Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
.10954.1 gp to spend
-..100.0 gp massive tip
-.6000.0 gp to Eidi to upgrade Headband of Charisma
..4854.1 gp to spend
..4854.1 gp to spend
..2206.0 gp divvy---------------
..7060.1 gp to spend
GM Rat Sass |
Delayed in posting- will hopefully update tonight
Eidi |
Very busy week. My mother-in-law is going through and operation tomorrow (she is currently living with me and my wife), and I have to finish a piece of software and travel for my company first real installation of our main product. I hope to have an update perhaps tomorrow night.
Eidi will work in Solrisa's headband for as long as possible while the group rests from Eri's resurrection.
GM Rat Sass |
Thanks, Eidi! Peace and Strength through the operation, and we'll be here when you come up for air :)
GM Rat Sass |
You are most welcome at the table, Eidi :) Let's keep this train a'rolling!
GM Rat Sass |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Just tripped across this connection from back in 1987. The band, Kyuss, with notable Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age fame, was founded by a bunch of guys familiar with our beloved Kyuss of Dungeons and Dragons notoriety... learn something new every day, I do...
GM Rat Sass |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Sorry, folks. Posting from phone here- office internet is fooked since last Thursday, will update tonight, the good lord Kyuss willing...
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Sorry guys, I am appalled by the tough moments we are living in Catalonia at the moment. I have no idea if things will come back to normality anytime soon. Please GM Eidi if needed.
Yikes, take care there, Eidi. The images that I've seen seem really intense. Be safe.
Eidi |
Solrisa chooses not to act this round as she can't move and that sucks.
Let me point out paralyzed allows for taking mental actions. So Solrisa should be able to voluntary delay until after Eidi and before Moreto. So she can probably act before it attacks Mortimer and hides :P
GM Rat Sass |
So, though a Paralyzed person really has no choice but to Delay, voluntarily or otherwise, I do not disagree with Eidi, by the rules. Here, the Initiative count can be manipulated, and Solrisa is able to act shortly before Moreto slips away.
Moreto's Immmediate Spectral Transformation did present me an odd debate about him also being able to act Immediately... Game on :)
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Last level: June 27, 2017.
+1 Lvl Pure Innocent
+8 HP
+1 str
+4 skillz:
+2 Fly
+1 UMD
+1 Spellcraft
Ascaria |
+1 Charisma (21)
+6 HP (5 class +1 con) (total 75)
+6 skills (4 class, +1 favored class, +1 int)(Craft Drawing, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge History, Linguistics (trait doubles languages learned: Aboleth, Vaati), Spellcraft)
+1 BAB with all that entails (+9/+3)
+1 All Saves
+1 Channel Energy DC (24)
Spells: Caster Level +1 (12), Concentration +1 (18)
+1 fifth level spell per day (6)
+4 sixth level spells per day (4)
+3 sixth level spell known (Heal, Heroes’ Feast, Cure Moderate Wounds Mass)
Swap Suppress Charms and Compulsions for Protection from Evil, communal
+2 to Liberating command (+24)
+1 to Pilfering Hand (+18)
+1 to Remove Disease (+12)
+1 to Magic Vestment (+3)
+1 to Status (4 targets)
Mortimer Smith |
BAB: +12/+7/+2
Damage is now 2d6 instead of 1d10
All Saves +1
Brawler's strike: Aligned Good to overcome DR
Marital Flexibility (Immediate)
1 point to Wis
+7 Hits
Skillz (Mad, 6)):
1 point Perception
+2 Escape Art
+2 Acro
+1 Intimidate
Eidi |
Level 12
+1 Theurge level
HP +9
Spells Wizard: +1 level 2, +1 level 5; Cleric: +1 level 2, +1 level 5
Ability increase +1 Int
Spells learned on spellbook
- teleport
- icy prison
Skills +8
Escape artist
K. arcana
K. planes x3
K. religion
Eri Nandri |
bump dex +1 (to get many shot next level)
Fighter (archer) 1, Sorcerer (Stormborn) 7 (10), Eldritch Knight 4 , +5 HP (total 59)
+3 skills (+2 class, +1 int)(Spellcraft, Knowledge Arcana, Kn. Planes)
spells per day: +1 4th (6) +3 5th (3)
spells known: +1 0th (mending) +1 5th (sonic thrust)
Caster Level +1 (10), Concentration +1 (18)
+1 BAB (8),
GM Rat Sass |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Sorry for the late notice- continuing education and zydeco sap the mental batteries. Was hoping to update over this weekend, but it’s been shoved aside consistently...
GM Rat Sass |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Should be more consistent in posting, now that the conference weekend has passed.
GM Rat Sass |
Son's back from college, slight delays in updating expected, and likely frequent through the rest of the week for the upcoming Thanksgiving celebrations and travel. Your patience is greatly appreciated :)
GM Rat Sass |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
First Report
Second Report
Third Report
Fourth Report
Fifth Report
Sixth Report
Gozran 19, 4749 (Toilday)
-Decontaminating the study of Eligos, along with his body, and cryptically discussing events with the dead, and the Outcasts call for the Dottari, beginning the investigation into the mage’s death.
-Papers are poured over, before the Captain meets with you again, and imposes imps on you for potential obstruction.
Gozran 20, 4749 (Wealday)
-Tag-along Imps try and fail to monitor all of the Outcasts’ whereabouts, as the wily Eidi distracts Hooknose, while Tynan cases the Eligos Estate, and the others retreat to collect equipment, and wile away time in the park, Tubby Imp in-tow.
-The half-elf collects actionable intelligence with his newfound freedom, while Mortimer tries in vain to make a thespian out of Tubby. Eri risks death on the Forks by targeting Tubby with a spell.
-Late evening stealthing, and Tynan returns to the understructure of the Catafalque.
Gozran 21, 4749 (Oathday)
-Final day in Egorian for a while. Eidi offers his crafting service, Tynan secretly informs all that Loris and company have abandoned their occupancy of the Catafalque, while Ascaria passes a collection plate around for the owners of the Crooked House Tavern.
-An Able Carter’s Coach is secured for your triumphant return to Diamond Lake, departing at the 12th Hour.
-Six hours of travel complete the day.
Gozran 22, 4749 (Fireday)
-A full day’s travel by coach. The driver, Nathaniel, keeps good company, until evening’s fall, when you cross paths with the Company of Ravens. You are informed of the Destruction of Diamond Lake. By a Black Dragon, no less.
-The Outcasts decide to press on through the night, desperate to use every hour to their advantage.
Gozran 23, 4749 (Starday)
-Arrival in Diamond Lake at the 10th Hour. The devastation is sizeable. The first sign of life is Jamis, now Sheriff. He does his best to inform you of the events of Ilthane’s arrival, before pointing you to the Governor’s Manor.
-A mournful reunion between Marzena, Neff, and the Outcasts, confirming Allustan’s likely whereabouts at the Whispering Cairn.
-A side visit with Ellival Moonmeadow for supplies, and the party ventures out.
-A tense approach of the entrance to the Whispering Cairn, and preparations are made in anticipation of a dragon’s attack.
-Tynan scouts ahead, and succeeds in finding Ilthane, though it’s the last thing he does. She sinks her talons into his shoulders, lifts him into the sky and drops him to his death.
-Eri casts his magic at the dragon, then destroys a summoned swarm. Solrisa fires arrow after arrow, unable to engage the dragon in melee. Mortimer ably engages in melee with the Black. Eidi supports everyone with his hasting magic, while also making Mortimer more marble-like. Ascaria Everhealer protects his crew while bringing strength through his prayers to Cayden.
-The majority of you endure the Dragon’s Breath, finding its acid to be more potent than expected, and she does manage a Fly-By Attack at least once.
-Eidi strikes Ilthane with huge Level Loss, Solrisa strikes with a volley of arrows, Eri lays down a Fireball at the rear, and Mortimer leaps onto the Black, drawing her full attack, none of which touches the giant. Ilthane falls.
-Artists and Outcasts enters the Whispering Cairn, and makes quick work of the various levels and possible rabbit runs Allustan might have taken, before turning full attention on the Black Portal, newly uncovered.
-The Black Portal reveals an Abyssal Ghoul infestation within its barrier. Solrisa destroys this side of the Black Portal, crippling your ability to use the Portal easily.
-Eidi remembers an old ‘friend’, Gilipollas, a towering mercane with a history with the half-elf. A quick negotiation ensues, a ring is given, and the party is ported to the other side of the Black Portal, wherever that may be.
-The ghoul is dealt with, as are several belkers, before the party moves forward, and out of the very windy, and annoying, entry hall.
-The next chamber presents a grand relief of Icosiol, then presents a poisonous gas that is dismissed when Ascaria utters the Wind Duke’s name aloud.
-Allustan’s tracks are ascertained, allowing Eri to assist in tracking the old man further into the complex. Sadly, it leads the sorcerer into a trap meant to antagonize chaotic individuals, and poor Eri finds himself paralyzed for a good amount of time.
-Enter the Earl of Coalchester, stage right. The salamander and his fire elemental entertain the intruders, before being falsely accused of concealing Allustan’s whereabouts, and attacked for his troubles. Ascaria even pilfers his Longspear!
-Antyress enlists Flycatcher’s assistance, as the giant shadow spider introduces itself, while the salamander flees.
-The party shoos away the Spider, pursues the Earl, ends the Earl, and finds Allustan, ensconced within a Tempest Globe!
-Eidi suppresses ancient magic, just long enough to free the old mage, before establishing a safe space to rest within a Rope Trick, and resting for the night.
Gozran 24, 4749 (Sunday)
-Dabbling with the Tempest Globe room, both with dead salamander and summoned archons yields no successful entrapment within the sphere.
-Taking to the southern door of the main chamber, the party encounters Zifforian, Dread Wraith, who doesn’t take well to tomb robbers. He’s sent to his second grave, while Flycatcher absconds with Eri to the Shadow.
-Flycatcher attempts to bargain with the stolen sorcerer, but the art of diplomacy is lost like so much airy webbing. Eri is slaughtered in exchange for your non-help, though you do learn of someone called the Marquis of the River.
-Through several dimensional manipulations, Ascaria, Eidi, and Allustan return to Diamond Lake, Ascaria and Eidi travel to Egorian, while Mortimer and Solrisa hold a vigil over Eri’s corpse, armored or no.
Gozran 25, 4749 (Moonday)
-The day starts afresh, as Ascaria brings his brother-in-arms Eri back to life. Eri is restored as best as the healer can, but the sorcerer is left one level down, for seven days, in fact.
-The Outcasts reenter the Whispering Cairn, and the Black Portal, with the help of old Gilipollas, seeking out the spider, and what lies deeper in the Tomb.
-The first Robbery occurs with the looting of Antyress’s chest. The second Robbery occurs with the removal of Icosiol’s Banded Armor.
-Passing through the shadowy chamber, the party discovers a stone bridge, over red running water, where they encounter a roaming band of xorn. A peaceful negotiation ensues, valuable stones exchanged, before a rogue xorn blindly attacks the gnome. After a powerful blow by Mortimer, the rogue xorn collapses, and is dragged away by its brethren.
-In exchange for your patience, spokesxorn and his own investigate the River for you, giving you a sense of what lies ahead. False doors, a cold chamber, a waterfall… a peaceful parting of the ways, and you are left alone to continue your delving.
-Two blood amniotes confront you down one branch of the River, though they don’t last long.
-The River becomes the Falling River, as you find the drop of the waterfall. The descent brings a Wind Warrior ambush above a red lake. The conflict is long, but you overcome mightily.
-Further descent through the Narrows, and Mortimer detects the presence of a secret door in the face of the wet cavern walls. Behind it, you find stairs, leading to a massive set of Doors. Eri manages to Dispel them, and you find the Chamber of Fog and Lightning and Pillars beyond. A decision is made, and you mark this room for a later return.
-At the bottom of the Falling River lies the Star Chamber, where you encounter the Marquis of the River, Moreto, Marquis of Ravenstone. Despite Ascaria’s and Eidi’s desire to talk, the Outcasts inevitably fall into violence, as Solrisa declares mistrust with her divine judgment, and Mortimer declares war with his bag throwing.
-Moreto and his mohrgs are mowed down, though Moreto manages to reemerge as a spectre, and is destroyed in its rabid hatred of the gnome and his restorations.
-You find the Seal of Law among Moreto’s possessions, but for your ignorance, the gnome manages to set off its defenses, twice, first calling djinn in the Star Chamber, second calling invisible stalkers at the foot of the Cyclopean Doors.
-The Seal of Law does indeed open the Doors. With Ascaria’s protection from electricity, the Outcasts are able to cross the Chamber of Fog and Lightning safely, flashes of reverent memory emblazoned in your eyes with every lightning strike.
-The Seal of Law allows you to ascend into the Resting Chamber of Icosiol, where you encounter one last guardian, an Oculus Demon. Eidi finds it easily with scrying magics for invisibility, and an intimate fight breaks out over the floating sarcophagus. The gnome is paralyzed, the giant is panicked, before the maiden cracks through the demon’s mirrored images, felling it quickly with the help of the others.
-With the demon dead, the party is able to crack the coffin, using the Seal of Law once again. Icosiol objects, at first, until he understands who stands before him. Blessings are granted, powerful and ancient items are bestowed, and previous items are restored.
-Bearing the Fragment of the Rod of Law, the largest piece of the Rod of Many Parts, the Outcasts are assured that Icosiol’s Tomb is no longer a threat to them.
-Eidi calls forth his Rope Trick, and brings a safe resting place to all, to finish the day in contemplations of what lies ahead.
So ends Book 6 of the Age of Worms Adventure Path :)
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Solrisa Iome Arabasti wrote:.10954.1 gp to spend
-..100.0 gp massive tip
-.6000.0 gp to Eidi to upgrade Headband of Charisma
..4854.1 gp to spend..4854.1 gp to spend
..2206.0 gp divvy
..7060.1 gp to spend
Where are we on the upgrade/crafting of Sol's Headband of Charisma +4? If it's done, and you have time, she could use a belt upgrade as well.
Ascaria |
Also, please Level to 13.
+6 skills (4 class, +1 favored class, +1 int)(Bluff, Craft Drawing, Diplomacy, Heal, Linguistics (trait doubles languages learned: Boggard, Tengu), Spellcraft)
+1 Feat (Liberation Channel (6 rounds freedom of movement))
+1d6 Channel Energy (7d6)
Spells: Caster Level +1 (13), Concentration +1 (19)
+1 fifth level spell per day (7)
+1 sixth level spell per day (5)
+1 fourth level spell known (Brightest Light)
+1 fifth level spell known (Burst of Glory)
+1 sixth level spell known (Wind Walk)
+2 to Liberating command (+26)
+1 to Pilfering Hand (+19)
+1 to Remove Disease (+13)
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Last level: October 23, 2017.
+1 Lvl Pure Innocent
+8 HP
+Dragonbane Aura
+more spells
+4 skillz:
+2 Fly
+1 Know (Religion)
+1 Spellcraft
GM Rat Sass |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Never saw Golarion from this perspective before. Flat maps is flat, but they do seem to overlap nicely on a spheroid.
GM Rat Sass |
Also waiting on folks to finish Leveling up to 13...
Eidi |
Level 13
+1 Theurge level
HP +9
Spells Wizard: +1 level 4, +1 level 5; Cleric: +1 level 4, +1 level 5
Feat Divine interference
Spells learned on spellbook
- baleful polymorph
- false vision
Skills +8
Escape artist
K. arcana
K. planes x3
K. religion
Eri Nandri |
Bonus Combat Feat:Many Shot
Fighter (archer) 1, Sorcerer (Stormborn) 7 (11), Eldritch Knight 5 , +5 HP (total 64)
+3 skills (+2 class, +1 int)(Spellcraft, Knowledge Arcana, Craft: Origami)
Saves: +1 Fort, Ref, Will (10,11,10)
spells per day: +1 4th (7) +1 5th (4)
spells known:
+1 2nd
admonishing ray
+1 3rd
Battering Blast
+1 4th
detect scrying
+1 5th
Parchment Swarm
Caster Level +1 (11), Concentration +1 (19)
+1 BAB (9),
GM Rat Sass |
If it involves Rats, it must be highly intelligent, and of grand social impact.
GM Rat Sass |
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, everyone!! Should be able to update later tonight or tomorrow, as we are on the road...
GM Rat Sass |
Sorry, folks- still getting rattled from work and busy homefront. Should be able to push us through shortly...
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
It seems we are close there, today and a couple more days and we will be done with it ^_^
Eidi, plan! We have 7 days of you have crafting plans? Because Sol has some other needs (and the gold to pay for it) if you have time.
Mostly, upgrading her +2 str belt to +4 (or +4 str/dex) would be keen. Whatcha got planned?