GM Mercanian's Beacon Academy

Game Master rungok





So by some mistake my gameplay thread is broken. I probably shouldn't have taken so long, but the web site went down when I was trying to post... :/

Everyone check in here!

Wounds 2 Fatigue 0 Power Points 10/10 Charisma 0 Pace 6 Parry 6 Toughness 8 (2) Agility d8 Smarts d4 Spirit d6 Strength d8 Vigor d6 Fighting d10, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Repair d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Throwing d4

Dot! And no worries, Paizo occasionally glitches. If it persists, their tech support team usually gets back to you pretty fast. :)

Wounds: None | Fatigue: None | Power Points: 10 | Charisma: 0; Pace: 8 (Running die d8); Parry: 7/8; Toughness: 7 | Agility d8 Smarts d4 Spirit d6 Strength d8 Vigor d8 | Fighting d10, Notice d6, Stealth d8, Survival d4, Tracking d6

dotting. As I said in the other gameplay thread, you should be able to remove and then create a new gameplay thread.

Wounds: 0 Fatigue: 0 Parry: 6 (7) Toughness: 5 (1) Charisma: +2 (+0) Aura: 10/10 Notice: d6 Fighting: d8 Throwing: d8 Stealth: d4 Bennies: 3

woot woot! thanks for running Rungok! And thank you, Aloha, for running the hectic beginning for us all.

Yes, I wholeheartedly agree.

Wounds 2 Fatigue 0 Power Points 10/10 Charisma 0 Pace 6 Parry 6 Toughness 8 (2) Agility d8 Smarts d4 Spirit d6 Strength d8 Vigor d6 Fighting d10, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Repair d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Throwing d4

Thanks Rungok :) I'm super happy I get to be a player character too!

And thanks to everyone for putting up with me being a slow ass updating over the holidays. ;)


Wounds: None | Fatigue: None | Power Points: 10 | Charisma: 0; Pace: 8 (Running die d8); Parry: 7/8; Toughness: 7 | Agility d8 Smarts d4 Spirit d6 Strength d8 Vigor d8 | Fighting d10, Notice d6, Stealth d8, Survival d4, Tracking d6

Any word on the status of the gameplay thread?

No response yet, but I linked everything to them so they shouldn't have trouble fixing it once they get to me! :D

Wasn't mentioned so asking. are there bathrooms in each room like the show or are they group bathroom/showers in the hall?

Group bathrooms in the hall. Makes for more forced interactions with other students, which means more RP moments! :)

-Posted with Wayfinder

co-ed or gendered?

Schythe wrote:

co-ed or gendered?

Bathrooms are gendered.

whew wasn't sure how to approach that for my Onyxia.

Wounds: None | Fatigue: None | Power Points: 10 | Charisma: 0; Pace: 8 (Running die d8); Parry: 7/8; Toughness: 7 | Agility d8 Smarts d4 Spirit d6 Strength d8 Vigor d8 | Fighting d10, Notice d6, Stealth d8, Survival d4, Tracking d6

Probably for the best, all things being equal. Females tend to be really rough on public/shared restrooms.

Im currently dealing with a family crisis. I should be back online soon.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Crisis isn't necessarily diverted, but I'm starting to cope with it. I'll be back soon, just... might take me a while to get the energy up to post rapidly again.

Wounds: 0 Fatigue: 0 Parry: 6 (7) Toughness: 5 (1) Charisma: +2 (+0) Aura: 10/10 Notice: d6 Fighting: d8 Throwing: d8 Stealth: d4 Bennies: 3

Hey there folks! My girlfriend arrives this Monday to stay with me about two weeks. My posting will be infrequent during this time but I'll try to be up on things as best as I can.

If a player wants to one shot the main bad guy and no gm is around to hear it does he still have to roll dice to succeed?


-Posted with Wayfinder

Sorry it's been slow, I have been busy working on a lot of stuff and almost forgot to share with this team the RWBY conversion I've been updating.

Wounds 2 Fatigue 0 Power Points 10/10 Charisma 0 Pace 6 Parry 6 Toughness 8 (2) Agility d8 Smarts d4 Spirit d6 Strength d8 Vigor d6 Fighting d10, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Repair d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Throwing d4

Just gonna repost my thoughts from the Team CASE thread here for discussion purposes:

So upfront: The book looks great and your redesign is awesome. The only thing that bugs me is that the background image for each page cuts off slightly before the margin at the left side. Otherwise that looks awesome. I'll go through and check for typos and stuff, since I imagine there are still some left over from my draft, but it definitely looks good and reads easy.

Aura: still a fan of this method of aura soaking and the changes you've made to it are a dramatic improvement in terms of quality of life and game balance. No real complaints. I'm fine with starting off with a single use of your shielding as it still lets you stack your defenses. 2 x rank seems excessive (legendary characters with a large enough power pool could soak well over 100 points of damage), but I'd be fine with 1 + rank as well for fine tuning purposes. It also doesn't feel like it will just turn combat into a slog of hitting each other over and over until someone finally runs out of Aura, which was my other big concern.

An aside about HP:
I hate hit points in the vast majority of systems and attempts to fix hit points are usually either unfun or unbalanced. I realized pretty early on that RWBY is one of the only settings where HP is explicitly more appropriate--they even use hit meters in the Vytal Festival Tournament for crying out loud--but it's still no fun for me as a GM. Without wounds or some other measurable depreciation of your character's abilities, hit points just feel like an arbitrary number and sufficiently large numbers of them turn any game into a slog. This is my biggest complaint with DnD, particularly for melee characters.

Some other d20 games (the Stargate adaptation of all things comes to mind) try to get around this with your arbitrary hit points functioning as "luck" or whatever and you only have a handful of vitality points that actually matter when you lose them. In a lot of ways that probably would have been the best system for Remnant, but... Then we would have to make up everything else. :)

Semblance: Okay, you and I obviously don't see eye to eye on how semblances work, but your method is vastly superior on game balance, so I'm okay with it. I still feel some type of way about it (how would you stat Yang? Warrior's Gift giving her the Don't Git 'im Riled edge from Deadlands is the closest I can see without use of power triggers or modifiers from the Superpowers Companion) but balance does have to be taken into account and there were some potentially game-breaking uses of Semblance with the original system (nothing *truly* broken until you could stack powers--but by Veteran somebody could have taken, say, Quickness/Intangibility, taken a hold on the first action, attacked and then disappeared and been untouchable every round as long as they could make a basic spirit check) so something had to give there. I'm still mulling this one over as I'm fairly attached to modifiers, but this wins on playability by a mile.

Weapons: This probably needs the most tweaking.

I am not a fan of a base damage of 2d8 for ranged weapons, I would support that being a 4 point weapon mod (calling it, say, Loaded for Bear or Heavy Rifling, and bringing the Extra Damage mod down to 3 points). I'm also not a fan of medium range for free. It seems a little too heavily weighted to ranged combat right now. Melee combat should be advantageous in some ways (damage, edges) but the tradeoff is that you are in range of Grimm, which tend to be deadly in close quarters. (I think I brought this up during recruitment, but honestly if Remnant didn't run on Rule of Cool, everybody would be a sniper and nobody would ever fight Grimm up close. Like, seriously, why would you? That's my justification for leaning a little more heavily on melee weapons)

I don't honestly care for Universal Mods either. It seems a little too easy right now to build a ranged character, spend all of their melee points on universal mods and get a super-sniper for low cost (there's also nothing stopping me from taking every negative melee mod and then dumping the points back into Universal Edges that benefit my ranged weapon. In effect I could have a primary ranged weapon with 13 points of universal mods from my secondary melee form and just never switch). Balancing each form separately seems to make things a little easier.

I'm going to mull weapons over and try to figure out a middle ground there. Overall, big fan of everything and fine with it all except the weapon balance changes. Thanks for putting in the elbow grease, Rungok. :)

i find it funny that the first combat we have to alternate gm player gm player gm player gm player

even placed another player between me and sorzar so we can't just all cooperate on a quick sequence of posts

do you want us to all say our turns? may cause some problems with continuity

Just post your actions when you can, I can accommodate you.

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