toilday)
-The day begins with venture into Lavinia’s, a local magic dealer, then the Bear and Bellows.
-Mortimer offers a metal ball to the Bear and Bellows for further investigation.
-A fortuitous stroll through town leads to Whipcrack, an unfortunate place for halflings. Tynan makes sure to help Hourpen hide his halfling nature while in town.
-Returning back to the Crooked House, the party meets the local drunk, Axton, and the bouncer, Tamash. A brief report from Tarquin lets you know that Eligos’s butler had checked in on the party earlier in the day.
Gozran 6, 4749 (Wealday)
-The party heads into town again, this time encountering Thrune Square, and the impaling Forks.
-Old City welcomes you, especially Bilgetown, where the party is able to acquire further supplies. The Belasurs welcome you in the Church of Sarenrae.
-Much later in the evening, the Crooked House erupts in noise, bringing the party under accusation of attempted murder of Tarquin, by murchants intent on your arrest, or death, whichever becomes more reasonable.
-Tynan is pulled back from true death, with the touch of Eri’s First Aid Gloves.
-One attempts to flee, but fails to elude the pursuing party members.
-The murchants’ natures are revealed- doppelgangers walk the streets of Egorian!
-Egorian guard arrive, question the room, then depart with the doppelgangers, but not before the party learns of Telakin, the boss of them. You also gain the undying admiration of Tarquin and his wife.
Gozran 7, 4749 (Oathday)
-The next day proves productive in the initial investigation of Telakin, as the party encounters a parade in Thrune Square. The centerpiece Chimera breaks free, forcing you to negotiate with it, then subdue it through strength.
-Meanwhile, Mortimer is accosted by pickpockets, whose pockets are in turned picked, as they provide the name ‘Sodden Hold’, in exchange for their release.
-The sneaks do a little reconnaissance, while the rest of the party returns to the Crooked House. Tynan and Hourpen are able to locate Sodden Hold, and the party makes plans for the next day.
Gozran 8, 4749 (Fireday)
-Riverside District calls. Sodden Hold, an outwardly abandoned warehouse along the Adivian, opens to your pilfered key. Mimics in the form of heavy chests welcome you into the main room.
-Deeper still, you find several folk imprisoned. Two of them attack you from behind, while invisible stalkers attack you from a watery walkway room. You find two genuine prisoners, one who introduces herself as Ilya Starmane. She accounts for her horrid treatment at the hands of the doppelganger gang. Solrisa executes Kylan, Ilya’s betrothed, one more time in front of her eyes. Before leaving you, Ilya gives you her periapt, and her profound gratitude.
-Deep down a well, Mortimer grapples with a giant octopus, before the gang joins in. Calamity looks more like calamari after the tide turns.
-Solrisa become pit-iful, after chasing blue light, at the same time that the group kicks the hornets’ nest, bringing all available doppelgangers to the hallway. The maiden is brought from the pit in due time.
-A singular pacifist doppel is downed, before routing a pack of spidery creatures, and rescuing Scout from certain death.
-Telakin’s personal guard arrive, shortly before Telakin himself. An irritating Wall of Fire, Confusion to boot, and the party deals with Telakin first as mage, second as barbarian.
-With Telakin defeated, his mirror maze is explored, then his laboratory is found, as well as the throne room. With Tynan’s guidance, the room is disarmed of several traps, and Telakin’s private chamber is discovered, along with several key business ledgers. Also, instructions for the party’s assassination, from someone named Zyrxog...
-Spending the afternoon liquidating loot, the party returns to the Crooked House, Scout-in-tow.
-An imp comes to collect the tax collector’s attache case, and collect, it does.
-A halfling goes, off to pursue a less chaotic life on his own.
Gozran 9, 4749 (Starday)
-The party visits Eligos to bring him up to speed. Eligos accompanies the gang to Telakin’s throne room to inspect the insidious table, where he is accused of being a doppelganger himself. Parting ways, the party is left to more fully investigate the Sewers of Egorian. Before doing so, Solrisa smashes the table, rendering it useless to any future endeavors.
-Zyrxog’s lair is not far ahead, and the gang manages to infiltrate it, despite yellow mold, a dozen drow, and a spirited Naga. The gnome sets off a glyph in his haste, before encountering a gaggles of octopins.
-Deeper into the complex, the party destroys a brain construct, clears more octopins, small and large, before running headlong into Zyrxog and his personal cathedral. Zyrxog defends his brood to the last, before succumbing to the might of the masses.
-A creepy museum is uncovered and raided, as well as Zyrxog’s study, which indicates another plan for the development of ‘mind worms’.
-The gnome is able to sift through another ledger, this time discussing rare magical items and artifacts, one which catches the attention, as a transaction between Zyrxog and a one Loris Raknian for something called the Apostolic Scrolls. The same Loris Raknian that apparently hired Zyrxog in the first place to see the party killed.
-Ascaria suffers from one of the items of the Museum, as a Vacuous Grimoire steals mental energy from the gnome.
-The party manages to also rescue three unfortunate prisoners, all with the likenesses of previously encountered doppelgangers. The inspiration for various forms they took…
-Returning to the surface, the prisoners are fed, and given resources to see themselves fit to return to society. The tongueless prisoner is brought along to the Grand Temple of Asmodeus, where both man and psuedodragon return to full health.
-Raziel, the pseudodragon, is determined to be a resident of Korvosa, in the year 4707, and desirous of the means for returning.
-Returning to the Crooked House, the party enjoys a return to normalcy, if only for one more night.
So ends Book 4 of the Age of Worms Adventure Path :)
GM Rat Sass |
Good day to all! Please welcome Eidi, our new player! I hope his voice will add to the chorus of good characters we have already.
Eidi |
Thanks Ascaria! Very happy to join you! :D
This seems like an interesting and immersive game, I hope I can mingle good with you and help to keep up the good play you already have here.
Eidi will hopefully join you to help in the Gauntlet if you accept. If everything goes good he probably finds new reasons to follow you in your adventures, again if you are ok with it. That is if he survives this tough mission. Let's hope so!
I have taken some care to not step too much on the role of anyone in the party when designing him. Thus, I hope no one feels his/her role in the party under competition.
Kobold Catgirl |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Second Report
Third ReportFourth Report
Gozran 2, 4749 (Fireday)
-The intrepid band convenes at the Hungry Gar, cleaned up, and ready for the promise of visiting the big city, Egorian! Ah, but first, a visit with Governor Neff.
-Following a debriefing in private, the party is lauded in public, for its heroics in defending Blackwall Keep. They are rewarded well, but humble themselves before Diamond Lake, giving back to the community.
-The gnome shares a prescient moment, promising to purchase First Aid Gloves. Surely, it's excessive precaution...
-A revisiting with Allustan, and the party sets down plans to visit Egorian, and Allustan's associate, Eligos, to continue the investigation of worms.Gozran 3, 4749 (Starday)
-Solrisa secures a second horse from Braxander of Able Carter's.
-With Maurice in the driver's seat, the party makes its way by coach towards Egorian. This day only brings an owlbear attack.Gozran 4, 4749 (Sunday)
-Another day on the road. This day ends with a scrap with displacer beasts! The party proves too strong to be prey...Gozran 4, 4749 (Moonday)
-A full day's travel, and arrival in Egorian by sunset.
-Beyond corrupt gate guards, you arrive in the late evening at Eligos's Estate.
-A dark conversation begins, of the undead and the worms they carry, of the cult activity in Dourstone Mine, of the lizardfolk...
Uuuugh. You write the reports I wish I wrote, Sass. :P
I love the contrast between your game and mine. My party destroyed Zyrxog's brood, so he skedaddled and has become their most hatred recurring villain so far. I see you guys also ended up going the alternative route with the doppelgangers.
Ascaria |
I have taken some care to not step too much on the role of anyone in the party when designing him. Thus, I hope no one feels his/her role in the party under competition.
Feh! Don't worry about stepping on toes. I've got 10 of them. Better to have strong character and we'll sort out the rest. If there's any hard-core duplication we can adjust to fit you in as well. It shouldn't all be on you! :)
I'm sure, with a little care, we'll work it all out.
- - -
Hi Cleaver! Nice to know we're being watched.... hehehehe.
GM Rat Sass |
Hey Kobold! Much thanks for the compliment- finishing each book, over such a long time, and I've appreciated my own recaps, to avoid things slipping through cracks :)
It was a decent connection to make after the fact- Zyrxog could have easily skedaddled, but for the brood. Doppelgangers make for a very paranoid party... hehehehe
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Eidi wrote:I have taken some care to not step too much on the role of anyone in the party when designing him. Thus, I hope no one feels his/her role in the party under competition.Feh! Don't worry about stepping on toes. I've got 10 of them. Better to have strong character and we'll sort out the rest. If there's any hard-core duplication we can adjust to fit you in as well. It shouldn't all be on you! :)
I'm sure, with a little care, we'll work it all out.
Welcome Eidi! Glad you have you here.
+1 to Ascaria's comments: strong character and RP is always much more important than role or class.
This should and could be fun.
Ascaria |
+6 HP (5 class +1 con) (total 57)
+6 skills (4 class, +1 favored class, +1 int)(Bluff, Craft Drawing, Diplomacy, Heal, Linguistics (trait doubles languages learned: Treant, Sphynx), Spellcraft)
+1 Feat (Reactive Healing)
+1 Fort & Reflex Saves
+1d6 Channel Energy (5d6)
Spells: Caster Level +1 (9), Concentration +1 (15)
+1 third level spell per day (7)
+1 fourth level spell per day (5)
+1 second level spell known (Suppress Charms and Compulsions)
+1 third level spell known (Magic Vestments)
+1 fourth level spell known (Protection from Energy Communal)
+2 to Liberating command (+18)
+1 to Pilfering Hand (+15)
+1 to Remove Disease (+9)
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Last level: September 3, 2016.
+1 Lvl Pure Innocent
+8 HP
+feat: improved critical
+4 skillz:
+1 Know (Religion)
+1 UMD
+2 Spellcraft