GM Peachbottom |
Hehe. Well also, Paizo was kind of stupid for this encounter. They are using the same Red Mantis stats from Chapter 3 when you were half the level you are now. They are CR 7s. I don't know why they didn't add a couple more levels to the assassins here. Maybe the leader Kayltanya will last more than a round. She has a more reasonable CR but still probably not enough hit points to survive a full attack from Tyrandro or Sebastian. Sebastian doesn't have the range, but Serithial does some serious damage in melee since the holy and bane apply to pretty much everything in the castle.
Tyrandro Amprei |
It's common practice in the adventures to bring back hard enemies from former encounters as a satisfying experience later. In the serpent skull AP it's even spelled out that way with one encounter.
I have the opposite right now in Hells Rebels, where the common guards on the street suddenly have double HD, better equipment and better stats. This kind of kills the mood when you beat them earlier, and now two levels later you get your ass handed by every john smith working for the evil guys.
GM Peachbottom |
It's her invisibility that is getting you. If you could she her, she couldn't get any sneak attacks in.
I also remembered the Sebastian's sword Serithial can cast Cure Moderate Wounds 3/day so he should use that. The sword's action is in addition to Sebastian's.
Where is MuShu? Did he stay home?
Tyrandro may have killed her. I'll calculate soon.
Also, I don't think Ayako can use the spell she selected because it needs to target a creature and she is still invisible right now. Maybe I'll allow with 50% miss chance like with other attacks.
Tyrandro Amprei |
Another question. I didn't expect the wall of blades for the swarms to go that well. At first I considered going for a circle to include all swarms. But I would have had to include either Iolana or Ayako in it.
I didn't do it, as I wasn't sure who can take it and it would have had negative effects on our ability to move. But mostly, because I don't know what you would have thought of this.
So in general, what are your thoughts on such an action?
GM Peachbottom |
I'm okay with including allies in area effects out of necessity. Typically, I'd say just ask the character being included in the effect if it is okay. Worst case, just do it, and if an issue comes up that the action needs to be changed, I'll allow changing it. I'm pretty easy going with most things. Having fun is the number 1 priority.
Tyrandro Amprei |
A backpack of this sort... is like a bag of holding ...
If a bag of holding is overloaded, or if sharp objects pierce it (from inside or outside), the bag immediately ruptures and is ruined, and all contents are lost forever.
I object to putting Laori into a haversack.
GM Peachbottom |
The four Gray Maidens have the following gear each:
+1 full plate, +1 heavy steel shield, +1 composite longbow (+2 Str) with 20 arrows, +1 longsword, cloak of resistance +1, 31 pp, 4 gp
You obviously aren't looting them mid-combat but I'm including now and will update the treasure sheet so I don't forget about it later.
GM Peachbottom |
Tyrandro calls on his iron will to withstand that miasma.
What is Tyrandro making a Will save for? Only Sebastian was hit by spells in Round 2. The drawing on the map is correct. Also the effect doesn't remain, I just put it there as a visual for where it was cast. On your Round 2 turns, you can move up without getting hit.
Nothing is stopping you from turning into the workshop instead of the mess hall if that's what you want to do. Let me know.
Iolana Altumas |
I went on my first Cruise. It was out of Long Beach to Mexico and back. I had fun. It wasn't a I must turn around and do this again experience, but I won't say no if invited again.
The seas were really rough. I managed to keep all the food where it was supposed to be, but I felt drunk the whole trip. I think I would have walked straighter if I had been drunk.
Tyrandro Amprei |
Ayako, you might want to change your action.
Black tentacles don't allow for Spell resistance, therefore your spell immunity wouldn't help against them.
Maybe I shouldn't tell that, after I walked right into them, blissfully ignorant.
Peachbottom |
I did an error in my damage. I got only +3d6 on the devil. That's only 108 Damage not 136.
It's okay. I'll left the last round as is and the devil will remain dead as posted. No need to drag the rest of this fight out longer than it needs to. It is pretty one sided at this point anyway.
GM Peachbottom |
Here's what you accomplished on your checklist:
Listed here are several issues that need resolution before I’m comfortable revealing to Korvosa that Neolandus still lives. I leave to you the methods for solving these problems.
1. A new “hero of the people” has been fighting rebels in the streets. These rebels are false; they’re not my people, and I suspect that this hero, a man named Trifaccia, is false as well. Find out who or what he is.
2. I have it on good authority that the rumors of a black dragon taking nest in Castle Korvosa are legitimate. If the rumors prove true, the dragon must be defeated.
3. The role of castle seneschal is currently held by a bloated wizard named Togomor. If you can defeat him or secure his surrender, we’ll avoid a long legal complication over the revelation that Neolandus still lives.
4. Our friend Ishani Dhatri, Abadaran priest and vocal opponent of his church’s public endorsement of Ileosa, has vanished. My initial investigations indicate that he was last seen approaching the castle. Perhaps some clues to his fate lie hidden within?
5. Rumor holds that a new group of Red Mantis assassins, along with a more powerful leader, have taken up residence in the castle after you besieged their previous den. If you can find proof that Ileosa is the reason the Red Mantis has come to Korvosa in the first place, this will go a long way toward undermining the queen’s position in the city.
6. The Gray Maidens are a menace, and they need to be disbanded. Kordaitra’s defeat at Longacre dealt them a blow, but the Maidens’ commander Sabina Merrin and their chief indoctrinator, a mysterious woman whose identity remains unknown outside of the organization, have likely retreated to the castle. If you can secure the defeat or surrender of these two remaining leaders, the Gray Maidens will lose much of their command structure. It will throw the entire organization into chaos long enough for us to reclaim the streets from them.
You stopped Sabina but haven't found the other figure yet.
7. Rumors of devils involved with the monarchy disturb me as well. If you can find proof that Ileosa is trafficking with devils, or that devils dwell within Castle Korvosa, that should significantly help our case against her in the eyes of the city’s government.
You found three barbed devils but there is more to do here.
8. Ileosa must answer for her crimes. She hasn’t been seen publicly recently except for brief appearances on the castle walls. She’s in there, somewhere. If we can capture her, a lot of our work will be easier.
Tyrandro Amprei |
Ok, found it. It's this post.
I'll add it to the loot list. You tell if I shall subtract the coins for it in case it was lost in a selling action.