GM Rat Sass's Age of Worms

Game Master Governayle

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Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Sorry if I've miss stuff. It's been a really weird couple of weeks here.

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Bald male Half-Elf elder

Just in case you were wondering, it seems I have hit the forum's alias profile maximum length with 63132 characters and I will have to compress Eidi's profile. Fortunately, I keep a copy in Google Docs so there was no data lost :P

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Whoa, I didn’t know that was a thing...

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22
GM Rat Sass wrote:
Whoa, I didn’t know that was a thing...

Wow. I didn't know that was a thing either. Heck, I don't think I've typed more than 5000 characters of typing for Sol in the 3 years we've had her... :)

Male, Gnome

Huh. I always wondered if there was a limit. 63132 is it huh? Good to know!

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Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

While not actually an odd number, that is an odd number.

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

So, what do stupid NeffWorms have going for them?

1 ) That Enervation thing
2) The Gaze Attack
3) Invisibility
4) Scorching Ray
5) This (link)

Is it possible they might have teleport and/or dimension door also?

Known weaknesses:
1) Fire
2) Melee damage
3) Does Electricity also hurt them?

What else?

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Male, Gnome

I can help with invisibility. I can purge any invisibility within 70' of me. And my usual buffs will help with saving throws.

Beyond that, boy, I'm not sure. That gaze attack is rough - and makes it hard for me to heal as I can't see them to carve them out of the healing by my usual methods. And I need to make really sure Eidi and I don't both fail the Feeblemind or we're kinda stuck.

So we should hit them hard and fast, and try for a short fight (lol). If we get wounded, we fall back so I can heal us and not them. So we should stick together more than usual so we can fall back as a group.

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F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Uh, maybe we should wrap towels over our heads so they can't see us? - Sol, helpfully.

* * *

Deeper Darkness on us would work too. Deeper Darkness would even out the blindness, so no one can see. One of us with echolocation (Sol can cast from scroll?) or Eidi who can act as scout.


Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Repeatedly Dimension Door around the battle ground to come up behind them, or drive them apart?

Male, Gnome

Actually that darkness thing might work OK for Ascaria. I have blindsense out to 30'. The way I read it, I can locate creatures in that radius so I can target them without seeing them for things like channel and spells.

I also plan to get Obscuring Mist among my spells, but haven't had the 1 day downtime I need to make it happen. It's only a 20' radius though, so not quite as good as Deeper Darkness (60' radius?).

I like Dimension Door as an escape, but how many of those can Eidi get? He's more limited than I or Eri in total spells I think. Otherwise yeah, we should have as many of those as we can - Ascaria loves that spell and is green with envy that he can't get it.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Eidi memorized 2x dimension doors today, I can prepare a third one in his 4th slot and cast a fourth one with his ring bonded object.

Eidi has an obscuring mist, but better than that with a blessing of fervor help he could enlarge the area to 40-ft.

Additionally, he could potentially cast whatever divine spell of level 6 or less with his divine bonded object, and slot whatever another with level 4 or less (deeper darkness?). But I do not have experience enough with gaze to know how to deal with.

Although we can perhaps just close our eyes and call the gods for luck :P

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Ok, Eidi can DD us to the top of the Ziggurat if you wish so, but we might be less prepared afterwards than now. The wall of ice might hold the two at south for 1 or 2 rounds. Solrisa and Mortimer can go each, eyes shut to block the other two while Eri and Eidi give advice from far away of where they are located.

Eri can summon 1d3 dire bats to hold the southern line while Solrisa and Mortimer do their job in the sides, and keep doing it or blasting if possible to hold the lines and help the melee.

Ascaria can buff or remain eyes shut just in case something bad happens. And Eidi can look for other means of hampering any leak while the job is done.

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

O.K., we won't go up top, but I think it's a bad idea to split up the party so. We have a much better chance if we focus together on one target and hit it with what we have.

I suggest we go the back the long way around (through the preserved 'army') to confront red and it's party of worms. Make magenta come to us, or the others if the wall melts before then.

Eidi, do you think you can work the bat thing from inside the corridor to the west by red?

And what does everyone else think?

Male, Gnome

I agree with sticking together more so my healing is in reach. And yes, let's avoid the water as there may be dispel magics flying, and it'll be bad enough falling into swarms without having to swim as well...

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

My apologies- thought I'd be more attentive to my games while on vacation, but it turns out that a beautiful woman, great food and excellent spirits are more distracting now that I'm surrounded by them.

Another week, and I'll be more consistent, you have my word.

I enjoy reading this preparation! Feel free to lock in what you'd like to do, either heading up top, returning to civilization, or continuing in the current initiative.

I await your direction :)

Male, Gnome

OK, let's back up a little from the edge of this damn lake and let them come to us. If they don't right away, we can go around the back way to the one naga and take it out, and then reassess. Use the bat swarm as needed to slow an advance on our flank as needed.

I worry about being over the lake for fear of dispel magics flying about and drowning in a lake of swarms. We stick together, and if things get too nasty, Eidi can port us out.

I like the idea of laying down concealment. Make their jobs tougher since ours will be already - but that's up to you Eidi. It'll hamper Eri quit a bit, but with my blind sense I should be fine.

I think it's their turn next anyway, so let's at least stay in the fight see what happens.

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Bald male Half-Elf elder

Ok, so we go back the corridor now I understand. About the concealment hampering I understand you mean Eidi casts now the 20' obscuring mist, so when we move back the mist will be between us and the nagas?

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Here's an idea: We move together to the West corridor by Red. Eidi can either cast the dire bats at the end of the corridor Red is in to keep out incoming worms while we beat on Red and its swarm.

Maybe we can control the flow of worms by slowing one then dimension dooring away, or just by containing them in this corridor.

Maybe we should focus on the bloatworms? Save the ranged things for when there is more than one and hit everything at once then just to conserve fireballs etc. ? If there are no bloatworms, there might be no reason for the swarms to hang out.

Or, we could just wing it, like we usually do.

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Sorry, Eidi, for some reason I didn't see your post. You can cast whatever you see fit in the corridor.

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Sol will do whatever plan, just let her know what you want. Otherwise, she’ll just be Sol.

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Just be Sol With the Group, rather than Sol on the other side of the room away from Ascaria Sol.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Sol can only be Sol :)

Ok, we go left aka west!

Eidi will cast a dire bat at some point, but Eri can do that even better!

PD: I just found I had incoming Private Messages for a couple of days. There is a bug since last update and the red mark at the top of the menu does not appear even if you have new messages. Just a note in case you care.

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|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Aaaand I'm back, and I've updated. Thank you for your patience :)

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|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Afternoon, my little worms! If you have the time, I'd love to accumulate the survey results from the remaining 3 peeps, and distribute them for our perusal! I pinged everyone's gmail accounts, in case it's been shucked to junk mail.

No worries if you don't want to submit answers- skip the ones you want, answer the ones you don't. Once the answers have been mixed together anonymously, I'll post it here.

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|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

First Report
Second Report
Third Report
Fourth Report
Fifth Report
Sixth Report

Seventh Report

Gozran 26, 4749 (Toilday)
-With Icosiol's Blessings secured, the Outcasts explore the last of the Tomb, the resting place of Sionsiar, companion to the Wind Duke. Mortimer baths in a slushy pool, and receives the Weird's own Blessing, for a time.
-Returning to Diamond Lake, the Outcasts visit with Allustan and Marzena, and Raziel, of course, who now temporarily reside in Governor Neff's Manor.
-Allustan summarizes his and Eligos's studies, and the compass needle turns North, to gain audience with the Archmage Manzorian in the distant town, Magepoint.
-Governor Neff bequeaths the Arkaner Estate to the Outcasts for their selfless dedication to the welfare of Diamond Lake, despite the tense confrontation between both he and Mortimer.
-Marzena joins you for a late night repast at the Hungry Gar, a fitting end to a grueling day, while Eidi wiles away some time in your new haunt, crafting his headband. But it proves penultimate, as those in Memorial Square are beset by devils, both boned and barbed. They demand the Rod, and they are denied it, but only after Jamis and Ascaria almost lose their lives in the exchange. Thanks to Hamaneezer and Eri, both are ripped from the jaws of death.
-Solrisa and Hamaneezer exchange accusations in Memorial Square. Thus the threat of persecution is laid at the maiden's feet, over a simple, but unanswered Vow of Contrition.
-You speak with dead, barbed devil, who informs you from beyond the Veil that you are now mortal enemies with Visciannix, pursuer of the Rod part you possess.

Gozran 27, 4749 (Wealday)
-The next morning brings word from Allustan that Manzorian is ready and willing to meet with you in Magepoint. The Outcasts debate a return visit to Egorian for trade, settling for Magepoint itself. Mortimer makes plans to meet again with Ilya Starmane of Barrowood.
-Mortimer makes special arrangements for the Arkaner Estate, as well as garbing the group first in white sheets from the General Store.
-Ascaria brings a special traveling magic to the group, and you Wind Walk your way first to Kintargo, Silver City of Cheliax, then on to Nisroch, arriving in Korvosa for the evening.
-Alaah and Aram's Crown prove quite hospitable for your night's stay, as you enjoy the local cuisine, and make plans for wiling away several hours next day seeking the Temple of Aroden.

Gozran 28, 4749 (Oathday)
-The day begins with rain, though the gnome's magical feast insulates your excursion into the city for your various tasks, with Hedge Wizardry, as well as your visit to the Temple of Aroden. For the business at hand, it looks like your stay in Korvosa will last a week.

Gozran 29, 30 through Desnus 1-5 4749
-The week in Korvosa passes relatively uneventfully, time spent at the Arkona Menagerie, time spent learning new spells, time spent crafting... until the last night, when you find yourselves Scryed.

Desnus 6, 4749 (Fireday)
-The Outcasts gather to them what it theirs, and take leave of Korvosa, traveling along Conqueror's Bay, above the Mushfens, along the Yondabakari River, until you reach Magepoint.
-The town is soon aware of your arrival, as you are greeted by Lycei of the townguard, and encouraged to check into the All-Seeing Eye, the town's one and only Inn.
-Some nap on a grassy knoll, while others take in the Library.

Desnus 7, 4749 (Starday)
-Your morning greets you placidly, the day beginning only after you've taken your morning's Feast.
-Cymria of Celadon greets you, and bids you join her in conference with both Celeste and revived Eligos! After each side has a chance to feel out the other, Cymria informs you of your impending meeting with Manzorian. The Outcasts learn the identity of Eligos's murderer- Captain Okoral.
-Over lunch, Celeste and Eligos discuss their return to Egorian, and Ilya Starmane and her uncle Almon join you. You are rewarded mightily by the uncle for his niece's rescue. Ilya shares her new passion for hunting dopplegangers with her siblings.
-Ascaria sells off two bottles of Scarlet Ambrosia, before Eidi, Eri, and Solrisa visit the Temple Library, while Ascaria and Mortimer take in the rest of Magepoint.
-While the three enrich themselves of knowledge, the two learn how expert the residents of Magepoint are, when devils appear and seek out the Rod Fragment a second time.
-Late into the evening, Cymria of Celadon notifies you of your midnight meeting with Manzorian.

Desnus 8, 4749 (Sunday)
-In the black of night, you approach the Fortress of Unknown Depths. In short order, you gain audience with the Archmage Manzorian, as well as High Priest Agath. With in-depth conversation, prophecy of Kyuss is discussed, and the distant ruins of Kuluth-Mar, courtesy of an old associate of Manzorian, Balakarde. The Outcasts make plans to travel to the Mwangi Expanse to explore the Spire of Long Shadows, which sits quietly within the Screaming Jungle.
-The Outcasts agree to leave the Rod Fragment in the custodianship of the Archmage, while they travel to distant lands, only after Eidi performs a Commune with a dead god.
-With Agath's help in the Temple Library, and a very well-constructed map, the Outcasts greatly teleport themselves into the Screaming Jungle.
-A jungle trek leads the group to the Spire of Long Shadows, enclosed within an Obsidian Ring of cyclopean proportions.
-Upon entering the Spire's domain, you are struck by your First Vision, of an ancient time made current before your eyes, and you begin to understand the history of Kyuss, when once he walked the land as a man, and led thousands in worship of Abraxas.
-Crossing the boundary of the Obsidian Ring, the grounds are found to be saturated with Kyuss worms, leading right up to the Ziggurat, where you are struck by your Second Vision, when you rise to the full height of the Apex of the Spire. Dragotha, ancient Red, carrying away the top of the Spire, the Monolith.
-Down below, you are met by a Knight of Kyuss and his Eviscerator Beetles, who try to claim you for wormfood, before you even enter the Ziggurat. Their chittering almost gets the best of you, but they are vanquished in steady order.
-Entering the base of the Ziggurat proves easy enough, having destroyed the outer guardians. The main chamber houses a giant Pit, as well as a Miasma of Hate. Within moments, you are introduced to a pair of corrupted Sword Archons, and a Ghaele Eladrin, who prove just as daunting an encounter as the Knight of Kyuss outside. This also becomes your first encounter with Wormswarms.
-Kelvos, favored of Kyuss, strikes out in one moment of the battle with a Prismatic Spray, almost sending Eri into another dimension. Yet, nothing happens to the sorcerer...
-Mortimer is robbed of his Air Walk, and plummets into the Pit, only to be saved by Eidi's quick thinking. The giant makes the acquaintance of several Worm Nagas who slither through the walls of the Pit.
-The defeat of the Archons and Eladrin brings on the Third Vision, which illuminates an old relationship between Kyuss and a strange creature called a Spellweaver. From this alien humanoid Kyuss receives his Worm.
-The southern room off the Main Chamber reveals a Library, occupied by three Swords of Kyuss, as well as one Wormcaller. One short-lived Wormcaller Librarian, once he attacks Solrisa, who singly-slashes-slays the undead. After ending the threat in the room, the Outcasts are left weighing the value of twelve Knowledge Worms, contained in necrotic jars, as well as the Fourth Vision, as an undead Spell Weaver demonstrates research that unleashes an epiphany for Kyuss.
-Eidi consumes a single Knowledge Worm, endures otherworldly pain, but survives to embody dark knowledge that can only be given by a whispering worm.
-The Outcasts retreat to the Jungle, and rest within the security of the Rope Trick.

Desnus 9, 4749 (Moonday)
-Reentering the Main Chamber of the Ziggurat, the Outcasts come to realize that the Spire's depths are the next step forward. Descending into the Pit, the Outcasts are assaulted from all sides by Worm Nagas, who try their best to wear you down. Eventually, the fight is abandoned, and the Pit is descended to its bottom, where the rest of the complex is found out. Wormswarms abound.
-The first struggle takes place in the Lake of Worms and the Grand Cavern, where you meet both Wormcallers and the called Overworm! This triggers the maiden, as she wraps everyone in the Smite of the Dragon. By battle's end, the Wormcallers are destroyed, as is the Overworm, though not before it Swallows Mortimer Whole, and it plunges into the Lake, dead. Mortimer's ingenuity brings him back from certain digestive death with the single use of a potion of Gaseous Form.
-Passing through a room of organized skeletons, then a room of organized dead, kept preserved with some form of Gentle Repose, the Outcasts push ever onward.
-The Fountain of Green Temptation is discovered, and its servants are destroyed for their attempt to get you to drink from it. This triggers your Fifth Vision, and you witness Kyuss's Ascension, Interrupted, as the man becomes a God, and the God becomes trapped within the Monolith that sits upon the Spire.
-Exploring more, you come upon a single sorcerer Naga named Sruggut, who only asks of you the means of leaving the Obsidian Ring. When you rudely reject him, Ascaria is rendered Feeble, before Sruggut is rendered Squirrel. A quick trade of the Feeble, and Eidi manages to Heal Ascaria before the half-elf falls victim to the Squirrel's baleful gaze.
-Across the Cavern, the Outcasts meet the rest of the Knights of Kyuss- Markath, Kardic, and Barnos, each gifted with different powers from their god. The fight within tight quarters is swift and deadly, and at its inevitable conclusion, a Voice comes through, its interest in you finally piqued.
-The Harbinger calls to you, to come and find it, but you demur, wisely. The gnome informs the Voice of your imminent return, before you depart for much-needed rest.

Desnus 10, 4749 (Toilday)
-The Outcasts return to the depths of the Ziggurat, this time intent on finding the Harbinger, and ending its existence. Waiting below are several sentinel Worm Nagas, who are placed strategically at the entrances of the Cavern. The call to retreat is raised immediately to form a gameplan based on the configuration of enemies. Divide and conquer, as two Nagas are kept at bay with a Wall of Ice, while the others are targeted and ended methodically.
-Mortimer manages to draw first necrotic blood, before he is sent into his own, personal Maze.
-Solrisa lends her Dragon's Smite to steel Mortimer's strike, then strikes the Harbinger mightily, and the Harbinger is no more.
-As Mak'ar falls, you are struck by your Sixth Vision, which lends you perspective over a litany of prophecies foretelling the coming of an Age of Worms.
-With the destruction of the Harbinger, a great upheaval can be heard, even from your place underground.

So ends Book 7 of the Age of Worms Adventure Path :)

Male, Gnome

(Oracle, Life, Spirit Guide Archetype 15)
+6 HP (5 class +1 con) (total 93)
+6 skills (4 class, +1 favored class, +1 int)(Craft Drawing, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge Planes, Linguistics (Common (Tien), Vegepygmy), Spellcraft)
+1 Feat (Leadership (Cohort only))
Blindsight 15’
+1d6 Channel Energy (8d6)
+1 BAB (+11/+6/+1)
+1 Fort and Reflex saves
+1 Revelation (Greater Spirit Ability Tax)
Healer's Touch (Su): The shaman gains a +4 bonus on Heal checks. As a standard action, the shaman can move up to half her speed and touch up to six dying creatures. Each creature is automatically stabilized without the need of a Heal check.
Spells: Caster Level +1 (15), Concentration +1 (24)
+1 sixth level spell per day (7)
+1 seventh level spell per day (5)
+1 fifth level spell known (Plane Shift)
+1 sixth level spell known (Chains of Light)
+1 seventh level spell known (Holy Word)
+2 to Liberating command (+30)
+1 to Pilfering Hand (+21)
+1 to Remove Disease (+15)
+1 fast healing Particulate Form (+3)

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Last level: May 28, 2018.

Solrisa, Maiden of Ham 15:

+1 Lvl Pure Innocent
+9 HP

+feat: shield focus

+3 skillz:
+1 Fly
+1 Know (Religion)
+1 Spellcraft

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

Eri would quite like the cloak of resistance or the rod of fury. I am having trouble deciding which one. I don't have write access to the treasure list.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

Level 15

+1 Theurge level
HP +9
Spells Wizard: +1 level 6, +1 level 5; Cleric: +1 level 6, +1 level 5
Feat improved great fortitude
Spells learned on spellbook
- forceful hand
- sirocco
Skills +8
Escape artist
K. arcana
K. planes x3
K. religion

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Three down, 2 to go... No immediate rush to level up, Eri and Mort. There should be some downtime once you get back to Magepoint...

Last prod for the last Surveymonkey hold out. I got 5 out of 6, to date. I'll post what I have by Wednesday, so I can tuck it away.

Male, Gnome

Eri, just pick which one you prefer, and I'll note it. :) Thanks!

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)



Smoked Goggles.

I'll level up this weekend. Haven't seen any of the discussion updates until just now.

Thanks, Paizo. You are so broken in not so subtle ways.

Bald male Half-Elf elder

I think the rod of fury is better in hands of Eri. Eidi rarely uses blast spells.

The cloak of resistance is probably better on Ascaria as he is usually the pillar that holds the group on foot. But Eidi will take it if he is not interested and he can contribute to the party his cloak +3 in exchange.

I do not know about the circlet of charisma, probably Eri, Ascaria and Solrisa can all do use of it.

The force shield ring might be useful for Mortimer or Solrisa.

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Male, Gnome

I already have a cloak or I'd grab it. Might change up my magics though to do so... If I do, I'd end up taking the circlet too.


Actually, if folks are OK with that, I might do that. I could really use the save support as it's been a weakness of Ascaria a few times now.

Yeah, Ascaria will claim the cloak and the circlet - giving back a cloak of charisma +4 if anyone wants it. I also have a circlet of persuasion I'll be selling if someone in the party wants to buy it. I won't be as good at Diplomacy, but I think I can survive that...

Eri should take the rod of fury. Is that cool with folks? Mort, I think you mentioned you might want the cloak of resistance - let's swap! You take the +5, I'll take your +3, and we all win a bit.

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|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

With the beginning of Book 8 of the Age of Worms, you are granted the use of Hero Points, one for each Vision you absorbed during your visit to Kuluth Mar.

So each of you now has 6 Hero Points, with the exception that Eri currently has 5 Hero Points, as he's already spent one, and you didn't even know it.

Use them wisely. There is no guarantee that you'll receive more of them through the next 5 Books...

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Still working on something...

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Mortimer (Mover of the Earth) Lvl 15:

+7 Hits
+1 Will
+1 BAB
Unarmed Damage now does 2d10 (Monk's Robe)
Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Maneuver training 4 Trip +1, Overrun +2, +3 Disarm, +4 Grapple
6 Hero Points
And a Feat TBD

F Half Elf:
HP 135, F19R14W16,Dip+13,Fly+7,HanAnim+8;K(rel)+18, Spllcrft +17,UMD +22

Solrisa would like a +1 grayflame holy seeking composite darkwood longbow (+4 str) for 50830 gp. Sol will be happy to pay the difference.

Solrisa Iome Arabasti wrote:

-.8000.0 gp Upgrade armor to +2 and add Champion
-.5000.0 gp Upgrade cloak to +3
-.9000.0 gp Pearl of Power 3
..2044.1 gp to spend

..2044.1 go to spend

+20632.0 gp latest distrib
+..128.5 gp sell blue light special shield
+.1500.0 gp sell PoP 3
.24304.6 gp
-10000.0 gp gloves of storing (putting bow in there)
-..830.0 gp diff on longbow
-12000.0 gp upgrade belt of str to +4
-.1250.0 gp gift to the Manor
...224.6 gp left

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Internet wobbles yesterday and today- will jump back in later tonight if the problems fail to resolve this morning. Thank you for your patience.

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

....- $200 (Smoked Goggles)

-3000 (+2 Belt of Physical Might -> +2 Belt of Physical Perfection (adding Con), Eidi)

-48,000 (+1 Amulet of Might Fists (+1, Cold) -> +3 Amulet of Might Fists, Cold, Manzorian)

-5000 (+2 Mithral Chain Shirt -> +3 Mithral Chain Shirt, Manzorian)

== 15132 left over

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)


6 skill points and one feat still to go. (Sorry, revamping the profile).

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

Getting steamrolled- expect an update later tonight.

Male, Gnome

We'll continue waiting then.

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Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

Final tweeks on Eri coming soon. I am trying to organize ~35 very excited middle schoolers into a D&D club! A little less than half of them have never played before. It's awesome, but exhausting.

20,632 party divvy
+5143 personal funds

-5000 extra funds for book of cha

-19400 to put the rod of fury into the bow


Bald male Half-Elf elder

Wow! Very much good luck about that club :)

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)


Potion of Gaseous Form

Male Human Fighter (archer) / Sorcerer (stormborn) / Eldritch Knight 1/7/7

Thank you very kindly, Eidi.

Male Human Brawler (17), Thief (0)

Maybe spotting posting for the next couple of days.

On my way to a meeting in Oak Ridge.

|Roll20 Link- Carrion Crown| |Roll20 Link- Age of Worms|

The Boys getting together? Bow-um-boppa-mow-mow?

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